Issue with non calculated column in a fact table

Hi All,
With 3 facts(Fact1,Fact2,Fact3) and 2 Confirmed Dimensions my joins work fine in Criteria when I include All calculated columns from facts. If I try to include a non calculated column from Fact1(Which is a number Data type) Columns from Fact2 and Fact3 show Null values. I know it is not recommended to include dimension columns in fact , does OBIEE not support Number type non calculated columns as well? Is there any work around that I can bring in my non calculated column from Fact and still get results for other fact columns.Iam at of OBIEE
Let me know if Iam not clear.
Your help is much Appreciated.

i would like to add 2 fields into my fact tables - LOAD ID (populated by a sequence during each load) and LOAD DATE.
as these fields are not related to any reporting dimensions, it is still possible to add them in OWB ? the fact wizard always ask for a foreign key to a dimension ...
If you want to add non dimensional attributes to a fact by using OWB, you can create additional measures to it and use them as attributes.

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    If you are trying that each column gets equally stretched based on the browser, its not possible as adf doesn't supports that.
    If your table is not stretching use styleClass="AFStretchWidth".
    But if all your columns are not stretching you can only try setting column widths + columnStretching property (where you can specify which column to stretch to fill all the spaces)

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    10 20 2 3490,23
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    Hi Kosmipt,
    I would combine the "INT_VALUE", "FLOAT_VALUE" and "TEXT_VALUE" columns into one with STRING data type for the fact table. And there should be one dimension to store the Measure_Type informations. Then in cube, you can write MDX scope for every one of
    "Measure_Type" dimension members. For example,
        [DimMType].[MType].&[1]= CINT([Measures].[M]);                                                                                                                             
    end scope;
    Once the cube is built by the above way, you can write MDX like something like the following to achieve your purpose.
    WITH member [Measures].[Measure1] AS ([DimMType].[MType].&[1],[Measures].[M])
             member [Measures].[Measure2] AS ([DimMType].[MType].&[2],[Measures].[M])
             member [Measures].[Measure3] AS ([DimMType].[MType].&[3],[Measures].[M])

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    user/all/dba_tab_columns - column definitions of tables
    However creating query from these data dictionary views could be a nice task for you :)
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    Post Author: jsanzone
    CA Forum: WebIntelligence Reporting
    You can create a new local variable to report (called something like "NVP"), leave it as a "Dimension" and in the formula type:
    if([col_a]=0 or [col_b]=0;"NO VALUE PRESENT")
    Basically, you are using the "if" function and the syntax is very much like used in excel except you separate the arguments with a semi-colon versus a comma.  You start out with "if()" and within the parenthesis is a logic statement followed by when true do this else that (with the "else that" portion optional as shown above).  The drawback to using a local variable is that every report you write must be customized with the local variable versus establishing this logic in a "case" statement when building the data mart and thus it becomes resident and usable like any other column of data in your database.  In some cases you are forced in using it as a local variable due to variations in the data and the logical outcome is not known until the very end of all computations, and at other times you can get away with embedding the logic at the time of constructing your data mart -- it all depends on how the data is used and sliced and diced.  Good luck and write back if you have any further questions.

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    Is this correct, is my question? or am I mixing source data with different granularity in the same fact table. Appreciate your help.
    Best Regards

    Are the measures from 'Incident' , repeated for a given incident where it has more than one record in the Unit table ? If so, then the sum(indicent.measure) will give an incorrect result, no ?
    What requirement is there to physically merge the tables together outside of OBIEE? With OBIEE you could have one logical 'fact' table to present to report users, which sourced from seperate Incidents and Units tables and would stop the incorrect aggregations occuring. A common modelling piece in the same way would be Order Headers and Order Lines, quite common in OBIEE to have a logical 'Orders' fact which contained both Order header measures and Order line measures, this translates to your Incidents -> Units relationship.
    To do what I've mentioned, is relatively straight forward, you need a 'Dim - Incident' with two levels, Incident and Unit, mapp the unique identifiers in as the level keys and then use these levels to set the content levels correctly in your 2 logical tables sources for logical 'Fact' , ie Incidents LTS at incident level, Units LTS as units level.
    Hope this helps, let us know if you get stuck.

  • Need help with a calculated column - is there any way to reference a value in the current row?

    Hey guys,
    I'm a bit of a DAX newbie, and I'm running into a block. I'm creating a Power View report about IT tickets. We are going to be creating a cube to automate the data soon, I'm currently working with a flat Excel Data Table of data to demonstrate the Power
    View reporting capabilities to the team. I need the default display to show the top 4-5 items basked on the Ticket Count. The three applicable columns I'm using are the TicketID, the ContactReason, and the AssetCategory - all three are
    text. One slide will show the top five Contact Reasons by Ticket Count, and the other will show the top five Categories by Ticket Count. The users will see this default view, but will be able to change it to see differently ranked items or can clear the
    ranking slicer altogether.
    What I've accomplished so far is to create the Calculated Field [Ticket Count] = COUNTA(Table1[TicketID])
    And 2 other calculated fields:
    [Contact Rank] = RANKX(ALL(Table1[ContactReason]),[Ticket Count],,,DENSE)
    [Asset Rank] = RANKX(ALL(Table1[AssetCategory]),[Ticket Count],,,DENSE)
    If I were creating a Pivot Table, this would be great. These fields calculate everything the right way. The problem is, I need to have a Rank slicer on each slide and the calculation by itself contains no data - with no data, there's nothing to slice. I
    realized I need to actually have columns of data so I can create a slicer. I need each row of the table to show the same [Contact Rank] for every instance of a particular ContactReason (and the same for the [Asset Rank] and AssetCategory).
    The RANKX formulas pasted into the Calculated Column section only show a value of 1 - with no Pivot table summarizing the fields, it's counting each row's ticket once, giving every line the tied Rank of #1.
    I've solved the problem in Excel by creating 2 Pivot Tables on a separate sheet that have the data field and the calculated field for ContactRason and AssetCategory. Then on my Excel Data Table, I've added two columns that do a VLOOKUP and pull over a the
    Calculated Rank from each Pivot Table that match the ContactReason and AssetCategory fields. This works on the flat Excel Data Table now, but will not be a solutions when we start pulling the data from the cube (and there is no flat table).
    What I think I need is an Expression for the RANKX formula that can give me, for each row, the count of all of the times a ContactReason shows up in an entire column. There's only about 100,000 lines of data and each ContactReason or AssetCategory
    may show up several thousand times. But if I can get the expression to return that count, then the RANKX formula should work in the Column. If it wasn't a DAX formula, I'd use a COUNTIF and say 'Count the entire ContactReason column anytime it's equal to the
    ContactReason on THIS row', but in DAX I don't know how to reference a single value in a row. I've tried the CALCULATE() formula, but it seems like the filter needs a specific value, and doesn't work on a dynamic "cell" value.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated! (I hope it all makes sense!)

    If I've understood you correctly then the ALLEXCEPT function may be what you're after and it could be applied in a similar way to the following...
    ALLEXCEPT(Table1, Table1[ContactReason])
    If this has missed the mark, would it be possible to clarify the requirement further?
    Michael Amadi
    Please use the 'Mark as answer' link to mark a post that answers your question. If you find a reply helpful, please remember to vote it as helpful :)
    Twitter: @nimblelearn

  • Get the month from a date column with the calculated column

    I am trying to get the month from a date field with the help of calculated column. However I get this syntax error whenever I want to submit the formula:
    The formula contains a syntax error or is not supported. 
    the default language of our site is German and [datum, von] is a date field.

    I have created two columns
    Current MM-YY
    Calculated (calculation based on other columns)
    Date and Time
    Current MM-YY is calculated value with formula as
    But the output shows as December instead of May.
    I have tried =TEXT([Datum, von];"mmmm") but no help.
    I am trying to populated the column automatically with current month..ex: if its May the field should show May, next month it should show June an so on.
    Any kind help is grateful.

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    Ok, bear with me. I have a form where i'm collecting names from both AD and a Custom Entry. What I need to to is create a calculated column that pulls in the name from the AD column, or, if blank, concatenates the first and last names from two other columns.
    I was thinking that I'd have to use and "IFBLANK" formula but that hasnt seemed to work for me. Any ideas?

    you can use something like this
    =IF(LEN([AD])>0,[AD],[first]&" "&[last])

  • How to take a non metrics column from one fact to different subject area details level?

    I have a requirement in OBIEE ,
    I have two fact tables W_AP_INV_DIST_F and W_PURCH_COST_F. In my subject area I am using all facts from W_AP_INV_DIST_F table, But I need one more column as per client's requirement. I searched the column RELEASE_NUM found it in W_PURCH_COST_F. So I have to pull RELEASE_NUM into my subject area, which is having W_AP_INV_DIST_F and couple of dimensions.
    I have tried directly pull this column FROM W_PURCH_COST_F (physical layer), and dragged it into one dimension "Dim-AP_INVOICE_Details", here already a LTS "Fact_W_AP_INV_DIST_F" available. In Presentation layer I need to use "RELEASE_NUM" in  "Invoice Details" presentation table.
    I have doubt weather it will work or not, Will it give correct data at granular level ?
    Could you please suggest me is there any way to achieve it in OBIEE level ,without any difficulty?  Or else I have to go for ETL Changes?

    I have a requirement in OBIEE ,
    I have two fact tables W_AP_INV_DIST_F and W_PURCH_COST_F. In my subject area I am using all facts from W_AP_INV_DIST_F table, But I need one more column as per client's requirement. I searched the column RELEASE_NUM found it in W_PURCH_COST_F. So I have to pull RELEASE_NUM into my subject area, which is having W_AP_INV_DIST_F and couple of dimensions.
    I have tried directly pull this column FROM W_PURCH_COST_F (physical layer), and dragged it into one dimension "Dim-AP_INVOICE_Details", here already a LTS "Fact_W_AP_INV_DIST_F" available. In Presentation layer I need to use "RELEASE_NUM" in  "Invoice Details" presentation table.
    I have doubt weather it will work or not, Will it give correct data at granular level ?
    Could you please suggest me is there any way to achieve it in OBIEE level ,without any difficulty?  Or else I have to go for ETL Changes?

  • Related column of a fact table - SSAS Tabular

    I'm developing a SSAS Tabular model using a SQL Server 2012 SP 1 installation.
    For a fact table I've created some calculated columns using the DAX RELATED function. These columns not are hidden to client tools. When I deploy the project and I open an Excel workbook in order to connect the SSAS Tabular cube, in the field list I cannot
    see the calculated columns by RELATED function.
    For me, this in an issue and not a normal behaviour.
    Any suggests to me, please? Many thanks

    Hi Pscorca,
    Generally, if we create a calculated column on SQL Server tabular model database on SSMS, and then go to Model-> Process -> Process All and finish the data processing. Then when we connect the database in EXCEL, the calculated column will appear on
    the Excel. In your scenario, you cannot see the calculated columns. It’s strange behavior. However we cannot give you the detail reason for this issue base on the limited information.  Please refer to the link below which describe the detail steps about
    create a calculated column, then check whether if you missing any step when creating calculated column.
    Add Calculated Column and Measures to Tabular Model
    If the issue persists, please elaborate your production environment and the steps to create the calculated column, so that we can make further analysis.
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • SSAS 2008 snowflake - dimensions with one-to-many relationship (NOT fact table) and hierarchy?

    Hi, below is my data model for SSAS 2008 on snowflake schema.
    Below is SQL Server DW tables:
    DimStudent - StudentID [primarykey], StudentName, DateOfBirth, AddressID
    DimStudentAddresses - AddressID [primarykey], StudentID [foreignkey], ddressLine1, AddressLine2, AddressType
    FactEnrolment - StudentID, EnrolWeek, EnrolFees
    So here FactEnrolement.StudentID is joined to DimStudent.StudentID column,
    and relationship between DimStudent & DimeStudentAddresses is one to many I.e. one student can have multiple addresses like primary or secondry address.
    To design snowflake schema in SSAS 2008 BIDS project :
     [Question-1] how to join one-to-many dimensions (NOT fact table) Like DimStudent & DimAddresses?
     [Question-2] At the end I want to have a single dimension only I.e. Student which should have both DimStudent & DimStudentAddresses tables attributes init. So I can create hierarchy from these two table into a single dimension? How
    to do this?
    Please reply with feedback particular to my above scenario as I refereed other MSDN forums but nothing solid I found.
    Any STEP-BY-STEP guideline please. Many thanks.

    Hello KM,
    Have you solved this issue after refer to Bill's suggestion? Please let us know how things go.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Best Regards,
    Elvis Long
    TechNet Community Support

  • Issue with link in a row in advanced table -urgent

    I have created search/results screen and results region is an Advanced table based on a query VO.
    One of the columns, Responsibility Name is a link. On clicking this link it should show all the functions in the responsibility in a new screen.
    The issue is once I click th elink in any record and come back to the advanced table and click 'Next 10' or 'previous 10' I get Browser back button error.
    I item type of the adv table column is 'link' with destination URi = path of the new OA page and target = _blank.
    If I change the colun type to Message Style Text from Link then the 'Previous10' or 'Next 10' works fine.
    Whats the issue with this and how can I solve it?

    Did you manage to find any soloution for previous and next link.
    i am getting the same error.
    Please let me know the solution if you got it.

  • Calculating count from two fact tables

    Hi Guys,
    My requirement,
    i have two fact table F1, F2 connected with a D1 dimension table, all table connected with a id column
    F1 ---------D1------------F2
    n 1 1 n
    i want to find out the distinct count from Fact F1 where the value also present in F2( ie. condition).
    this measure usefull through out my project so i want create a logical column, how to create it.
    I tried this way:
    i Created two fact table in to one fact table by adding logical source, and created a logical column from existing logical source where and but it is wrong
    Can any suggestion for solve my problem.
    Thanks in advance!!!

    You can create an opaque view in physical layer and wrire a sql like
    Select,count(*) from f1,f2 where group by this through id with dimesnion and add this fact table in LTS of your fact and use count(*) in report.

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    - Andrew

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