Issue with only one client - The client version 5.00.7958.1000 does not match the MP version 5.00.7711.0000. The client will not be installed.

Below issue is with only one client in that untrusted domain. So boundary is not the issue.
Env - has SCCM PRI site (MP, DP as well).
Client is in untrusted forest.
Please help.
MP '' is compatible ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Retrieved 1 MP records from AD for site 'pri' ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Retrived site version '5.00.7958.1000' from AD for site 'pri' ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
SiteCode:         pri ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
SiteVersion:      5.00.7958.1000 ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Ccmsetup is being restarted due to an administrative action. Installation files will be reset and downloaded again. ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Deleted file C:\Windows\ccmsetup\client.msi ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Only one MP is specified. Use it. ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Searching for DP locations from MP(s)... ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Current AD site of machine is Default-First-Site-Name LocationServices 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Local Machine is joined to an AD domain LocationServices 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Current AD forest name is staging.local, domain name is staging.local LocationServices 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
DhcpGetOriginalSubnetMask entry point is supported. LocationServices 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Begin checking Alternate Network Configuration LocationServices 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Finished checking Alternate Network Configuration LocationServices 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Sending message body '<ContentLocationRequest SchemaVersion="1.00">
  <AssignedSite SiteCode="pri"/>
  <ClientLocationInfo LocationType="SMSPACKAGE" DistributeOnDemand="0" UseProtected="0" AllowCaching="0" BranchDPFlags="0" AllowHTTP="1" AllowSMB="0" AllowMulticast="0"
    <ADSite Name="Default-First-Site-Name"/>
    <Forest Name="staging.local"/>
    <Domain Name="staging.local"/>
<IPAddress SubnetAddress="" Address=""/>
<IPAddress SubnetAddress="" Address=""/>
' ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Sending message header '<Msg SchemaVersion="1.1"><ID>{5B972249-B931-4739-9EFA-A9FDE29C351A}</ID><SourceHost>STAGINGSRVR07</SourceHost><TargetAddress>mp:[http]MP_LocationManager</TargetAddress><ReplyTo>direct:STAGINGSRVR07:LS_ReplyLocations</ReplyTo><Priority>3</Priority><Timeout>600</Timeout><ReqVersion>5931</ReqVersion><TargetHost></TargetHost><TargetEndpoint>MP_LocationManager</TargetEndpoint><ReplyMode>Sync</ReplyMode><Protocol>http</Protocol><SentTime>2014-11-04T17:14:55Z</SentTime><Body
Type="ByteRange" Offset="0" Length="1264"/><Hooks><Hook3 Name="zlib-compress"/></Hooks><Payload Type="inline"/></Msg>' ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
CCM_POST 'HTTP://' ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Content boundary is '--aAbBcCdDv1234567890VxXyYzZ' ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Received header '<Msg SchemaVersion="1.1">
 <TargetHost>STAGINGSRVR07</TargetHost><TargetEndpoint>LS_ReplyLocations</TargetEndpoint><ReplyMode>Sync</ReplyMode><Protocol>http</Protocol><SentTime>2014-11-04T17:14:55Z</SentTime><Body Type="ByteRange"
Offset="0" Length="2408"/><Hooks><Hook3 Name="zlib-compress"/><Hook Name="authenticate"><Property Name="Signature">3082019206092A864886F70D010702A08201833082017F020101310B300906052B0E03021A0500300B06092A864886F70D0107013182015E3082015A02010130373023311330110603550403130A545247315343434D3032310C300A06035504031303534D5302106C6A0DBD0066FA9642BBD3DB95A990CD300906052B0E03021A0500300D06092A864886F70D01010105000482010042A5446464A1253E1A8D831E124760EAAF9ABAEB8627D5066402ADA9E5EBF22032BD329C6DCEC93506E122ED6D43064E57504C60DEAD096C14F5873C03659B99660F7F037AE8B326F5A5AAD5D04E2FAFDE6BBE99B4226F1B45437D1214585783F2CC92E332045586025E1577F90B15EF16A18EBC10EE029550C3FF0255C74BC373E06851692D090B589FFAA2E2C427CE5687D04F31FE45D738D027F5357E03901E075A0AE9ECD9E5FA90A9AF7470A1877FFC6AD9DE2AAFE6717FB0237A59ACF8C96C797A5C83985F58B3EFD376F8BD29ABEA613B33B3CCEE9160697A83F6503FCF9BD12FFE1234ACF3A58EB7A0DB61915B5C543BB6A9D34491F281BAB589C55E</Property><Property
Name="AuthSenderMachine">pri1SCCM02;;</Property><Property Name="MPSiteCode">pri</Property></Hook></Hooks><Payload Type="inline"/></Msg>' ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55
PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Received reply body '<ContentLocationReply SchemaVersion="1.00"><ContentInfo PackageFlags="16777216"><ContentHashValues/></ContentInfo><Sites><Site><MPSite SiteCode="pri" MasterSiteCode="pri"
SiteLocality="LOCAL" IISPreferedPort="80" IISSSLPreferedPort="443"/><LocationRecords><LocationRecord><URL Name="$/pri00002"
Signature="<ADSite">$/pri00002"/><ADSite Name="CSSG-Mount-Laurel"/><IPSubnets><IPSubnet Address=""/><IPSubnet
Address=""/></IPSubnets><Metric Value=""/><Version>7958</Version><Capabilities SchemaVersion="1.0"><Property Name="SSLState" Value="0"/></Capabilities><ServerRemoteName></ServerRemoteName><DPType>SERVER</DPType><Windows
Trust="0"/><Locality>LOCAL</Locality></LocationRecord></LocationRecords></Site></Sites><ClientPackage FullPackageID="pri00002" FullPackageVersion="2" FullPackageHash="03CFD97C8FB5F7E7E9F177FD6D30D6F25ED106E517E69B715695A0E81DB1D9AF"
MinimumClientVersion="5.00.7958.1000" RandomizeMaxDays="7" ProgramEnabled="false" LastModifiedTime="30388855;1262113920" SiteVersionMatch="true" SiteVersion="5.00.7958.1000" EnablePeerCache="true"/><RelatedContentIDs/></ContentLocationReply>'
ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Found local location '$/pri00002' ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Discovered 1 local DP locations. ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
PROPFIND '$/pri00002' ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Got 401 challenge Retrying with Windows Auth... ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
PROPFIND '$/pri00002' ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Failed to correctly receive a WEBDAV HTTP request.. (StatusCode at WinHttpQueryHeaders: 401) ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Failed to check url$/pri00002. Error 0x80004005 ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Enumerated all 1 local DP locations but none of them is good. Fallback to MP. ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
GET 'HTTP://' ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ is Microsoft trusted. ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Successfully extracted manifest file C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.xml from file C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Loading manifest file: C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.xml ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Successfully loaded ccmsetup manifest file. ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Checking if manifest version '5.00.7958.1000' is newer than the ccmsetup version '5.0.7958.1000' ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Running from temp downloaded folder or manifest is not newer than ccmsetup. ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:55 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Adding file 'HTTP://' to BITS job, saving as 'C:\Windows\ccmsetup\client.msi'. ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:56 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Starting BITS download for client deployment files. ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:56 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Successfully completed BITS download for client deployment files. ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:57 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Successfully downloaded client files via BITS. ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:57 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Validated file 'C:\Windows\ccmsetup\client.msi' hash 'A5732CE24F2B1545E9FBA458971E0A5504093E0F743CA9E8BD9C047582902878' ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:58 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Retrieved client version '5.00.7958.1000' and minimum assignable site version '5.00.7845.1000' from client package ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:58 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Checking compatibility of site version '5.00.7958.1000', expect newer than '5.00.7845.1000' ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:58 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
Site version '5.00.7958.1000' is compatible. Client deployment will continue. ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:58 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
An MP exists on this machine. ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:58 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
The client version 5.00.7958.1000 does not match the MP version 5.00.7711.0000.  The client will not be installed. ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:58 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
A Fallback Status Point has not been specified.  Message with STATEID='318' will not be sent. ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:58 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
InstallFromManifest failed 0x80004005 ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:58 PM 4816 (0x12D0)
CcmSetup failed with error code 0x80004005 ccmsetup 11/4/2014 12:14:58 PM 3680 (0x0E60)

Why two primary that is 'coz geographically based server support and workstation. You can think it as a data center to data center split.
That doesn't make sense and aren't valid reasons for 2012 (not that you can necessarily change it now).
This line jumps out at me in the log file though: "An MP exists on this machine".
That looks like the system you are installing on previously had an MP on it. I would delete the ccm namespace in WMI, cleanup all reference to ccm and Configuratin Manager from the registry, and then try again.
Jason | | @jasonsandys

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    <![LOG[==========[ ccmsetup started in process 5072 ]==========]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.392-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="7532" file="ccmsetup.cpp:9437">
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    <![LOG[Updated security on object C:\Windows\ccmsetup\cache\.]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.394-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="7532" file="ccmsetup.cpp:9281">
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    <![LOG[In ServiceMain]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.397-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:3365">
    <![LOG[Running on 'Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise ' (6.1.7601). Service Pack (1.0). SuiteMask = 274. Product Type = 18]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.490-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="util.cpp:1919">
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    <![LOG[Command line parameters for ccmsetup have been specified. No registry lookup for command line parameters is required.]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.491-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:3775">
    <![LOG[Command line: "C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.exe" /runservice /config:MobileClient.tcf]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.491-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:3776">
    <![LOG[SslState value: 224]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.499-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:4425">
    <![LOG[CCMHTTPPORT: 80]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.511-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:8617">
    <![LOG[CCMHTTPSPORT: 443]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.511-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:8632">
    <![LOG[CCMHTTPSSTATE: 224]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.511-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:8650">
    <![LOG[CCMHTTPSCERTNAME: ]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.511-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:8668">
    <![LOG[FSP: SCCMSRV-02]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.511-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:8720">
    <![LOG[CCMFIRSTCERT: 1]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.511-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:8778">
    <![LOG[Config file: C:\Windows\ccmsetup\MobileClientUnicode.tcf]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.513-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:4539">
    <![LOG[Retry time: 10 minute(s)]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.513-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:4540">
    <![LOG[MSI log file: C:\Windows\ccmsetup\Logs\client.msi.log]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.513-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:4541">
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    <![LOG[Source List:]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.514-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:4550">
    <![LOG[ \\\SMSClient]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.514-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:4557">
    <![LOG[ \\SCCMSRV-02.SNBA.BE\SMSClient]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.514-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:4566">
    <![LOG[MPs:]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.514-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:4569">
    <![LOG[]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.514-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:4584">
    <![LOG[No version of the client is currently detected.]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.520-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:2748">
    <![LOG[Task 'Configuration Manager Client Retry Task' does not exist]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.525-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="wintask.cpp:634">
    <![LOG[Updated security on object C:\Windows\ccmsetup\.]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.529-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:9281">
    <![LOG[Sending Fallback Status Point message to 'SCCMSRV-02', STATEID='100'.]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.530-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:9756">
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    <![LOG[Running as user "SYSTEM"]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.693-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:1995">
    <![LOG[Detected 20167 MB free disk space on system drive.]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.693-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="util.cpp:628">
    <![LOG[Checking Write Filter Status.]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.694-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:2024">
    <![LOG[This is not a supported write filter device. We are not in a write filter maintenance mode.]LOG]!><time="07:29:25.694-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:2051">
    <![LOG[Performing AD query: '(&(ObjectCategory=mSSMSManagementPoint)(mSSMSDefaultMP=TRUE)(mSSMSSiteCode=ZAV))']LOG]!><time="07:29:25.716-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="lsad.cpp:656">
    <![LOG[OperationalXml '<ClientOperationalSettings><Version>5.00.7958.1000</Version><SecurityConfiguration><SecurityModeMask>0</SecurityModeMask><SecurityModeMaskEx>224</SecurityModeMaskEx><HTTPPort>80</HTTPPort><HTTPSPort>443</HTTPSPort><CertificateStoreName></CertificateStoreName><CertificateIssuers></CertificateIssuers><CertificateSelectionCriteria></CertificateSelectionCriteria><CertificateSelectFirstFlag>1</CertificateSelectFirstFlag><SiteSigningCert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iteSigningCert></SecurityConfiguration><RootSiteCode>ZAV</RootSiteCode><CCM> <CommandLine>SMSSITECODE=ZAV FSP=SCCMSRV-02 DISABLESITEOPT=True SMSCACHEDIR=Cache SMSCACHEFLAGS=MAXDRIVE SMSCACHESIZE=20000</CommandLine> </CCM><FSP> <FSPServer></FSPServer> </FSP><Capabilities SchemaVersion ="1.0"><Property Name="SSLState" Value="0" /></Capabilities><Domain Value="" /><Forest Value="" /></ClientOperationalSettings>']LOG]!><time="07:29:26.401-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="lsadcache.cpp:236">
    <![LOG[HTTP is selected for Client. The current state is 0.]LOG]!><time="07:29:26.403-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmutillib.cpp:420">
    <![LOG[The MP name retrieved is '' with version '7958' and capabilities '<Capabilities SchemaVersion="1.0"><Property Name="SSLState" Value="0"/></Capabilities>']LOG]!><time="07:29:26.404-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="lsadcache.cpp:334">
    <![LOG[MP '' is compatible]LOG]!><time="07:29:26.404-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="lsadcache.cpp:339">
    <![LOG[Retrieved 1 MP records from AD for site 'ZAV']LOG]!><time="07:29:26.404-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="lsadcache.cpp:287">
    <![LOG[Retrived site version '5.00.7958.1000' from AD for site 'ZAV']LOG]!><time="07:29:26.405-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="siteinfo.cpp:575">
    <![LOG[SiteCode: ZAV]LOG]!><time="07:29:26.405-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:2076">
    <![LOG[SiteVersion: 5.00.7958.1000]LOG]!><time="07:29:26.406-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:2077">
    <![LOG[Ccmsetup is being restarted due to an administrative action. Installation files will be reset and downloaded again.]LOG]!><time="07:29:26.406-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:2111">
    <![LOG[Deleted file C:\Windows\ccmsetup\client.msi]LOG]!><time="07:29:26.413-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:9493">
    <![LOG[Only one MP is specified. Use it.]LOG]!><time="07:29:26.414-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10080">
    <![LOG[Searching for DP locations from MP(s)...]LOG]!><time="07:29:26.414-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:11018">
    <![LOG[Current AD site of machine is DAT]LOG]!><time="07:29:26.415-120" date="04-17-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="lsad.cpp:770">
    <![LOG[Local Machine is joined to an AD domain]LOG]!><time="07:29:26.415-120" date="04-17-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="lsad.cpp:714">
    <![LOG[Current AD forest name is, domain name is]LOG]!><time="07:29:26.419-120" date="04-17-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="lsad.cpp:842">
    <![LOG[DhcpGetOriginalSubnetMask entry point is supported.]LOG]!><time="07:29:26.424-120" date="04-17-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="ccmiputil.cpp:117">
    <![LOG[Begin checking Alternate Network Configuration]LOG]!><time="07:29:26.424-120" date="04-17-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="ccmiputil.cpp:1095">
    <![LOG[Finished checking Alternate Network Configuration]LOG]!><time="07:29:26.433-120" date="04-17-2014" component="LocationServices" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="ccmiputil.cpp:1172">
    <![LOG[Sending message body '<ContentLocationRequest SchemaVersion="1.00">
    <AssignedSite SiteCode="ZAV"/>
    <ClientLocationInfo LocationType="SMSPACKAGE" DistributeOnDemand="0" UseProtected="0" AllowCaching="0" BranchDPFlags="0" AllowHTTP="1" AllowSMB="0" AllowMulticast="0" UseInternetDP="0">
    <ADSite Name="DAT"/>
    <Forest Name=""/>
    <Domain Name=""/>
    <IPAddress SubnetAddress="" Address=""/>
    <IPAddress SubnetAddress="" Address=""/>
    <IPAddress SubnetAddress="" Address=""/>
    ']LOG]!><time="07:29:26.441-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="siteinfo.cpp:96">
    <![LOG[Sending message header '<Msg SchemaVersion="1.1"><ID>{76CC1A6C-D696-4C32-82D6-4F56FCA9E926}</ID><SourceHost>SCCMSRV-02</SourceHost><TargetAddress>mp:[http]MP_LocationManager</TargetAddress><ReplyTo>direct:SCCMSRV-02:LS_ReplyLocations</ReplyTo><Priority>3</Priority><Timeout>600</Timeout><ReqVersion>5931</ReqVersion><TargetHost></TargetHost><TargetEndpoint>MP_LocationManager</TargetEndpoint><ReplyMode>Sync</ReplyMode><Protocol>http</Protocol><SentTime>2014-04-17T05:29:26Z</SentTime><Body Type="ByteRange" Offset="0" Length="1338"/><Hooks><Hook3 Name="zlib-compress"/></Hooks><Payload Type="inline"/></Msg>']LOG]!><time="07:29:26.441-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="siteinfo.cpp:177">
    <![LOG[CCM_POST 'HTTP://']LOG]!><time="07:29:26.442-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="httphelper.cpp:807">
    <![LOG[Content boundary is '--aAbBcCdDv1234567890VxXyYzZ']LOG]!><time="07:29:27.999-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="httphelper.cpp:1972">
    <![LOG[Received header '<Msg SchemaVersion="1.1">
    <TargetHost>SCCMSRV-02</TargetHost><TargetEndpoint>LS_ReplyLocations</TargetEndpoint><ReplyMode>Sync</ReplyMode><Protocol>http</Protocol><SentTime>2014-04-17T05:29:27Z</SentTime><Body Type="ByteRange" Offset="0" Length="2504"/><Hooks><Hook3 Name="zlib-compress"/><Hook Name="authenticate"><Property Name="Signature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roperty><Property Name="AuthSenderMachine">SCCMSRV-02;;</Property><Property Name="MPSiteCode">ZAV</Property></Hook></Hooks><Payload Type="inline"/></Msg>']LOG]!><time="07:29:27.999-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="httphelper.cpp:1724">
    <![LOG[Received reply body '<ContentLocationReply SchemaVersion="1.00"><ContentInfo PackageFlags="16777216"><ContentHashValues/></ContentInfo><Sites><Site><MPSite SiteCode="ZAV" MasterSiteCode="ZAV" SiteLocality="LOCAL" IISPreferedPort="80" IISSSLPreferedPort="443"/><LocationRecords><LocationRecord><URL Name="$/ZAV00114" Signature="$/ZAV00114"/><ADSite Name="DAT"/><IPSubnets><IPSubnet Address=""/><IPSubnet Address=""/><IPSubnet Address=""/><IPSubnet Address=""/></IPSubnets><Metric Value=""/><Version>7958</Version><Capabilities SchemaVersion="1.0"><Property Name="SSLState" Value="0"/></Capabilities><ServerRemoteName></ServerRemoteName><DPType>SERVER</DPType><Windows Trust="1"/><Locality>LOCAL</Locality></LocationRecord></LocationRecords></Site></Sites><ClientPackage FullPackageID="ZAV00114" FullPackageVersion="1" FullPackageHash="BFC11E099E8F451107B43E0DBEFD93B01DB2D6453DA74F8A2CB94B73D676C1CD" MinimumClientVersion="5.00.7958.1000" RandomizeMaxDays="7" ProgramEnabled="false" LastModifiedTime="30357216;2152392064" SiteVersionMatch="true" SiteVersion="5.00.7958.1000" EnablePeerCache="true"/><RelatedContentIDs/></ContentLocationReply>']LOG]!><time="07:29:28.000-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="siteinfo.cpp:221">
    <![LOG[Found local location '$/ZAV00114']LOG]!><time="07:29:28.001-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="siteinfo.cpp:351">
    <![LOG[Discovered 1 local DP locations.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.002-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:11153">
    <![LOG[PROPFIND '$/ZAV00114']LOG]!><time="07:29:28.002-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="httphelper.cpp:807">
    <![LOG[Using DP location$/ZAV00114]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.009-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:11395">
    <![LOG[GET '$/ZAV00114/']LOG]!><time="07:29:28.009-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="httphelper.cpp:807">
    <![LOG[C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ is Microsoft trusted.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.090-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="util.cpp:1465">
    <![LOG[Successfully extracted manifest file C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.xml from file C:\Windows\ccmsetup\]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.101-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:6670">
    <![LOG[Retrieved client version '5.00.7958.1000' and minimum assignable site version '5.00.7845.1000' from manifest]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.104-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="siteinfo.cpp:668">
    <![LOG[Checking compatibility of site version '5.00.7958.1000', expect newer than '5.00.7845.1000']LOG]!><time="07:29:28.104-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="siteinfo.cpp:703">
    <![LOG[Site version '5.00.7958.1000' is compatible. Client deployment will continue.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.104-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="siteinfo.cpp:726">
    <![LOG[Location '$/ZAV00114' passed site version check.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.104-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:6809">
    <![LOG[Loading manifest file: C:\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.xml]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.104-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:153">
    <![LOG[Successfully loaded ccmsetup manifest file.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.106-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:171">
    <![LOG[Checking if manifest version '5.00.7958.1000' is newer than the ccmsetup version '5.0.7958.1000']LOG]!><time="07:29:28.106-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10475">
    <![LOG[Running from temp downloaded folder or manifest is not newer than ccmsetup.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.107-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:2213">
    <![LOG[Item 'i386/vcredist_x86.exe' is applicable. Add to the list.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.212-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:343">
    <![LOG[Item 'x64/vcredist_x64.exe' is applicable. Add to the list.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.269-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:343">
    <![LOG[Item 'i386/vc50727_x86.exe' is not applicable.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.269-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:348">
    <![LOG[Item 'x64/vc50727_x64.exe' is applicable. Add to the list.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.325-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:343">
    <![LOG[Item 'i386/WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe' is not applicable.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.325-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:348">
    <![LOG[Item 'x64/WindowsUpdateAgent30-x64.exe' is applicable. Add to the list.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.380-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:343">
    <![LOG[Item 'i386/msxml6.msi' is not applicable.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.380-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:348">
    <![LOG[Item 'x64/msxml6_x64.msi' is applicable. Add to the list.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.433-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:343">
    <![LOG[Item 'i386/msrdcoob_x86.exe' is not applicable.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.433-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:348">
    <![LOG[Item 'x64/msrdcoob_amd64.exe' is not applicable.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.434-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:348">
    <![LOG[Item 'pkgmgr.exe' is not applicable.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.434-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:348">
    <![LOG[Item 'dism.exe' is applicable. Add to the list.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.504-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:343">
    <![LOG[Item 'wimgapi.msi' is not applicable.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.504-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:348">
    <![LOG[Item 'i386/MicrosoftPolicyPlatformSetup.msi' is not applicable.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.504-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:348">
    <![LOG[Item 'x64/MicrosoftPolicyPlatformSetup.msi' is applicable. Add to the list.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.560-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:343">
    <![LOG[Item 'i386/WindowsFirewallConfigurationProvider.msi' is not applicable.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.561-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:348">
    <![LOG[Item 'x64/WindowsFirewallConfigurationProvider.msi' is applicable. Add to the list.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.615-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:343">
    <![LOG[Item 'i386/Silverlight.exe' is applicable. Add to the list.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.670-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:343">
    <![LOG[Item 'i386/wic_x86_enu.exe' is not applicable.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.670-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:348">
    <![LOG[Item 'x64/wic_x64_enu.exe' is not applicable.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.670-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:348">
    <![LOG[Item 'i386/dotNetFx40_Client_x86_x64.exe' is applicable. Add to the list.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.723-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:343">
    <![LOG[Item 'SCEPInstall.exe' is applicable. Add to the list.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.779-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:343">
    <![LOG[Item 'i386/client.msi' is not applicable.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.779-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:348">
    <![LOG[Item 'x64/client.msi' is applicable. Add to the list.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.841-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:343">
    <![LOG[Default CSP is Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.842-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="ccmutillib.cpp:1363">
    <![LOG[Default CSP Type is 24]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.842-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="ccmutillib.cpp:1364">
    <![LOG[Discovering whether item 'i386/vcredist_x86.exe' exists.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.842-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:553">
    <![LOG[Detected item 'i386/vcredist_x86.exe']LOG]!><time="07:29:28.842-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:614">
    <![LOG[Discovering whether item 'x64/vcredist_x64.exe' exists.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.842-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:553">
    <![LOG[Detected item 'x64/vcredist_x64.exe']LOG]!><time="07:29:28.843-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:614">
    <![LOG[Discovering whether item 'x64/vc50727_x64.exe' exists.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.843-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:553">
    <![LOG[Upgrade code '{A8D19029-8E5C-4E22-8011-48070F9E796E}': product = '{ad8a2fa1-06e7-4b0d-927d-6e54b3d31028}', installed = 1, version = 8.0.61000]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.843-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="msiutil.cpp:1273">
    <![LOG[Checking '{A8D19029-8E5C-4E22-8011-48070F9E796E}' version '8.0.61000' expecting >= '8.0.61000'.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.844-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:873">
    <![LOG[Detected item 'x64/vc50727_x64.exe']LOG]!><time="07:29:28.844-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:614">
    <![LOG[Discovering whether item 'x64/WindowsUpdateAgent30-x64.exe' exists.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.844-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:553">
    <![LOG[Checking file 'C:\Windows\system32\wuapi.dll' version '7.6.7600.0256' expecting >= '7.4.7600.226'.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.846-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:1278">
    <![LOG[Detected item 'x64/WindowsUpdateAgent30-x64.exe']LOG]!><time="07:29:28.846-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:614">
    <![LOG[Discovering whether item 'x64/msxml6_x64.msi' exists.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.846-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:553">
    <![LOG[Checking file 'C:\Windows\system32\msxml6.dll' version '6.30.7601.17857' expecting >= '6.10.1129.0'.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.847-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:1278">
    <![LOG[Detected item 'x64/msxml6_x64.msi']LOG]!><time="07:29:28.847-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:614">
    <![LOG[Discovering whether item 'dism.exe' exists.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.847-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:553">
    <![LOG[File 'C:\Windows\system32\msrdc.dll' exists. Discovery passed]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.848-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:1250">
    <![LOG[Detected item 'dism.exe']LOG]!><time="07:29:28.848-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:614">
    <![LOG[Discovering whether item 'x64/MicrosoftPolicyPlatformSetup.msi' exists.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.848-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:553">
    <![LOG[Upgrade code '{19B9818B-7432-49E9-BC02-B126025EE235}': product = '{90D295B8-BA08-487E-B904-0E624209A410}', installed = 1, version = 1.2.3602.0]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.849-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="msiutil.cpp:1273">
    <![LOG[Checking '{19B9818B-7432-49E9-BC02-B126025EE235}' version '1.2.3602.0' expecting >= '1.2.3602.0'.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.849-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:873">
    <![LOG[Detected item 'x64/MicrosoftPolicyPlatformSetup.msi']LOG]!><time="07:29:28.849-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:614">
    <![LOG[Discovering whether item 'x64/WindowsFirewallConfigurationProvider.msi' exists.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.849-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:553">
    <![LOG[Validated file 'C:\Windows\ccmsetup\WindowsFirewallConfigurationProvider.msi' hash '3BF0651FD4A01170925CEF694468D4EF6F64D76FD3413DEBD14CB8DE019AA10E']LOG]!><time="07:29:28.868-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="util.cpp:2609">
    <![LOG[File 'C:\Windows\ccmsetup\WindowsFirewallConfigurationProvider.msi' exists. Discovery passed]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.868-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:1250">
    <![LOG[Detected item 'x64/WindowsFirewallConfigurationProvider.msi']LOG]!><time="07:29:28.868-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:614">
    <![LOG[Discovering whether item 'i386/Silverlight.exe' exists.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.869-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:553">
    <![LOG[32-bit Hive selected]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.869-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:948">
    <![LOG[Detected item 'i386/Silverlight.exe']LOG]!><time="07:29:28.869-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:614">
    <![LOG[Discovering whether item 'i386/dotNetFx40_Client_x86_x64.exe' exists.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.869-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:553">
    <![LOG[Detected item 'i386/dotNetFx40_Client_x86_x64.exe']LOG]!><time="07:29:28.869-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:614">
    <![LOG[Discovering whether item 'SCEPInstall.exe' exists.]LOG]!><time="07:29:28.870-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:553">
    <![LOG[Validated file 'C:\Windows\ccmsetup\SCEPInstall.exe' hash 'FDDB17A148D8358B5BFBF63BBB3CDE902DCE807366081FE16B8E6042DCB47C71']LOG]!><time="07:29:29.649-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="util.cpp:2609">
    <![LOG[Checking file 'C:\Windows\ccmsetup\SCEPInstall.exe' version '4.3.0220.0000' expecting >= ''.]LOG]!><time="07:29:29.651-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:1278">
    <![LOG[Detected item 'SCEPInstall.exe']LOG]!><time="07:29:29.651-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:614">
    <![LOG[Discovering whether item 'x64/client.msi' exists.]LOG]!><time="07:29:29.651-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:553">
    <![LOG[Item x64/client.msi has not been installed yet. Put to pending install list.]LOG]!><time="07:29:29.651-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="manifest.cpp:609">
    <![LOG[PROPFIND '$/ZAV00114']LOG]!><time="07:29:29.651-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="httphelper.cpp:807">
    <![LOG[No client patches are detected.]LOG]!><time="07:29:29.658-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:1736">
    <![LOG[PROPFIND '$/ZAV00114']LOG]!><time="07:29:29.658-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="httphelper.cpp:807">
    <![LOG[No client language packs are detected.]LOG]!><time="07:29:29.664-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:1777">
    <![LOG[Searching for available transform]LOG]!><time="07:29:29.665-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:1807">
    <![LOG[PROPFIND '$/ZAV00114']LOG]!><time="07:29:29.665-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="httphelper.cpp:807">
    <![LOG[No transform available for this locale. Installation will proceed with no transformation.]LOG]!><time="07:29:29.671-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:1892">
    <![LOG[File 'C:\Windows\ccmsetup\client.msi' doesn't exist.]LOG]!><time="07:29:29.672-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="2" thread="2724" file="util.cpp:2595">
    <![LOG[Using branch cache option.]LOG]!><time="07:29:29.690-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:6443">
    <![LOG[Adding file '$/ZAV00114/x64/client.msi' to BITS job, saving as 'C:\Windows\ccmsetup\client.msi'.]LOG]!><time="07:29:29.690-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:6474">
    <![LOG[Starting BITS download for client deployment files.]LOG]!><time="07:29:29.698-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:6487">
    <![LOG[Download Update: 32616448 out of 32616448 bytes transferred.]LOG]!><time="07:29:30.700-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:6578">
    <![LOG[Successfully completed BITS download for client deployment files.]LOG]!><time="07:29:32.701-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:6536">
    <![LOG[Retrieved client version '5.00.7958.1000' and minimum assignable site version '5.00.7845.1000' from client package]LOG]!><time="07:29:34.020-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="siteinfo.cpp:678">
    <![LOG[Checking compatibility of site version '5.00.7958.1000', expect newer than '5.00.7845.1000']LOG]!><time="07:29:34.020-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="siteinfo.cpp:703">
    <![LOG[Site version '5.00.7958.1000' is compatible. Client deployment will continue.]LOG]!><time="07:29:34.020-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="siteinfo.cpp:726">
    <![LOG[Successfully downloaded client files via BITS.]LOG]!><time="07:29:34.020-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:1396">
    <![LOG[Validated file 'C:\Windows\ccmsetup\client.msi' hash 'A5732CE24F2B1545E9FBA458971E0A5504093E0F743CA9E8BD9C047582902878']LOG]!><time="07:29:35.032-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="util.cpp:2609">
    <![LOG[An MP exists on this machine.]LOG]!><time="07:29:35.048-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="msiutil.cpp:565">
    <![LOG[The client version 5.00.7958.1000 does not match the MP version 5.00.7804.1000. The client will not be installed.]LOG]!><time="07:29:35.048-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="2724" file="msiutil.cpp:583">
    <![LOG[Sending Fallback Status Point message to 'SCCMSRV-02', STATEID='318'.]LOG]!><time="07:29:35.049-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:9756">
    <![LOG[Failed to get client version for sending messages to FSP. Error 0x80041010]LOG]!><time="07:29:35.054-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="2" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:9838">
    <![LOG[Params to send FSP message '5.0.7958.1000 Deployment ']LOG]!><time="07:29:35.054-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:9887">
    <![LOG[State message with TopicType 800 and TopicId {5FF017B3-AF3F-4D38-B037-0A7EE1F479C5} has been sent to the FSP]LOG]!><time="07:29:35.075-120" date="04-17-2014" component="FSPStateMessage" context="" type="1" thread="2724" file="fsputillib.cpp:752">
    <![LOG[InstallFromManifest failed 0x80004005]LOG]!><time="07:29:35.084-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="2724" file="ccmsetup.cpp:7202">
    <![LOG[CcmSetup failed with error code 0x80004005]LOG]!><time="07:29:35.086-120" date="04-17-2014" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="7532" file="ccmsetup.cpp:10879">
    I hope someone can help me with this.
    Kind regards

    I agree with Idan. You can easily remove the Management Point Site System role and add it again with no adverse effect. This should solve your problem.
    Gerry Hampson | Blog: | LinkedIn:
    Gerry Hampson | Twitter:

  • Issue with only one distribution point not able to access only one folder wile PIXE boot

    I am facing problem only one distribution point not able to reach perticular folder through network access account, all other DP and other folder are working fine, I already verifiy share and security permission are in place, through <a href="file:///\\\SMSPKGE$\VEL000EA\">\\\SMSPKGE$\VEL000EA\</a>&nbsp;
    i am able to reach from network, but while booting from system belongs to perticular DP, it stuck on below folder where fdisk.cmd files are uploded from primery server. pls check below logs and suggest what could be the actual issue.
    </p><p></p><p><spanlang="ENIN">Severity&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Type&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    Site code&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Date / Time&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; System Component&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    Message ID&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Description</span></p><p><span lang="EN-IN">Error&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Milestone&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    CES&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 1/31/2014 12:32:11 PM&nbsp; MININT-L670NBC&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Task
    Sequence Engine&nbsp;&nbsp; 11135&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The task sequence execution engine failed executing the action (DiskPart DataDisk) in the group (Install Operating System) with the error code 2147942402&nbsp; Action output: T=80070047
    (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\tsconnection.cpp,148) Failed to access the share <a href="file:///\\\SMSPKGE$\VEL000EA\">\\\SMSPKGE$\VEL000EA\</a> with network access account !sAccessibleSource.empty(),
    HRESULT=80070002 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\tscore\resolvesource.cpp,2392) GetAccessibleLocation(pszSource, saResolvedPath, sSourceDirectory, dwFlags, hUserToken), HRESULT=80070002 (e:... [Show more]

    The error 80070047 states a msg as "No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connection as the computer can accept." Check the share quota if at all any limitations has been provided, if not,
    try giving one.. Also, check if any enterprise policy has been applied for the share connections limitations..

  • Issues with only one group call.

    I am having an issue joining one call group. I did not have this issue until a day or so ago. I multiple people in the group on my friends list. The people that usually lead the calls are all on my friends list. When I try to join it goes through the steps then drops me. A voice comes up telling me that the person I am trying to reach is not available and it has me leave them a message. This is the only group I have issues with. We tried making another group, it worked fine. I can call people and people can call me. I am not sure what the issue is with the lone group. Anyone have any ideas about this?

    First... You are not making your boot drive the share point are you????? Only share an entire drive if the drive is ONLY used for data (not OS).
    You need to make mroe than one share point.
    You can have one share point which is the Data drive and another share point which is the customer folder within.
    You can have share points which exist within share points.

  • Declare the internal table with only one 10 character  field and use

    I want to declare the internal table with only one 10 character  field and use.

    Go ahead. U can declare IT with only one field
    data: begin of zcustlist occurs 1000,
                   custmer(10)  type c,
             end of zcustlist.
    Narendra Reddy.
    Edited by: Narendra Reddy C on Aug 8, 2008 11:39 AM

  • SQL Server 2012 Undetected Deadlock in a table with only one row

      We have migrated our SQL 2000 Enterprise Database to SQL 2012 Enterprise few days ago.
      This is our main database, so most of the applications access it.
      The day after the migration, when users started to run tasks, the database access started to experiment a total failure.
      That is, all processes in the SQL 2k12 database were in lock with each other. This is a commom case of deadlock, but the Database Engine was unable to detect it.
      After some research, we found that the applications were trying to access a very simple table with only one row. This table has a number that is restarted every day and is used to number all the transactions made against the system.   So, client
    applications start a new transaction, get the current number, increment it by one and commit the transaction.
      The only solution we found was to kill all user processes in SQL Server every time this situation occurs (no more than 5 minutes when all clients are accessing the database).
      No client application was changed in this migration and this process was working very well for the last 10 years.
      The problem is that SQL 2k12 is unable to handle this situation compared to SQL 2k.
      It seems to occurs with other tables too, but as this is an "entry table" the problem occurs with it first.
      I have searched internet and some suggest some workarounds like using table hints to completely lock the table at the begining of the transaction, but it can't be used to other tables.
      Does anyone have heard this to be a problem with SQL 2k12? Is there any fixes to make SQL 2k12 as good as SQL 2k?

    First off re: "Unfortunatelly, this can't be used in production environment as exclusive table lock would serialize the accesses to tables and there will be other tables that will suffer with this problem."
    This is incorrect. 
    Using a table to generate sequence numbers like this is a bad idea exactly because the access must be serialized.  Since you can't switch to a SEQUENCE object, which is the correct solution, the _entire goal_ of this exercise to find a way to properly
    serialize access to this table.  Using exclusive locking will not be necessary for all the tables; just for the single-row table used for generating sequence values with a cursor.
    I converted the sample program to VB.NET:
    Public Class Form1
    Private mbCancel As Boolean = False
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim soConn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim soRst As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim sdData As Date
    Dim slValue As Long
    Dim slDelay As Long
    'create database vbtest
    ' CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ControlNumTest](
    ' [UltData] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    ' [UltNum] [int] NOT NULL,
    ' [UltData] Asc
    ' ) ON [PRIMARY]
    mbCancel = False
    ' Configure the Connection object
    soConn = New ADODB.Connection
    With soConn
    .ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Initial Catalog=vbtest;Data Source=localhost;trusted_connection=yes"
    .IsolationLevel = ADODB.IsolationLevelEnum.adXactCursorStability
    .Mode = ADODB.ConnectModeEnum.adModeReadWrite
    .CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseServer
    End With
    ' Start a new transaction
    Call soConn.BeginTrans()
    ' Configure the RecordSet object
    soRst = New ADODB.Recordset
    With soRst
    .ActiveConnection = soConn
    .CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseServer
    .CursorType = ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenForwardOnly
    .LockType = ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockPessimistic
    .Open("SELECT * FROM dbo.ControlNumTest")
    End With
    With soRst
    sdData = .Fields!UltData.Value ' Read the last Date (LOCK INFO 1: See comments bello
    slValue = .Fields!UltNum.Value ' Read the last Number
    If sdData <> Date.Now.Date Then ' Date has changed?
    sdData = Date.Now.Date
    slValue = 1 ' Restart number
    End If
    .Fields!UltData.Value = sdData ' Update data
    .Fields!UltNum.Value = slValue + 1 ' Next number
    End With
    Call soRst.Update()
    Call soRst.Close()
    ' Ends the transaction
    Call soConn.CommitTrans()
    Call soConn.Close()
    soRst = Nothing
    soConn = Nothing
    txtUltNum.Text = slValue + 1 ' Display the last number
    slDelay = Int(((Rnd * 250) + 100) / 100) * 100
    Loop While mbCancel = False
    If mbCancel = True Then
    Call MsgBox("The test was canceled")
    End If
    Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
    mbCancel = True
    End Sub
    End Class
    And created the table
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ControlNumTest](
    [UltData] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [UltNum] [int] NOT NULL,
    [UltData] Asc
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    go insert into ControlNumTest values (cast(getdate()as date),1)
    Then ran 3 copies of the program and generated the deadlock:
    <victimProcess id="processf27b1498" />
    <process id="processf27b1498" taskpriority="0" logused="0" waitresource="KEY: 35:72057594039042048 (a01df6b954ad)" waittime="1970" ownerId="3181" transactionname="implicit_transaction" lasttranstarted="2014-02-14T15:49:31.263" XDES="0xf04da3a8" lockMode="X" schedulerid="4" kpid="9700" status="suspended" spid="51" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" trancount="2" lastbatchstarted="2014-02-14T15:49:31.267" lastbatchcompleted="2014-02-14T15:49:31.267" lastattention="1900-01-01T00:00:00.267" clientapp="vbt" hostname="DBROWNE2" hostpid="21152" loginname="NORTHAMERICA\dbrowne" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="3181" currentdb="35" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="671088672" clientoption2="128058">
    <frame procname="adhoc" line="1" stmtstart="80" sqlhandle="0x020000008376181f3ad0ea908fe9d8593f2e3ced9882f5c90000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
    UPDATE [dbo].[ControlNumTest] SET [UltData]=@Param000004,[UltNum]=@Param000005 </frame>
    <frame procname="unknown" line="1" sqlhandle="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
    unknown </frame>
    (@Param000004 datetime,@Param000005 int)UPDATE [dbo].[ControlNumTest] SET [UltData]=@Param000004,[UltNum]=@Param000005 </inputbuf>
    <process id="processf6ac9498" taskpriority="0" logused="10000" waitresource="KEY: 35:72057594039042048 (a01df6b954ad)" waittime="1971" schedulerid="5" kpid="30516" status="suspended" spid="55" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" trancount="1" lastbatchstarted="2014-02-14T15:49:31.267" lastbatchcompleted="2014-02-14T15:49:31.267" lastattention="1900-01-01T00:00:00.267" clientapp="vbt" hostname="DBROWNE2" hostpid="27852" loginname="NORTHAMERICA\dbrowne" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="3182" currentdb="35" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="671156256" clientoption2="128058">
    <frame procname="adhoc" line="1" sqlhandle="0x020000003c6309232ab0edbe0a7790a816a09c4c5ac6f43c0000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
    FETCH API_CURSOR0000000000000001 </frame>
    <frame procname="unknown" line="1" sqlhandle="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
    unknown </frame>
    FETCH API_CURSOR0000000000000001 </inputbuf>
    <keylock hobtid="72057594039042048" dbid="35" objectname="vbtest.dbo.ControlNumTest" indexname="PK_CorreioNumTeste" id="lockff6e6c80" mode="U" associatedObjectId="72057594039042048">
    <owner id="processf6ac9498" mode="S" />
    <owner id="processf6ac9498" mode="U" requestType="wait" />
    <waiter id="processf27b1498" mode="X" requestType="convert" />
    <keylock hobtid="72057594039042048" dbid="35" objectname="vbtest.dbo.ControlNumTest" indexname="PK_CorreioNumTeste" id="lockff6e6c80" mode="U" associatedObjectId="72057594039042048">
    <owner id="processf27b1498" mode="U" />
    <owner id="processf27b1498" mode="U" />
    <owner id="processf27b1498" mode="X" requestType="convert" />
    <waiter id="processf6ac9498" mode="U" requestType="wait" />
    It's the S lock that comes from the cursor read that's the villian here.  U locks are compatible with S locks, so one session gets a U lock and another gets an S lock.  But then the session with an S needs a U, and the session with a U needs an
    X.  Deadlock. 
    I'm not sure what kind of locks were taken by this cursor code on SQL 2000, but on SQL 2012, this code is absolutely broken and should deadlock.
    The right way to fix this code is to add (UPDLOCK,SERIALIZABLE) to the cursor
    .Open("SELECT * FROM dbo.ControlNumTest with (updlock,serializable)")
    So each session reads the table with a restrictive lock, and you don't mix S, U and X locks in this transaction.  This resolves the deadlock, but requires a code change.
    I tried several things that didn't require a code, which did not resolve the deadlock;
    2) SERIALIZABLE isolation level
    3) Switching OleDB providers from SQLOLEDB to SQLNCLI11
    Then I replaced the table with a view containing a lock hint:
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ControlNumTest_t](
    [UltData] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [UltNum] [int] NOT NULL,
    [UltData] Asc
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    create view ControlNumTest as
    select * from ControlNumTest_t with (tablockx)
    Which, at least in my limited testing, resovlved the deadlock without any client code change.

  • The version of the ADF Essentials Client user library,, does not match ADF facet version 11.1.1.

    I downloaded the latest OEPE Pack 12.1.3 and the latest adf-essentials-client libs.
    I tried to create a new ADF-Project in Eclipse with Glassfish.
    I added the essentials-client libs and then i get this error:
    The version of the ADF Essentials Client user library,, does not match ADF facet version 11.1.1.

    ADF Essentials 12.1.3 only support GF 3.1 officially. So please plan on using GF 3.1 version

  • My PC won't start with only one push of the start button.

    hi guys my pc won't start with only one push of the start button. It takes me 1 to 10 pushes for it to start. I encountered this main bios error once when my pc started but it fixed on its own. What could be the problem?

    The problem can be fixed by running a latest BIOS Update on your unit or if it is a mechanical issue it could be the power button itself.. you can call HP tech support if the notebook is still in warranty.. they'll be able to help you.
    Hope this helps.
    ***** Click the KUDOS Thumbs UP (Like) on the left to say 'Thanks'*****
    ****Make it easier for other people to find solutions, by marking my answer “Accept as Solution”&"Kudos"if it solves your problem.****
    Although I am an HP Employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP.

  • HT204088 How how can I synch my ipod + iphone music to my new computer? I get the same error  "my ipod or iphone is synched with another itunes library.An Ipod can be synched with only one itunes library at a time. What would I like to do Erase and Synch

    How can I synch my ipod & iphone music (purchased from itunes on my old laptop) to my new laptop? I keep getting the same message on my itunes on my new laptop: " The ipod/Iphone is synched with another itunes library. An ipod/iphone can be synched with only one itunes library at a time. What would you like to do - Erase and Synch or Transfer Purchases?" What do I do?
    A couple of other items:
    1) I am guessing Apple does not keep a history of all my music purchases? As I did not have my entire library backed-up anywhere, and relying on the music I have on my ipod and my iphone as my only source of itunes music....I have lost over 500 songs!!!
    2) I used to have an Apple account under another account name, and since have switched to a new account name. Is there anyway to find the history of purchases from my old Apple account name and transfer these over to my new account name and onto my new laptop?
    I hope someone can help, I am having a very difficult time trying to obtain answers. Angie

    The iphone/ipod is NOT a storage/backup device.  Not maintaining a backup copy is a big mistake.
    You can transfer itunes purchases from your iphone/ipod to your computer:
    Authorize your computer for all accounts and then click  File>Transfer Purchases

  • I got a new pc and I am getting this message: The ipod 'harms ipod' is synced with another itunes library  Do you want to erace this Ipod and synce with this itunes library?  An Ipod can only be synced with only one itunes library at a time.  Erasing and

    The ipod 'harms ipod' is synced with another itunes library.Do you want to erase this ipod and sync with this itunes library?  An ipod can be synced with only one itunes library at a time.  Erasing and syncing replace the contents of this ipod with the contents of this itunes library.
    I don't know what to do?  I should save my library before I replace the contents, but I don't know how to do that! HELP!!

    See this older post from another forum member Zevoneer covering the different methods and software available to assist you with the task of copying content from your iPod back to your PC and into iTunes.

  • I bought a MAC for the first time and plugged my Itouch into it to download my music on it, but is says The iPod "Rick's IPOD" is synced with another iTunes library. An iPod can be synced with only one iTunes library at a time. What should I do?

    I bought a MAC for the first time and plugged my Itouch into it to download my music on it, but is says The iPod “Rick's IPOD” is synced with another iTunes library. An iPod can be synced with only one iTunes library at a time. What should I do?

    Same as you would if you bought a pc; copy everything from your old computer to your new one.  Then you can just sync everything from the new computer, as you did with the old one.

  • Can I run the new Mac pro (6.1) with only one stick of ram?

    Will that cause any problems. And if not how much will the overall quality be affected. it won't be a permanent solution, but for a few weeks at least. So can it happen? Can I run the Mac pro 2013 with only one memory stick?

    Per this
    the 2013 Mac Pro is the only MP that can use a single stick of memory.

  • I have lost the remote that was paired. I bought another remote, but the procedure to pair the new one does not work. I suspect the the AT will work with only one remote at-a-time and i have to unpaid the first before pairing the second. How do I unpair?

    I have lost the remote that was paired. I bought another remote, but the procedure to pair the new one does not work. I suspect the the AT will work with only one remote at-a-time and i have to unpair the first before pairing the second. If this is true, how do I unpair? If not, what can I do?

    I was premature in posting the question. I found the answer in andother posting, and it was successful.
    Thanks, and sorry for the false alarm.

  • An iPhone can be synced with only one iTunes library at a time

    I recently bought a MacBook Pro, and I figured it would be pretty simple to move my iPhone to sync with iTunes on the Mac from iTunes on my pc, afterall it is the same program and both are designed for the iPhone.
    I have been successful in getting the Contacts and Calendar to sync, but the Music, Applications, Video and a few other things give me this message when I check the sync box:
    "The iPhone is synced with another iTunes library. Do you want to erase the iPhone and sync with this iTunes library? An iPhone can be synced with only one iTunes library at a time. Erasing and syncing replaces the contents of this iPhone with the contents of this iTunes library."
    Obviously, I don't want to erase everything. Actually, I don't care about Music, Videos, Podcasts or Ringtones as I don't have any, but I do care about Photos and Applications. Actually Photos I can reload too, but I don't want to loose the apps I have purchased with the iTunes App Store.
    I even tried going back to the PC and unchecking the Sync boxes on it, hoping this might disassociate it from the phone, but now even on that PC I get the same message.
    How do I disconnect phone from the old iTunes and be able to sync it to the new iTunes? This should be simple right?

    I made an appointment with a Mac Genius and I will say that while it was better than getting to talk to India on a poor quality phone call it was just about as helpful. Sure she was cute and friendly, but I left without my issue resolved and was surprised that I didn't even get a followup from anyone asking about my experience (hence my venting here)
    Anyway, I found a solution for my issue here:
    This is a real solution to the issue, and has the benefit that I can do this to as many machines as I need and sync at any of them instead of just one. Hopefully, Apple doesn't delete my response since it truly is the answer to the problem and others might be looking for the same solution.

  • Why won't my iMessage work with only one contact in my phone all my other iMessages send and they just got an iphone but all their iMessages are sending also. I've tried restarting my phone, deleting messages, contact, restarting network

    Why won't my iMessage work with only one contact in my phone all my other iMessages send and they just got an iphone but all their iMessages are sending also. I've tried restarting my phone, deleting messages, contact, restarting network

    Hello Jesslb23,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    iOS: Troubleshooting Messages
    To resolve issues with sending and receiving iMessages, follow these steps first
    Check iMessage system status for current service issues.
    Go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive and make sure that you have registered iMessage with your phone number or Apple ID and that you have selected iMessage for use. Learn more about troubleshooting iMessage registration if the phone number or Apple ID isn't available for use.
    Open Safari and navigate to to verify data connectivity. Learn more about troubleshootingcellular data or a Wi-Fi connection if a data connection isn't available.
    iMessage over cellular data might not be available while on a call. Only 3G and faster GSM networks support simultaneous data and voice calls. Learn more about which network your phone supports. Go to Settings > Wi-Fi and turn Wi-Fi on to use iMessage while on a call if your network doesn't support simultaneous data and voice calls.
    Restart your device.
    Tap Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings on your iPhone.
    If you are still unable to send or receive an iMessage, follow these steps
    Make sure that the contact trying to message you isn't blocked in Settings > Messages > Blocked.
    Verify that the contact you are attempting to send a message to is registered with iMessage.
    If the issue occurs with a specific contact or contacts, back up or forward important messages and delete your current messaging threads with the contact. Create a new message to the contact and try again.
    If the issue occurs with a specific contact or contacts, delete and re-create the contact in the Contacts application. Create a new message to the newly created contact and try again.
    Back up and restore your device as new.
    Best of luck,

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