Is this Feasible using Flash?

Hi All,
I am new to Flash. I would like to know if the following is possible.
Can I have an .swf template file hosted on server to which user can make some changes and download it. Say there is a template for some greeting card made in Flash (swf file). And users can customize the message and download the .swf file.
Is this possible. If yes where will the message data be stored. I prefer not to have any additional xml or db file. Can we have it embeded in the SWF file in runtime.
Any pointers on this if it is possible.
Thank you very much.

Thank you for the quick response.
Another information I required is -
what could be the combination of technologies possibly used to create a website given below.
I just wanted to know about the tool part which seems to be in flash  - loading image dragging, editing, effects and all. Is this tool completely based on flash (or is it based on Adobe Flex). Also is it that this kind of tool will require Flash 10 or will it work with Flash 8 players.

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    Thank you. Here you go!
    <pre><nowiki>Application Basics
    Name: Firefox
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    All Crash Reports
    Name: avast! Online Security
    Version: 8.0.1506
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    Expected minimum version: 4.10.3
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    Version in use: 3.15.5 Basic ECC
    Expected minimum version: 3.15.5 Basic ECC
    Version in use: 3.15.5 Basic ECC
    Expected minimum version: 3.15.5 Basic ECC
    Version in use: 3.15.5 Basic ECC
    Expected minimum version: 3.15.5
    Version in use: 3.15.5</nowiki></pre>

  • Is this the best way to use flash?

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    was built using flash.  Do you think the interactive piece of it works?  Interactive part starts about 1 minute in or click the "SKIP" button.
    Thanks in advance for your help and feedback!

    Flash can work quite well for presentations like this, but... I have no intention to offend with this... I didn't dare tread beyond the first step of the interactive part.
    The opening presentation has too much of a Sham-wow flavor to it--a carny sales pitch, and it makes me skeptical of what clicking anything might end up leading to.  I wouldn't create this style of presentation (the atmosphere, not the content) for a corporation, but that's just me, and I may not qualify as being young/savvy enough to know what a good corporate image is these days.

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    Would appreciate any help.

    If you want to purchase CS6 it can be purchased thru the page linked below:
    CS6 -
    You can also use CS6 as part of your sunscription to the Creative Cloud.
    If you want to get the trial version of CS6, you can download the trial version of the software thru the page linked below and then use your current serial number to activate it.
    Be sure to follow the steps outlined in the Note: Very Important Instructions section on the download pages at this site and have cookies enabled in your browser or else the download will not work properly.

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    Hi. It looks like your code is not finding the mp3. At least,
    I can reproduce your error code by removing the mp3 from the
    directory, or renaming it.
    Btw, if you test with FF instead of IE, you'd see the error:
    Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2032:
    Stream Error.
    at KZFlash_fla::Sound_2/KZFlash_fla::frame1()
    Hope that helps.

  • We have developed a desktop application using Flash software and published the same for MAC environment. When we double click on the file, the application is working perfectly in Mac 10.6.7 at our office. But if the same file is double

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    The most common reason is different versions of Flash, or different versions of web browsers used.  Some users may elect to not have Flash installed at all because of the processor overhead of Flash.  If you are going to make an application for a client, check what operating system and browser versions they are using first.  Then determine if a stand alone application is required, or if they have the necessary plugins to run specific browser enhanced code.
    P.S. MAC is an acronym for Media Access Control.  Mac is the shorthand for Macintosh, the operating system and computers made by Apple Inc.

  • How to install and use Flash Player with Windows 7 64-bit edition and Internet Explorer 8.

    1. Click the Start button.
    2. Search for Internet Explorer.
    3. Do not click on "Internet Explorer (64-bit)" or "Internet Explorer (No Add-ons).
    4. Click on "Internet Explorer."
    5. That will open Internet Explorer 8, 32-bit edition.
    6. Now you can download, install, and use Flash Player. (It is used automatically on websites that support it.)
    7. In the future, make sure you don't use Internet Explorer 64-bit edition. Delete any Internet Explorer shortcut icons that you were formally using. Make sure that any Internet Explorer icons that you now use, are opening the 32-bit edition. To see what edition you are using, click the question mark near the upper-right corner of a webpage and click "About Internet Explorer." If you don't see "64-bit" on the popup, that means you are using the 32-bit edition.

    If you can not see the moving sphere:
    Check the following:
    Enabling Flash Player in Internet Explorer 9
    ActiveX Filtering in Internet Explorer 9
    Also check this:
    In I.E.9, click Tools, click Internet options, click Security tab, ensure that the Internet security level is Medium-high.

  • Macbook pro. app tries to use flash player and get " Blocked plugin" how to uninstall and reinstall flash player. update does nothing ?

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    Sounds like it is blocked for the website you are at. Check with this:
    You can quickly test whether a recently added plug-in is causing problems by blocking it.
    Choose Safari > Preferences, click Security, then click Website Settings next to Allow Plug-ins.
    Select the plug-in you want to disable on the far left, then click each pop-up menu on the right and choose Block.For some plug-ins, you see pop-up menus for different websites, and you can choose to block each one individually. Use the “When visiting other websites” pop-up menu to block all other websites that don’t have individual settings.

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    IF I use comand line to generate Theme SWC the changes are reflected.
    Can any one help me use FLash Builder to create and apply theme SWC.

    Connect to PHP in FB4 is used when you have a PHP Class and you want to use that in FB, for example Employee.php and it has a Employee class and various methods in that like create, update, get, delete.
    However, if you have exposed your functionality in PHP as a HTTP URL (i.e. it is not a class), then you should be using HTTPService from the data menu.
    So if your file is login.php and is accessible as a URL, then using the HTTPService and enter the URL.
    Does this help?

  • Want to use Flash on company site - need numbers!

    Hi guys,
    I work as a graphic designer for a pretty major e-commerce
    site. We're working on a redesign of our homepage. Myself, I want
    to incorporate flash. Nothing major but possibly using it in a
    ticker across the top of the page and maybe one day doing flash
    based splash pages to other areas of the site.
    I like flash and have used it on other sites before. However,
    I'm running into a roadblock. My superiors are very hesitant to
    (finally) take the leap into flash design, as they believe not
    enough internet shoppers have flash installed on their machines.
    I sent an e-mail with links to the census page on
    that states that flash is installed on 97% of internet enabled
    computers. They don't believe it. In fact, one of my superiors
    believes that number to be only 9%. I've tried to do some of my own
    research but I'm having a hard time building a case. I desperately
    need independent research that illustrates what I'm sure we all
    know already: not only is the flash plug-in installed on the
    overwhelming majority of internet enabled computers, but that users
    who are savvy enough to shop online are exactly the type that would
    have flash installed in the first place.
    This is a shot in the dark but I'm hoping that someone out
    there may have come across an article that may help my case.
    Thanks much; I'm desperate!

    > I sent an e-mail with links to the census page on
    > that states that flash is installed on 97% of internet
    > computers. They don't believe it.
    The numbers on Adobe's stats page don't always refer to the
    version of Flash Player -- that's an important note -- but
    certainly, the
    numbers are good:
    Here's the methodology used to derive those numbers:
    Are the naysayers on your end willing to cite a reference or
    two? ;)
    > In fact, one of my superiors believes that number to be
    only 9%.
    Ummm. Where is that number coming from? Has this person not
    visited They use Flash content. That's a pretty major
    site. His this person not heard of MySpace (et. al.), YouTube
    (et. al.),
    and the like, all of which support (and sport) Flash content?
    How about Check out any of the major TV outlets,,,,
    etc. I'm preaching to the choir, though ... I realize that.
    > I've tried to do some of my own research but I'm having
    a hard
    > time building a case. I desperately need independent
    research that
    > illustrates what I'm sure we all know already:
    This might prove difficult, because it sounds (to me) like
    you're up
    against an emotional reaction more than anything else. If no
    one jumps in
    with the article(s) you're looking for, how about turning the
    argument on
    its ear? You mentioned that the Flash content you're after is
    major" -- more eye candy than anything else -- and if that's
    so, why not use
    something like Geoff Stearns' SWFObject to detect Flash
    Player and serve up
    an alternative if necessary?
    David Stiller
    Adobe Community Expert
    Dev blog,
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

  • How to re-size project using flash bulider to be the same size in all screens

    Im develop  a chat project using flash bulider, my question is how i make sure that the porject when open from diffrent screens size no change,
    becouse after i finish th chat project i publish on website later i discover this problem for example when i access project from screen have size 17 or 21
    is work fine but in the same time i access from my notbook that him screen is 14 is not work and seems the project is mixed the webcamera no appear complete also other function dosent appear complete like sharescreen.
    can some help  guide me to find the way that i access the project whatever screen size is work fine and not mixed od disappear functions.

    What email are you using?
    The easiest way to send pictures is to use Apple's that is part of the OS - it DOES NOT require a .Mac account.
    If you are using a purely web-based email account, the File>Export method is the easiest.

  • I can only use Flash Player in one tab at a time, only on Firefox.

    Recently, when I downloaded the new Flash Player, I can only use flash player in one tab at a time. This is only in firefox. I'll open youtube, and the visual and sound both play perfectly. I open up a new tab, begin using a flash website in that tab, and the youtube sound is quiet, only the visual continues to play. I need to multitask with flash sometimes, and this is a big problem for me. Help!

    By default, Flash 11.3 and higher will spin up a lot of distinct processes. You should be able to get quite a cacophony going.
    Have you ever done any troubleshooting that involves changing how Firefox works with plugin-container.exe or the Flash player's protected mode?
    Often it is helpful to disable hardware graphics acceleration in Firefox and in Flash:
    (A) In Firefox, un-check the box here and restart:
    orange Firefox button (or Tools menu) > Options > Advanced > General > "Use hardware acceleration when available"
    (B) In Flash, see this support article from Adobe:
    Unrelated, but you can remove the Java Console extensions unless you are a Java developer (and even then, you probably don't need the old ones):
    orange Firefox button (or Tools menu) > Add-ons > Extensions category

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