Is there a problem with too many request attributes

I am fairly new to jsps and this is a best practices question
I find that adding request attributes to my jsp is easy way to get data referenced in the jsp. Is this a bad practice and what is the ideal way to pass data to the jsp?

Putting attributes into the request scope if perfectly fine.
If there are a lot of attributes though, grouping them into beans and just setting one bean in the request scope would be better.
eg if you wanted to display a users details on screen, you COULD do
request.setAttribute("username", user.getUserName());
request.setAttribute("usercountry", user.getCountry());
request.setAttribute("user", user);
and on your JSP page
<jsp:useBean id="user" ... />
<%= user.getUserName() %>
or with EL ${user.userName}

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  • PL/SQL problem with too many lines - can not apply changes

    I have a complex PL/SQL that requires checking 90 check boxes and the query works to a certain point then it just stops being able to be saved (apply changes) after a high no. of lines has been typed in. (The PL/SQL query is to check against a file, that the file has all the check boxes as yes. If there is only 1 or 2 boxes checked, then the sql created only checks those 2 fields for yes.) Is there a way to increase the coding space (or number of lines) that APEX can save/use.

    This is the whole PL/SQL coding. At this point, we cannot add any more lines or it will come up with "web page cannot be found" message.
    q varchar2(32767); -- query
    new varchar2(1):='Y'; -- first one
    q := 'select a."CONTR_ID", a."NAME", b."PHONE_NO", b."EMAIL_ADDR" FROM contractor a, contacts b where a.contr_id = b.contr_id and a.contr_id not in (Select unique a."CONTR_ID" from contractor a, contractor_competency b where a."CONTR_ID" = b."CONTR_ID" ';
    -------------------Start ENV
    if :P33_AIR_QUALITY_TESTING = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    else q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Air Quality Testing'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_ASBESTOS_REMOVAL_DEEN = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    else q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Asbestos Removal De-Energized'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_ASBESTOS_REMOVAL_ENER = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    else q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Asbestos Removal Energized'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    else q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Building Asbestos Removal'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    else q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Environmental Consulting'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    else q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Manhole Asbestos Removal De-Energized'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    else q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Manhole Asbestos Removal Energized'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_OIL_FILTERING = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Oil Filtering'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_OIL_SAMPLING = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Oil Sampling'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_OIL_SPILL_CLEANUP = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Oil Spill Cleanup'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_PUMPING_OUT_MANHOLES = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Pumping Out Manholes'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_SIGNED_ENVIRO_DOCS = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Signed Enviro Docs PRO-MS-008'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Transportation of Dangerous Goods'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_TRANSPORTATION_OF_PCB = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Transportation of PCB'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_WASTE_PICK_UP = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Waste Pick-Up'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    -------------------- start OCM
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Greenfield Poleline Construction'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''HV Overhead Maintenance'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_INSULATOR_WARNING = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Insulator Warning'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and (';
    new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''LV Overhead Maintenance'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Overhead Infrared Scanning'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_POLEHOLES_AND_ANCHORS = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || ' (instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Poleholes and Anchors'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_POLELINE_INSPECTION = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and( '; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || ' (instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Poleline Inspection'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_POLELINE_WORK_TO_35KV = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || ' (instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Poleline Work to 35KV'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_POLELINE_TO_44KV = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || ' (instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Poleline to 44KV'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_ROCK_DRILLING = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Rock Drilling'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_TENSION_STRINGING = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || ' (instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Tension Stringing'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_TREE_TRIMMING_DEEN = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Tree Trimming (De-Energized)'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_TREE_TRIMMING_ENER = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Tree Trimming (Energized)'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_WOOD_POLE_TESTING_DEEN = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Wood Pole Testing De-Energized'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_WOOD_POLE_TESTING_ENER = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Wood Pole Testing Energized'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    ------------------ start UCM
    if :P33_CO2_CLEANING = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''CO2 Cleaning'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_CABLE_PULLING = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Cable Pulling'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Cable Testing De-Energized'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Cable Testing Energized'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_CONC_DUCT_MAN_DEEN = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Conc. Duct & Manhole (De-Energized)'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_CONC_DUCT_MAN_ENER = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Conc. Duct & Manhole (Energized)'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_DIR_BURIED_DUCT_DEEN = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Direct Buried (De-Energized)'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_DIR_BURIED_DUCT_ENER = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Direct Buried (Energized)'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Directional Boring De-Energized'')) > 0) and
    ((instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) or
    (instr(upper(b."CRAFTMAN_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."PROBATION_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0)) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Directional Boring Energized'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_GENERAL_EXCAVATION = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''General Excavation Around Plant'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_HV_UG_MAINTENANCE = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''HV Underground Maintenance'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_LV_UG_MAINTENANCE = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''LV Underground Maintenance'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_MANHOLE_CLEANING_DEEN = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Manhole Cleaning De-Energized'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_MANHOLE_CLEANING_ENER = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Manhole Cleaning Energized'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_MANHOLE_INSPECTION = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Manhole Inspection'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''UG Equipment Inspections'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_UG_INFRA_RED_SCANNING = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''UG Infra Red Scanning'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_UG_CABLE_LOCATES = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Underground Cable Locates'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    ------------------------ start SCM
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Fencing Around Substation'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_FENCING_GREENFIELD = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Fencing Greenfield'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Inspection And Testing'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if :P33_STATION_CIVIL_WORK = 'YES' then
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Station Civil Work'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Station Construction (De'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Station Construction (E'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Station Infrared Scanning'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b.”SET_YES_NO”),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'Y' then q := q || ' and ('; new := 'N';
    q := q || ' or '; end if;
    q := q || '(instr(upper(b."JOB"),upper(''Stations Asbestos Removal'')) > 0) and
    (instr(upper(b."SET_YES_NO"),''NO'') > 0) ';
    end if;
    if new = 'N' then q := q || ' ) ';
    end if;
    q := q || ' ) ';
    return q;

  • Your request cannot be completed because your Apple ID has been associated with too many credit cards.what is that mean please tell Apple

    Please help me I don't know what is this mean : Your request cannot be completed because your Apple ID has been associated with too many credit cards.
    And you tell me what to do?

    New one to me, you might try contacting Apple through iTunes Store Support

  • Provider hosted app error message: The remote server returned an error: (429) Too Many Requests.

    I have a customer running a provider hosted app and in Sharepoint 2013. Things have been working fine but recently they keep experiencing an issue where the all the app parts on the page show the following error message. Does anyone have an idea what
    could be causing this problem and how I can fix it? The Sharepoint site and provider hosted app site are running on a Server 2008 R2 box with IIS 7.5.
    Server Error in '/Test.Sharepoint.App' Application.
    The remote server returned an error: (429) Too Many Requests.
    Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.           
    Exception Details: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (429) Too Many Requests.
    Source Error:
    An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
    Stack Trace:
    [WebException: The remote server returned an error: (429) Too Many Requests.]
    System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() +8527180
    Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SPWebRequestExecutor.Execute() +58
    Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientRequest.ExecuteQueryToServer(ChunkStringBuilder sb) +975
    Test.Sharepoint.AppWeb.Pages.LatestAnnouncement.GetLatestAnnouncement(Boolean showFullText) +610
    Test.Sharepoint.AppWeb.Pages.LatestAnnouncement.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) +764
    System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +71
    System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +3178
    Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.18034
    Impreza Software Development

    Hi GuYumming,
    I have checked the Sharepoint site using Fiddler and my X-SharePointHealthScore stays consistently on 1, I have even refreshed the site and had the "(429) Too Many Requests" error happen right in front of me whilst Fiddler is running and when I look at the
    200 response for the Sharepoint site it is still showing "X-SharePointHealthScore: 1".
    I assume because of this I do not need to make any of the changes suggested in your article above?
    I have also been through the ULS logs and found the following 3 log entries that appear to relate to the issue but they do not really mean much to me so I am hoping that you can help:
    Begin CSOM Request ManagedThreadId=59, NativeThreadId=12476
    SPResourceTally(ClientServiceRequestDuration) value 1 + 150425 > 150000
    ResourceBudgetExceeded, sending throttled status code. Exception=Microsoft.SharePoint.SPResourceBudgetExceededException: ResourceBudgetExceeded     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPResourceTally.Check(Int32 value)    
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAggregateResourceTally.Check(SPResourceKind kind, Int32 value)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SPClientServiceHost.OnBeginRequest()
    Impreza Software Development

  • Is there a problem with FaceTime, can not connect. When dial it connects and drops. When friends are calling me they have calling message and I have connecting but it does not connect. Need help, face time is my life line.

    Face time not working. When dialled it says connecting and drops immediately. When my friends calling it show connecting but it does not.
    Is there a problem with face time. I am in south Africa, it was working perfectly up to Easter. Please help this is my life line.

    There is a barely acknowledged issue. For Mac users Apple has released an update to the app, but for iOS users the recommendation is for users to update their ipad to the most recent operating system.
    There may be a fix coming for iOS6 users (which seem to be many of those having problems) or there may not be. If your ipad isn't up to date then you can update it and see if that helps, or if you don't want to update then you may want to wait and see if there is either a fix or if it fixes itself.

  • Error message in .docx : 'Open XML file cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents. Details Unspecific error Location: 2'

    I have put a lot of work into a docx document on my Mac, but now can't open it as it gives the error message: 'the Open XML file cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents. Details, Unspecific
    error, Location: 2'
    When opening the original file the message said: 'this file contains word 2007 for Windows equations' etc. but I managed to track changes fine, and saved, closed and re-opened it numerous times without problem. Some graphs seemed moved, and various formulas
    were illegible, but no other weirdness was observed.
    I have microsoft 2008 installed on my Mac OS X version 10.6.8.
    I've tried to fix it using various solutions suggested here, but am afraid am too IT illiterate to have had any luck, please help I'm new to all this!
    I've uploaded it to

    This issue is related strictly to oMath tags and occurs when a graphical object or text box is anchored to the same paragraph that contains the equation.
    Please use the "Fix it" tool in the following KB article to resolve the problem. See:
    Hope this helps.
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support

  • I have been blocked from my own ITunes songs because my apple ID associated with too many devices

    I cannot access songs from my own iTunes Apple ID because it says my iPhone has been associated with too many devices.  I have to wait 90 days to access my own songs on my iPhone.  Here is what happend:
    1-Our family moved.  So, with the address change, the credit cards on all of the apple ID's would no longer work because the other users had our old address. (I have 4 users in the family).
    2-My family started calling me while I was out of town complaining that purchases were rejected.  This was because our address had changed and it no longer matched. 
    3-I tried to walk them thru the process of changing the home address on the credit card, but they couldn't do it.  They assured me that they were doing it correctly and were still rejected.
    4-So, being the techie of the family, I simply logged into each of their iTunes accounts from my iPhone while I was out of town and made the address change.  While I was in their  accounts, I noticed they didn't have automatic downloads and iTunes match and stuff.  So, I changed it so it would work for them when they logged back in.
    5-I go back to log into my own account on my iphone and I cannot access my own songs on the iTunes cloud for 90 days!!!!  This is quite disappointing.
    How can I get this corrected?   I tried to reset user settings (not a erase and reset).  I figure it's not my phone, but my iTunes account thinks I'm doing something sharing-wise.
    So, in summary, when I am on my iPhone and I go to my iTunes library and click on a song (that I have paid for) with the cloud and down arrow beside it, it's rejected.  It says that I have too many apple id's associated with this device and I must wait 90 days.  It counts down each day.
    I just want access to the music I paid FOR!!

    Thank you-I will contact support.
    No, I cannot wait 90 days.
    Let me restate what I have to endure, even though I own the music and have paid for iTunes Match:
    I cannot access my purchases-zero-at all
    I have to listen to never ending McDonald's latte commercials and progressive insurance. I have now banned both of those annoying businesses and will not make purchases there.
    In summary, I have given apple my minded, and have zero to show for it.
    Ps-you get to hear the McDonald's "love hate commercial" every 2 songs on iTunes Radio.  I have substituted the words where I hate McDonald's and love when the commercial is over.

  • After my friend locked me out of my iPhone with too many wrong passwords I restored my iPhone and now it is showing that picture of a cable leading towards itunes and itunes says the sim is not supported but it is the original sim. How do I fix this?

    After my friend locked me out of my iPhone with too many wrong password attempts I restored my iPhone via recovery mode and now it is showing that picture of a cable leading towards itunes, and itunes says the sim is not supported but it is the original sim. How do I fix this?

    Something went wrong with the update, this can and does happen with every version of iOS.
    There is nothing wrong with the update.
    Simply restore the device via iTunes on the computer.
    If iTunes is stating it will take hours to update, that indicates an extremely slow Internet connection and is likely the reason the OTA update failed.

  • TS1424 Is there a problem with iTunes Store

    Is there a problem with iTunes Store

    There are many iTunes Stores around the world running on multiple servers, so one may be having difficulties where all the others may still work. It will help if you'll tell us what country you're in and exactly what problem you're experiencing. Then any replies you get will be more likely to be applicable to your situation.

  • Tablespace with too many extents are evil for performance

    I think the tablespace with too many extents are not bad for performance after introduction of LMT tablespace?? May be true with DMT tablespace(earlier versions). This is just observation after reading the LMT vs DMT tablespaces.
    Experts - Please comment on your thoughts.

    Indeed, I work in an environment where there is over 50 databases to be administered and so we have lots of DBAs interacting with each other.
    I'm stunned by this myth of "reorganization". Most of the DBAs move tables + rebuild indexes regularly generating huge redo  on a monthly basis. Also provoking indexes to do all the splits again generating even more redo. They claim "it helps performance a lot" however not one is able to quantify and quite justify it other than "less extents less I/O, good". Even when I bring up the existence of shrink they say "do not like it, prefer the classic move". People really have a way of holding on to their good ol' practices of Oracle 8i.
    For full table scans (which should never be done on a OLTP scenario) this extent issue would be relevant IF data on the table is the victim of large deles and Oracle hasn't re-used that space yet. If your multiblock reads is a multiple of your extent size, than there won't be any overhead of I/O call, no matter the number of your extents. For OLTP this is not relevant because Oracle will access the table via ROWID.
    I rarely have ever seen an index benefit from a rebuild significantly. In my experience what people often understand as "index fragmentation" is often just an unoptimized execution plan due to cardinality issues where oracle ends up fetching a large percentage of the table via single reads on that index.

  • Is there a problem with Apple Mail using IMAP

    Is there a problem with Apple Mail using IMAP?  Having a problem syncing to our mail server: doesn't sync properly when multiple devices use same mail acct.  Spoken w/ mail hosting provider who says Apple Mail doesn't follow IMAP protocol properly leaving Apple Mail users to experience a variety of problems when connecting to IMAP accounts.  Among them:
    - Improper syncing
    - Proliferation of drafts during composition of an email.
    - Connections on the mail host do not close automatically and proliferate over time until the host rejects further connection requests.
    Hosting provider goes on to suggest turning off IDLE command.  In my experience turning this feature off did not improve the situation.  In fact, it created a few.
    Question: Is the hosting provider correct in faulting Apple Mail?
    Been fielding the question with a number of people.  I'm aware of three people who are experiencing similar problems, each using different mail hosts.  Tech reps at and point the finger at a Apple Mail, along with an IT specialist in Los Angeles, CA, and a tech support rep at an Apple Store in Arizona who said that Apple and Google mail are aware of and coordinating to resolve the problem.
    Anyone out there have any insights into this?

    Is there a problem with Apple Mail using IMAP?  Having a problem syncing to our mail server: doesn't sync properly when multiple devices use same mail acct.  Spoken w/ mail hosting provider who says Apple Mail doesn't follow IMAP protocol properly leaving Apple Mail users to experience a variety of problems when connecting to IMAP accounts.  Among them:
    - Improper syncing
    - Proliferation of drafts during composition of an email.
    - Connections on the mail host do not close automatically and proliferate over time until the host rejects further connection requests.
    Hosting provider goes on to suggest turning off IDLE command.  In my experience turning this feature off did not improve the situation.  In fact, it created a few.
    Question: Is the hosting provider correct in faulting Apple Mail?
    Been fielding the question with a number of people.  I'm aware of three people who are experiencing similar problems, each using different mail hosts.  Tech reps at and point the finger at a Apple Mail, along with an IT specialist in Los Angeles, CA, and a tech support rep at an Apple Store in Arizona who said that Apple and Google mail are aware of and coordinating to resolve the problem.
    Anyone out there have any insights into this?

  • HT4623 I am upgrading my iPad to iOS 7 but the progress bar is at 1/4 position for two hours and not moving forward. Is there any problem with it? What should I do? Thanks.

    I am upgrading my iPad to iOS 7 but the progress bar is at 1/4 position for two hours and not moving forward. Is there any problem with it? What should I do? Thanks.

    This is a concern amoung many corporate users.  It's going to take somekind of policy change with apple.
    Enterprise support:
    Call enterprise support  (866) 752-7753  to create  a case ID number

  • I have the new iPad. Even with airplane mode on, my battery life is extremely limited. Is there a problem with the battery? I used to have the ipad2 and had no such problem.

    I have the new iPad. Even with airplane mode on, my battery life is extremely limited. Is there a problem with the battery? I used to have the ipad2 and had no such problem.

    What is your brightness setting & how many apps are open?
    The quickest way (and really the only way) to charge your iPad is with the included 10W USB Power Adapter. iPad will also charge, although more slowly, when attached to a computer with a high-power USB port (many recent Mac computers) or with an iPhone Power Adapter (5W). When attached to a computer via a standard USB port (most PCs or older Mac computers) iPad will charge very slowly (but iPad indicates not charging). Make sure your computer is on while charging iPad via USB. If iPad is connected to a computer that’s turned off or is in sleep or standby mode, the iPad battery will continue to drain.
    Apple recommends that once a month you let the iPad fully discharge & then recharge to 100%.
    How to Calibrate Your Mac, iPhone, or iPad Battery
    At this link,3014-11.html , tests show that the iPad 2 battery (25 watt-hours) will charge to 90% in 3 hours 1 minute. It will charge to 100% in 4 hours 2 minutes. The new iPad has a larger capacity battery (42 watt-hours), so using the 10W charger will obviously take longer. If you are using your iPad while charging, it will take even longer. It's best to turn your new iPad OFF and charge over night. Also look at The iPad's charging challenge explained
    Also, if you have a 3rd generation iPad, look at
    Apple: iPad Battery Nothing to Get Charged Up About t/
    Apple Explains New iPad's Continued Charging Beyond 100% Battery Level beyond-100-battery-level/
    New iPad Takes Much Longer to Charge Than iPad 2 d-2.html
    Apple Batteries - iPad
    Extend iPad Battery Life (Look at pjl123 comment)
    New iPad Slow to Recharge, Barely Charges During Use uring_use.html
    Tips About Charging for New iPad 3 ad-3.html
    Prolong battery lifespan for iPad / iPad 2 / iPad 3: charging tips
    In rare instances when using the Camera Connection Kit, you may notice that iPad does not charge after using the Camera Connection Kit. Disconnecting and reconnecting the iPad from the charger will resolve this issue.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Client has sent too many requests

    When I try to sign up for a sync account, it says "client has sent too many requests." Should I wait and try again? Will it reset later? Thank you

    Goto your mail client search there for Mozilla sync and very it may be its can help.

  • Is there a problem with Indesign effects exporting to PDF?

    Hi All... Since updating to the latest version of Indesign, I can't seem to get my effects to work when I export into a PDF? Am I doing something wrong or is there a problem with the new version of Indesign? I have a job that I'm urgently trying to get out but can't get the drop shadow or bevel emboss to transfer to the PDF that needs to go to my client? Can anyone help me with this ASAP pleeeeease???

    RAZ! wrote:
    It looks OK in the Indesign overprint preview and I usually have my Acrobat set to view overprint as well so I turned it off & on just in case there was something happening there, but no luck!
    I am using a spot colour in the background behind the graphic but not on the graphic itself, but I don't think that should effect it as I'm sure I've done this many times (But I am starting to doubt myself now... lol)?
    It looks OK in the Indesign overprint preview
    I am using a spot colour in the background behind the graphic but not on the graphic itself…
    That is reason, why it looks like it looks. But what happens if you replace the spot to a process color?

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Bamboo Fun no longer recognized after Safari 4.0.2 + iTunes update

    My pen tablet was working just fine until I installed the Safari 4.0.2 and iTunes 8.2.1 update. After that, I have to struggle to move my cursor around the screen (I can move it some, just not as easily as before) plus System Preferences says there i

  • Need help with a Table with one image in it.

    I am attempting to design a site in Dreamweaver CS 4, I have Master Suite.  I would like to use a header Logo already created in photoshop and made web ready in .jpg format. I  am looking at inserting a single cell table across the top of page set at

  • SPRY accoridian variable Panel Heights

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  • ITunes helper error 7

    Can anyone help me?  I use Windows 7 and after the last update not sure if iTunes or Windows but it would not open any longer because the mobile device failure. I followed the instructions to delete everything in the order listed and search for all a