Issue with fonts

I installed inDesign CS5.5 and now my documents from CS4 that contain Ariel Black fonts are not recognised. How do i get my Ariel Black font to apprear in the font drop down list in CS5.5? Please...

Probably not.
These files were created on this system in CS4? There was a problem with the Arial Narrow ( and maybe Arial Black) fonts Microsoft packaged with Office 2007 (and Vista, I think), for which there is a patch available from Microsoft, or you can find a machine with the old versions and copy those. Beyond that, I have no ideas.

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    I found a page on Adobe, Troubleshoot fonts | Mac OS X
    On PostScript type 1 fonts you need to copy/move the fonts to the correct font folder because Font Book doesn't copy them into the folder. Select the fonts double-click the fonts and Find in the font Book app and validate.
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    This should help. Good Luck.

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    Hi Sreelatha,
    For issues about your OS, please reopen a new case on MS Answers
    Barry Wang
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    On the MBPro, open FontBook, select the font, then from the Menu Bar, click File/Validate Font and see if that helps.

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    Mac OS X 10.6.4
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    Is the font a Freebie or a proper font.
    How many do you have on the system?
    Have you scrolled all the way down the list?
    Do a search for and delete all instances of adobefnt*.lst (that extension is .LST).

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    See the More Like This section at the right.  One user explained how to edit a file in the application to fix the problem of date and day fonts reverting to 6 pt. if any font size was changed.

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    Hi James,
    I don't think that it the case at all. If the font has a license for enbedding then that is what happens:
    I accept that some fonts come with expensive "embedding for editing" licenses, but Adobe's implementation is in line with the font industry's expectations.
    I don't think this is a "bug" that will be fixed.

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    I tried to check the Particular Font name(L0420P) in Distiller-->Setting-->Job options-->Font-->Embedding-->Psfonts, but L0420P font alone is missing in the List.
    Could you please help in resolving this Font issue.

    You may like to try deleting the PsFonts entry from distiller and closing it. Restart the machine, make the entry of PSFonts agina and try creating PDF.

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    Hi there,
       Is it possible for you to share the published *.swf and the .Cptx file with us so that we can investigate the issue in our end. Please email the Files to: [email protected]  Also share the version  detailes of Captivate 5.5(ENG, or other Localized Version?) you are using and on which platform, Win/Mac?
    Nimmy Sukumaran.

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    Hi Nitin,
    Thanks for the approach. However, this is an OOTB issue in CommerceReferenceStore module (was able to reproduce the same behavior in a OOTB CRS application as well) . The issue can occur not only when accessing a removed commeceitem but also during the checkout stages if user modifies the cart in a different session during checkout, the application would throw similar errors.
    Is there a way using which i can reload the order object (something like refreshOrder pipeline) whenever i see a similar error? I did not find any OOTB droplet that can reload the order object from the DB.
    Please suggest.

  • Having an issue with font aliasing.

    I seem to be having a weird issue that I've never experienced before. My fonts appear to be aliased, both in Photoshop and Illustrator, even after applying anti-aliasing.
    Below is a screenshot of Helvetica Neue Ultralight at 9pt and 72pt, and Arial at 60 pt, all with anti-aliasing set to smooth. When I set anti-aliasing to other settings, it doesn't get any better. Turning it off makes it worse. The project is 300dpi (or ppi as photoshop says, wouldn't that technically make it 150dpi?)
    I am doing a business card design and read that it's actually to keep text aliased for print. Is this true? Should I not worry about it? It seems odd to me, because I've never experienced this before. It's the same way on both my Mac and PC, in both Illustrator and Photoshop.
    Any and all help would be much appreciated!
    EDIT: Even custom shapes appear to be aliased along some edges. I'm not sure what's going on.

    It could be your monitor's resolution setting.  Have you tried printing the fonts and shapes?  If so, are they pixelated in the print?  FYI, 300ppi does not mean 150dpi.  PPi is an image resolution, DPi is a print resolution.  Both are different but are often confused where consumers typically say dpi when they mean ppi ( not knowing the true differences between the two ).

  • Strange issue with font in Flash

    Hey everybody,
    I've stumbled upon a strange font behaviour while testing the new gallery in flash. Here's the problem:
    As you can see, in the picture - the letters are "up and down", some of them are like smashed from top a little. Tried diferrent browsers (by the way, I'm a PC user) and the Arial (regular and bold are a problem, black is ok) font is still acting strange! By the way I have problem only with this font (so you know).
    So If someone knows how to deal with this issue, please help. Suggestions can help too! Thank you! 
    P.S. I'm new here and my english sucks so please excuse me for that.

    Hello there,
    Here I've attached it online -, you can see the broken text in thumbnails.

  • Issue with font list in CS3

    When cycling through fonts, there is a glitch that is rather annoying. There is a certain section of fonts that occur between the fonts that begin with a number, and the fonts that have more than 1 a in the beginning of the name.
    For instance...
    After A Charming Font family, it skips to Adlib then straight to Baskerville and probably about 50 or so fonts that are not placed properly in alphabetical order.
    The problem occurs when I am cycling and come to Arial, amongst other fonts, that are in the list that aren't organized properly. So if I am cycling through the F's and come to Futura BT, it brings me back to that list of misplaced fonts which starts me at the beginning of the A's again.
    This makes using the arrow keys and scrolling the list of fonts very frustrating.
    I am running CS3 on Windows XP. I work at an art department and we synched our font collection a few months back, but I can't seem to find the problem.
    Another problem occurs with certain fonts that are in the font folder twice... Diskus is one of them.

    I undoubtedly have some shaky fonts. I have some font programs and wonder how to identify what fonts are "bad". What should I look for? It is lousy that we have to do this - a font should either be usable, or rejected by cs3.
    In a different forum I was advised to turn off font previews. This worked, but is lame. I now disable previews dependent on the project (i.e. if it requires a lot of text). At least I am able to highlight a section of text, then scroll through the font list (which automatically changes the text to each font).
    One other possibility is a bug with logitech setpoint drivers. I have noticed that my MX mouse has some effect upon the text scrolling problem. The mouse is capable of being set to "click to click" or "fly wheel". I am able to go through MORE fonts when the fly wheel is disabled (although the fonts DO eventually zoom back up to the top). Perhaps CS3 can't keep up with a mouse that scrolls quickly. Regardless, the problem remains.
    Hopefully someone will figure this out. After multiple inquiries by dozens of people over the years, Adobe will not address the issue. Worst of all, CS4 users are already reporting the same problem!

  • Issues with font in adobe flash cs5

    i have a font that is installed on my system Mac OSX Lion and can view it fine, however i have a fla file that i used the font in and when i look at the drop down box of fonts, this is not showing, i have tried reinstalling the font with no luck what so ever.  Any help here would be greatly appreeicated.         

    Are you using Classic textFields or TLF textFields? In authoring you see the font that you want, you can select that font and use it in a textField during authoring, correct?
    How are you using the font? Is the font in your movie's Library? Are you using the font in a static, input or dynamic textField, if you are using TLF text then is the textField Read Only, Selectable or Editable?
    Are you embedding the font?
    Do you see the text when you Test Movie in authoring?

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