Is There A Simple Text Editor/Composter & Line Art Plug-In Available

Yes, I know it has been addressed in other posts in the past but I wanted to know if any new tools are available since the update to 3.XX, outside of open a picture in a "Book" project and adding text in a border or downloading BorderFX, neither of which provide a direct result. 
For such an advanced piece of software, I find it infurirating that the only way to create simple focus cicles, highlight boxes, insert arrows, lines or create and insert text directly on an image after cleaning it up is to
Import > Save > Export > Reopen In the OSX Built-in Image Preview > Perform Functions Using Its Tools > Re-Save Version.
Even the most rudimentary photo altering programs like MS Paint and have this basic toolset in the standard the package. How or rather why would Apple klutz this up?

I can respect that thousands of users have accepted the current status-quo of these applications,
What is there to accept? it would be different, if Aperture claimed to be a program for graphics compositing, but it is not. Aperture is a tool for a different purpose.
Here is how Aperture is advertized in the store:
Aperture gives you all the tools you need to uncover the hidden potential in your photos. It brings you even more advanced ways to organize, browse, and perfect images.
So you can make every shot your best shot.
And that does Aperture really well. If you want a painting program, why buy Aperture?

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  • Efficient data structure to implement simple text editor?

    I was given this problem in an interview:
    What data structure would you use to implement a simple text editor that does these 4 functions:
    a) goto(line number)
    b) insert(char input,location)
    c) delete(location)
    d) printAll() //print entire file
    Given that i'm such a newb, i was stumped. I came up with making a 2d array that would allow for o(1) time for goto, but o(n) for everything else (shifting everything in the array). there were other downfalls too dealing with space issues and such, but he wanted me to optimize this data structure. I then came up with a linked list of arrays, but that had similar problems.
    But thinking about it further is driving me a little crazy so I'm wondering if you guys have any suggestions on how to answer this question...
    one thing that came to mind after is to implement the data structure as a binary tree, where each node contains
    class Node
    char theChar
    int position; // ie 0 = first character in the file, and 81 could be the first character in the 2nd line
    node left,right,parent;
    }so how it works is the cursor would know where the location was so i would know where to delete and insert within the tree.
    insert {
         //search for location to insert after (log n)
           //create new character node and append to current node
         //increment position for all subsequent children
    delete(x) {
         search for x position
         if found, remove node and decrement position value for all children
    goto(line #) {
         return line # * 80 (or whatever max length for a single line)
    }the major problem i see here is balancing the tree after every insert/delete
    Thanks in advance.

    One of many great things emacs has given us is the gap buffer:
    To see a Java implementation of this you can look in the Java SDK source. The document model (I forget exactly what its called), used in Swing uses a gap buffer.

  • Sandy - a simple text editor

    sandy - a simple text editor
    Sandy is a X11 text editor with an easy-to-read, hackable C source. It uses GTK+ and GtkSourceView for convenience and is akin to surf, only it is a text editor, not a web browser. Sandy tries to maximize screen estate, minimize the SLOC used and not get in your way too much. It can somehow be controlled via XProperties and all preferences and keybindings are to be chosen at compile time. Two example configs are provided with the source.
    - Basic editing, saving, etc.
    - One document per instance
    - Embeddable (e.g. can use for tabs)
    - Regex search, go to line functionalities
    - Pipe selection through arbitrary command
    - Pipe selection through predefined command(s)
    - Syntax highlighting
    - Line numbers, current line highlightnig
    - Simple autoindenting
    - Multi-level undo
    - Configurable at compile-time
    - GtkSourceView2
    - Gtk+2
    - (probably) xorg-utils to get xprop to set XProperties
    - one method to grab user input: either zenity or dmenu in the pre-defined config files
    Download … z/download
    Comments, bug reports and patches welcome.
    Last edited by rafunchi (2010-04-13 23:24:26)

    Procyon wrote:
    It would be nice to be able to do something like this:
    1 abc
    2 dec
    3 abd
    4 edc
    5 {CURSOR}ad
    ^R, sed command: 1,3s/^/%%%/
    1 %%%abc
    2 %%%dec
    3 %%%abd
    4 edc
    5 {CURSOR}ad
    So you can edit and continue where you left off.
    The problem with implementing this behavior is 'sed' is an external command here. The full text is filtered through sed and put back in the buffer, not just lines 1 to 3. You can't just preserve the insert position as the text coming from the pipe might be completely different from your original. Same for searching the current line.
    You *could* remember your line+char position and move the cursor back there, but this would be highly unreliable and move the cursor to a third position in the buffer if your 's' command changes the number of lines (e.g. try s/:/\n/g in a password file)
    Also, a couple of tests with vim prove that it does not behave consistently in this regard, despite :s being an internal command there.
    if you really want to add '%%%' at the beginning of the line quite often, I suggest you define a binding or action for:
    t_editable, t_pipelines, { .v = (char *)"sed \'s/^/%%%/\'" }
    Then select the lines you want to target lousily (you don't need to select full lines) and launche the binding/action. It does move the cursor, but seems fairly quick.
    Procyon wrote:Maybe you can check for "/^s/" in the command to make it work on this current line, just like vim's :s///
    I made a wee change in the hg tip code. Now sandy "listens" to three properties regarding pipes:
    - _SANDY_PIPE: Pipes the selected text, or nothing by default as per f_pipe. This is used by the ^I binding in the default config.
    - _SANDY_PIPEALL: Pipes the selected text, or the full file if nothing is selected as per f_pipeall. This is used by the ^P binding in the default config.
    - _SANDY_PIPELINES: Pipes the selected text, extending the selection to full lines and matching the current line if there is no selection as per f_pipelines. This is used by the ^R binding in the default config. This means now sed is applied to full lines if there is a selection and to the current line if there is not.
    Thanks for your feedback. I hope this helps.

  • How can I add highlighting to my simple text editor?

    Hi ...I wrote a simple text editor ..but I want to add Sysntax highlihting to my editor ...ilke I will enter some words in sourse code (new..import.. ext ) and when I write in text those words I want to see whit a different collor can I do this? here is source codes for my text editor..and I want your help
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.regex.*;
    public class JText extends JFrame{
         private JTextArea textarea ;
         private JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
    private Action open =new OpenAction() ;
    private Action save = new SaveAction();
    private Action exit = new ExitAction();
    public static void main(String args[])
              JText pencere= new JText();
         //Text Area
         public JText(){
         textarea = new JTextArea(15,90) ;
         JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(textarea);
         JPanel content = new JPanel();
    content.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    content.add(scroll, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         //Menu Bar
    JMenuBar menu=new JMenuBar();
    JMenu file=menu.add(new JMenu("FILE"));
         class OpenAction extends AbstractAction {
         //============================================= constructor
         public OpenAction() {
         putValue(MNEMONIC_KEY, new Integer('O'));
         //========================================= actionPerformed
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
         int retval = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(JText.this);
         if (retval == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
         File f = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
         try {
         FileReader reader = new FileReader(f);, ""); // Use TextComponent read
         } catch (IOException ioex) {
              class SaveAction extends AbstractAction {
              //============================================= constructor
              SaveAction() {
              putValue(MNEMONIC_KEY, new Integer('S'));
              //========================================= actionPerformed
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
              int retval = fileChooser.showSaveDialog(JText.this);
              if (retval == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
              File f = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
              try {
              FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(f);
              textarea.write(writer); // Use TextComponent write
              } catch (IOException ioex) {
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JText.this, ioex);
                   class ExitAction extends AbstractAction {
                   //============================================= constructor
                   public ExitAction() {
                   putValue(MNEMONIC_KEY, new Integer('X'));
                   //========================================= actionPerformed
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

    i looked it is the one which i want to do ..But i want to use my window which i gave above ..But i cant mix them ..:( this codes for highlighting.... is any body can add this codes and my codes which i gave above connect together? pleaseeeee... :))
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class SyntaxTest extends DefaultStyledDocument
    Element rootElement;
    String wordSeparators = ",:;.()[]{}+-/*%=!&|~^@? ";
    Vector keywords = new Vector();;
    SimpleAttributeSet keyword;
    public SyntaxTest()
    rootElement= this.getDefaultRootElement();
    keyword = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    keywords.add( "abstract" );
    keywords.add( "boolean" );
    keywords.add( "break" );
    keywords.add( "byte" );
    keywords.add( "case" );
    keywords.add( "catch" );
    keywords.add( "char" );
    keywords.add( "class" );
    keywords.add( "continue" );
    keywords.add( "default" );
    keywords.add( "do" );
    keywords.add( "double" );
    keywords.add( "else" );
    keywords.add( "extends" );
    keywords.add( "false" );
    keywords.add( "final" );
    keywords.add( "finally" );
    keywords.add( "float" );
    keywords.add( "for" );
    keywords.add( "if" );
    keywords.add( "implements" );
    keywords.add( "import" );
    keywords.add( "instanceof" );
    keywords.add( "int" );
    keywords.add( "interface" );
    keywords.add( "long" );
    keywords.add( "native" );
    keywords.add( "new" );
    keywords.add( "null" );
    keywords.add( "package" );
    keywords.add( "private" );
    keywords.add( "protected" );
    keywords.add( "public" );
    keywords.add( "return" );
    keywords.add( "short" );
    keywords.add( "static" );
    keywords.add( "super" );
    keywords.add( "switch" );
    keywords.add( "synchronized" );
    keywords.add( "this" );
    keywords.add( "throw" );
    keywords.add( "throws" );
    keywords.add( "true" );
    keywords.add( "try" );
    keywords.add( "void" );
    keywords.add( "volatile" );
    keywords.add( "while" );
    public void insertString(int offset, String str, AttributeSet a) throws BadLocationException
    super.insertString(offset, str, a);
    int startOfLine = rootElement.getElement(rootElement.getElementIndex(offset)).getStartOffset();
    int endOfLine = rootElement.getElement(rootElement.getElementIndex(offset+str.length())).getEndOffset() -1;
    //highlight the changed line
    highlightKeyword(this.getText(0,this.getLength()), startOfLine, endOfLine);
    public void remove(int offset, int length) throws BadLocationException
    super.remove(offset, length);
    int startOfLine = rootElement.getElement(rootElement.getElementIndex(offset)).getStartOffset();
    int endOfLine = rootElement.getElement(rootElement.getElementIndex(offset+length)).getEndOffset() -1;
    //highlight the changed line
    highlightKeyword(this.getText(0,this.getLength()), startOfLine, endOfLine);
    public void highlightKeyword(String content,int startOffset, int endOffset)
    char character;
    int tokenEnd;
    while (startOffset < endOffset)
    tokenEnd = startOffset;
    //find next wordSeparator
    while(tokenEnd < endOffset)
    character = content.charAt(tokenEnd);
    if(wordSeparators.indexOf(character) > -1)
    //check for keyword
    String token = content.substring(startOffset,tokenEnd).trim();
    this.setCharacterAttributes(startOffset, token.length(), keyword, true);
    startOffset = tokenEnd+1;
    public static void main(String[] args)
    JFrame f = new JFrame();
    JTextPane pane = new JTextPane(new SyntaxTest());
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(pane);

  • I enjoy iPhoto, but is there a simple image editor / creator for Mac?

    I am a new Mac user and run a virtual machine on top of the Mac OS with VM Fusion (running windows 7). I first installed the virtual machine when I bought my computer, to use some software for work. The software issues I had when I bought my Mac are now gone, but I find myself using the Windows side of things for Paint. I have PhotoShop on my MacBook Pro, which works well when I want to do a lot of work on photos, but to create images and edit images I find the program kind of bulky.
    I was wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a program that is Paint for Mac (or close...)

    ...but I find myself using the Windows side of things for Paint...
    Preview, included with OSX, has some simple tools for creating lines and text.  I use it when I need to blank out personal info from screenshots when submitting bug reports or posting to the forums here.
    If you really want something close to Paint, you can download Paintbrush.  Maybe my needs were simple, but any editing I did with Windows' Paint, I found I could do with Preview, so I hardly ever have to open Paintbrush.
    ...I have PhotoShop on my MacBook Pro, which works well when I want to do a lot of work on photos, but to create images and edit images I find the program kind of bulky....
    Not to be snarky, but I can't really imagine what kind of "editing" of a photo you'd be doing in Paint.  As I mentioned above, Preview does similar to Paint to create lines, boxes, text and such, but nothing that I'd consider "photo editing."  You said you like iPhoto.  I found that many of the "touchup" tasks I used Photoshop for I can do in iPhoto, and iPhoto is quite simple to use compared to Photoshop.  Once I really started using iPhoto as the primary means to import from my camera, which naturally leads to having iPhoto organize and manage your photo library, using iPhoto for editing became quite natural.

  • Is there any better text editor than vi in Solaris?

    I use to use the RedHat-LINUX and find the vi is much better tahn that by Solaris. I wonder if there is an other editor than vi?

    I don't think Solaris 10 includes vim by default. I think he would have to install the pkg separately.

  • Simple text Editor App.. Saving Plain Text

    Hi All,
    I am trying to write my first text application in cocoa... I have got a working app from an Apple tutorial, however when saving, it uses the following:
    - (NSData *)dataRepresentationOfType:(NSString *)aType
    NSData *data;
    [self setString:[textView textStorage]];
    data = [NSArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:[self string]];
    return data;
    Which saves the content as not plain text. Is there anyway I can change the above to save as plain text ?
    Any help / direction would be great! Thanks,

    Perhaps something like this will work for you:
    NSString *s = [textView string];
    NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes: [s UTF8String] length: [s length]];

  • Simple text editor

    Can someone advise me on how I can click anywhere on the
    canvas/stage to create a text field where you can input text.
    I have seen similar functionality at where
    you can see the function if you go to TOOLS > TYPE.
    Any assistance will be appreciated.

    I'm not sure I'm on the right forum, sorry
    You are not in the right forum !
    This is Compressor 2 forum.
    You probably have to post your question in OSX forum:
    Good luck!

  • Is a text editor really better than Dreamweaver?

    Hi Everyone,
    I've been looking through several different web design forums
    and I'm now stuck with a question. Why do some people swear by
    using only a text editor to put their website together and totally
    discount programs such as Dreamweaver? I find this quite strange
    because a website amongst other things is a highly visual
    experience usually not showing a single line of code to the end
    user. I get the impression that some people feel that Dreamweaver
    is beneath them as they are "highly skilled coders" and only
    amateurs use WYSIWYGs! Is it just me or am I correct in thinking
    there is an element of snobbery here? To me it seems that
    Dreamweaver has advantages in abundance and for the so called
    hardcore coders there's even a code view which is much more
    powerful than a simple text editor. One final thing, I see that
    people complain about so called bad code that Dreamweaver writes.
    Is it true that Dreamweaver writes bad code and if so what's bad
    about it?
    Many thanks, I'll be fascinated to read your

    Let's see entire sites, good-sized professional ones. :-)
    Patty Ayers |
    Free Articles on the Business of Web Development
    Web Design Contract, Estimate Request Form, Estimate
    "Murray *ACE*" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Good idea, Patty. Let's see some of the "wouldn't touch
    DW with a 10-foot
    > pole" pages that have been created....
    > --
    > Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    > Adobe Community Expert
    > (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    > ==================
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    > - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    > ==================
    > "P@tty Ayers ~ACE"
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> This question is asked a lot. The answers are:
    >> -- No, a text editor isn't just as good. There are
    lots of extremely
    >> useful things DW does that a text editor can't do.
    >> -- No, the recent versions of Dreamweaver actually
    write very good code
    >> in general.
    >> -- In response to "only amateurs use [Dreamweaver
    instead of a text
    >> editor]" - please show me just 1 full-time
    professional web developer
    >> responsible for creating and maintaining sites who
    uses only a text
    >> editor. Just 1. You won't be able to, because there
    isn't one. Not one
    >> with a job, anyway. :-)
    >> Cheers,
    >> --
    >> Patty Ayers |
    >> Free Articles on the Business of Web Development
    >> Web Design Contract, Estimate Request Form, Estimate
    >> --
    >> "In at the deep end"
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >> news:[email protected]...
    >>> Hi Everyone,
    >>> I've been looking through several different web
    design forums and I'm
    >>> now
    >>> stuck with a question. Why do some people swear
    by using only a text
    >>> editor to
    >>> put their website together and totally discount
    programs such as
    >>> Dreamweaver? I
    >>> find this quite strange because a website
    amongst other things is a
    >>> highly
    >>> visual experience usually not showing a single
    line of code to the end
    >>> user. I
    >>> get the impression that some people feel that
    Dreamweaver is beneath
    >>> them as
    >>> they are "highly skilled coders" and only
    amateurs use WYSIWYGs! Is it
    >>> just me
    >>> or am I correct in thinking there is an element
    of snobbery here? To me
    >>> it
    >>> seems that Dreamweaver has advantages in
    abundance and for the so called
    >>> hardcore coders there's even a code view which
    is much more powerful
    >>> than a
    >>> simple text editor. One final thing, I see that
    people complain about so
    >>> called
    >>> bad code that Dreamweaver writes. Is it true
    that Dreamweaver writes bad
    >>> code
    >>> and if so what's bad about it?
    >>> Many thanks, I'll be fascinated to read your

  • Help - need text editor component

    I need a simple text editor component to add to my application.
    I need to load it from a database file line by line.
    It must be able to handle page breaks (new page) when the user types more than will fit on a page.
    I have not been able to find anything to do this in java, I found a .net TextControl, but I want to stay in java if possible.
    Are there any code samples or anything available to do this?
    If it does not handle page breaks, it is useless to me because I need to write the text back to the database and must be able to handle multi-page.
    I thought about fileing a jtextarea one page at a time by loading the text in an array. I still have the problem of if the user types more than will fit on a page.
    Thanks for the help.

    That might help you.
    StasWow! That's a gem - erm - (havent tested /run it yet but) ...thank you

  • Searching for a good programming text editor

    Does there exist a text editor for Linux that has got these features?
    -can open multiple documents
    -can easily switch to any open document, e.g. by just clicking the document in a list or tree on the left (tabs alone won't do because there's not enough space to slow 20+ documents if there are only tabs)
    -has a built in command prompt to type compile and debugging commands, which is by default in the folder where your documents are, if all documents are in the same folder at least, otherwise it doesn't really matter to me
    -can save sessions, projects, ..., which basically is a way to quickly open your multiple documents belonging to a certain project
    -has a super cool search function with options like "whole word" and "case sensitive" clearly visible in the search dialog, and remembering these settings for any open document you search in
    -can easily search through all open documents (e.g. like visual studio can)
    -has the type of text editing GUI where you can use the mouse to select text, use ctrl+a to select all, use ctrl+c/ctrl+v to copy paste, home/end to navigate the cursor to begin/end of line, F3 to search for next match, etc... (so no vi derivates I'm afraid)
    -has modern interface, menus, file save/open dialogs, etc..., not something that appears to come from 1995 (so I think emacs is out of the question)
    What I'm looking for is similar to Kate 3.5 or parts of MS Visual Studio. However Kate 4.1 isn't suitable anymore because they destroyed the search function of it. And preferably something that is independent of a desktop, because it's sad that Kate's features can get ruined by people who develop a desktop.
    Does anyone have ideas if there exists such a program?
    Last edited by aardwolf (2009-04-25 09:15:07)

    Wra!th wrote:You described SciTE
    Look good, but ONE thing: I found that F8 "Output" opens a screen that has some properties of a linux terminal except some weird "Exit code:1" messages. However, if I press the "up" arrow, it doesn't scroll through the console history but instead moves a cursor up. I need it to work like a linux terminal with history because I don't want to retype long commands all the time. It also doesn't show the correct type and color of my user prompt. Is there any way to get a more conventional console in the Scite window somewhere?
    Also, scite's interface also looks a bit 1995
    EDIT: oh hmmm and it appears to not be able to open more than 10 files. That's too limited I'm afraid
    Shame, it almost looked like what I needed.
    Last edited by aardwolf (2009-04-25 12:11:21)

  • Macintosh Java text Editors

    I have been looking for a good macintosh Java text editor for my newphew. His high school is primary macintosh (Mac OS X) workstation based, therefore in order to code/learn Java, he understands that he can use a simple text editor.
    Is there a good text editor for the macintosh? Maybe a comparison is BBEdit for web site development, something with that power.
    Or is there a better simple editor in the terminal he can use?
    Thank you for reading this post.

    You can use TextEdit in plain text mode, or you can go to and get Apple's free Project Builder IDE of OS X10.2, which works OK most the time as a text editor with syntax highlighting, but I've found tends to fall over when you try to debug; I've just ordered OS X 10.3 which comes with XCode, which looks prettier, and may even work.
    For the one or two class examples I post here, I use project builder as a text editor, and compile from the terminal. For larger projects, I use project builder but have to be disciplined about saving regularly.
    I've also used J (, though mainly under linux on a slow laptop, which is quite fast and lightweight, and being Java portable. I will go try it on the Mac forthwith.

  • Lightweight text editor?

    I need to provide a basic text editor in my swing commercial app.
    Rather than reinventing the wheel are there any freely available fine tuned lightweight editors available in a jar that I can use for this purpose?
    There is which uses the MIT/X11 licence but though it is extremely lightweight the code has not been updated in 7 years and is not wrapped in a package...also the functionality is supports is still way overkill for my needs (for example it supports syntax highlighting for 10+ code file types). I guess what i was hoping for was a well used java class that encapsulated a simple text editor.....
    Edited by: tyk on Nov 26, 2007 7:31 AM

    True. I found myself having to add cut/copy/paste which is not such a big deal and just wondered if there was any simple class out there that people reuse...but i guess everyone just writes their own :-(

  • How to get information from a text editor in the SAP standard transactions

    Hi SAP gurus I have a requirement in which it is required to gte the information from a text editor(which is not a field) in mm02 (click on) goto Purchase Order Text  in this view there is a text editor there is some text  in te the text editor i have to get that information in a table can it be done if so please give example and steps
    Points will be given to useful information

    Ah yes, excellent question, and not really a clear cut answer. In my experience, the easiest way to find this information is to simply create the text using the standard transaction, in this case MM02.  Then go to transaction SE16, using table STXH, do a query on this table, entering your user name, and today's date as the creation date.  The results should show the text that you just created, now you can see the object, id, and the way the name is being used here. 
    I also understand that in some cases, there is a button next to the editor in the screen which gives you some idea of these values, but this is not implemented everywhere, and I believe that I've only seen this in one place, can't remember where, but the first solution above will always work for you.
    Rich Heilman

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    It is possible, though a bit of a hack. You can install the JDK on your computer at home and copy the directory to your USB drive. When you want to use it at school, simply add the bin directory of the JDK to the system path and you can use the commandline to compile and run your applications.

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    I moved my music from a PC to Mac and now it's not showing up in iTunes. I used an external hard drive to copy all of the songs over and they are in the iTunes music folder. Is there something else I have to do to get them to show up in my iTunes lib

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    Hi, We have Olite server install on a window 2003. We use the setup on the disk. Some person at my office said we should done the install with a publication managed by the Oracle application server. What is the best way install Olite server to reduce