Issues with Restoring Save Point

I'm attempting to programmatically restore a save point in a taskflow. The problem I'm having is that, only two of the fields are being populated. These two fields are drop-down lists bound to data controls. I also have a data control field which is also exposed as a drop-down list that isn't restored, and also several input text fields and a radio button that's also not restored. Could someone please help me out?

You might try doing an executeQuery() on the relevant view objects after your restore - possibly a clearCache() AND an executeQuery(). That way, it shouldn't matter what has been submitted and not. Your table or form should show the data as it was before any changes were made (submitted or not).
Edited by: AndreasNielsen on 2011-07-18 11:21

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  • Restore Save Point issue

    We are facing a strange problem.
    We have a popup taskflow with an implicit savepoint. Inside the taskflow we do a createInsert on a VO. In the popup we have a "cancel" button that return from the popup with the "restore save point" checked.
    In our development environment we never found any issues. Last week, we installed the application in a "quality" environment, where we have many users using the system, and some times the restore save point apparently does not work and the application stays with inconsistent state (the VO's current row lost their bindings).
    best regards,

    Try this,
    1. Change the locking mode in App module to "Optimistic" if its not.
    2. Your managed bean should implements Serializable.

  • Issue with setting float point in Textfield

    i have an issue with float input in a textfield.
    what i want to do is.
    when the user start typing numerics it should accept from right hand side and keep appending value from right hand side.
    for ex
    if i want to enter 123.45
    user starts entering
    1 then it should display as 0.01
    2 then it should display as 0.12
    3 then it should display as 1.23
    4 then it should display as 12.34
    5 then it should display as 123.45
    to achive this i have written the code as below
    public class Test{
         public static void main(String[] a){
         try {
    } catch (Exception evt) {}
    DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat();
    JFrame f = new JFrame("Numeric Text Field Example");
    final DecimalFormateGen tf = new DecimalFormateGen(10, format);
    // tf.setValue((double) 123456.789);
    JLabel lbl = new JLabel("Type a number: ");
    f.getContentPane().add(tf, "East");
    f.getContentPane().add(lbl, "West");
    tf.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter(){
         public void keyReleased(KeyEvent ke){
              char ch = ke.getKeyChar();
              char key;
              int finalres =0;
              String str,str1 = null,str2 =null,str3 = null,str4= null;
              if(ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_0 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_0 ||
                        ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_0 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_1 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_2 ||
                             ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_3 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_4 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_5 ||
                             ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_6 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_7 || ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_8 ||
                             ke.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_9 ){
                   double value1 = Double.parseDouble(tf.getText());
                   int position = tf.getCaretPosition();
                   if(tf.getText().length() == 1){
                        if(tf.getText() != null || tf.getText() != ""){
                        value1 = value1 / 100;
                   /*else if(tf.getText().length() == 3){
                        str = tf.getText();
                        for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++){
                             if(str.charAt(i) == '.'){
                                  str1 = str.substring(0,i);
                                  str2 = str.substring(i+1,str.length()-1);
                        key = ke.getKeyChar();
                        finalres = calculate.calculate1(str2,key);
                        str3 = merge.merge1(str1,finalres);
                        value1 = Float.parseFloat(tf.getText());
                        value1 = value1*10;
    tf.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    try {
    Long l = tf.getLongValue();
    System.out.println("Value is (Long)" + l);
    } catch (ParseException e1) {
    try {
    Double d = tf.getDoubleValue();
    System.out.println("Value is (Double)" + d);
    } catch (ParseException e2) {
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    * Created on May 25, 2005
    * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    * @author jagjeevanreddyg
    * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import java.text.ParseException;
    import java.text.ParsePosition;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    import javax.swing.UIManager;
    import javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument;
    import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet;
    import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
    import javax.swing.text.Document;
    import javax.swing.text.PlainDocument;
    import javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.Content;
    public class DecimalFormateGen extends JTextField implements
    NumericPlainDocument.InsertErrorListener {
         public DecimalFormateGen() {
         this(null, 0, null);
         public DecimalFormateGen(String text, int columns, DecimalFormat format) {
         super(null, text, columns);
         NumericPlainDocument numericDoc = (NumericPlainDocument) getDocument();
         if (format != null) {
         public DecimalFormateGen(int columns, DecimalFormat format) {
         this(null, columns, format);
         public DecimalFormateGen(String text) {
         this(text, 0, null);
         public DecimalFormateGen(String text, int columns) {
         this(text, columns, null);
         public void setFormat(DecimalFormat format) {
         ((NumericPlainDocument) getDocument()).setFormat(format);
         public DecimalFormat getFormat() {
         return ((NumericPlainDocument) getDocument()).getFormat();
         public void formatChanged() {
         // Notify change of format attributes.
         // Methods to get the field value
         public Long getLongValue() throws ParseException {
         return ((NumericPlainDocument) getDocument()).getLongValue();
         public Double getDoubleValue() throws ParseException {
         return ((NumericPlainDocument) getDocument()).getDoubleValue();
         public Number getNumberValue() throws ParseException {
         return ((NumericPlainDocument) getDocument()).getNumberValue();
         // Methods to install numeric values
         public void setValue(Number number) {
         public void setValue(long l) {
         public void setValue(double d) {
         public void normalize() throws ParseException {
         // format the value according to the format string
         // Override to handle insertion error
         public void insertFailed(NumericPlainDocument doc, int offset, String str,
         AttributeSet a) {
         // By default, just beep
         // Method to create default model
         protected Document createDefaultModel() {
         return new NumericPlainDocument();
         // Test code
         public static void main(String[] args) {
         try {
         } catch (Exception evt) {}
         DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("#,###.###");
         JFrame f = new JFrame("Numeric Text Field Example");
         final DecimalFormateGen tf = new DecimalFormateGen(10, format);
         tf.setValue((double) 123456.789);
         JLabel lbl = new JLabel("Type a number: ");
         f.getContentPane().add(tf, "East");
         f.getContentPane().add(lbl, "West");
         tf.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
         try {
         Long l = tf.getLongValue();
         System.out.println("Value is (Long)" + l);
         } catch (ParseException e1) {
         try {
         Double d = tf.getDoubleValue();
         System.out.println("Value is (Double)" + d);
         } catch (ParseException e2) {
         class NumericPlainDocument extends PlainDocument {
         public NumericPlainDocument() {
         public NumericPlainDocument(DecimalFormat format) {
         public NumericPlainDocument(AbstractDocument.Content content,
         DecimalFormat format) {
         try {
         .parseObject(content.getString(0, content.length()), parsePos);
         } catch (Exception e) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "Initial content not a valid number");
         if (parsePos.getIndex() != content.length() - 1) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "Initial content not a valid number");
         public void setFormat(DecimalFormat fmt) {
         this.format = fmt != null ? fmt : (DecimalFormat) defaultFormat.clone();
         decimalSeparator = format.getDecimalFormatSymbols()
         groupingSeparator = format.getDecimalFormatSymbols()
         positivePrefix = format.getPositivePrefix();
         positivePrefixLen = positivePrefix.length();
         negativePrefix = format.getNegativePrefix();
         negativePrefixLen = negativePrefix.length();
         positiveSuffix = format.getPositiveSuffix();
         positiveSuffixLen = positiveSuffix.length();
         negativeSuffix = format.getNegativeSuffix();
         negativeSuffixLen = negativeSuffix.length();
         public DecimalFormat getFormat() {
         return format;
         public Number getNumberValue() throws ParseException {
         try {
         String content = getText(0, getLength());
         Number result = format.parse(content, parsePos);
         if (parsePos.getIndex() != getLength()) {
         throw new ParseException("Not a valid number: " + content, 0);
         return result;
         } catch (BadLocationException e) {
         throw new ParseException("Not a valid number", 0);
         public Long getLongValue() throws ParseException {
         Number result = getNumberValue();
         if ((result instanceof Long) == false) {
         throw new ParseException("Not a valid long", 0);
         return (Long) result;
         public Double getDoubleValue() throws ParseException {
         Number result = getNumberValue();
         if ((result instanceof Long) == false
         && (result instanceof Double) == false) {
         throw new ParseException("Not a valid double", 0);
         if (result instanceof Long) {
         result = new Double(result.doubleValue());
         return (Double) result;
         public void insertString(int offset, String str, AttributeSet a)
         throws BadLocationException {
         if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
         Content content = getContent();
         int length = content.length();
         int originalLength = length;
         // Create the result of inserting the new data,
         // but ignore the trailing newline
         String targetString = content.getString(0, offset) + str
         + content.getString(offset, length - offset - 1);
         // Parse the input string and check for errors
         do {
         boolean gotPositive = targetString.startsWith(positivePrefix);
         boolean gotNegative = targetString.startsWith(negativePrefix);
         length = targetString.length();
         // If we have a valid prefix, the parse fails if the
         // suffix is not present and the error is reported
         // at index 0. So, we need to add the appropriate
         // suffix if it is not present at this point.
         if (gotPositive == true || gotNegative == true) {
         String suffix;
         int suffixLength;
         int prefixLength;
         if (gotPositive == true && gotNegative == true) {
         // This happens if one is the leading part of
         // the other - e.g. if one is "(" and the other "(("
         if (positivePrefixLen > negativePrefixLen) {
         gotNegative = false;
         } else {
         gotPositive = false;
         if (gotPositive == true) {
         suffix = positiveSuffix;
         suffixLength = positiveSuffixLen;
         prefixLength = positivePrefixLen;
         } else {
         // Must have the negative prefix
         suffix = negativeSuffix;
         suffixLength = negativeSuffixLen;
         prefixLength = negativePrefixLen;
         // If the string consists of the prefix alone,
         // do nothing, or the result won't parse.
         if (length == prefixLength) {
         // We can't just add the suffix, because part of it
         // may already be there. For example, suppose the
         // negative prefix is "(" and the negative suffix is
         // "$)". If the user has typed "(345$", then it is not
         // correct to add "$)". Instead, only the missing part
         // should be added, in this case ")".
         if (targetString.endsWith(suffix) == false) {
         int i;
         for (i = suffixLength - 1; i > 0; i--) {
         if (targetString
         .regionMatches(length - i, suffix, 0, i)) {
         targetString += suffix.substring(i);
         if (i == 0) {
         // None of the suffix was present
         targetString += suffix;
         length = targetString.length();
         format.parse(targetString, parsePos);
         int endIndex = parsePos.getIndex();
         if (endIndex == length) {
         break; // Number is acceptable
         // Parse ended early
         // Since incomplete numbers don't always parse, try
         // to work out what went wrong.
         // First check for an incomplete positive prefix
         if (positivePrefixLen > 0 && endIndex < positivePrefixLen
         && length <= positivePrefixLen
         && targetString.regionMatches(0, positivePrefix, 0, length)) {
         break; // Accept for now
         // Next check for an incomplete negative prefix
         if (negativePrefixLen > 0 && endIndex < negativePrefixLen
         && length <= negativePrefixLen
         && targetString.regionMatches(0, negativePrefix, 0, length)) {
         break; // Accept for now
         // Allow a number that ends with the group
         // or decimal separator, if these are in use
         char lastChar = targetString.charAt(originalLength - 1);
         int decimalIndex = targetString.indexOf(decimalSeparator);
         if (format.isGroupingUsed() && lastChar == groupingSeparator
         && decimalIndex == -1) {
         // Allow a "," but only in integer part
         if (format.isParseIntegerOnly() == false
         && lastChar == decimalSeparator
         && decimalIndex == originalLength - 1) {
         // Allow a ".", but only one
         // No more corrections to make: must be an error
         if (errorListener != null) {
         errorListener.insertFailed(this, offset, str, a);
         } while (true == false);
         // Finally, add to the model
         super.insertString(offset, str, a);
         public void addInsertErrorListener(InsertErrorListener l) {
         if (errorListener == null) {
         errorListener = l;
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "InsertErrorListener already registered");
         public void removeInsertErrorListener(InsertErrorListener l) {
         if (errorListener == l) {
         errorListener = null;
         public interface InsertErrorListener {
         public abstract void insertFailed(NumericPlainDocument doc, int offset,
         String str, AttributeSet a);
         protected InsertErrorListener errorListener;
         protected DecimalFormat format;
         protected char decimalSeparator;
         protected char groupingSeparator;
         protected String positivePrefix;
         protected String negativePrefix;
         protected int positivePrefixLen;
         protected int negativePrefixLen;
         protected String positiveSuffix;
         protected String negativeSuffix;
         protected int positiveSuffixLen;
         protected int negativeSuffixLen;
         protected ParsePosition parsePos = new ParsePosition(0);
         protected static DecimalFormat defaultFormat = new DecimalFormat();
    this is not working as desired pls help me.
    can we use this code and get the desired result or is there any other way to do this.
    it is very urgent for me pls help immediately
    thanks in advance

    Hi camickr
    i learned how to format the code now, and u also responded for my testarea problem , iam very much thankful to u, and now i repeat the same problem what i have with a text field.
    actually i have window with a textfield on it and while end user starts entering data in it , it should be have as follows
    when the user start typing numerics it should accept from right hand side and keep appending value from right hand side.
    first the default value should be as 0.00 and as the user starts entering
    then it is as follows
    for ex
    if i want to enter 123.45
    user starts entering
    1 then it should display as 0.01
    2 then it should display as 0.12
    3 then it should display as 1.23
    4 then it should display as 12.34
    5 then it should display as 123.45
    i hope u will give me quick reply because this is very hard time for me.

  • Issues with restoring a Time Machine backup onto new Macbook Pro Retina

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    I've tried the Migration Assistant but it gets stuck on "looking for source..", despite having the ex.HD plugged in and double checking the existance of the backup itself on the ex.HD.
    I've also tried booting the laptop up in the 'restore' mode (cmd R) and restoring from there but it sends me in a constant loop of 'this backup was from a previous model of laptop' or something to that affect. It also doesn't display the recent backups at all, only displaying those from the beginning of this year for some reason. All backups are in the same place on the ex.HD so its not an issue with locating the backups.
    Really stuck on this one! Would really appreciate some help!
    Thanks a lot, and merry Christmas

    Yes, you can restore to another machine if needs be.

  • Issue with the change pointer  for the reduced message type ZMATMAS

    Hi All,
    I have created reduced message type ZMATMAS for the MATMAS to create a Idoc when change or insert material master data fields( MARA-LAENG, MARA-BREIT, MARA-HOEHE) . My Problem is that the Idoc is generated with the status (03) but the fields(LAENG, BREIT,HOEHE)  are not getting fill with the values. They are always filling with the values  '/'). I have done the following steps to create idoc for the change pointer. Please check whether i have missed some steps.
    1.     Create reduction maintenance ZMATMAS  (Tcode BD53)
    keep the default selected segments E1MARAM, E1MAKTM
    2.     Add following data to maintain table view for the message type ZMATMAS  (Tcode BD52)
    Object      Table Name     Field Name
    MATERIAL       MARA      KEY
    3.     Activate particular change pointer in BD50
    Message Type       Active
    ZMATMAS         yes
    4.     Activate change pointers u2013 Generally (Tcode BD61).
    5.     Assign Segment fields to change document fields (Tcode BD66 )
    Segment Type     Field Name     Object     Table Name     Field Name
    6. I have done the distribution model settings (BD64) and  the idoc configurations
    1.     Logical System
    2.     RFC destination
    3.     Create port
    4.     Create partner profile
    7. I changed the fields in material master data(Tcode MM02)  and I executed the Tcode BD21.
    Idoc is generated but the fields are not getting fill with the values
    (Note: some fields  are filled with values e. g material number, material description)
    I checked the Idoc data segment E1MARAM (WE02)
    Fld name   Fld cont.
    LAENG       /
    BREIT       /
    HOEHE      /
    Can you please let me know the issue

    Issue is solved when I select the segments and the fields in the segments (Tcode :BD53)

  • Strange issue with Power Saver on my Satellite M30

    When connected via mains to the power supply, my laptop is completely fine. However, when not connected (i.e. using it on battery), it shows 100% battery until about 90%, when I get a Windows Error Window "Toshiba Power Saver must be closed, would you like to send an error report etc." and then my battery on the taskbar becomes Critical - 3%.
    Also, at this point, my processor speed slows down (which is noticable because applications take longer to load etc.) as if the laptop was going into Power Saver mode. I thought maybe this is a display error, so I left the laptop on just to see - and it turned itself off 5 minutes later!
    Is this a software error or a faulty battery? Any and all help appreciated.
    Best regards.

    Hi John,
    I think you may have a defective battery but just to be sure I would recommend that you reload the Toshiba Power Management software and then check the default settings for actions to be taken with display brightness, cpu speed, hard drive, etc. at the various stages of the battery capacity.
    It is normal for the display brightness to reduce in stages as the battery capacity diminishes, and it is also normal for the CPU speed to slow as well. You can change this behaviour if you wish from within the Toshiba Power Management utility.

  • 10.4.6 Issues with screen saver security and Finder Inspector dialog

    Now that I've updated my system to 10.4.6, I no longer have password protection on my screen saver. I also can no longer right-click, select Inspector, and lock multiple files at once.
    I can open Inspector and lock multiple files using the key command with no problem. It's just when I try to right-click that doesn't work. Inspector comes up, but it's available only for the entire disk -- it does not show multiple files. And a lock box to check doesn't exist anywhere in the dialogue box. Note that this is only a problem with files on my slave partition. My master drive is OK.
    Anyone else have these issues?

    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Sometimes if preference files are corrupt an update will simply reinforce their being corrupt. Try resetting them from the program that activates them. The password screen saver is in Apple menu -> System Preferences -> Security mentioned in:
    As for the inspector, I don't know where that is controlled, but maybe someone else here will know.

  • Issues With Restoring My Ipod

    Hey, so I got a 30GB Ipod and loaded about 8GB's of music on to it using a Mac. It seemed to work fine for about a month and just recently when I try to connect it to my Mac to add some tunes, Itunes doesn't seem to recognize it. A window comes up saying that it doesn't recognize it and that I should run the updater to restore it factory settings. I don't have a problem restoring my ipod and losing all the music on it, but whenever I try to run the updater it won't give me the option to "Restore" or "Update" it.
    So basically what I'm saying is I'm stuck. I can't restore it or see a way to restore it at least, which is all I want to do so I can add some more music to it.
    I would greatly appreciate anyone with any insight to this minute problem.
      Mac OS X (10.4)  


  • Major issue with restoring to backup. Please help!!

    So I pluged my iPhone 4 into my Mac mini just to keep things all synced up. I did things the same way that I have done countless other times. But when I ejected my iPhone I found that the address book was all screwed up.  Most of the numbers were gone although maybe 10% remained (and a random 10% too, not the newest or oldest 10%). I toyed around with it and couldn't figure out the issue so I just decided to restore from old backup.  But when I clicked this the iPhone sits there for a good 30 min before I get the message:
    iTunes could not back up iphone because the backup could not be saved on the computer.
    Now I know the recent backup is on there becuase it comes up as an option. And in my recent calls list there are the contact names but those names mostly are not saved under my contacts (wierd!).
    I also have selected the option to replace the phone contact list with the address book from my computer (because the computer address book was uneffected), and it doesn't fully sync. I still only have the 10% of the contact list.
    Im not happy right now and dont know what to do. PLease help!!!

    I have tried that and more weird stuff happened. Calender didnt sync. Notes did. Also only kept that weird 10% of my contacts. Transfered zero pictures over and all my settings were completely reset.
    This is making me really not happy

  • Issues with Restoring

    I have an 8gb iTouch 1st gen. It's showing the screen where it's a usb cord poiting to iTunes. I've tried numerous times to Restore my ipod through itunes. It exits the process halfway through and says "The ipod could not be restored. An unknown error occured. (6)"
    How can i restore this thing? I've tried the DFU method with no success. If i hold in sleep+home for 10 seconds the ipod turns on and goes to the cord and itunes logo.


  • Interesting Issue with Screen Saver in System Preferences

    Sorry for posting what might be a simple fix, as I thought it would be such, but apparently I just can't seem to figure this out. (as I trouble shoot for Pro Apps support requests every day at the office, but it's always the simplest items that seem to get us for some reason)
    Just recently assisted installing Snow Leopard (Mac Box Set) on my sister's machine, clean install, and was in the process of updating her screen saver the way it was previously, Cycling through her Photos in iPhoto. When I first selected iPhoto within the screen saver system preference pane, it would give me a message saying that there were no photos selected/available. Yet, when I opened iPhoto '08, all her photos where all coming up as expected. No matter how many times I tried to select iPhoto in the screen saver pane, it wouldn't come up.
    I figured I'd follow the request it was giving me, about using the icon at the bottom of the pane to manually add the "Pictures" folder where they all reside. Instead of just adding the "Pictures" folder to the side bar, it now shows ALL various sub-folders in the side bar list. (making the list about 100x longer than original)
    I figured I'd try reversing what I did, selecting the various photo folders/sub-folders and use the to remove them from the list, but each of the various items listed all have the button disabled and cannot be removed. I then made several attempts to delete any/all preference files that were associated with *screensaver* in the various *.plst file namings. Though, no matter how many, or how many times I removed all the obvious screen saver *.plist files I could find, even after emptying the trash, and starting System Preferences once again, the HUGE list of photos were still showing up in the Screen Saver pane within System Preferences.
    I appreciate any advice and/or guidance in how I might be able to remove the extra photo folders from the Screen Saver Sys Preferences side bar, and thank you very much in advance for taking the time thus far.
    Best Regards,

    How about the system preferences?

  • Issue With Restoring iPhone4

    My iPhone4 is roughly 2.5 years old. I've taken really good care of it. The other day it shut off and would not turn back on and it only showed the apple sign on the screen. When I brought it to the Apple store, they believed the "motherboard" was dead and suggested that I get a new phone and then they tried plugging it in and did a diagnostic on it.
    They successfully restored it and backed up everything that I had on my iCloud, however they warned me that this was potentially a "software" issue and because of that when I redownloaded all of my data from the iCloud that the software issue could also be redownloaded. The genius bar guy told me that if my phone were to fail again, that this was most likely the issue.
    So my phone just went into recovery mode, so clearly this is a software issue. My question is... if I get an iPhone5 and upload my saved data from the iCloud, then will this software issue or bug constantly be crashing my phone? How can I fix this issue?

    On your new phone: Settings>General>Reset>Erase All Content & Settings. Start over, this time using your new ID.

  • Issue with restoring iPod

    i've made SEVERAL attempts to restore my iPod mini to the original factory settings and keep receiving the following error message: iPod Manager Internal Error. does anyone know what this means???!!!

    with any luck, this document might be of some help:
    iPod Updater for Windows: "Internal manager error" occurs when restoring or updating iPod

  • IPod issue with restoring

    Im having a problems with me 80GB iPod:
    when i connect it to my PC a window saying autorun pops.. and its starts like loading photos but theyre none on my ipod now. and when that is done it finally shows up on Itunes.. and i just can upload music .. not videos .. the videos/photos/games tabs dissapeared and i cant click the restore button ..
    what can i do to restore it..? i already used the 5 R's multiple times

    Im having a problems with me 80GB iPod:
    when i connect it to my PC a window saying autorun
    pops.. and its starts like loading photos but theyre
    none on my ipod now. and when that is done it finally
    shows up on Itunes.. and i just can upload music ..
    not videos .. the videos/photos/games tabs
    dissapeared and i cant click the restore button ..
    what can i do to restore it..? i already used the 5
    R's multiple times
    i would try restarting your computer, and if that dosnt work, go 2 a friends house, try it there, and if it still wont work, back up all audio files, and then uninstall iTunes, and re install it. call apple, se what they say, and if all fails, well im sory to say, but ur screwed.

  • V40z and C2 autoloader issues with restoring.

    We are having consistency issues when trying to read from the tape that has a full backup of a V40z server, we are trying to read ufsrestore ivfs /dev/rmt/0 1 or rmt/0 2 or rmt/0 3 or rmt/0 4 and sometimes it reads and sometimes it responds Media read error: Invalid argument.
    When we chech this same tape on a V240 with a C2 autoloader there is no problem reading any part of the backup.
    all C2 autoloaders have same version V31.0 and drive VG56Z.
    sample output
    # mt -f /dev/rmt/0 rewind
    # ufsrestore ivf /dev/rmt/0
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media read error: Invalid argument
    # ufsrestore ivf /dev/rmt/0
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media read error: Invalid argument
    # ufsrestore ivf /dev/rmt/0
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media read error: Invalid argument
    # mt -f /dev/rmt/0 fsf 1
    # ufsrestore ivf /dev/rmt/0
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media read error: Invalid argument
    # ufsrestore ivf /dev/rmt/0
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media read error: Invalid argument
    # ufsrestore ivfs /dev/rmt/0 1
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media read error: Invalid argument
    # ufsrestore ivf /dev/rmt/0
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media read error: Invalid argument
    # ufsrestore ivf /dev/rmt/0
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media read error: Invalid argument
    # ufsrestore tvf /dev/rmt/0
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media read error: Invalid argument
    # ufsrestore ivfs /dev/rmt/0 1
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media block size is 64
    Note: doing byte swapping
    Dumped from: the epoch
    Level 0
    dump of / on xxxxx:/dev/md/dsk/d0
    Label: none
    Extract directories from tape
    Initialize symbol table.
    ufsrestore > quit
    # ufsrestore ivfs /dev/rmt/0 2
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media read error: Invalid argument
    # ufsrestore ivfs /dev/rmt/0 2
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media block size is 64
    Note: doing byte swapping
    Dump date: Tue Jan 30 22:12:54 2007
    Dumped from: the epoch
    Level 0 dump of /home on xxxx:/dev/md/dsk/d2
    Label: none
    Extract directories from tape
    Initialize symbol table.
    ufsrestore > quit
    # ufsrestore ivfs /dev/rmt/0 3
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media read error: Invalid argument
    # ufsrestore ivfs /dev/rmt/0 3
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media block size is 64
    Note: doing byte swapping
    Dump date: Tue Jan 30 22:13:15 2007
    Dumped from: the epoch
    Level 0 dump of /licensed on xxxxx:/dev/md/dsk/d3
    Label: none
    Extract directories from tape
    Initialize symbol table.
    ufsrestore > quit
    # ufsrestore ivfs /dev/rmt/0 4
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media read error: Invalid argument
    # ufsrestore ivfs /dev/rmt/0 4
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media read error: Invalid argument
    # ufsrestore ivfs /dev/rmt/0 4
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media read error: Invalid argument
    # ufsrestore ivfs /dev/rmt/0 4
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media read error: Invalid argument
    # mt -f /dev/rmt/0 rewind
    # ufsrestore ivfs /dev/rmt/0 4
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media read error: Invalid argument
    # mt -f /dev/rmt/0 fsf 3
    # ufsrestore ivf /dev/rmt/0
    Verify volume and initialize maps
    Media read error: Invalid argument

    I assume all devices are on the same network (check that the first 3 sets of numbers in the IP addresses are all the same)
    Intermittent problems are often a result of interference. Interference can be caused by other networks in the neighbourhood or from household electrical items.
    You can download and install iStumbler (NetStumbler for windows users) to help you see which channels are used by neighbouring networks so that you can avoid them, but iStumbler will not see household items.
    Refer to your router manual for instructions on changing your wifi channel.

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