Is this Holy Grail for AirTunes dropouts?

Many thanks to prior poster (afjafj) who suggested leaving AU always open so that Airtunes maintains constant connection to AX speakers via iTunes. Nothing else I've ever tried works so consistently! How about others?
Message was edited by: jcpom
Message was edited by: jcpom

If you're getting 10 megabytes (MB) per sec that's not too bad, if it's 10 megabits though it may be a bit slow.
AppleTv doesn't have a gigabit ethernet interface either, so on paper across 100Mbps ethernet 10MB/sec would be great considering non-data bandwidth in the equation. If it's 1MB/sec though streaming would be pretty much impossible.
AppleTv does not have blazing fast hardware anyway, and part of the problem is relatively slow disc storage which by the nature of the drive's used is not surprising - 2.5" drives are not going to be up to speeds of modern SATA 7200 rpm + drives.

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    If you're getting 10 megabytes (MB) per sec that's not too bad, if it's 10 megabits though it may be a bit slow.
    AppleTv doesn't have a gigabit ethernet interface either, so on paper across 100Mbps ethernet 10MB/sec would be great considering non-data bandwidth in the equation. If it's 1MB/sec though streaming would be pretty much impossible.
    AppleTv does not have blazing fast hardware anyway, and part of the problem is relatively slow disc storage which by the nature of the drive's used is not surprising - 2.5" drives are not going to be up to speeds of modern SATA 7200 rpm + drives.

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    It is very possible that you may have some form of Wi-Fi interference in the immediate area that is preventing your AX from getting a good clean signal.
    I suggest you perform a simple site survey, using utilities like:
    KisMAC, MacStumbler, iStumbler, or IPNetMonitorX to determine potential areas of interference...and then, try to either eliminate or significantly reduce them.

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    I have a mid 2011 iMac, an "n" Time Capsule and an "n" Airport Express. The Time Capsule is connected to my router (a BT one - I'm in the UK) with an ethernet cable and the iMac is connected to the Time Capsule with an ethernet cable too.
    The Airport Express is in the next room and is only used for Airtunes to my HiFi system, streamed from the iMac. I too have been suffering dropouts and these seem to have increased since upgrading to AirPort Utility 6.0 and the latest firmware updates for the TC and AE.
    At the moment, the AE is connected wirelessly to the network created with the TC and the iMac's internal WiFi is turned off. I have also tried setting the AE up as a separate network, turning the iMac's WiFi on and connecting to it directly. I have also tried limiting the AU to 5GHz only. In the past I have also tried selecting individual WiFi channels.
    None of these actions have cured the problem. I'm coming to the conclusion that the only way to het a really secure connection to the AE is to connect to it with an Ethernet cable, but that sort of defeats the object, doesn't it?
    I really wish this would work as it should. It's so nearly brilliant.

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    I've changed my channel to one that none of my neighbors is using. I've tried moving all of the Airports away from other electronics. Right now the two Expresses are clients of the network created on the Extreme base, which is where the cable modem is connected. Is there some better way to do it? Like use the Expresses as relays instead of clients, or something?

    While I don't have any suggestions to make beyond what you have already tried, I can tell you that configuring the Airport Express units as relay or remote base stations will likely make the problem worse because of the bandwidth penalty you get from such a setup.
    In case you haven't yet seen it, this is what Apple has to say on the topic:

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    I've just unpacked my new AP Extreme station (v7.3.2) as a replacement for the AP Express (v6.3) and it works just fine. What I now have been trying for some hours is to set up AP Express for AirTunes, but it doesn't work.
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    Any idea?
    Thanks in advance.

    ...I solved it myself this morning at about 1.00 AM, but this page was down, so I couldn't post my message earlier...sometimes its easier than you think: I just forgot to enter the MAC address of the AirPort Express under the "Access" menu of he AirPort Extreme. That was the reason why the Express couldn't join the network created by he Extreme. The rest is as Nee Kun stated above with one difference: Once the Express is plugged in, I of course see/access (frankly you cannot see it, because its "closed"=invisible) only one network, but in my AirPort Utility I can see both, Extreme and Express

  • Airport Express for Airtunes Apple TV Only - Internet Through Ethernet

    I just upgraded to faster internet and when I connect my computer directly though the ethernet it's world's faster than the Airport Express I have. I cannot update my Express since my MacBook Pro won't do 801.1n. I want to use the AE just for Airtunes and AppleTV, but when I turn on the AE it seems to disable the direct internet connect via ethernet. Is there a way I can have my laptop wired to the internet and still use AE for Airtunes and AppleTV?

    I just upgraded to faster internet and when I connect my computer directly though the ethernet it's world's faster than the Airport Express I have.
    I assume that you mean that you connect your MBP directly to the new Internet modem by Ethernet ... correct? If so, then the bandwidth of this Ethernet connection is at least twice as much as the maximum provided by the 802.11g AirPort Express Base Station (AX) ... which would be 54 Mbps.
    I want to use the AE just for Airtunes and AppleTV, but when I turn on the AE it seems to disable the direct internet connect via ethernet. Is there a way I can have my laptop wired to the internet and still use AE for Airtunes and AppleTV?
    Most likely this is because your MBP's network configuration has the AirPort connection at the top of its list, followed by Ethernet. If this is the case, your MBP will attempt to connect to the networking device in order of that listing.
    Unfortunately, if you are connecting your MBP directly to the modem, the AX will represent "another" network ... and you would have to "switch" networks between Internet access and streaming.
    You have a few options:
    o Get an 802.11n AirPort Extreme Base Station (AEBSn); connect the AEBSn to the modem, and in turn, connect your MBP to the AEBSn by Ethernet. The AX could then "join" the wireless network, created by the AEBSn, for streaming.
    o Replace the current AX with the 802.11n version. In addition, get an 802.11n USB wireless adapter for the MBP.

  • Using powerbook for "airtunes".... sort of.

    I have mac mini hooked up to home stereo.
    In another area of house, I have powerbook hooked up to other speakers.
    I'd like to listen to the same iTune/audiobook/CD in multiple rooms as I move from room to room.
    Essentially, I want to use the powerbook (and speakers hooked to it) as an airport express "airtunes" set up.
    Is there a way to do this?
    Thanks for input and ideas.

    Yes. You'll have to purchase an "airport express" unit. You won't be able to use the Powerbook as a substitute. Also, you'll need the latest version of Airport installed on your machine - v 6.3, which allows use of multiple speakers (available through Software Update once the base station is installed).
    I have this configuration set up in my home, and it works really well - no drop offs/great sound.

  • Airport Express used to be base station, now want to use only for AirTunes

    After I moved to to different neighborhood, ATT informed me I had to upgrade from my former "elite" DSL to UVerse, which has wireless router.  Want to use my Airport Express for AirTunes in a different part of the house, but I have repeatedly screwed up my network trying to reconfigure AE.  Anybody have experience with this?  Help!!

    Thanks, Bob, for your quick response. Bit of a long story - I am talking about my place in the city where I live to work, about 6 hours away from where I am now; I am heading back there shortly.  But, here's something like the whole story (as much as I can recall without the scratchy notes I have down there):
    When I moved from apartment to house I bought 2 weeks ago, everything seemed fine - Uverse was installed and I used the AE to run powered speakers while I moved in.  But then I noticed that my iPhone, and my friends' smart phones, would not connect to my home network.  It was after I spoke to ATT support the first time, and they had me change security from WAN to WEP that my Airport problems started.  My messing around trying to figure it out crashed my network at least once and caused another hour-long session with very helpful ATT support person re-setting my network.
    So, Uverse security is WEP.  My newish MacBook Pro runs 10.7.4.  I was very frustrated by Airport Utility 6.1 not showing the AE, or only doing so if I made it my "base".  I see from my older iMac here at home that I possibly need an older Airport Utility to detect the AE.  But beyond that, I am gun-shy to try anything else with the AE without some advice.

  • Use Iphone as an speaker for airtunes

    I would like to know if there is a possibility to use my IPhone as a speaker for airtunes, or if it is possible to build an IPhone app and get it into the store to do this?
    I do not mind the lesser quality of the sound, just to enjoy my music from my IMac through airtunes from my IPhone speaker in my garden.
    Kind regards,

    Yes, Airfoil for Mac and Airfoil for Windows will do that. I am a happy user of Airfoil for Mac, it's fantastic!
    But what I ask for is an application like that for iPhone/iPad.
    Airfoil speakers for iPhone is the other way around, it's for sending audio to iPhone. Unfortunately, rogueamoeba is not able to make an app that sends audio from iPhone/iPad to airtunes, ref
    So it's up to Apple to give us this functionality, that IMHO is really strange they haven't included from the beginning. After all, all items involved are Apple products.

  • Firewall software & using a remote control for AirTunes?

    I recently turned on the built-in firewall on my MacBook Pro. Ever since doing so, every time a run iTunes, get the following message:
    Your computer is using firewall software that prevents
    you from using a remote control for AirTunes.
    To use a remote control for AirTunes, open System Preferences, click
    Sharing, then click Firewall, and select "iTunes Music Sharing."
    I always tell it to "Ignore" and I am able to play music through my AirPort Express without any trouble. What is the "remote control" to which this message is referring? I have searched Apple's support pages and this forum without any luck. I thought that opening the "iTunes Music Sharing" port in the firewall would allow other people on my local network to see my music if I was sharing it, which I am not. I don't see what this has to do with a remote control.
    Thank you for any info you can provide.
    -- Gary

    there is no remote control for AirPortExpress or Air Tunes. Maybe we will see something like this in the futue, who knows.
    As AirTunes uses streaming, it probabely needs the same port open as Music Sharing. Because shared music is streamed too.

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