Is there going to be an update for FCP 10.0 to work on Yosemite

Very upset that I might have to buy a new version just because i updated to the new OS

If you've purchased FCP X, there is no "new version" and nothing else to buy - updates are always free. What is not working for you with Yosemite?

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    Hi Laura.
    We're constantly improving HP Photo Creations and we welcome constructive suggestions. Can you provide more detail on the features you want and how you would use them?
    Thank you,
    RocketLife, developer of HP Photo Creations
    » Visit the HP Photo Creations Facebook page — news, tips, and inspiration
    » See the HP Photo Creations video tours — cool tips in under 2 minutes
    » Contact Customer Support — get answers from the experts

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    bambateehee wrote:
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    Discussion of future software is prohibited by the terms of usage of the forum. Anyone who knows won't say, and anyone who says, doesn't know.

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    you can ask this question to nokia managers and employee!
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    Discussion of future software is prohibited by the terms of usage of the forum. Anyone who knows won't say, and anyone who says, doesn't know.

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    Meg St._Clair wrote:
    KiltedTim wrote:
    Personally, I've found the usefulness of Reminders to be pretty limited. Without the ability to re-order items in a list, it's pretty much only good for being able to create a shopping list in iCloud that the wife and I can share. And that only if the list is relatively short.
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    And yes, I have sent feedback to Apple Support as you suggested another user do on another thread.

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    It's not Logic 9 that's the problem, if the M-Audio device is not compatible with Yosemite Core Audio (which I don't believe it is) no version of Logic will be able to use it. Before any upgrade of main applications or operating system one needs to check and see if all related hardware is supported. Hopefully you have a backup of your last working configuration.

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    Sorry, there is no upgrade for your model based on what you've posted. See below:
    See the chart below to determine whether you can upgrade your device and what you can upgrade to. If you do not have a Software Update option present on your iDevice, then you are trying to upgrade to iOS 5 or higher. You will have to connect your device to your computer and open iTunes in order to upgrade.
    IPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad iOS Compatibility Chart
         Device                                       iOS Verson
    iPhone 1                                      iOS 3.1.3
    iPhone 3G                                   iOS 4.2.1
    iPhone 3GS                                 iOS 6.1.x
    iPhone 4                                      iOS 7.0.x
    iPhone 4S                                    iOS 7.0.x
    iPhone 5                                      iOS 7.0.x
    iPhone 5c                                     iOS 7.0.x
    iPhone 5s                                     iOS 7.0.x
    iPod Touch 1                               iOS 3.1.3
    iPod Touch 2                               iOS 4.2.1
    iPod Touch 3                               iOS 5.1.1
    iPod Touch 4                               iOS 6.1.x
    iPod Touch 5                               iOS 7.0.x
    iPad 1                                          iOS 5.1.1
    iPad 2                                          iOS 7.0.x
    iPad 3                                          iOS 7.0.x
    iPad 4                                          iOS 7.0.x
    iPad Mini                                      iOS 7.0.x
    iPad Air                                        iOS 7.0.x
    Select the method most appropriate for your situation.
    Upgrading iOS
       1. How to update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch
       2. iPhone Support
       3. iPod Touch Support
       4. iPad Support
         a. Updating Your iOS from iOS 5
              Tap Settings > General > Software Update
         If an update is available there will be an active Update button. If you are current,
         then you will see a gray screen with a message saying your are up to date.
         b. If you are still using iOS 4 — Updating your device to iOS 5 or later.
         c. Resolving update problems
            1. iOS - Unable to update or restore
            2. iOS- Resolving update and restore alert messages

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