Is there really a reason to upgrade?

From what I can gather the only thing the 3G will do for me that my current iphone can't do is slightly fatser web browsing (when not on wifi) and GPS. Is that right?

In essence yes you're right.
It's all down to needs I guess. I don't need 3G or GPS. My main wish was for Exchange support (check!).
3G is not what I'm excited about it's the GPS. Now I've had GPS in other phones, but GPS + iPhone + Google Maps & Apps kinda leaves me a bit hungry for a new phone
If I can upgrade easily on O2 UK I will, if I can't then I'll have to wait

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    "Can you do that on 3.5?"
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     If you are asking about the DM version... then yes, you need to update it to get 5.0 on your device.
    1). Please thank those who help you by clicking the beside the 'Reply' button.
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    PolishAngel756 wrote:
    Some friends have told me that their phone can last up to 2 days without charging??
    If they are getting 2 days without charging, it's unlikely they use their device very much.
    A full day is pretty good....and if I'm careful, I can easily get a full day of usage.
    For me, normal is charging the iPhone mid afternoon at work, but I use it a lot.
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    Yes, open your preferences and go into your mouse settings, set the right mouse button to secondary action or whatever it is.
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    Apple already have a position on such matters. If you have a problem with one particular service and not others, contact the provider.
    Contact Apple TV content providers - Apple Support
    However, 3 similar reports, do not a problem make. Perhaps there is a problem, perhaps there isn't, but it really doesn't seem to affect many people if there is, believe me when there is a problem it's quite obvious from the additional traffic it causes in these communities. It's also not exactly clear that you are all seeing exactly the same thing.

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    2009 24-inch iMac 3.06GHz (EMC no. 2267).   I don't get any audio when connecting my Sony HD TV to my iMac via mini DisplayPort. Is there a fix or hardware upgrade?  I'm using a Kanex Mini DisplayPort to HDMI cable w/ audio support.

    You can connect the audio from your iMac to your TV using a mini jack (like headphones plug) to rca (regular red and white audio connectors used on every TV,DVD, etc) cable.
    On your TV, you need to be able to set the audio for the HDMI input you will use to "analog" and connect the rca end of the cable to the analog inputs on your TV.

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    I have a 3GS phone that can no longer be upgraded on my Powerbook because it is ancient and the os will only run 10.4.11, consequently iTunes will only upgrade to 9.2.1(4). Please don't answer that i need to upgrade the computer os because that has been a past nightmare i have been through too many times.
    Is there any way i can upgrade the phone w/o going to an apple store so hereafter w/ the upgrade to the new os (whenever that gets squared away), i will not need a computer to do it?
    Thanks in advance,

    Solved my issue by setting up a new account on my daughter's computer. Not 100% solved, but i was able to get the update on my 3GS.

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