Is there a limit to the size of a formatted xlsx spreadsheet created by ColdFusion?

I'm using cfscript to create a (fairly) large xlsx spreadsheet.  As I was developing the script and the spreadsheet grew in size, I started getting the following error when attempting to open the spreadsheet:
I narrowed down the problem to my use of the functions used to format cells (specifically, SpreadSheetFormatCell and SpreadSheetFormatCellRange).  I found that by commenting out some of those function calls, the error would disappear.
After much trial and error, I've now come to believe that the issue isn't incorrect usage of the formatting functions, but rather some sort of internal limit I'm running into.  I threw together a simple test case to show this.  The following code (named "bigSheetTest.cfm" on my system) can be used to show the problem (at least on my machine):
maxrows = 725;
formatBoldCenter = StructNew();
formatBoldCenter.bold = "true";
formatBoldCenter.alignment = "center";
formatBoldUnderlineCenter = StructNew();
formatBoldUnderlineCenter.bold = "true";
formatBoldUnderlineCenter.bottomborder = "medium";
formatBoldUnderlineCenter.alignment = "center";
formatNumber = StructNew();
formatNumber.dataformat = "##,####0.00";
formatMoney = StructNew();
formatMoney.dataformat = "$##,####0.00";
xls = SpreadSheetNew("Big Sheet", true);
row = 1;
bps = 30;
for(bp=1;bp LE bps;bp++) {
          col = 3*bp - 2;
          SpreadSheetMergeCells(xls, row, row, col, col+2);
          SpreadSheetSetCellValue(xls, "Reporting Period #bp#", row, col);
          SpreadSheetSetCellValue(xls, "Current RG", row+1, col);
          SpreadSheetSetCellValue(xls, "Hours", row+2, col);
          SpreadSheetSetCellValue(xls, "Current OT", row+1, col+1);
          SpreadSheetSetCellValue(xls, "Hours", row+2, col+1);
          SpreadSheetSetCellValue(xls, "Current", row+1, col+2);
          SpreadSheetSetCellValue(xls, "Cost", row+2, col+2);
lastCol = bps * 3;
SpreadSheetFormatCellRange(xls, formatBoldCenter, row, 1, row, lastCol);
SpreadSheetFormatCellRange(xls, formatBoldUnderlineCenter, row, 1, row, lastCol);
for(i=1;i LE maxrows;i++) { // 724 ok, 725 results in Excel error "Excel found unreadable content in 'bigSheetTest.xlsx'.  Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook?  If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes."
          for(bp=1;bp LE bps;bp++) {
                    col = 3*bp - 2;
                    SpreadSheetSetCellValue(xls, i*col/(i+3), row, col);
                    SpreadSheetSetCellValue(xls, i*col/(i+4), row, col + 1);
                    SpreadSheetSetCellValue(xls, i*col/(i+5), row, col + 2);
                    SpreadSheetFormatCellRange(xls, formatNumber, row, col, row, col + 1);
                    SpreadSheetFormatCell(xls, formatMoney, row, col + 2);
SpreadSheetWrite(xls, "C:\bigSheetTest.xlsx", true);
Notice the "maxrows" variable at the top of the code.  When set to 724 (on my machine) the resulting spreadsheet may be opened without error.  However, if I change that variable to 725, Excel complains with the error "Excel found unreadable content in 'bigSheetTest.xlsx'.  Do you want to recover the contents of this workbook?" when I try top open the spreadsheet.  Any ideas on what causes this issue and how to avoid it?
If you are not able to recreate this problem with maxrows set to 725, try increasing the value until you get the problem.
Here are the specifics on my environment:
Windows 7 Enterprise (64 bit) with 8 Gig of RAM, Intel Core i7-3520M CPU @ 2.90GHz
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010
Microsoft Excel Version 14.0.7106.5001 (32-bit)
System Information
Server Details
Server Product
ColdFusion 10,285437
Operating System
Windows 7  
OS Version
Update Level
Adobe Driver Version
4.1 (Build 0001)  
JVM Details
Java Version
Java Vendor
Oracle Corporation  
Java Vendor URL  
Java Home
Java File Encoding
Java Default Locale
File Separator
Path Separator
Line Separator
User Name
User Home
User Dir
Java VM Specification Version
Java VM Specification Vendor
Oracle Corporation  
Java VM Specification Name
Java Virtual Machine Specification  
Java VM Version
Java VM Vendor
Oracle Corporation  
Java VM Name
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM  
Java Specification Version
Java Specification Vendor
Oracle Corporation  
Java Specification Name
Java Platform API Specification  
Java Class Version
CF Server Java Class Path
;C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/updates/chf10000011.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ant-launcher.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ant.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/antlr-2.7.6.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/apache-solr-core.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/apache-solr-solrj.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/asm-all-3.1.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/asn1.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/backport-util-concurrent.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/bcel-5.1-jnbridge.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/bcel.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/bcmail-jdk14-139.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/bcprov-jdk14-139.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/cdo.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/cdohost.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/certj.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/cf-acrobat.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/cf-assembler.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/cf-logging.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/cf4was.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/cf4was_ae.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/cfusion-req.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/cfusion.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/chart.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/clibwrapper_jiio.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-codec-1.3.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-collections-3.2.1.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-compress-1.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-digester-2.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-discovery-0.4.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-httpclient-3.1.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-lang-2.4.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-logging-api-1.1.1.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-net-3.0.1.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/commons-vfs2-2.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/crystal.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/derby.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/derbyclient.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/derbynet.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/derbyrun.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/derbytools.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/dom4j-1.6.1.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/dpHibernate.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ehcache-core-2.5.1.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ehcache-web-2.0.4.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/esapi-2.0.1.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/EWSAPI-1.1.5.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/FCSj.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/flashgateway.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/flex-messaging-common.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/flex-messaging-core.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/flex-messaging-opt.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/flex-messaging-proxy.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/flex-messaging-remoting.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/flex-rds-server.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec-1.0.1.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/hibernate3.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/httpclient-4.1.1.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/httpclient-cache-4.1.1.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/httpclient.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/httpcore_4.1.2.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/httpmime-4.1.1.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ib6addonpatch.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ib6core.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ib6http.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ib6swing.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ib6util.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/im.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/iText.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/iTextAsian.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/izmado.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jai_codec.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jai_core.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jai_imageio.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jakarta-oro-2.0.6.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jakarta-slide-webdavlib-2.1.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/java-xmlbuilder-0.4.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/javasysmon-0.3.3.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jax-qname.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jaxb-api.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jaxb-impl.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jaxb-libs.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jaxb-xjc.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jaxrpc.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jcifs-1.3.15.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jdom.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jeb.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jersey-core.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jersey-server.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jersey-servlet.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jets3t-0.8.1.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jetty-continuation-7.0.0.v20091005.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jetty-http-7.0.0.v20091005.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jetty-io-7.0.0.v20091005.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jetty-security-7.0.0.v20091005.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jetty-server-7.0.0.v20091005.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jetty-servlet-7.0.0.v20091005.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jetty-servlets-7.0.0.v20091005.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jetty-util-7.0.0.v20091005.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jetty-xml-7.0.0.v20091005.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jintegra.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jnbcore.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jpedal.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/js.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jsch-0.1.44m.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jsr107cache.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jsr311-api-1.1.1.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jta.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/jutf7-0.9.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ldap.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ldapbp.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/lucene-analyzers-3.4.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/lucene-core-3.4.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/lucene-highlighter-3.4.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/lucene-memory-3.4.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/lucenedemo.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/macromedia_drivers.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/mail.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/metadata-extractor-2.4.0-beta-1.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/mlibwrapper_jai.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/msapps.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/mysql-connector-java-commercial-5.1.17-bin.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/namespace.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/nekohtml.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/netty-3.2.5.Final.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ooxml-schemas.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/pdfencryption.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/poi-contrib.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/poi-ooxml-schemas.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/poi-ooxml.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/poi-scratchpad.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/poi.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/portlet_20.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/postgresql-8.3-604.jdbc3.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/quartz.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/relaxngDatatype.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/ri_generic.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/rome-cf.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/saaj.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/saxon9he.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/serializer.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/slf4j-api-1.5.6.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.5.6.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/smack.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/smpp.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/STComm.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/tagsoup-1.2.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/tika-core-0.6.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/tika-parsers-0.6.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/tools.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/tt-bytecode.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/wc50.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/webchartsJava2D.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/wsdl4j-1.6.2.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/wsrp4j-commons-0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/wsrp4j-producer.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/xalan.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/xercesImpl.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/xml-apis.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/xmpcore.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/xsdlib.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axiom-api-1.2.13.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axiom-dom-1.2.13.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axiom-impl-1.2.13.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axis2-adb-1.7.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axis2-adb-codegen-1.7.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axis2-codegen-1.7.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axis2-jaxws-1.7.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axis2-kernel-1.7.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axis2-transport-http-1.7.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/axis2-transport-local-1.7.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/commons-fileupload-1.2.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/commons-io-1.4.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/geronimo-ws-metadata_2.0_spec-1.1.2.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/httpcore-4.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/neethi-3.0.2.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/woden-api-1.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/woden-impl-commons-1.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/woden-impl-dom-1.0.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/wsdl4j-1.6.2.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/wstx-asl-3.2.9.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/XmlSchema-1.4.8.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/lib/axis2/;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/gateway/lib/examples.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/gateway/lib/;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/flex/jars/cfgatewayadapter.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/flex/jars/concurrent.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/flex/jars/;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/batik-awt-util.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/batik-css.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/batik-ext.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/batik-transcoder.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/batik-util.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/commons-discovery.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/commons-logging.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/concurrent.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/flex.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/jakarta-oro-2.0.7.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/jcert.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/jnet.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/jsse.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/oscache.jar;  C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfform/jars/;  
Java Class Path
Java Ext Dirs

Well, I checked my code and I'm at a loss.  My code uses SpreadSheetFormatCellRange to format the values in columns 1 and 2, 4 and 5, etc. using the "formatNumber" format structure:
SpreadSheetFormatCellRange(xls, formatNumber, row, col, row, col + 1);
I'd expect (at worst) that a single style would be defined and then applied to columns 1 and 2, or (at best) a single style would be defined for all cells that use the "formatNumber" format.  However, check out the XML for row 4 of my output spreadsheet:
    <row r="4">
      <c r="A4" t="n" s="181">
      <c r="B4" t="n" s="182">
      <c r="C4" t="n" s="183">
      <c r="D4" t="n" s="184">
      <c r="E4" t="n" s="185">
      <c r="F4" t="n" s="186">
      <c r="G4" t="n" s="187">
      <c r="H4" t="n" s="188">
      <c r="I4" t="n" s="189">
      <c r="J4" t="n" s="190">
      <c r="K4" t="n" s="191">
      <c r="L4" t="n" s="192">
      <c r="M4" t="n" s="193">
      <c r="N4" t="n" s="194">
      <c r="O4" t="n" s="195">
      <c r="P4" t="n" s="196">
      <c r="Q4" t="n" s="197">
      <c r="R4" t="n" s="198">
      <c r="S4" t="n" s="199">
      <c r="T4" t="n" s="200">
      <c r="U4" t="n" s="201">
      <c r="V4" t="n" s="202">
      <c r="W4" t="n" s="203">
      <c r="X4" t="n" s="204">
      <c r="Y4" t="n" s="205">
      <c r="Z4" t="n" s="206">
      <c r="AA4" t="n" s="207">
      <c r="AB4" t="n" s="208">
      <c r="AC4" t="n" s="209">
      <c r="AD4" t="n" s="210">
      <c r="AE4" t="n" s="211">
      <c r="AF4" t="n" s="212">
      <c r="AG4" t="n" s="213">
      <c r="AH4" t="n" s="214">
      <c r="AI4" t="n" s="215">
      <c r="AJ4" t="n" s="216">
      <c r="AK4" t="n" s="217">
      <c r="AL4" t="n" s="218">
      <c r="AM4" t="n" s="219">
      <c r="AN4" t="n" s="220">
      <c r="AO4" t="n" s="221">
      <c r="AP4" t="n" s="222">
      <c r="AQ4" t="n" s="223">
      <c r="AR4" t="n" s="224">
      <c r="AS4" t="n" s="225">
      <c r="AT4" t="n" s="226">
      <c r="AU4" t="n" s="227">
      <c r="AV4" t="n" s="228">
      <c r="AW4" t="n" s="229">
      <c r="AX4" t="n" s="230">
      <c r="AY4" t="n" s="231">
      <c r="AZ4" t="n" s="232">
      <c r="BA4" t="n" s="233">
      <c r="BB4" t="n" s="234">
      <c r="BC4" t="n" s="235">
      <c r="BD4" t="n" s="236">
      <c r="BE4" t="n" s="237">
      <c r="BF4" t="n" s="238">
      <c r="BG4" t="n" s="239">
      <c r="BH4" t="n" s="240">
      <c r="BI4" t="n" s="241">
      <c r="BJ4" t="n" s="242">
      <c r="BK4" t="n" s="243">
      <c r="BL4" t="n" s="244">
      <c r="BM4" t="n" s="245">
      <c r="BN4" t="n" s="246">
      <c r="BO4" t="n" s="247">
      <c r="BP4" t="n" s="248">
      <c r="BQ4" t="n" s="249">
      <c r="BR4" t="n" s="250">
      <c r="BS4" t="n" s="251">
      <c r="BT4" t="n" s="252">
      <c r="BU4" t="n" s="253">
      <c r="BV4" t="n" s="254">
      <c r="BW4" t="n" s="255">
      <c r="BX4" t="n" s="256">
      <c r="BY4" t="n" s="257">
      <c r="BZ4" t="n" s="258">
      <c r="CA4" t="n" s="259">
      <c r="CB4" t="n" s="260">
      <c r="CC4" t="n" s="261">
      <c r="CD4" t="n" s="262">
      <c r="CE4" t="n" s="263">
      <c r="CF4" t="n" s="264">
      <c r="CG4" t="n" s="265">
      <c r="CH4" t="n" s="266">
      <c r="CI4" t="n" s="267">
      <c r="CJ4" t="n" s="268">
      <c r="CK4" t="n" s="269">
      <c r="CL4" t="n" s="270">
As you can see, separate styles are being created and assigned to EVERY CELL in my sheet, even those cells formatted using SpreadSheetFormatCellRange.  I'm fairly confident now that I'm hitting the Excel limit for the number of styles.  How can I define a style up front and then apply it?  I really only have four styles, but the code is generating over 64,000!

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