Issue with Insert in SP

I have an issue with inserting rows into temp table through SP.
Here is my proc. its running fine. After the execution completed when i try to select the rows from srini_temp table its showing 0 rows. Whats wrong here.
insert into BO_HR_RPT.srini_temp (
OR DELIVERY_METHOD = 'e-Learning or via backend Import' THEN 'E-Learning'
CASE WHEN SCORE='0' then '' else score END as score,
CASE WHEN (vendor_name IS NOT NULL) AND (UPPER(SUBSTR(COURSE_ID,1,2)) = 'TV') then vendor_name
where ROWNUM <= 10
Thanks for great help.

Are you completely sure this isn't a global temporary table?
it really would explain your problems!
Have you got access to run a
select tablename from all_tables where TEMPORARY = 'Y'[pre]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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  • CP 6 issue with inserted videos

    Hi All,
    I have an issue with inserted videos in CP6. They play in preview (F8) but not in published output (swf nor html).
    This is what I do:
    The videos created with CP6, Record new Demo
    output cpvc
    open cpvc in CP 6
    publish see settings below:
    Now I want to insert the captured and published demo into my training CP6 project
    click 'Video' on menu bar -> Insert Video -> select 'Event Video' -> browse to the file on my computer -> select file (mp4) - click OK
    Video gets loaded into CP6 project with default skin
    Before save the changes of the project I change the settings on the property panel to:
    Now I preview my project
    Press F8
    Preview is generated
    video demo plays automatically as expected
    This all even works well with multiple demo videos on one slide which can be selected by clicking different show me buttons (advanced actions created to show and hide according videos)
    BUT now I publish my project and nothing works anymore, videos do not show on scene and cannot be selected with respective show me buttons
         Publishing settings are:
    At the end of the publishing dialogue I click to view output in web browser (IE9) and there starts the trouble:
    IE shows up withfollowing dialogue:
    I allow blocked content and select cancel in the following dialogue box:
    And the training loads, everything works fine except the videos integrated to start automatically there is a blank space nothing.
    Does anyone have an idea solution for me?
    I am so puzzled and do not know hoe to proceed...
    Thanks in advance for your reply!!!

    Hi RodWard,
    Thanks for your fast reply!!!
    The video files are present in the same folder as the SWF publish location.
    The drive letter is on my local PC with multiple partitions and not a network drive.
    Flash global security settings are set for E:
    To your last suggestion about file naming I did the following:
    Generate new mp4s
    Name them only with alphanumerics ie. DemoScroll
    insert them into project
    preview OK
    publish and check if demos are in folder - yes they are
    open html in IE9  - NOK!!!
    Now frustration rose...
    So I tried one thing that I had not yet tried - open html in FireFox and there it is OK :-)
    I do not understand....BUT we need to be able to support IE!!!!
    Do you think there are specific settings that need to be changed in IE to make it work?
    I would highly appreciate a suggestion what to look for in IE...
    Do you think it is related to IE9?  ´
    Since I have IE 9 and CP6 I also get the LMS messages and actriveX message when viewing projects in browser.
    Looking forward to your help.
    Thanks in advance Stephanie

  • Font color issue with inserted HTML content in JTextPane (HTMLEditor)

    Hi everyone,
    I have a very serious issue with the HTMLEditor I'm developping. This editor is a little bit special since it is intended to edit blocks of HTML content that are loaded when the editor is initialized.
    You can in fact decide to keep this loaded HTML content or start a new HTML document from scratch. Alright, now my issue is the following :
    When text is loaded, it's properly rendered. I have a functionality which let's you see the HTML code from the HTML document used in the editor, so I can check and see if code is correct, and yes, it's correct.
    The problem is that when I try to change the color attribute of some text on my loaded content, nothing happens ! I don't know what's the matter with this bug, I only have it with the color attribute, with every other attribute everything's fine (font, size, etc.)
    The funny thing is that, after I change another attribute for loaded content, like font family, then changing color attribute funcionnality starts to work again !
    I've also noticed that I don't have any of these problems when I start my HTMLDocument from scratch (when I create a new HTML document and start typing text).
    Another weird thing, is that I have a feed-back feature in my editor which reflects attributes for text over which the caret is positionned. For example, if you put caret over red text, the color combo box displays a red value, you know, just like in MS Word. Well, with my loaded content if I have a red text color and I decide to put it in green, the color combo box displays the green value when I click over text for which I have changed color, but in my JTextPane it's still red !! And when I try to see the HTML code generated nothing has changed, everything is still red !
    There is something really strange here, this means that when I get the attributes of the loaded text from the HTMLDocument, color appears to be green, but when it gets rendered in the JTextPane it's still red and when it gets anlyzed to produce the corresponding HTML code, these changed attributes are not taken into account.
    But the most weird thing above all, is that I don't have this bug everytime, sometimes I start my HTML editor applet and it works fine, and some other times this color issue is bakc there. Is this a known bug for Swing API or not ?
    This is more or less my technique :
    //I declare a global reference to my HTMLDocument
    HTMLDocument _docHTMLDoc;
    //Create a JTextPane
    JTextPane _tpaEditor = new JTextPane( );
    //Set type content to automatically select HTMLEditorKit
    //Get a referene to its HTMLEditorKit
    HTMLEditorKit _kitHTMLEditor = (HTMLEditorKit) _tpaEditor.getEditorKit( );
    //I then have a function to create new documents
    void newDocument(){
      _docHTMLDoc = (HTMLDocument) _kitHTMLEditor.createDefaultDocument();
       //I do other stuff wich are not important to be shown here
    //I then have another function to load content
    void loadContent(){
       //I get content from a HashMap I initialized when I started my applet
       String strContent = (String)_mapInitParameters.get("html_content");
       //I set content for my editor
    //Notice.. I have tried many other ways to load this text : via HTMLEditorKit and its insertHTML method, I
    //have also tried to store this content in some reader and make HTMLEditorKit read it... and nothing,
    // I always get the bug
    //To change color it goes like this :
    JComboBox _cboColor = new JComboBox();
    //I correctly initialize this combo with colors
    //then I do something like this
    ActionListener _lst = new ActionListener(){
       public void actionPeformed(ActionEvent e){
          Color colSel = (Color) _cboColor.getSelectedItem();
          MutableAttributeSet mas = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    //Set Attributes goes something like this
    private void setAttributeSet(javax.swing.text.AttributeSet atrAttributeSet) {       
            //Get current 'End' and 'Start' positions
            int intCurrPosStart = _tpaEditor.getSelectionStart();
            int intCurrPosEnd = _tpaEditor.getSelectionEnd();
            if(intCurrPosStart != intCurrPosEnd){
                //Apply attributes to selection
                _docHTMLDoc.setCharacterAttributes(intCurrPosStart,intCurrPosEnd - intCurrPosStart,atrAttributeSet,false);
                //No selection : apply attributes to further typed text
                MutableAttributeSet atrInputAttributes = _kitHTMLEditor.getInputAttributes();

    hi, friend!
    try this:
    void setAttributeToText(JTextPane pane, int start, int end, Color color) {
    MutableAttributeSet new_att = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    HTMLDocument doc=(HTMLDocument)pane.getDocument();
    It works fine in my Application, hope will work in yours, too.
    good luck.

  • Performance issue with insert query !

    Hi ,
    I am using dbxml-2.4.16, my node-storage container is loaded with a large document ( 54MB xml ).
    My document basically contains around 65k records in the same table ( 65k child nodes for one parent node ). I need to insert more records in to my DB, my insert XQuery is consuming a lot of time ( ~23 sec ) to insert one entry through command-line and around 50sec through code.
    My container is indexed with "node-attribute-equality-string". The insert query I used:
    insert nodes <NS:sampleEntry mySSIAddress='70011' modifier = 'create'><NS:sampleIPZone1Address>AABBCCDD</NS:sampleIPZone1Address><NS:myICMPFlag>1</NS:myICMPFlag><NS:myIngressFilter>1</NS:myIngressFilter><NS:myReadyTimer>4</NS:myReadyTimer><NS:myAPNNetworkID>ggsntest</NS:myAPNNetworkID><NS:myVPLMNFlag>2</NS:myVPLMNFlag><NS:myDAC>100</NS:myDAC><NS:myBcastLLIFlag>2</NS:myBcastLLIFlag><NS:sampleIPZone2Address>00000000</NS:sampleIPZone2Address><NS:sampleIPZone3Address>00000000</NS:sampleIPZone3Address><NS:sampleIPZone4Address>00000000</NS:sampleIPZone4Address><NS:sampleIPZone5Address>00000000</NS:sampleIPZone5Address><NS:sampleIPZone6Address>00000000</NS:sampleIPZone6Address><NS:sampleIPZone7Address>00000000</NS:sampleIPZone7Address></NS:sampleEntry> into doc('dbxml:/n_b_i_f_c_a_z.dbxml/doc_Running-SAMPLE')//NS:NS//NS:sampleTable)
    If I modify my query with
    into doc('dbxml:/n_b_i_f_c_a_z.dbxml/doc_Running-SAMPLE')//NS:sampleTable/NS:sampleEntry[@mySSIAddress='1']
    insted of
    into doc('dbxml:/n_b_i_f_c_a_z.dbxml/doc_Running-SAMPLE')//NS:NS//NS:sampleTable)
    Time taken reduces only by 8 secs.
    I have also tried to use insert "after", "before", "as first", "as last" , but there is no difference in performance.
    Is anything wrong with my query, what should be the expected time to insert one record in a DB of 65k records.
    Has anybody got any idea regarding this performance issue.
    Kindly help me out.

    Hi George,
    Thanks for your reply.
    Here is the info you requested,
    dbxml> listIndexes
    Index: unique-node-metadata-equality-string for node {}:name
    Index: node-attribute-equality-string for node {}:mySSIAddress
    2 indexes found.
    dbxml> info
    Version: Oracle: Berkeley DB XML 2.4.16: (October 21, 2008)
    Berkeley DB 4.6.21: (September 27, 2007)
    Default container name: n_b_i_f_c_a_z.dbxml
    Type of default container: NodeContainer
    Index Nodes: on
    Shell and XmlManager state:
    Not transactional
    Verbose: on
    Query context state: LiveValues,Eager
    The insery query with update takes ~32 sec ( shown below )
    time query "declare namespace foo='MY-SAMPLE';declare namespace NS='NS';insert nodes <NS:sampleEntry mySSIAddress='70000' modifier = 'create' ><NS:sampleIPZone1Address>AABBCCDD</NS:sampleIPZone1Address><NS:myICMPFlag>1</NS:myICMPFlag><NS:myIngressFilter>1</NS:myIngressFilter><NS:myReadyTimer>4</NS:myReadyTimer><NS:myAPNNetworkID>ggsntest</NS:myAPNNetworkID><NS:myVPLMNFlag>2</NS:myVPLMNFlag><NS:myDAC>100</NS:myDAC><NS:myBcastLLIFlag>2</NS:myBcastLLIFlag><NS:sampleIPZone2Address>00000000</NS:sampleIPZone2Address><NS:sampleIPZone3Address>00000000</NS:sampleIPZone3Address><NS:sampleIPZone4Address>00000000</NS:sampleIPZone4Address><NS:sampleIPZone5Address>00000000</NS:sampleIPZone5Address><NS:sampleIPZone6Address>00000000</NS:sampleIPZone6Address><NS:sampleIPZone7Address>00000000</NS:sampleIPZone7Address></NS:sampleEntry> into doc('dbxml:/n_b_i_f_c_a_z.dbxml/doc_Running-SAMPLE')//NS:NS//NS:sampleTable"
    Time in seconds for command 'query': 32.5002
    and the query without the updation part takes ~14 sec ( shown below )
    time query "declare namespace foo='MY-SAMPLE';declare namespace NS='NS'; doc('dbxml:/n_b_i_f_c_a_z.dbxml/doc_Running-SAMPLE')//NS:NS//NS:sampleTable"
    Time in seconds for command 'query': 13.7289
    The query :
    time query "declare namespace foo='MY-SAMPLE';declare namespace NS='NS'; doc('dbxml:/n_b_i_f_c_a_z.dbxml/doc_Running-SAMPLE')//PMB:sampleTable/PMB:sampleEntry[@mySSIAddress='1000']"
    Time in seconds for command 'query': 0.005375
    is very fast.
    The Updation of the document seems to consume much of the time.

  • Issues with inserting audio in PowerPoint option

    I am trying to insert audio from the "Online Audio" option in PowerPoint 2013 however when the Insert Audio window pops-up with nothing in it. It is blank. Does anyone know how to fix? I have tried running a repair on Office 2013 the same thing
    still happens.

    I found a thread with a similar issue, please check if the reply from George to check the Trusted App Catalogs is helpful to you:
    Add website URL in the Trusted App Catalogs from FILE -> Options -> Trust Center -> Trust Center Settings -> Trusted App Catalogs -> Add the catalog url and check if then you can use the url to search Online Audio.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Issue with inserting edit item form using sharepoint designer 2013

    I inserted an edit form of a custom list in a site page using sharepoint designer-2013. But it is giving error "no item exists". 
    I am using default ListItemId Parameter with ID query string and I passed the query string parameter to that page. But still the result is same. But if I give any default value, page is displaying fine for that specific item although I dont pass any querystring
    to the page URL.
    Can you please guide me?
    Thanks in advance.

    From your description, I know you get issue when you add “edit form” of custom list to a page.
    I tried to reproduce your issue, and if I added “edit form” to page without “Advanced Mode”.
    I add “edit form” to page with steps below:
    Right click the page, click “Edit File in Advanced Mode”.
    Find source with keywords [ContentPlaceHolderId="PlaceHolderMain"].
    Choose INSERT tab in the Ribbon.
    Click “Edit Item Form”, and choose the custom list that you want to add.
    Save file, and go to the page.
    The screenshot below is my result:
    Best Regards,
    Vincent Han
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Issue with inserting online video from YouTube

    When attempting to insert online video in either Word 2013 or Powerpoint 2013 using the Youtube option, I click on a video then select insert but nothing happens.  This is while logged on as a domain account.  When I log onto the machine as a
    local user it works fine.  I have another domain account that is in the same OU and it also is fine.  As far as I can tell they have the exact same group policy settings.  The only difference is the account that is having the issue is a local
    profile while the one that works has a roaming profile.  Anyone have any thoughts or ideas on this?

    OK now it is telling me that I need to install FFmpeg and I keep trying to install with no luck. It tells me that the internet connection is not happening however it seems like I am connected for everything else...

  • Issue with INSERT INTO, throws primary key violation error even if the target table is empty

    I am running a simple
    INSERT INTO Table 1 (column 1, column 2, ....., column n)
    SELECT column 1, column 2, ....., column n FROM Table 2
    Table 1 and Table 2 have same definition(schema).
    Table 1 is empty and Table 2 has all the data. Column 1 is primary key and there is NO identity column.
    This statement still throws Primary key violation error. Am clueless about this? 
    How can this happen when the target table is totally empty? 

    Nope thats not true
    Either you're not inserting to the right table or in the background some other trigger code is getting fired which is inserting into some table which causes a PK violation. 
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
    Please Vote This As Helpful if it helps to solve your issue
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  • Quality issues with inserted video file

    can anyone help me with a video problem in Captivate 6.1, please!
    I’m currently working on a Captivate project where I need to include a movie file.
    I have the same movie in two different formats .mov and .wmv, which are both looking just great when I watch them with any player on my Windows7 system or on the Mac of my colleagues.
    When inserting the movie the encoding to .flv takes place by the Media Encoder, which also seems to be working just fine.
    But when playing the project in Captivate, the inserted video shows such a bad quality, that I’m not able to use it like this.
    I already have tried different things (inserted as event video or multi-slide synchronized video; changed the slide quality to high; encoded the movies to .f4v files with the Media Encoder; installed a new windows codec package) but nothing leads to an acceptable result.
    Which settings do I need to change in Captivate/in the Media Encoder to receive a good video quality?
    What else could I do to improve the quality of movies for Captivate projects?
    Is there any minimum requirements for movies concerning file format, encoding, or anything else?
    Thank you so much in advance for your help,

    Hello Varun,
    thank you very much for your reply.
    I tried unchecking the compression options, doesn’t help
    I haven’t yet published the project, the problems occur already when playing the project in Captivate.
    The project resolution is 1280x720.
    The resolution of the .mov-file of the video is 1920x1080 (12000Kbps, if this information is any helpful…)
    The resolution of the .wmv-file of the video is 1280x720 (3000Kbps…)
    Maybe the problem occurs already during encoding, the .flv that is created by the Media Encoder doesn’t look that good anymore, I just played it separately (not in a Captivate project).
    Are there any settings I could check for the Media Encoder?

  • Issue with inserting Flash (another one)

    Hello everybody.
    I realized that, no matter wich .swf I insert into a page,
    Dreamweaver inserts the code asking for "version=7,0,19,0".
    Do you know how to fix this? Because I use different Flash
    versions depending on wich site I'm working on! :(

    Edit the code manually? Specify the version desired in the
    Insert Dialog
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
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    "CharlyAR" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e7gvuh$e5c$[email protected]..
    > Hello everybody.
    > I realized that, no matter wich .swf I insert into a
    page, Dreamweaver
    > inserts
    > the code asking for "version=7,0,19,0".
    > Do you know how to fix this? Because I use different
    Flash versions
    > depending
    > on wich site I'm working on! :(

  • Query caching issue with Toplink version

    We are in the process of upgrading the toplink version from to
    We are finding an odd issue with insert statements generated for an aggregate collection mapping with addTargetForeignKeyFieldName.
    We have a Table Ticket and Table Task with Table Activity as a child for both.
    Table Ticket
    Ticket_Key (PK)
    Table B
    Task_Key (PK)
    Table C
    Activity_Key (PK)
    Task_Key (FK)
    Here are the mappings from
    Ticket Project
    AggregateCollectionMapping activitiesMapping = new AggregateCollectionMapping();
            activitiesMapping.addTargetForeignKeyFieldName("ACTIVITY.TICKET_KEY", "TICKET.TICKET_KEY");
    Task Project:
    AggregateCollectionMapping activitiesMapping = new AggregateCollectionMapping();
            activitiesMapping.addTargetForeignKeyFieldName("ACTIVITY.TASK_KEY", "TASK.TASK_KEY");
    The tickets and tasks with activities gets inserted in the same transaction.
    Here are the queries that what we get from the toplink version 9.x
    2013-10-29 10:30:50,582  - SELECT SEQ_ACTIVITY.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL
    2013-10-29 10:30:50,582  - INSERT  INTO ACTIVITY (TASK_KEY, VERSION, NOTES, ACTIVITY_KEY) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
    2013-10-29 10:30:50,582  - bind => [2900830, 0, Create Task, 8590870]
    2013-10-29 10:30:50,926  - INSERT  INTO ACTIVITY (TICKET_KEY, VERSION, NOTES, ACTIVITY_KEY) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
    2013-10-29 10:30:50,926  - bind => [326450, 1, Created Ticket, 8590860]
    Here are the queries generated from toplink version 10.x
    2013-10-26 23:31:10,426   SELECT SEQ_ACTIVITY.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL
    2013-10-26 23:31:10,430   INSERT INTO ACTIVITY (TASK_KEY, ACTIVITY_KEY,NOTES, VERSION) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
    2013-10-26 23:31:10,430   bind => [2900690, 8590500, Create Task, 0]
    2013-10-26 23:31:10,509   INSERT INTO ACTIVITY (TASK_KEY, ACTIVITY_KEY, NOTES, VERSION) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
    2013-10-26 23:31:10,510   bind => [null, 8590490, Created Ticket, 1]
    It appears like the new version of the toplink caching the prepared statements and it is not recognizing the targetForeignKeyFieldName mapping of the Ticket Project.
    Any help in resolving this issue is appreciated.

    Hi James,
    1)Yes it supports IE 8 .Please review the below link for certification details on browers :-
         Note: Oracle Application Server supports only those browsers.
    2)Forms only support Windows 7 32 bit only.
        Please refer to the note:1292919.1 "Certification of Oracle Developer Suite 10g (10.1.2) on Windows 7 (32-bit)"
    3)Could you provide more information of JVM because when you install 10gR2 it has JDK and JRE present in it.

  • Strange results with Insert statement having select query

    Hi all,
    I am facing a strange issue with Insert statement based on a select query having multiple joins.
    DB- Oracle 10g
    Following is the layout of my query -
    Insert into Table X
    Select distinct Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, Function(Col 5) from Table A, B
    where trunc(updated_date) > = trunc(sysdate-3)
    and join conditions for A, B
    Select Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, Function(Col 5) from Table C, D
    trunc(updated_date) > = trunc(sysdate-3)
    and join conditions for C, D
    .... till 4 unions. all tables are residing in the local Database and not having records more than 50,000.
    If I execute above insert in a DBMS job, it results into suppose 50 records where as if I execute the select query it gives 56 records.
    We observed following things-
    a) no issue with size of tablespace
    b) no error while inserting
    c) since query takes lot of time so we have not used Cursor and PLSQL block for inserting.
    d) this discrepancy in number of records happens frequently but not everytime.
    e) examined the records left out from the insert, there we couldn't find any specific pattern.
    f) there is no constraint on the table X in which we are trying to insert. Also tables A, B, C....
    I went through this thread -SQL insert with select statement having strange results but mainly users are having either DB Links or comparison of literal dates, in my case there is none.
    Can somebody explain why is the discrepancy and what is the solution for it.
    Or atleast some pointers how to proceed with the analysis.
    Edited by: Pramod Verma on Mar 5, 2013 4:59 AM
    Updated query and added more details

    Since I am using Trunc() in the where clause so timing should not matter much. Also I manually ruled out records which were updated after the job run.
    The first rule of troubleshooting is to not let your personal opinion get in the way of finding out what is wrong.
    Actually this code, and the process it represents, is the most likely CAUSE of the problem.
    where trunc(updated_date) > = trunc(sysdate-3)
    You CANNOT reliably use columns like UPDATED_DATE to select records for processing. Your process is flawed.
    The value of that column is NOT the date/time that the data was actually committed; it is the date/time that the row was populated.
    If you insert a row into a table right now, using SYSDATE (8am on 3/5/2013) and don't commit that row until April your process will NEVER see that 3/5/2013 date until April.
    Here is the more typical scenario that I see all the time.
    1. Data is inserted/updated all day long on 3/4/2013.
    2. A column, for example UPDATED_DATE is given a value of SYSDATE (3/4/2013) in a query or by a trigger on the table.
    3. The insert/update query takes place at 11:55 PM - so the SYSDATE values are for THE DAY THE QUERY BEGAN
    4. The data pull begins at 12:05 am (on 3/5/2013 - just after midnight)
    5. The transaction is COMMITTED at 12:10 AM (on 3/5/2013); 5 minutes after the data pull began.
    That data extract in step 4 will NEVER see those records! They DO NOT EXIST when the data pull query is executed since they haven't been committed.
    Even worse, the next nights data pull will not see them either! That is because the next pull will pull data for 3/5/2013 but those records have a date of 3/4/2013. They will never get processed.
    Job timing is 4am and 10pm EST
    Another wrinkle is when data is inserted/updated from different timezones and the UPDATED_DATE value is from the CLIENT pc or server. Then you can get even more data missed since the client dates may be hours different than the server date used for the data pull process.
    DO NOT try to use UPDATED_DATE type columns to do delta extraction or you can have this issue.

  • Performance issues with respect scheme registration,select & insert query

    I am facing performance issues with respect to schema registration,Select & insert query towards version.It is taking around 45 minutes to register schema and it is taking around 5 min to insert a single document into xml db where as it was taking less than min to insert a single document into xml db of version.Would like to know the issue and solution to resolve this issue.Please help me out on this as it is very urgent for me

    Since it appears that this is an XML DB specific question, you're probably better off posting in the XML DB. The folks over there have much more experience with the ins and outs of that particular product.

  • HT4623 having issues with activating my iPhone 3gs after upgrading to ios6. Tried activating via itunes but no respite " says No sim inserted". pls help.

    Guys, I just upgraded my iphone 3gs to ios6, it took 2 hours get it installed. However asfter installing there are issues with activating it.
    Its getting failed every time..."says the activation server is temporarily unavailable".
    Tried activating via itunes but no respite " says No sim inserted".
    pls help.

    No, I did not find a way to fix it.  Went to Apple store to be told that the phone is dead and I would need to purchase a new phone.  A little frustrated with the fact that it is Apple who caused the phone to not work!

  • Issue with sequence.currval in INSERT ALL...

    Hi Gurus,
    I am having an issue with using sequence.currval in INSERT ALL with WHEN clause.Please check following example
    Let say I have 4 tables
    ========= ========
    10     1
    10     2
    20     1
    20     2
    Now i have another 2 tables same as above definition(DEST_PARENT, DEST_CHILD),which i want to populate with above source data with new parent_id's from a sequence.
    So I have used INSERT ALL as follows.
    WHEN (prev_parent_id = 0)THEN
    INTO dest_parent
    when 1 = 1 then
    INTO dest_child
    ,LAG(c.parent_id, 1, 0) OVER (PARTITION BY c.parent_id ORDER BY c.child_id) prev_parent_id
    source_parent p
    ,source_child c
    p.parent_id = c.parent_id
    order by p.parent_id
    Above INSERT ALL created following rows in DEST tables
    ========= =======
    75     1
    76     2 --- this should be same as above record
    77     1
    78     2 --this should be same as above record
    As you can see test_s.nextval is executed 4 times even we do have WHEN Clause in INSERT ALL
    Can you please check what's wrong in this INSERT ALL statement?
    Any otherway of doing these INSERTS in a single SQL statement?
    Any help would be appreciated!!

    Sorry, but this solution does not work. I had to remove the constraints on the two tables dest_parent and dest_child just to show you, how bad your solution is
    SQL> select * from source_parent;
    2 rows selected.
    SQL> select * from source_child;
            10          1
            10          2
            20          1
            20          2
            20          3
    5 rows selected.
    SQL> select * from dest_parent;
    no rows selected
    SQL> select * from dest_child;
    no rows selected
    SQL> insert all when
      2       (PREV_PARENT_ID = 0) then into DEST_PARENT
      3  values
      4       (TEST_S.nextval) when 1 = 1 then into DEST_CHILD
      5  values
      6       (case when PREV_PARENT_ID != 0 then TEST_S.currval - 1 else TEST_S.currval end,
      7        CHILD_ID)
      8       select P.PARENT_ID,
      9              C.CHILD_ID,
    10              LAG(C.PARENT_ID, 1, 0) OVER(partition by C.PARENT_ID order by C.CHILD_ID) PREV_PARENT_ID
    12       where P.PARENT_ID = C.PARENT_ID
    13       order by P.PARENT_ID
    14  /
    7 rows created.
    SQL> select * from dest_parent;
    2 rows selected.
    SQL> select * from dest_child;
            21          2   -- ??? !!!
            23          1
            23          2
            24          3   -- !!!
            26          1
    5 rows selected.

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