Is there a good clean-up utility?

My MacBook Pro is REALLY slow, both to boot-up and to operate.
Is there a good , legitimate third party utility that can clean-up my system?

What do you want to clean up?
You don't need it except for rare troubleshooting. I very occasionally use Applejack, but only when I run into a problem where it may be appropriate. You may get other recommendations, but I think it's the safest. Stay far away from MacKeeper.
And read this

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    Check how many applications are starting when you log in, I found that if there was a lot of activity at login Finder did not display the icons on the desktop correctly, again like you it did not occur at every login, just occasionally.
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    Reinstalled 10.7.3 from the Combo Updater from apples website.
    The only way to reinstall the Mac OS X or repair the startup disk running v10.7.3 Lion, is to use Lion Recovery The combo update does not do that.
    How much free space on the startup disk? Not enough free space can account for the problems with your apps.
    Right or control click the MacintoshHD icon. Click Get Info. In the Get Info window you will see Capacity and Available. Make sure there's a minimum of 15% free disk space.
    and no web-pages will load.
    Try using OpenDNS as suggested here >  Safari 5.0.1 or later: Slow or partial webpage loading, or webpage cannot be found
    Use OpenDNS for better speed, more security, includes anti phishing filters, prevents browser redirects, and it's free.
    Open System Preferences / Preferences then select the Network tab. Click the Advanced tab then click the DNS tab.
    Click +
    Enter these addresses exactly as you see them here.
    Click +
    Then click OK.
    edited by:  cs

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    Mac OS X: How to force background maintenance tasks ( logs and temporary items)
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    How much free space do you have on the drive? If you have around 20-30GB, that should be ample, so long as you are not intending to download or create a number of large files, like movies.
    The space you will recover by removing unneeded languages and caches and temp files (which will be rebuilt anyway) will be minimal. Leave those alone.
    If you need more room, only remove movies, documents, pictures, or music in your user Library. Or get an external drive and move them out there.
    If you have ample free space, as above, and you are experiencing slow downs, they are being caused by something else, possibly insufficient RAM or a failing hard drive.
    data for other operating systems
    No idea what that's supposed to mean.

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    Hi, Lincoln,
    A straightforward question. You are correct in recognizing the difference between tentative conclusion and certainty. Here are our main reasons:
    1. Incoming items noted on the console (or console sub logs) and Activity Monitor after defenses are overcome, and which are brought in by an unwelcome remote user, often have a process name and the word "kit." (Bear with me.) We soon observe the process is under attack, from terminal evidence and soon, decreased or lost functionality of the process. The terminal generally reports alteration of specific kernel behaviors. A simple example (that may or may not be accompanied by kernel changes and may simply alter permissions) is modifying Disk Utility such that key uses are unavailable. You can see how an attacker might value disabling partition views, mounting and permission repair. In retrospect, DU might not be a root alteration. I was thinking that its relation to fsck flagged it as a possible ring 0 item. I may need to know core parameters of a good example to pick strong ones.
    2. Incoming folders hidden for possible later use contained bundles of similar root kits, including some not applicable to Macs. From what I have read from reasonably credible sources, root kits are sold and traded both singly and in bundles.
    3. Root kits are a logical next choice for our attackers, as various prior techniques hindered us but did not paralyze us.
    4. One of the most authoritative articles I found was about PCs not Macs. I noted the assertion, undocumented, that an estimated one million computers are infected by root kit manipulations, and underscored that the kits can be used by people with low computer skills.
    5. MacAfee lists root kits (by description, not name) as a top pop five threat prediction in the coming year, though again, the emphasis is on PCs.
    Linc, I am trying to show a spectrum of observations and info that have shaped my thinking. To retrieve better captured evidence requires significant legwork at this time, but it is something I am willing to do if you can be patient. Understand this long attack has been like a natural disaster to us.
    I have not linked a few articles of interest because I forget if that's allowed. If so, I'd be glad to.
    After reviewing this partial answer, you may form another hypothesis. If so, please share it. I am comfortable with my position but not clinging to it.
    Thanks for your interest. Looking forward to your thoughts.
    Oh, yeah: some material is out for analysis, so we should have credible opinions pretty soon. Not positive exactly when.

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    Are there any good tricks or tools for peeking inside a QuickTime file and finding out exactly how the video is stuffed in there? Is there a good tool that I can use that will tell me, for example, "Hey, this QuickTime contains movie data encoded with the ProRes 422 compressor, stored as 10-bit YUV," or whatever?
    Cause of course one possibility is that one of these movies really is 10-bit and the other really is 8-bit and QuickTime Pro is just wrong about the "millions of colors" thing. But the other possibility is that I messed something up in my workflow, and both of these movies really are 8-bit, despite my telling Final Cut specifically to use high-precision rendering for one of them.
    Any suggestions?

    Well, there are settings you can change in QuickTime Player to improve it's playback. Look in the Window menu to see the properties and inspect the QT movie.. there is a button to turn on in the Inspector so it plays at "high quality".. it's not the default setting, and will show you all the quality you have. Plus viewing interlaced material on a computer display will never look all that great, because the computer display is progressive, not interlaced... need to always judge things externally on a video monitor because of this, or add a Matrox MXO to your system to change the nature of the computer display so it becomes a video monitor in essence.
    BUT any time you put a clip in a sequence in FCP, it changes it's format to match the format that the sequence itself is set to be. So if you put a 10 bit clip in a sequence set to render in 8, it becomes an 8 bit movie.

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    You can collect the Organizational Health in Exchange 2010 console for Exchange 2003/2007/2010 and that will list very useful information about statistics in your organization like servers, databases, CALs, recipient, feature used etc...
    Collect Organizational Health Data -
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    Amalaraja Fernando,
    SharePoint Architect
    Please Mark As Answer if my post solves your problem or Vote As Helpful if a post has been helpful for you. This post is provided "AS IS" with no warrenties and confers no rights.

    Hi Amalaraja Fernando,
    I'm not sure that there is one more tool that combines all these features. But you may take a look at these solutions:
    SharePoint diagnostic manager
    SharePoint enterprise manager
    What is SPCop SharePoint Code Analysis?
    Lightning Tools Check
    out our SharePoint tools and web parts |
    Lightning Tools Blog | Мой Блог

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    The question is in the headline:  Is there a good motion tracking plug-in for FCP-X?
    You know, like when I want to blur out, say, a license plate number on a moving car.
    I know of no plug-ins for FCP-X that will do this.  Surely there's one out there.
    And since you can't just export a sequence to Motion (like you could in FCP 7), how would one achieve this in FCP-X?

    R&B wrote:
    … And since you can't just export a sequence to Motion …
    instead of selecting a clip or sequence in FCPX, you set the in/out points in the Export/Send it to Compressor dialog.
    the exported mov can be tracked in Motion5 …-
    aaaand finally re-imported into FCPX.
    … not exactly as convenient as in the old FC/p , but the tracker in M5 offers, imho as a hobbyist, superb results.-

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    I feel Linux lacks a good and simple graphical tool to do desktop backups for regular users. I'm thinking of writing one myself (probably a front-end to a good command line tool), but before I get started, I want to make sure I'm not reinventing the wheel.
    - Is there a good graphical tool available already? It should be: simple (minimalist interface, sane defaults), fast and incremental.
    - What do YOU currently use for your desktop backups?
    EDIT: rsync alone is not great, because a good backup solution keeps multiple snapshots. Imagine you deleted a file by accident 15 days ago, and realize only today: rsync won't save you.
    EDIT2 : I have tried backintime, I think it's a step in the right direction, but it's not that great. Maybe I should improve on it instead of starting something new, though.
    EDIT3 : Has anyone tried PyBackPack ( ? I'm trying it at the moment and it seems to be getting it right. I'd like to hear some success stories before getting my hopes to high
    Last edited by lardon (2010-05-11 13:33:55)

    It doesn't snapshot -- I occasionally back-up my back-ups and don't need that -- but it does its job well.
    ### System Backup ##############
    # Version 0.5 by Scott Garrett #
    # Wintervenom [(at)] #
    'tmp/*' # Temp files.
    'tmp/.*' # Hidden temp files.
    '.mozilla/firefox/*/Cache' # Firefox caches...
    'cookies.sqlite' # Mozilla-based cookies.
    'formhistory.sqlite' # Mozilla-based form history.
    '.thumbnails' # Thumbnail cache.
    '.recently-used.xbel' # Recent-open history.
    '.ccache' # Compiler caches
    'sessionstore.js' # Firefox session-saves.
    '.gvfs' # GNOME virtual filesystem.
    '.local/share/Trash' # XDG trash.
    '.local/share/user-places*' # Recent-open history.
    '.purple/logs' # Pidgin/Finch logs.
    '.cache/Thunar/thumbnailers.cache' # Thumbnailer cache.
    '.cache/chromium' # Chrome cache.
    '*~' # Backup/temp files.
    out () {
    echo ">> $*"
    stat_done () {
    echo ">> ...done."
    stat_fail () {
    echo ">> ...failed!"
    if [ $UID != '0' ]; then
    echo "Must be executed as root user."
    exit 1
    out "Mouting backup device ('$backup_label')..."
    backup_dev=`readlink -f "/dev/disk/by-label/$backup_label"`
    if mount | grep -qF "$backup_dev on"; then
    backup_root=`mount | grep -F "$backup_dev on" | cut -d' ' -f3`
    echo " - This device seems to already be mounted at '$backup_root'."
    echo ' Do you want to use this, instead (y/N)?'
    echo -n ' << '
    read -n1 confirm
    [ "$confirm" != 'y' ] && exit 1
    mkdir -p "$backup_root"
    if ! mount -o noatime,user "$backup_dev" "$backup_root"; then
    echo ' - Failed to mount device.'
    exit 1
    echo ' - Device mounted successfully.'
    out "Backing up system..."
    echo > /tmp/rsync-excludes.rc
    for file in ${excludes[@]}; do
    echo "$file" >> "$exclude"
    rsync -axl -h --progress --delete --delete-excluded --exclude-from="$exclude" /{home,usr,opt,var,*bin,lib*,etc,boot,root,srv} "$backup_root/$HOSTNAME"
    mkdir -p "$backup_root/$HOSTNAME/"{dev,sys,proc,tmp,mnt,media}
    mkdir -p "$backup_root/$HOSTNAME/var/"{tmp,lock}
    chmod 1777 "$backup_root/$HOSTNAME/tmp" "$backup_root/$HOSTNAME/var/"{tmp,lock}
    out "Backing up package list..."
    pacman -Qqe | grep -v "$(pacman -Qmq)" > "$backup_root/$HOSTNAME/pacman.list"
    pacman -Qmq > "$backup_root/$HOSTNAME/aur.list"
    out "Unmouting backup partition..."
    if umount "$backup_dev"; then
    rmdir "$backup_root/$HOSTNAME"
    rmdir "$backup_root"
    echo ' - Could not unmount.';

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