Issue is De-serializing nested date type using Axiss 1.4

We are using Axis 1.4 and face issue during deserialization in handling date types. The scenario is explained below. I couldn’t find enough information on net on below and hence asking question to the apache team. Please note when we switch to Axis 2, issue is not seen. Upgrading may not be a simple option for us as of now, and hence I was evaluating possible workarounds or solution if any.
The XSD contains type “DateofBirthType” which is of type xsd:date
Child XSDs contains element “DateofBirth” of type “DateOfBirthType”
When Java client invokes the web service, IllegalArgumentException is seen while de-serializing this “DateOfBirthType” element. If we remove “DateOfBirthType” and map it directly to xsd:date type all works fine.
We have generated the stub using Axis 1.4 and trying to access the RetrieveIndividualCustInformation  operation through stub, but getting the (IllegalArgumentException) while axis tries to deserialize the response for all the fields having data types as date which is indirectly mapped (nested mapping) as shown below.
e.g. IndividualInfo-----DateOfBirth(Type—DateOfbirth ---Which is of Type Date)-_you will face illegal argument exception.
So, when we changed the type to simple date (not nested),then it worked fine. So it confirms that this problem is only for type date which is clearly seen in Axis 1.4 client.
Please let me know if anyone faces similar/same issue or even know any such issue already persists and there are no possible workarounds and/or fixes for this. In that case we can put up case to migrate to Axis2.
Please reply ASAP.

Hi, Shank,
My guess is that you want:
, dense_rank () over (order by  tmstp  desc)  AS rn RANK means you'll skip numbers when there's a tie. For example, if 3 rows all have the exact same latest tmstp, all 3 rows would be assigned number 1, RANK would assign 4 to the next row, but DENSE_RANK assigns 2.
"PARTITION BY x" means that you want a separate series of numbers (starting with 1) for every value of x. If you want just one series of numbers for the whole result set, then don't use a PARTITION BY clause at all. (PARTITION BY is never required.)
Maybe you wnat to PARTITON BY cd. I can't tell without some sample data, and an explanation of why you want the given results from that data.
You certainly don't want to PARTITION BY the same expression that you ORDER BY; that just means all rows tie for #1.
I hope this answers your question.
If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all tables involved, and also post the results you want from that data.
Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
Simplify the problem as much as possible.
Always say which version of Oracle you're using.
See the forum FAQ {message:id=9360002}
Edited by: Frank Kulash on Aug 1, 2012 1:20 PM

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    /below might work
    12:06:23 SQL> help copy
    Copies data from a query to a table in the same or another
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    COPY {FROM database | TO database | FROM database TO database}
                {APPEND|CREATE|INSERT|REPLACE} destination_table
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    Hi Rajeev,
    To retrieve a FilterContainer you will need to traverse the report structure:
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    *<taskdef name="jwsc" classname="">*
    *<path id="weblogic.classpath">*
    *<pathelement path="WEBLOGIC_HOME"/>*
    *<fileset dir="${weblogic.jar.classpath}">*
    *<include name="weblogic.jar"/>*
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    *<target name="clean">*
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    *<target name="build-service">*
    *<!--add jwsc and related tasks here -->*
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    *<jws file="" type="JAXWS"/>*
    *<!--<target name="deploy"> --><!--add wldeploy task here --><!-- </target>-->*
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    [jwsc] JWS: processing module /MyWebService
    [jwsc] Parsing source files
    [jwsc] Parsing source files
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    Thank u very much Jay SenSharma this was helpful
    and thank u sandeep_singh this is the answer,
    I find another answer too :
    adding my class files to the path remove the error:
    <project default="all">
    <property name="weblogic.jar.classpath" value="D:/Projects/bea103/wlserver_10.3/server/lib"/>
    <taskdef name="jwsc" classname="">
    <path id="my.path">
    <pathelement path="D:/Projects/bea103/jdk160_05/lib/tools.jar"/>
    <pathelement path="D:/Projects/bea103/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar"/>
    *<pathelement path="D:/Projects/LifeInsurance Project Original/BusinessModule/classes/"/>* adding this line solved my problem.
    <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
    <path id="weblogic.classpath">
    <pathelement path="WEBLOGIC_HOME"/>
    <fileset dir="${weblogic.jar.classpath}">
    <include name="weblogic.jar"/>
    <target name="all" depends="clean,build-service"/>
    <target name="clean">
    <delete dir="output"/>
    <target name="build-service">
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    Thank u very much,

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    Dim sChunk() As Byte
    Set Cn = New ADODB.Connection
    Set Rs = New ADODB.Recordset
    Cn.CursorLocation = adUseServer
    Cn.Open "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Password=hrzadmin;Persist Security
    Info=True;UserID=hadmin;Data Source=xxx.local"
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    Debug.Print Rs!trigger_name
    Debug.Print Rs!trigger_body
    sChunk = rs.Fields("trigger_body").GetChunk(500)
    Debug.Print sChunk

    I have a similar code which works for chunk size >400,
    The image I am trying to retrieve is huge so the chunksize is also more.
    Did you try with any non meta table?
    For your reference I am pasting my application code below.
    Hope it helps.
    Private Sub cmdGetImage_Click()
    Dim bytchunk() As Byte 'variable to store binary data
    Dim destinationFileNum As Integer 'variable for filenumber
    'recordset for fetching Product Image for the product selected form the list
    Dim recProductImage As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim offset As Long
    Dim totalsize As Long
    Dim roundTrips As Long
    'variables used in calculation of time taken to fetch the image
    Dim startTime As Currency, EndTime As Currency, time As Currency, Freq As Currency
    Dim i As Integer 'counter variable
    i = 0
    On Error GoTo ErrorText 'redirect to error handler
    '** Step 1 **'
    'validating if product is selected from the list
    If cboSelectProduct.Text = "" Then
    MsgBox "Select product from the list!"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    '** Step 2 **'
    'validating if "optChunk" optionbox is selected then
    '"txtChunksize" textbox should contain a value
    If optchunk.Value = True Then
    'validate if chunksize value is null
    If txtChunkSize.Text = "" Then
    MsgBox "Enter value for chunksize "
    Exit Sub
    End If
    'validating that the chunk size entered should be a positive value
    If CInt(txtChunkSize.Text) < 1 Then
    MsgBox "ChunkSize value should be positive!"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    End If
    '** Step 3 **'
    'open image column from product_information table using m_Oracon connection
    recProductImage.Open "SELECT product_image FROM product_information " & _
    " WHERE product_id =" & cboSelectProduct.ItemData(cboSelectProduct.ListIndex) _
    , m_Oracon, adOpenStatic _
    , adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
    'check if product image exists for the product selected
    If Not IsNull(recProductImage!product_image) Then
    'setting mouse pointer on the form "frmChunkSize" to wait state
    frmChunkSize.MousePointer = vbHourglass
    '** Step 4 **'
    'assigning "desitinationFileNum" variable to next file number
    'available for use
    destinationFileNum = FreeFile
    'allocates a buffer for I/O to the temporary file "tempImage.bmp"
    'at the current application path
    Open App.Path & "\tempImage.bmp" For Binary As destinationFileNum
    '** Step 5 **'
    'Get the frequency of internal timer in Freq variable
    QueryPerformanceFrequency Freq
    'start the timer
    QueryPerformanceCounter startTime
    'clear "imgProduct" imagebox
    imgProduct.Picture = LoadPicture("")
    '** Step 6 **
    If optValue.Value = True And optchunk.Value = False Then
    '** Step 7 **
    'using ADO Value property
    bytchunk = recProductImage("product_image").Value
    'appending byte arrary data to the temporary file
    Put destinationFileNum, , bytchunk
    'displaying "No. of Round Trips" in a label to 1
    lblRoundTrips = 1
    ElseIf optchunk.Value = True Then
    '** Step 8 **
    'converting the value entered "txtChunkSize" textbox to long
    'and assigning it to chunksize variable
    m_chunksize = CLng(txtChunkSize.Text)
    'assigning the actual size of the image retrieved to a variable
    totalsize = recProductImage("product_image").ActualSize
    'calculating and assigning the "No. of Round Trips" to a variable
    roundTrips = totalsize / m_chunksize
    'in case fragment of data left, incrementing roundtrips by 1
    If (totalsize Mod m_chunksize) > 0 Then
    roundTrips = roundTrips + 1
    End If
    'In this loop the image is retrieved in terms of chunksize
    'and appended to the temporary file
    Do While offset < totalsize
    '** Step 9 **
    'retrieving product_image from the recordset, in chunks of bytes
    bytchunk = recProductImage("product_image").GetChunk(m_chunksize)
    offset = offset + m_chunksize
    'appending byte arrary data to the temporary file
    Put destinationFileNum, , bytchunk
    'displaying "No. of Round Trips" in a label
    lblRoundTrips = roundTrips
    End If
    '** Step 10 **'
    'stop the timer after image retrieval is done
    QueryPerformanceCounter EndTime
    'close the opened file handle
    Close destinationFileNum

  • Nesting Data types

    Can we make a new data type by using two other data types...Pls tell me the steps to do the same.
    Suppose I need to create a DT for address
    I hav a DT for name - first and last name
    another DT for location - street, city and pin
    So i need to make a DT for Address by makin use of the above two DTS
    Thanks to all

    Create a data type that you want to embed. eg. address and then create another data type and then create a field and in the type column select on Search help and it will give u the exisiting data type.

  • Querying a field of Date type using JPQL

    How can i do a JPA Query passing a date whithout using the setParameter method of the Query interface? Something like this:
    SELECT entityX FROM EntityX entityX WHERE = to_date('mm-DD-yyyy','01-01-2007')
    Giuliano Lins

    it is not possible to do date.
    I have encountered that problems too.
    Maybe you should use createNativeQuery method
    to_date function is used in PL/SQL, not in JPQL

  • Problem with custom validated data types using domain on 11g

    I ' m on a migration process from 10 to 11 and I notice that a custom domain didn't work correctly anymore
    to be more specific every time that I was submiting a page a was getting an error cannot convert from myclass to oracle.jbo.domain.String
    I search the forum and I saw a similar problem
    Cannot convert type class java.lang.String to class oracle.jbo.domain.Clob
    at which Frank says that it is a known bug and suggests a work around.
    I use the workaround and it worked but some more issues came up:
    1. If the validation fails I get the error that I throw at the validate method not in a popup with just my message
    but in the whole window with the whole error stack, meaning that my custom validation is not handled like native ADF validation errors by
    the framework (at worked OK)
    2 If i dont give a value at the attribute in the validation phase mdata variable is not null but is length is zero (at its value was null)
    public class AFM implements DomainInterface, Serializable {
    public AFM(String val) {
    mData = new String(val);
    private String mData;
    protected void validate() {
    // ### Implement custom domain validation logic here. ###
    mData==null // returns false
    mData.length()==0 // returns true
    3. Can i force validation only for new or updated values? I saw that the validation process is taking place every time a row is fetched.
    This is not only a performance issue, the bigger problem is that if a fetched from the DB value fails the validation an error is return but the
    user cannot change the value to correct it.

    since i don't get any answer I wonder if i should have use a more provocative title like
    "custom domains in 11g don't work"
    is it true?

  • How to read varbinary data type using sql server

         I'm converted a text file data into varbinary format, and stored in DB table. Now I need to read
    Varbinary column and store in Temp table
    in sql server.
     can some one help on this.
    Regards, Praveen

    I understand this question is related to your previous thread and I believe what Erland suggested is the best way to implement this.
    I believe when the user uploads the data its getting uploaded onto the Application Server, You could then open the file and import the files into SQL server(all using application code) and do the manipulations. I believe this is the better way of handling
    Also what is the expected file size and what is the kind of data you are expecting?
    My Blog | How to ask questions in technical forum

  • How to convert  Oct 12, 2005 03:25:57 PM IST into date type using To_Date

    Hi Friends,
    I am converting following string to date format in oracle 8i
    TO_DATE('Oct 12, 2005 03:25:57 PM IST','Mon DD, YYYY HH24:MI:SS AM TDZ') from Dual,
    But it is throwing
    ORA-01820: format code cannot appear in date input format error.
    Anybody help!!!

    ORA-01820 format code cannot appear in date input format
    Cause: A date specification contained an invalid format code. Only the following may be specified when entering a date: year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, Julian day, A.M./P.M. and B.C./A.D.
    Action: Remove the invalid format code from the date specification.
    This one works (if the input string always has the same length / format):
    TO_DATE(substr('Oct 12, 2005 03:25:57 PM IST',1,21),'Mon DD, YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
    P.S. Sorry, of course we have to take care of the P.M.:
    TO_DATE(substr('Oct 12, 2005 03:25:57 PM IST',1,24),'Mon DD, YYYY HH:MI:SS PM')
    Message was edited by:
    [email protected]

  • Using DBMS_DATAPUMP with LONG data type

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    Here's my procedure....
         v_dp_job_handle                    NUMBER ;          -- Data Pump job handle
         v_count                              NUMBER ;          -- Loop index
         v_percent_done                    NUMBER ;          -- Percentage of job complete
         v_job_state                         VARCHAR2(30) ;     -- To keep track of job state
         v_message                         KU$_LOGENTRY ;     -- For WIP and error messages
         v_job_status                    KU$_JOBSTATUS ;     -- The job status from get_status
         v_status                         KU$_STATUS ;     -- The status object returned by get_status
         v_logfile                         NUMBER ;
         v_date                              VARCHAR2(13) ;
         v_source_server_name          VARCHAR2(50) ;
         v_destination_server_name     VARCHAR2(50) ;
         v_project := 'TEST' ;
         v_date := TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'MMDDYYYY_HHMI') ;
         v_source_server_name := 'TEST_DB' ;
         v_dp_job_handle := DBMS_DATAPUMP.OPEN(
              OPERATION     => 'IMPORT',
              JOB_MODE     => 'SCHEMA',
              REMOTE_LINK => v_source_server_name,
              JOB_NAME     => v_project||'_EXP_'||v_date,
              VERSION          => 'LATEST') ;
         v_logfile := DBMS_DATAPUMP.KU$_FILE_TYPE_LOG_FILE ;
              HANDLE          => v_dp_job_handle,
              FILENAME     => v_project||'_EXP_'||v_date||'.LOG',
              DIRECTORY     => 'DATAPUMP',
              FILETYPE     => v_logfile) ;
              HANDLE          => v_dp_job_handle,
              NAME          => 'SCHEMA_EXPR',
              VALUE          => '= '''||v_project||''' ') ;
         DBMS_DATAPUMP.START_JOB(v_dp_job_handle) ;
         v_percent_done := 0 ;
         v_job_state := 'UNDEFINED' ;
         WHILE (v_job_state != 'COMPLETED') AND (v_job_state != 'STOPPED')
                   v_status) ;
                   v_job_status := v_status.JOB_STATUS ;
              IF v_job_status.PERCENT_DONE != v_percent_done THEN
                   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('*** Job percent done = '||TO_CHAR(v_job_status.PERCENT_DONE)) ;
                   v_percent_done := v_job_status.PERCENT_DONE ;
              END IF ;
              IF BITAND(v_status.MASK, DBMS_DATAPUMP.KU$_STATUS_WIP) != 0 THEN
                   v_message := v_status.WIP ;
              ELSIF BITAND(v_status.mask, DBMS_DATAPUMP.KU$_STATUS_JOB_ERROR) != 0 THEN
                   v_message := v_status.ERROR ;
                   v_message := NULL ;
              END IF ;
              IF v_message IS NOT NULL THEN
                   v_count := v_message.FIRST ;
                   WHILE v_count IS NOT NULL
                        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_message(v_count).LOGTEXT) ;
                        v_count := v_message.NEXT(v_count) ;
                   END LOOP ;
              END IF ;
         END LOOP ;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Job has completed') ;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Final job state = '||v_job_state) ;
         DBMS_DATAPUMP.DETACH(v_dp_job_handle) ;
    END ;

    But the application we have that uses the database cannot be changed to read from a CLOBWhy can't you change the application?
    Well, anyway you should point out to your superiors that Oracle documented years ago to not use LONGS anymore...
    It clearly states:
    LONG Datatype
    Do not create tables with LONG columns. Use LOB columns (CLOB, NCLOB) instead. LONG columns are supported only for backward compatibility.
    Oracle also recommends that you convert existing LONG columns to LOB columns. LOB columns are subject to far fewer restrictions than LONG columns. Further, LOB functionality is enhanced in every release, whereas LONG functionality has been static for several releases.
    How do I go from CLOB to LONG?I'm sorry, cannot help you on that one, I don't think you can do that at all (Oracle wants us to stop using LONGS, so, it's a one-way conversion...):
    So: NO built_in, you'll need to write a program if the clob is ALWAYS LESS THAN 32k in size, you can use plsql..but is that the case in your case? Only you know that.
    I believe that question is still unanswered on this forum, but you might try searchin for answers on this forum, and
    the 'Database-General' forum: General Database Discussions
    Perhaps you can google a Q&D workaround...
    ( And consider convincing your collegues to just convert your LONGS to LOBS)
    Edited by: hoek on Apr 8, 2009 5:43 PM

  • What data type do I use in MSA to handle CRM DEC data?

    Dear Geeks,
    We have a customer field 'ZZ_SUPPORT' on CRM (40 SP11) opportunities, which we flow
    down to mobile sales. It previously carried a NUMC2 value (a number
    from 1 - 99), and this worked fine... the data flowed fine in both
    directions. The data element ZZ_SUPPORT used in CRM is based on a newly
    created data domain called Z1_TO_99 and this was defined as data type NUMC
    (2 characters), which we have changed to DEC (4 characters, and decimal
    places 2, and screen display5). Having made this change and also
    changed the screen layout in SE51, the field now looks good and takes
    a value like '12.34' without error. We can also see the '12.34' value
    being carried in the Opp_Write Bdoc in SMW01 classic segment. However, the BDoc does not migrate
    successfully to Mobile - the ZZ_Support value is lost. In Mobile, I
    have genereted the Tables associated with Opportunity_write, and also
    the BDoc, and I have also changed the BOOPPORTUNITY / Y_Support field
    (which carries the value) from NUMC2 to String5. I have also tried Long5, and currency4
    because there is no data type "DEC" available in Mobile. When I send
    opportunity messages up from Mobile to CRM, I see them going into SMQ2
    and then they dissappear because the Function module cannot handle the
    BDoc. What is the problem? Is it the function module? or the data type
    used on Mobile - if so what should I use in the absense of "DEC"?

    Sounds like a strange issue indeed. I would call Johnny Nobles.
    Tx: Smoggen ?
    Sorry, can't come up with better ideas.

  • Using Complex Data Types in Import JavaBean Model

    I have searched and read forums and weblogs related to import javabean model.
    But I am not clear about how to use complex data types like ArrayList, Collection etc in my java bean.
    If I use these complex datatypes in my bean, when creating model in WDF it displays the Complex data elements in Model Relation. I dont know how to use this model relation in my WD project.
    Anyone please explain the<b> step by step solution</b> about using complex data type(used in Bean) in WD Project.
    Krishna Kumar

    Hi Krishna,
    Valery`s blog contains sample code ( )
    Another blogs from this area:
    And forum topics:
    Import JavaBean Model
    Problem Importing JavaBean Model in NetWeaver Developer Studio
    Issue on "Import JavaBean Model"
    import  JavaBean Model: no executable Methods?
    JavaBeans Model Import
    POLL : JavaBean Model Importer
    Invalid Class - Javabean not available for import
    WebDynpro Using JavaBean Model ->Please Help
    Best regards, Maksim Rashchynski.

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