Is WYSIWYG incompatible with Vista?

I have Windows Vista with MS Word 2003 and installed RoboHelp
X5. When I opened my project that I had been editing on a Windows
XP machine with the same version of Word, I get a warning: "Unable
to load component 4." The project then loads but the WYSIWYG tab
isn't visible and when I double-click on a topic to view it, it
opens in my internet browser.
I have installed the X5.0.1 update, this did not fix the
problem, I then installed X5.0.2 update and this didn't help
Any suggestions or tips would be much appreciated.

I am not saying anything other than Adobe will not provide
official support so I have posted what I have seen. I am not going
to run Vista right now so I can't comment. However, from the post, it
does look as if people have been able to make it run.

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    Message Edited by muppy on 04-07-2007 04:55 AM

    Speakers dont know or care about the operating system, they just turn the analog signal provided into sound. So, there are no compatibility problems with Vista and your speakers.
    Any such problems are from the sound cards not the speakers. If you have a creative card check out the "Sound Blaster" and "Windows Vista" forums as some problems have been discussed there.
    Message Edited by lakin on 04-07-2007 07:35 PM

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    Install troubleshooting:

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    I think your tinfoil hat is on too tight.  If it was a problem with that model, then nobldy would be able to update Windows, and there would be thousands of posts all over the Internet.
    Problems are usually caused by software, sometimes installed by the user, and sometimes installed without the users knowledge.  What's the state of your malware protection?  Have you scanned for rootkits?
    You also might want to run the System Update Readiness Tool to find problems.

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    Have you tried following the instructions at [[Installing Firefox on Windows]] and used the official site for downloads
    Note the latest version is '''Firefox 3.6.15 ''' ( user agent string - on my system - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; '''rv:''') Gecko/20110303 Firefox/3.6.15 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0E) )
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    What is the anti-virus program you have on your computer? Please take a try to uninstall the 3rd party anti-virus program and then perform the system restore under
    system recovery options.
    Some 3rd-party anti-virus program might not be incompatible with Windows processes.
    Here is a similar threads for reference:
    error code 0X80070005
    Best regards
    Michael Shao
    TechNet Community Support

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    Thank you for your help all three of you,
    I finally succeeded to install.
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    Hibernation seems iffy. Have you tried disabling hibernation? and when you say sleep, what happens? won't wake or what?
    Normally I don't recommend resetting NVRAM or SMU but for sleep you might want to.
    And yes, trying to rule out why can be difficult. But I would not blame SP1. Maybe BC 2.1.
    Do you have a book dealing with Vista? or looked for articles or forums that deal with Vista? There is one for Vista64 - assume you have 32-bit though. Google is often best way to find things in Apple discussions or knowledge base, too.

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    I am wondering why the latest Adobe Reader is incompatible with Windows I E 9?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Judith Matthews [email address removed by host]

    I believe IE9 is not supported with Reader9, but everything should work as usual. I have both on my machine and am able to use them without any problem.
    Try repairing Reader from Programs in Control Panel.
    Kindly refer to System Requirement section in

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    Hi Shaker
    There is no trick or two!
    Do you know that the Windows Vista RC1 is not an official end version and the RC1 version contains about 1500 bugs!
    Furthermore to use the Toshiba features like the FN buttons or the hotkeys you will need the Toshiba drivers. BUT you will not find any Toshiba drivers for the Windows Vista at this time.
    Why? Because the Windows Vista is not official on the market. Therefore if you want to use the Vista at this time on your notebook you have to use it without the Toshiba options.
    But Im sure that you will get the Toshiba drivers if the Windows Vista was fully developed and official to buy.

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    Norton just released information that they will support FF 27. <br />
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    ''moderator fixed the broken hyperlink''

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    You may print from Firefox using the standard print dialog (File > Print or by clicking the CTRL + P keys).
    The HP Smart Print only compatible with Internet Explore 6 - 9 as you may find listed below:
    Smart Print works on Windows XP SP3, Vista and Win 7 and currently supports only Internet Explorer 6.0 and above.
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos thumb up in the post.
    If my post resolve your problem please mark it as an Accepted Solution


    Hello Experts,
    Infocube A is getting updated from shopping carts DSO. I have added 3 new fields in SC DSO then cube transformations got inactive.  I do not want 3 new fields in cube. we have report on DSO. Below is syntax error when  checking transformations.
    Error: In PERFORM or CALL FUNCTION "ROUTINE_9998", the actual parameter "SOURCE_PACKAGE" is incompatible with the formal parameter "DATA_PACKAGE".
    3 New fields are available in tys_SC_1 but not available in tys_SC_1_full. I tried to insert 3 fields in tys_SC_1_full but still it is showing same syntax error.  And more TYPE is availalbe tys_TG_1_full.  This type does not have 3 fields.
    Please  advice.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hello Rathy,
    I have resolved issue by addinng fields to data package. Issue is becasue of 4 fields in source and I have added only 3 fields in data package. Added one more field to data package and no syntax errors when checked.
    Thanks for the input and points assigned.
    Venkata Agraharam.

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