Is there a way to create "real" superscript in Dreamweaver?

I know how to use the <sup></sup> tags to superscript type, but the problem is that the type within those tags doesn't reduce in size.  I'm looking for a way to create a true superscript.  Can anyone give me a way to do this?

OK, the bottom half of the site, everything below where the navigation is would move to the right when youe made the browser window wider.  The only tow things that didn't move in that area where the 20 year graphic and the floating box on the right.
I asked my client, who does her own updating to content with Dreamweaver CS5 to re-upload the site files so you were probably looking at those files.  Here is a screen shot of what I got when I opened the site template in a browser:
I have not yet gotten the files that my client has put up.  I can paset the code for this page here so you can take a look.  It has to be coming from this file because this file runs how the site looks.  I'm just stumped.
Also the page that needed the superscript is the Events and Seminars page.  Last line of the October 15-19, 2012 listing.  No matter which of the scripting suggestions I used, I still ended up with the last line's leading being more than the rest of the paragraph and the smaller "SM" not rendering as smaller in Safari or Firefox??
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<p>When your operations provide excellence, reliability, repeatability and predictability, the market will take notice and be willing to pay for the advantages of doing business with you.</p>
<p>If you are committed to the operational excellence that profitably develops and delivers the competitive advantage touted by your business and marketing strategies, leverage Fulcrum’s expertise to accelerate your journey.</p>
<p>According to renowned operations strategist Rebecca Morgan, the difference between excellence and mediocrity is about how you finish, not how you start. When working to improve operations, too many organizations start fast, but fail to finish.</p>
<p>Want to get there? Fulcrum will help you start wisely <br />
and Finish Strong&reg;!</p>
                                        <p>Operations As Competitive Advantage</p>
<p>Position your company’s operations to reliably and profitably create and deliver competitive advantage to your marketplace</p>
<p>When your operations provide excellence, reliability, repeatability and predictability, the market will take notice and be willing to pay for the advantages of doing business with you.</p>
<p>If you are committed to the operational excellence that profitably develops and delivers the competitive advantage touted by your business and marketing strategies, leverage Fulcrum’s expertise to accelerate your journey.</p>
<p>According to renowned operations strategist Rebecca Morgan, the difference between excellence and mediocrity is about how you finish, not how you start. When working to improve operations, too many organizations start fast, but fail to finish.</p>
<p>Want to get there? Fulcrum will help you start wisely <br />
and Finish Strong&reg;!</p>
<p>Operations As Competitive Advantage</p>
<p>Position your company’s operations to reliably and profitably create and deliver competitive advantage to your marketplace</p>
<p>When your operations provide excellence, reliability, repeatability and predictability, the market will take notice and be willing to pay for the advantages of doing business with you.</p>
<p>If you are committed to the operational excellence that profitably develops and delivers the competitive advantage touted by your business and marketing strategies, leverage Fulcrum’s expertise to accelerate your journey.</p>
<p>According to renowned operations strategist Rebecca Morgan, the difference between excellence and mediocrity is about how you finish, not how you start. When working to improve operations, too many organizations start fast, but fail to finish.</p>
<p>Want to get there? Fulcrum will help you start wisely <br />
and Finish Strong&reg;!</p>
<p>Operations As Competitive Advantage</p>
<p>Position your company’s operations to reliably and profitably create and deliver competitive advantage to your marketplace</p>
<p>When your operations provide excellence, reliability, repeatability and predictability, the market will take notice and be willing to pay for the advantages of doing business with you.</p>
<p>If you are committed to the operational excellence that profitably develops and delivers the competitive advantage touted by your business and marketing strategies, leverage Fulcrum’s expertise to accelerate your journey.</p>
<p>According to renowned operations strategist Rebecca Morgan, the difference between excellence and mediocrity is about how you finish, not how you start. When working to improve operations, too many organizations start fast, but fail to finish.</p>
<p>Want to get there? Fulcrum will help you start wisely <br />
and Finish Strong&reg;!</p>
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Any help to understand where this went wrong would help.

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    What you most likely want is an ABS tree of your own, containing only the PKGBUILDs of those packages which you want to be included in your repository.
    You should already have heard of the gensync program. In short, the parameters are the root of PKGBUILDs, sorted in subdirectories (ie. like the ABS tree), the intented name and location of the repository database file, and the directory containing the binary packages.
    Let's assume you downloaded the current ABS tree to your hard drive, as well as all matching (same version as in the PKGBUILDs!) packages from a mirror, but you don't want the reiserfsprogs package in your repository. To achieve that, you must remove the /var/abs/base/reiserfsprogs directory, and may optionally remove the binary package, too. Since gensync analyzes the ABS tree you supplied as a parameter, removing the subdirectory of a specific package will cause this very package to not be included in the generated database. Assuming your packages lie in /home/arch/i686/current, your gensync call would look like this:
    gensync /var/abs /home/arch/i686/current/current.db.tar.gz /home/arch/i686/current
    If there are any discrepancies like
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      - permission problems (writing the db file must be possible)
    gensync will gladly complain.
    Otherwise you should find the db file in the place you specified. Keep in mind that the name of the db.tar.gz file must be equal to the repository tag in the pacman.conf to use the repo.
    To make sure the db contains the right packages; use
    tar -tzf current.db.tar.gz | less
    to list the contents. Every package has it's own subdirectory including the metadata, which is rather obvious considering the file's generated from such a structure in the first place.
    The binary packages along with a correctly generated db file are all you need. Make the repository directory containing these files available through FTP if local availability doesn't cut it for you, edit your pacman.conf if needed, and use it!
    Adding packages works similar; All you need to have is the PKGBUILD in an ABS-like tree (it doesn't have to be the official tree; gensync doesn't care where the files come from. Just stick to one subdirectory per PKGBUILD, and you'll be fine), and the matching packages somewhere else, run gensync with the appropriate directories, and cackle with glee.

  • Is there a way to create a collection based on the "previous import"?

    is there a way to create a collection based on the "previous import"? that would make it easy to mobile sync the last import to my ipad, and do further picking/rejecting while away from my laptop.

    well, yes, of course i could do it that way. i guess i wasn't specific enough. is there a way to create a smart collection, with the photos in the "previous import" as members of the smart collection.  earlier i mentioned about using this smart collection to mobile sync with my ipad, to do further flagging.
    so my intention, use a smart collection to mobile sync with my ipad, and the smart collection to include the photos from my previous import.
    i guess another way to ask the question, is there a way to create a smart collection, by using some rule or condition in the smart collection, to automatically include previous import photos.
    the documentation says that "previous import" is a collection, even though it shows up in the catalogue side bar section. but i see no way to choose that collection when making a smart collection.

  • Is there a way to create a playlist from the now playing screen on ios7?

    Is there a way to create a playlist from the now playing screen on ios7? I want to be able to hear a song in my collection and immediately add it to an existing playlist or create a new playlist.
    Thank you in advance

    Hi Cornellius,
    From the now playing screen there's a Create button at the bottom that allows you to create a
    Genius Playlist
    New Station form Artist
    New Station from Song
    IPhone Help, Browse and play
    The Now Playing screen provides playback controls and shows you what’s playing.
    For information on Genius Playlists, see
    Archived - Genius for iPod and iPhone
    I don't see an option to add it to an existing playlist.
    Best Regards,

  • Is there a way to create user logins or some other way to ...

    Is there a way to create user logins or some other grouping for a set of applications to use (memory) resources optimally -- for example only mail and Safari and Word in one grouping and another for Safari and an audio recording application, etc.?

    It is possible to use Parenal Controls to limit which applications can be used be a particular user account.
    But it's not really necessary as far as managing memory.

  • Is there a way to create three different physical calendars in ical so that I can get a fiscal view of the calendars?

    Is there a way to create three physically different calendars in iCal so that I can view the calendar and events from a fical point of view?

    iCal just shows the calendars you have created in your account(s).  So if you are using iCloud just log into your iCloud account in a web browser and make as many new calendars as you wish to have.  Then enable those in iCal.
    If you use Google accounts or something else for the calendars, then create them as needed, and enable them in iCal.
    I have several separate calendars all displayed in iCal - a couple linked through my Gmail accounts, and one through my iCloud account.  Each uses a different default item color so they are distinct in iCal.

  • Is there a way to create scripts to use tmconfig...

    Is there a way to create a script to execute tmconfig and change CLOPTS parameters
    for a particular server?
    Here is what I would like to accomplish. Want to set "-r" option to a limited
    number of servers, on an as needed basis. I do not want to bring down the environment
    and update the ubbconfig file. The support people are not familiar with tmconfig.
    So, I would like to create a script to turn the "-r" option on when needed and
    restart only those servers and then turn it off once the debufgging is done.
    Is there any command other than tmconfig, which I could use to accomplish this?

    If you've got perl on your machine, you can download the tuxedo perl module and
    write perl scripts to call tuxedo services. There's also a tuxedo::admin module
    at cpan now.
    "james mathew" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I am sorry Roopesh. ud worked with the command 'ud32 with -Ctpsysadm
    first time when I tried, I used our tuxedo admin id instead of 'tpsysadm'.
    tried with 'tpsysadm' it worked.
    Thanks a lot.
    "james mathew" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I tried the options, but didn't help. By the way, I cannot find anydescription
    on "-C" option in the reference guide.
    I tried to use a client program, similar to ud, which is developed locally
    test the services.
    When I send request to '.TMIB' service, the client never gets any reply
    The input userd is
    service_name .TMIB
    In the ULOG, I see the following error messages.
    120543.DEV_DB_SRV2!BBL.543.606.0: LIBTMIB_CAT:133: ERROR: Fielded buffer
    error 2
    120543.DEV_DB_SRV2!BBL.543.606.0: LIBTUX_CAT:6031: ERROR: Unable topre-process
    buffer before tranmission. Error code(12/3474)
    120543.DEV_DB_SRV2!BBL.543.606.0: LIBTUX_CAT:1286: ERROR: tpreturn could
    not send
    reply TPESYSTEM - internal system error
    I have FIELDTBLS include 'tpadm' and FLDTBLDIR include '%TUXDIR%\udataobj'
    What is causing the above errors.
    "roopesh" <[email protected]> wrote:
    run ud32 with -Ctpsysadm -Utpsysadm .
    "james mathew" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Thanks Sccott. Using ud32 is what I should do.
    Now, I have a problem in using ud32 because the environment uses user
    I am not able to use ud32 due to logon failures. I am getting LIBTUX_CAT
    6311, 6247 and 6234.
    I do not know what value am I supposed to provide for "application
    data". I think the environment variable TPIDATA stands for the samething.
    Any help is appreciated.
    Scott Orshan <[email protected]> wrote:
    For scripting, you should use ud32 to call the MIB.
    james mathew wrote:
    Is there a way to create a script to execute tmconfig and change
    for a particular server?
    Here is what I would like to accomplish. Want to set "-r" option
    a limited
    number of servers, on an as needed basis. I do not want to bring
    the environment
    and update the ubbconfig file. The support people are not familiarwith tmconfig.
    So, I would like to create a script to turn the "-r" option on
    needed and
    restart only those servers and then turn it off once the debufggingis done.
    Is there any command other than tmconfig, which I could use to

  • Is there a way to create a button that links to a website?

    Is there a way to create a button that links to a website?
    I was reading up that it's possible to this with menus, and tracks but can you do it with a button and how?
    I am hoping to create a button that people viewing my discs on a computer can click on the link and their web browser will pop up and take them to a website.
    Any help is appreciated.

    dvd@ccess questions are being asked once a week on this forum, so I'll repeat why it's useless:
    - Mac users have to enable the feature in the preferences of DVD Player in order to for the links to work.
    - PC users have to install a small application on their PC, and they have to reboot the PC in order for the links to work.
    - On top of this, it's still unreliable, and may not work on some computers.
    It's a dog: Don't use it.

  • Is there a way to create a password protected folder for pictures or lock the photos app? For Ipad Air and Iphone 5s.

    Is there a way to create a password protected folder for pictures or lock the photos app? I want to do this for Ipad air and Iphone 5s. I have other family members that use my Ipad and Iphone and do not want some pictures to be able to be viewed.

    Use 3rd party apps like Photo Manager Pro.

  • Is there a way to create a shared net conn. between Airport and Ethenet?

    Is there a way to create a shared internet connection between one airport computer and another via ethernet?
    I have one computer (lets call this computer 'A') connected to the net via Airport which connects to a router, which is directly connected to my ADSL line.
    However, my other computer (computer 'B') is not located within range of this wireless router.
    Is there a way for me to send my internet connection via computer A to computer B, via an Ethernet cable or Airport connection or otherwise?
    ADSL---Wireless Router---(Airport)---Computer A---(Ethernet)---Computer B

    Is there a way for me to send my internet connection via computer A to computer B, via an Ethernet cable or Airport connection or otherwise?
    Yes, it's called Internet Sharing, and here's how to set it up...
    To setup for Internet Sharing (Wireless to Wired):
    Enable Software Firewall (Computer A)
    System Preferences > Sharing > Firewall
    o Click Stop to start the software firewall
    Setup the Network
    ADSL Modem > (Ethernet cable) > (Ethernet port) Wireless Internet Router > (wireless) > (AirPort Card) Computer A (Ethernet port) > (Ethernet cable) > (Ethernet port) Computer B
    Setup Port Order (Computer A)
    System Preferences > Network > Show > Network Port Configurations
    o Verify that "AirPort" and "Built-In Ethernet" are enabled.
    o Verify that "AirPort" is at the top of the list, followed by "Built-In Ethernet."
    o Click "Apply Now."
    Configure the Internet Connection (Computer A)
    System Preferences > Network > Show > AirPort > TCP/IP
    o Configure IPv4: Using DHCP
    o Configure IPv6: Automatically or Off
    Enable Internet Sharing (Computer A)
    System Preferences > Sharing > Internet
    o Share your connection from: AirPort
    o To computers using: Built-In Ethernet (checked) (Note: Uncheck all other entries in the list.)
    o Click Start

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