It is taking too long to login after i installed kaspersky

MY macbook air was working fine but after i installed kaspersky internet security and restarted it is it taking too long to login.. What do i do?

Try restarting in Safe Mode: Starting up in Safe Mode
Try disabling your Login Items: If you think you have incompatible login items
Both are temporary measures. Either one may allow you to log in so that you can uninstall Kaspersky. If you are unable to log in write back for additional instructions.
To reboot normally restart your Mac and log in without holding any keys.

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    Go to Solution.

    ampylagria1411 wrote:
    after waiting for a long time for skype to log in, it just suddenly goes back to the display box for name and password, and shows the statement "skype can't connect". why is it that it's taking too long to log in?
    What Firewall and Antivirus applications are installed on your computer?

  • Query taking too long to execute after clone

    Hi All,
    We have a query which is working fine in our development environment and taking around 15 secs to execute the query. When we run the same query with same parameters in a recently cloned instance, the query is taking 1200 secs to execute.
    Please help us on this issue.

    Hi All,
    I have 4 unions in my query. individual sqls are running in very less time. But when i use all of them in UNION then im getting performance issue. Below is my query:
    SELECT /*+ parallel(xla_l) parallel(xla_h) leading(xla_h) */
    fnd_flex_ext.get_segs('SQLGL', 'GL#', gl.chart_of_accounts_id, xla_l.code_combination_id) ACCOUNT,
    xla_oa_functions_pkg.get_ccid_description (gl.chart_of_accounts_id, xla_l.code_combination_id) account_description ,
    NVL(lk7.meaning, xla_l.accounting_class_code) accounting_class,
    te.ledger_id trx_ledger_id,
    GL_CUSTOM_DRILL_DOWN.get_trx_description(te.source_id_int_1,et.entity_code) description,
    null fleet_number,
    null Vendor_Name,
    xs.je_source_name JournalSource,
    xla_h.je_category_name JournalCategory,
    FROM xla.xla_ae_lines XLA_L,
    xla.xla_ae_headers xla_h,
    xla_gl_ledgers_v gl ,
    xla_lookups lk5 ,
    xla_lookups lk7,
    xla.xla_events xla_e ,
    xla.xla_event_types_tl et ,
    xla.xla_event_classes_tl ec ,
    xla.xla_transaction_entities te,
    gl_budget_versions bud ,
    --gl_import_references ir,
    xla.xla_subledgers xs
    --gl_je_lines gl_l
    --and ir.gl_sl_link_table=XLA_L.gl_sl_link_table
    --and gl.ledger_id       = xla_h.ledger_id
    xla_h.ae_header_id = xla_l.ae_header_id
    AND xla_h.application_id = xla_l.application_id
    AND lk7.lookup_code(+) = xla_l.accounting_class_code
    AND lk7.lookup_type(+) = 'XLA_ACCOUNTING_CLASS'
    AND xla_e.event_id = xla_h.event_id
    AND xla_e.application_id = xla_h.application_id
    AND xs.application_id =xla_h.application_id
    AND te.entity_id =xla_h.entity_id
    AND te.application_id =xla_l.application_id --xla_h.application_id
    AND ec.application_id = et.application_id
    AND ec.entity_code = et.entity_code
    AND ec.event_class_code = et.event_class_code
    AND ec.language = USERENV('LANG')
    AND et.application_id = xla_h.application_id
    AND et.event_type_code = xla_h.event_type_code
    AND et.language = USERENV('LANG')
    AND lk5.lookup_code = NVL(xla_h.funds_status_code, 'REQUIRED')
    AND lk5.lookup_type = 'XLA_FUNDS_STATUS'
    AND bud.budget_version_id(+) = xla_h.budget_version_id
    and xs.je_source_name != 'Cost Management'
    and (xla_l.gl_sl_link_id,xla_l.gl_sl_link_table) in (select ir.gl_sl_link_id, ir.gl_sl_link_table from
    gl_import_references ir,
    gl_je_lines gl_l
    where ir.je_header_id = gl_l.je_header_id
    and gl_l.je_line_num=ir.je_line_num
    and gl_l.period_name =NVL(:1,gl_l.period_name)
    and gl_l.code_combination_id =:2)
    lines.code_combination_id LINE_CODE_COMBINATION_ID,
    lr.target_ledger_name LEDGER_NAME,
    fnd_flex_ext.get_segs('SQLGL', 'GL#', b.chart_of_accounts_id, lines.code_combination_id) ACCOUNT,
    xla_oa_functions_pkg.get_ccid_description (b.chart_of_accounts_id, lines.code_combination_id) account_description,
    h.ledger_id LEDGER_ID,
    lines.entered_dr LINE_ENTERED_DR,
    lines.entered_cr LINE_ENTERED_CR,
    lines.ledger_id LINE_LEDGER_ID,
    lines.description LINE_DESCRIPTION,
    null FLEET_NUMBER,
    null Vendor_Name,
    h.je_source JournalSource,
    h.je_category JournalCategory,
    lines.JE_LINE_NUM Line
    FROM gl_period_statuses ps,
    gl_je_lines lines,
    gl_je_headers h,
    gl_je_batches b,
    gl_ledger_relationships lr
    WHERE lr.source_ledger_id = lr.target_ledger_id
    --AND lr.target_currency_code = DECODE ( GLR03300_pkg.get_ledger_currency, 'ALL123456789012345', lr.target_currency_code, GLR03300_pkg.get_ledger_currency )
    AND lr.application_id = 101
    AND b.average_journal_flag = 'N'
    AND b.je_batch_id = h.je_batch_id
    AND b.actual_flag = 'A'
    AND h.je_header_id = lines.je_header_id
    AND h.currency_code = DECODE ( GLR03300_PKG.get_entered_currency_code, 'ALL123456789012345', h.currency_code, NULL, h.currency_code, GLR03300_pkg.get_entered_currency_code )
    AND h.ledger_id = lr.source_ledger_id
    AND lines.period_name = ps.period_name
    and lines.period_name = NVL(:3,lines.period_name)
    AND ps.ledger_id = lines.ledger_id
    AND ps.application_id = 101
    AND lines.code_combination_id=:4
    AND h.je_source != 'Cost Management'
    SELECT /*+ parallel(xla_l) parallel(xla_h) leading(xla_h) */ gl_l.code_combination_id LINE_CODE_COMBINATION_ID,,
    fnd_flex_ext.get_segs('SQLGL', 'GL#', gl.chart_of_accounts_id, xla_l.code_combination_id) ACCOUNT,
    xla_oa_functions_pkg.get_ccid_description (gl.chart_of_accounts_id, xla_l.code_combination_id) account_description,
    NVL(lk7.meaning, xla_l.accounting_class_code) accounting_class,
    xla_h.ledger_id LEDGER_ID,
    NVL(xla_l.entered_dr,0) LINE_ENTERED_DR,
    NVL(xla_l.entered_cr,0) LINE_ENTERED_CR,
    te.ledger_id trx_ledger_id,
    GL_CUSTOM_DRILL_DOWN.get_trx_description(te.source_id_int_1,et.entity_code) description,-- gl_l.description LINE_DESCRIPTION,
    cii.instance_number FLEET_NUMBER,
    (select a.vendor_name
    where a.wip_entity_id = mmt.TRANSACTION_SOURCE_ID
    AND a.organization_id = mmt.organization_id
    and a.item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id) Vendor_Name,
    xs.je_source_name JournalSource,
    xla_h.je_category_name JournalCategory,
    gl_l.JE_LINE_NUM Line
    FROM xla.xla_ae_lines XLA_L,
    xla.xla_ae_headers xla_h,
    xla_gl_ledgers_v gl ,
    xla_lookups lk5,
    xla_lookups lk7,
    xla.xla_events xla_e ,
    xla.xla_event_types_tl et,
    xla.xla_event_classes_tl ec,
    xla.xla_transaction_entities te,
    gl_budget_versions bud,
    gl_import_references ir,
    xla.xla_subledgers xs,
    gl_je_lines gl_l,
    mtl_transaction_accounts mta,
    xla_distribution_links xdl,
    mtl_material_transactions mmt,
    csi_item_instances CII
    and ir.je_header_id = gl_l.je_header_id
    and gl_l.je_line_num=ir.je_line_num
    and ir.gl_sl_link_table=XLA_L.gl_sl_link_table
    and gl_l.period_name =NVL(:5,gl_l.period_name)
    and gl_l.code_combination_id = :6
    and xla_h.ae_header_id = xla_l.ae_header_id
    AND xla_h.application_id = xla_l.application_id
    AND lk7.lookup_code(+) = xla_l.accounting_class_code
    AND lk7.lookup_type(+) = 'XLA_ACCOUNTING_CLASS'
    AND xla_e.event_id = xla_h.event_id
    AND xla_e.application_id = xla_h.application_id
    AND xs.application_id =xla_h.application_id
    AND te.entity_id =xla_h.entity_id
    AND te.application_id =xla_l.application_id --xla_h.application_id
    AND ec.application_id = et.application_id
    AND ec.entity_code = et.entity_code
    AND ec.event_class_code = et.event_class_code
    AND ec.language = USERENV('LANG')
    AND et.application_id = xla_h.application_id
    AND et.event_type_code = xla_h.event_type_code
    AND et.language = USERENV('LANG')
    AND lk5.lookup_code = NVL(xla_h.funds_status_code, 'REQUIRED')
    AND lk5.lookup_type = 'XLA_FUNDS_STATUS'
    AND bud.budget_version_id(+) = xla_h.budget_version_id
    AND mta.reference_account = gl_l.code_combination_id
    AND mmt.transaction_id = mta.transaction_id
    and mta.transaction_id = xte.source_id_int_1
    AND mta.inventory_item_id =mmt.inventory_item_id
    AND mta.organization_id = mmt.organization_id
    AND mmt.transaction_type_id = 35
    and xte.entity_id = xla_e.entity_id
    and xdl.source_distribution_type = 'MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS'
    and xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1 = mta.inv_sub_ledger_id
    and xdl.APPLICATION_ID=707
    and xla_h.ae_header_id = xdl.ae_header_id
    and xdl.ae_header_id = XLA_L.ae_header_id
    and ir.gl_sl_link_table = 'XLAJEL'
    and ir.gl_sl_link_id = XLA_L.gl_sl_link_id
    and gl_l.je_header_id = ir.je_header_id
    and gl_l.je_line_num = ir.je_line_num
    and mmt.TRANSACTION_SOURCE_ID = wie.wip_entity_id
    AND mmt.organization_id = wdj.organization_id
    and wie.wip_entity_id = wdj.wip_entity_id
    and wdj.asset_group_id = cii.inventory_item_id
    and wdj.maintenance_object_id=cii.instance_id
    and xs.je_source_name = 'Cost Management'
    SELECT /*+ parallel(XLA_L) parallel(xla_h) leading(xla_h) */ gl_l.code_combination_id LINE_CODE_COMBINATION_ID,,
    fnd_flex_ext.get_segs('SQLGL', 'GL#', gl.chart_of_accounts_id, xla_l.code_combination_id) ACCOUNT,
    xla_oa_functions_pkg.get_ccid_description (gl.chart_of_accounts_id, xla_l.code_combination_id) account_description,
    NVL(lk7.meaning, xla_l.accounting_class_code) accounting_class,
    xla_h.ledger_id LEDGER_ID,
    NVL(xla_l.entered_dr,0) LINE_ENTERED_DR,
    NVL(xla_l.entered_cr,0) LINE_ENTERED_CR,
    te.ledger_id trx_ledger_id,
    GL_CUSTOM_DRILL_DOWN.get_trx_description(te.source_id_int_1,et.entity_code) description,-- gl_l.description LINE_DESCRIPTION,
    cii.instance_number FLEET_NUMBER,
    (select a.vendor_name
    where a.wip_entity_id = wta.wip_entity_id
    AND a.organization_id = wta.organization_id
    and a.item_id = cii.inventory_item_id) Vendor_Name,
    xs.je_source_name JournalSource,
    xla_h.je_category_name JournalCategory,
    gl_l.JE_LINE_NUM Line
    FROM xla.xla_ae_lines XLA_L,
    xla.xla_ae_headers xla_h,
    xla_gl_ledgers_v gl ,
    xla_lookups lk5,
    xla_lookups lk7,
    xla.xla_events xla_e ,
    xla.xla_event_types_tl et,
    xla.xla_event_classes_tl ec,
    xla.xla_transaction_entities te,
    gl_budget_versions bud,
    gl_import_references ir,
    xla.xla_subledgers xs,
    gl_je_lines gl_l,
    wip_transaction_accounts wta,
    xla_distribution_links xdl,
    -- mtl_material_transactions mmt,
    csi_item_instances CII
    and gl_l.period_name =NVL(:7,gl_l.period_name)
    and gl_l.code_combination_id = :8
    and xla_h.ae_header_id = xla_l.ae_header_id
    AND xla_h.application_id = xla_l.application_id
    AND lk7.lookup_code(+) = xla_l.accounting_class_code
    AND lk7.lookup_type(+) = 'XLA_ACCOUNTING_CLASS'
    AND xla_e.event_id = xla_h.event_id
    AND xla_e.application_id = xla_h.application_id
    AND xs.application_id =xla_h.application_id
    AND te.entity_id =xla_h.entity_id
    AND te.application_id =xla_l.application_id --xla_h.application_id
    AND ec.application_id = et.application_id
    AND ec.entity_code = et.entity_code
    AND ec.event_class_code = et.event_class_code
    AND ec.language = USERENV('LANG')
    AND et.application_id = xla_h.application_id
    AND et.event_type_code = xla_h.event_type_code
    AND et.language = USERENV('LANG')
    AND lk5.lookup_code = NVL(xla_h.funds_status_code, 'REQUIRED')
    AND lk5.lookup_type = 'XLA_FUNDS_STATUS'
    AND bud.budget_version_id(+) = xla_h.budget_version_id
    AND wta.reference_account = gl_l.code_combination_id
    and wta.transaction_id = xte.source_id_int_1(+)
    and xte.entity_id = xla_e.entity_id
    and xdl.source_distribution_type = 'WIP_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS'
    and xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1 = wta.wip_sub_ledger_id(+)
    and xdl.APPLICATION_ID=707
    and xla_h.ae_header_id = xdl.ae_header_id
    and xdl.ae_header_id = XLA_L.ae_header_id
    and ir.gl_sl_link_table = 'XLAJEL'
    and ir.gl_sl_link_id = XLA_L.gl_sl_link_id
    and gl_l.je_header_id = ir.je_header_id
    and gl_l.je_line_num = ir.je_line_num
    and wie.wip_entity_id = wta.wip_entity_id
    AND wta.organization_id = wdj.organization_id
    and wie.wip_entity_id = wdj.wip_entity_id
    and wdj.asset_group_id = cii.inventory_item_id
    and wdj.maintenance_object_id=cii.instance_id
    and xs.je_source_name = 'Cost Management'
    Please help me in tuning the above query.

  • User logon taking too long

    Windows XP clients are taking too long to login after connecting to the domain.
    i have the following setup
    Site A - WIndows 2008 R2 in WINdows 2003 Native Mode, 2 DC's , both GC, Subnet mapped to Site A
    Site B - WIndows 2008 R2 in WINdows 2003 Native Mode, 1 DC, GC, No subnet Map except the local subnet
    Site C - no servers, users are authneticating from "Site A"
    but when i am login from the XP machine, it is trying to login to the Site B DC which is not mapped to Site C, is there any specific way to address this issue,
    it is ok with windows 7

    In addition to the above troubleshooting suggestions, please also refer to the following links for more troubleshooting information:
    Troubleshooting the intermittent slow logon or slow startup
    Troubleshooting Slow Logons
    Arthur Li
    Subscriber Support
    If you are
    TechNet Subscription
    user and have any feedback on our support quality, please send your feedback
    Arthur Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • AirPlay Screen Mirroring (Mavericks) disconnects frequently with "Feedback taking too long to send" message

    My company has several TVs with AppleTVs (3rd generation units) connected in our conference rooms so we can "Screen Mirror" our Mac laptops via AirPlay during meetings. Many employees have complained that AirPlay Screen Mirroring drops frequently during meetings for no apparent reason.
    In attempts to determine the cause of the issue, I removed the AppleTV units from Wi-Fi and hard-wired them all to the LAN (100Mbps/Full duplex, no switchport errors seen on the Cisco switch). I upgraded the AppleTVs to the latest firmware. I had our AppleTV users ensure they were running MacOS Mavericks with the latest software updates installed. I had the Mac laptops hard-wired into the LAN during meetings in the conference rooms. None of these changes resolved the AirPlay issue.
    I reviewed the MacOS "/var/log/system.log" file from the laptops of several users that reported issues. I found a pattern that seemed to indicate that the "coreaudiod" process reported "Feedback taking too long to send" several times before the AppleTV connection was terminated. Also, from a network trace (using "tcpdump") taken during an unexpected AirPlay Screen Mirroring disconnection, I could see that the Mac laptop sent a TCP FIN packet to the AppleTV unit (this would indicate that the MacOS laptop initiated the closing of the AirPlay connection).
    I have included the relevant log file entries below. Please note that the LAN internal to our company is "solid" and there have been no connectivity issues detected or reported during the times the AirPlay sessions were disconnected.
    I believe I have found a workaround to this issue. By going into "System Preferences", "Sound" and then changing the "Output" device BACK to the "Internal Speakers" (rather than the AirPlay destination), the AirPlay Screen Monitoring connection seems to remain stable.
    My questions are:
    - is anyone else experiencing this type of problem? any other solutions recommended?
    - is there a way to change the AirPlay defaults so that Screen Mirroring only sends the video (not audio)?
    - does anyone know what the log file entries indicate (like, what does "Feedback taking too long to send...." mean)?
    - any fix planned for this issue?
    From: "/var/log/system.log":
    Jan 16 10:50:16 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:16.454404 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (1 seconds, 1 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:18 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:18.524517 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (4 seconds, 2 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:20 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:20.533639 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (6 seconds, 3 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:22 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:22.548168 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (8 seconds, 4 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:24 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:24.554522 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (10 seconds, 5 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:24 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:24.554809 AM [AirPlay] ### Report network status (3, en0) failed: 1/0x1 kCFHostErrorHostNotFound / kCFStreamErrorSOCKSSubDomainVersionCode / kCFStreamErrorSOCKS5BadResponseAddr / kCFStreamErrorDomainPOSIX / evtNotEnb / siInitSDTblErr / kUSBPending / dsBusError / kStatusIsError / kOTSerialSwOverRunErr / cdevResErr / EPERM
    Jan 16 10:50:26 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:26.545531 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (12 seconds, 6 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:28 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:28.559050 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (14 seconds, 7 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:30 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:30.628868 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (16 seconds, 8 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:32 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:32.655638 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (18 seconds, 9 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:34 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:34.641952 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (20 seconds, 10 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:36 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:36.659854 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (22 seconds, 11 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:38 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:38.653594 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (24 seconds, 12 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:40 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:40.659279 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (26 seconds, 13 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:42 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:42.745549 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (28 seconds, 14 total)
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.532853 AM [AirPlay] ### Endpoint "AppleTV" feedback error: -6722/0xFFFFE5BE kTimeoutErr
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.533151 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback failed: -6722/0xFFFFE5BE kTimeoutErr
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.533273 AM [AirPlay] ### Error with endpoint "AppleTV": -6722/0xFFFFE5BE kTimeoutErr
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.533427 AM [BonjourBrowser] Reconfirming PTR for AppleTV._airplay._tcp.local. on en0
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.533588 AM [BonjourBrowser] Reconfirming PTR for 9C207BBD8EA1@AppleTV._raop._tcp.local. on en0
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.533839 AM [AirPlay] ### AirPlay report: Network dead for 10+ seconds after 159 seconds, screen, nm "AppleTV", tp WiFi, md AppleTV3,1, sv 190.9, rt 0, fu 0, rssi -54
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.534104 AM [AirPlay] ### Report network status (5, en0) failed: 1/0x1 kCFHostErrorHostNotFound / kCFStreamErrorSOCKSSubDomainVersionCode / kCFStreamErrorSOCKS5BadResponseAddr / kCFStreamErrorDomainPOSIX / evtNotEnb / siInitSDTblErr / kUSBPending / dsBusError / kStatusIsError / kOTSerialSwOverRunErr / cdevResErr / EPERM
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.534315 AM [AirPlay] Deactivating virtual display stream for quiesce
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.543682 AM [AirPlayScreenClient] Stopping session
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.543815 AM [AirPlay] Quiescing endpoint 'AppleTV'
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.543907 AM [AirPlayScreenClient] Stopping session internal
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local coreaudiod[161]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.544218 AM [AirPlayScreenClient] Stopped session internal
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local AirPlayUIAgent[985]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.544266 AM [AirPlayAVSys] ### Quiesce AirPlay
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local SystemUIServer[159]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.544297 AM [AirPlayAVSys] ### Quiesce AirPlay
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local SystemUIServer[159]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.553084 AM [AirPlayAVSys] ### Quiesce AirPlay
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local AirPlayUIAgent[985]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.554904 AM [AirPlayAVSys] ### Quiesce AirPlay
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local SystemUIServer[159]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.557604 AM [AirPlayAVSys] Ignoring route away when AirPlay not current
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local AirPlayUIAgent[985]: 2014-01-16 10:50:44.560307 AM [AirPlayAVSys] Ignoring route away when AirPlay not current
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[89]: Display 0x04280880: GL mask 0x21; bounds (0, 0)[1920 x 1080], 62 modes available
    Jan 16 10:50:44 My-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[89]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01022727, GL mask 0x0000001f, accelerator 0x00004ccb, unit 0, caps QEX|MIPMAP, vram 2048 MB
    I am happy to provide more information if needed.
    Thank you.

    I'm currently still experiencing this as well. I've confirmed it occurs on 10.9.1, 10.9.2, and 10.9.3 on MacBook Pro Retina's, Mid-2012 and 2013 MacBooks. It happens on multiple ATV's not just one, all are updated to 6.1.1 and a simple reboot seems to fix it temporarily but it does come back. All the ATV's are connecting to the network via Wireless not Ethernet. These are 3rd Gen ATV's but I checked the serial number and these do not match the bad batch of Apple TV's from 2013 that were offered up for Replacement for Apple due to the bad firmware update. None of the computers have the Firewall turned on. Here's the two logs that we always find after the issue occurs (logs are recent, happened this morning):
    5/30/14 8:57:36.017 AM coreaudiod[183]: 2014-05-30 08:57:36.016946 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback taking too long to send (30 seconds, 17 total)
    5/30/14 8:57:36.332 AM coreaudiod[183]: 2014-05-30 08:57:36.331492 AM [AirPlay] ### Feedback failed: -6723/0xFFFFE5BD kCanceledErr
    The user will get disconnected from Airplay anywhere between 30 seconds to 3 minutes after logging on and can reconnect but then once again get disconnected after the same time period. One interesting thing to note is that when the Feedback Taking Too Long to send error starts occuring and the countdown to disconnect start ticking down to 30, its solely referring to Audio not being sent over the network and Video is working just fine. If I try to play sound I get another log and the sound doesn't play through the speakers. After a reboot, sound works fine and the Feedback Error's do not show up. I've also tried switching to Internal Speakers (since it defaultly switches to Airplay Speakers) after connecting to Airplay and seeing the Feedback timer start in the Console Logs but even after that the log continues to saw its taking too long to send and disconnects in 30 seconds. 
    This issue has been ongoing for months, I've got a ticket logged as far back as January with this occuring but its infrequent enough that we've just restarted and moved on. I'd say its an issue that occurs to about 5%-10% of meetings but that's an entire meeting that doesn't have the ability to Airplay until someone comes down and reboots it.
    I don't often post in this forum but its still an active issue with no resolution, proof that its occuring on other people's systems, and no firmware updates having been released to correct it. It'd be nice to know of any workarounds other than having to buy some lamp timers for each conference room just to get a functional ATV or putting up a sign that says hey if you get disconnected every 3 minutes, reboot the ATV. The whole reason we're using Apple products is for ease of use otherwise I'd put together a much cheaper solution myself. Any help or recommended troubleshooting steps would be fantastic at this point.

  • Hyperion Planning Web URL is taking Too long time to respond

    When Users are accessing Hyperion Planning URL web link its taking too long time to respond.We restarted the services after these for 2 hours it works fine after that again same issue.Please advise.

    Hi John,
    Follwing is the Log noted: when URL is slow:
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R com.hyperion.planning.olap.EssbaseException: ESSG_ERR_OPERATIONFAILED (1100027)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssbaseGridAPI.HspSaveGrid(Native Method)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssGConnection.hspSaveGrid(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssbaseJniOlap.loadOrSaveForm(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssbaseJniOlap.saveForm(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.db.HspFMDBImpl.saveFormGrid(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.SaveFormGrid(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.Save(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.Save(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.Save(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at HspEnterData.Handle(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at HspEnterData.doPost(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at$
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:204 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at$
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R com.hyperion.planning.olap.EssbaseException: ESSG_ERR_OPERATIONFAILED (1100027)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssbaseGridAPI.HspSaveGrid(Native Method)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssGConnection.hspSaveGrid(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssbaseJniOlap.loadOrSaveForm(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssbaseJniOlap.saveForm(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.db.HspFMDBImpl.saveFormGrid(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.SaveFormGrid(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.Save(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.Save(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.Save(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at HspEnterData.Handle(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at HspEnterData.doPost(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at$
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:220 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at$
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R com.hyperion.planning.olap.EssbaseException: ESSG_ERR_OPERATIONFAILED (1100027)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssbaseGridAPI.HspSaveGrid(Native Method)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssGConnection.hspSaveGrid(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssbaseJniOlap.loadOrSaveForm(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssbaseJniOlap.saveForm(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.db.HspFMDBImpl.saveFormGrid(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.SaveFormGrid(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.Save(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.Save(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.Save(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at HspEnterData.Handle(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at HspEnterData.doPost(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at$
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at$
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R com.hyperion.planning.HspRuntimeException: There was an error during the save process.
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.db.HspFMDBImpl.saveFormGrid(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.SaveFormGrid(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.Save(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.Save(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.Save(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at HspEnterData.Handle(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at HspEnterData.doPost(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:236 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at$
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at$
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R com.hyperion.planning.olap.EssbaseException: ESSG_ERR_OPERATIONFAILED (1100027)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssbaseGridAPI.HspSaveGrid(Native Method)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssGConnection.hspSaveGrid(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssbaseJniOlap.loadOrSaveForm(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.olap.HspEssbaseJniOlap.saveForm(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.db.HspFMDBImpl.saveFormGrid(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.SaveFormGrid(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.Save(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.Save(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at com.hyperion.planning.HyperionPlanningBean.Save(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at HspEnterData.Handle(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at HspEnterData.doPost(Unknown Source)
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at
    [8/15/12 10:17:21:251 GMT+08:00] 00000019 SystemErr R      at

  • Database open (recovery) taking too long

    Ive been using your awesome BerkeleyDB Java Edition for a couple of years, and have been very happy with it.
    I am currently facing an issue with trying to open the database after a disk-full issue (which resulted in the database being unable to write, and hence not closed properly).
    While recovery seems to be operating, it has been taking an inordinate amount of time - 16 hours so far. My database has data of around 200GB, which inflated to over 450GB during deletion of entries, hence gobbling up all free space on disk.
    My questions are:
    * Should i continue to wait for recovery?
    * Is there any chance that recovery is looping?
    * Is there an easier way (DBDump?) to extract data from the database without having to perform recovery?
    Some other information that may help:
    * The recovery has decreased the size of the last significant file, and created 3 new files since it started running.
    * I have been monitoring the open files (using lsof), and they change every now and then to other files, though a good amount of its time is spent near the end of the database.
    Thus, i feel like recovery is running normally, just taking too long. Please let me know your opinion.
    A few other things i should mention regarding my issue:
    * The database was, till yesterday, running on bdb java 3.3.75. After running several hours of recovery, i upgraded to 4.1.10 (since i read about a possible recovery looping bug in one of the versions)
    * Once 4.1.10 started recovery, it spat out errors regarding the last 2 files. Only on deleting those 2 files (the last being 0 bytes, the 2nd-last being about 5k) did the recovery start. Note that the older 3.3.75's recovery never complained about those files. I can post the errors here if relevant.
    * Some of the jdb files (about 500 files out of the 47,000 files that make up the database) are 100 MB files, since i had experimented with larger sized files for a few days, then reverted the setting.
    Would any of these above affect a successful recovery?
    My setup is:
    OS:Linux CentOS 5.2, 64-bit, kernel 2.6.18-92.el5
    JVM: Sun Java 1.6.0_20, 64-bit
    Memory: 16 GB RAM, of which 8 GB is allocated to the java process (-Xmx8000M -Xms8000M)
    BDB cache set to use 6GB RAM (envconfig.setCacheSize(6000000000))
    Only the BDB basic API is being used (Environment, database, cursors). We do not use DPL, or HA features.
    Awaiting your kind response,
    Sushant A

    Hi Sushant,
    * Should i continue to wait for recovery?* Is there any chance that recovery is looping?>
    I'm not aware of a bug that would cause recovery to loop, however, you may want to take thread dumps to see if it is progressing. It isn't easy to tell, however, since each phase of recovery is in fact a loop. What you can tell easily from the thread dumps is whether recovery is blocked (completely stopped) for some reason. I don't know of a bug that would cause this, but it's something I would check for.
    Assuming it is not blocked, I suggest that you leave recovery running, and additionally (in parallel) try to obtain some information about your log. While recovery is running you can run the DbPrintLog utility, which does not itself run recovery. I suggest running the following command, which will tell us in general what your log looks like and in particular how far apart the checkpoints are:
    java -jar je-x.y.z.jar DbPrintLog -h <envHome> -S > <output>Please post the output.
    If checkpoints are not running in your application for some reason, or they are running very infrequently, this can cause VERY long recoveries. Unfortunately, you may have such a problem in your app and not be aware of it, until you crash and have to recover. To guard against this sort of thing in the future, you should keep an eye on the checkpoint frequency. EnvironmentStats.getNCheckpoints and getEndOfLog can together be used to tell how much log is written between checkpoints. We will also be able to see this from the DbPrintLog -S output.
    * Is there an easier way (DBDump?) to extract data from the database without having to perform recovery?DbDump normally runs recovery. DbDump with the -r or -R option does not run recovery, but has other drawbacks. With -r, a large amount of memory may be necessary to dump an accurate representation of your data set. If this fails because you run out of memory, -R can be used, but this will dump multiple versions of each record and it will be up to you to interpret the output.
    If regular recovery does not succeed, then DbDump -r is the next thing to try.
    Would any of these above affect a successful recovery?No, I don't believe so.

  • Iam using 3015 network printer. while iam printing from word it is taking too long to print

    Respected sir,
    I am using 3015 printer.  when ever i give print it is taking too long time nearly 1 minute . there is no problem with the network

    Let's set a static IP address for the printer:
    - Print a Network Config Page from the front of the printer. Note the printer's IP address.
    - Type that IP address into a browser to reveal the printer's internal settings.
    - Choose the Networking tab, then Wireless along the left side, then the IPv4 tab.
    - On this screen you want to set a Manual IP. You need to set an IP address outside the range that the router automatically sets (called the DHCP range). You can find the DHCP range of the router using its internal settings page or in its manual. Use the CD that came with your router or type the router's IP address (ends in .1) into a browser.
    - Use for the subnet (unless you know it is different, if so, use that)
    - Enter your router's IP (on the Network Config Page) for the gateway and first DNS. Leave the second one blank.
    - Click 'Apply'.
    Now, shut down the router and printer, start the router, wait, then start the printer.
    After this you may need to redo 'Add a Printer' using the new IP address.
    Say thanks by clicking "Kudos" "thumbs up" in the post that helped you.
    I am employed by HP

  • Moving the 80 Million records from Conversion database to System Test database (Just for one transaction table) taking too long.

    Hello Friends,
    The background is I am working as conversion manager and we move the data from oracle to SQL Server using SSMA and then we will apply the conversion logic and then move the data to system test ,UAT and Production.
    Moving the 80 Million records from Conversion database to System Test database (Just for one transaction table) taking too long. Both the databases are in the same server.
    Questions are…
    What is best option?
    IF we use the SSIS it’s very slow and taking 17 hours (some time it use to stuck and won’t allow us to do any process).
    I am using my own script (Stored procedure) and it’s taking only 1 hour 40 Min. I would like know is there any better process to speed up and why the SSIS is taking too long.
    When we move the data using SSIS do they commit inside after particular count? (or) is the Microsoft is committing all the records together after writing into Transaction Log
    Karthikeyan Jothi
    hundreds of millions records can be done in less than an hour.
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

  • RMAN - upgrade catalog taking too long

    Hello ,
    I am trying to upgrade the rman catalog and it is taking too long to upgrade , infact after 4 hours wait time it is still excuting the upgrade command .
    Target database is : PSU1
    catalog database :
    upgrading the rman catalog to .
    I tried executing the command at a very quiet time of the day when catalog is not been used by any database . Please advice if you have encountered the similar issue and fixed it .

    After some time into execution of "upgrade catalog" i got the output as below , and after that i let all the jobs of rman execute completely from diff databases that are connected to catalog and re-executed the "upgrade catalog" command , which finally completed the upgrade process with out the issues .
    Error :
    RMAN> upgrade catalog;
    error creating upgcat_strt_0
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-06004: ORACLE error from recovery catalog database: ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource
    Re-executed when no sessions are connected to catalog and the upgrade process is successful .
    RMAN> connect catalog rman/rman@database
    connected to recovery catalog database
    PL/SQL package RMAN.DBMS_RCVCAT version in RCVCAT database is not cu
    PL/SQL package RMAN.DBMS_RCVMAN version in RCVCAT database is not cu
    RMAN> upgrade catalog;
    recovery catalog owner is RMAN
    enter UPGRADE CATALOG command again to confirm catalog upgrade
    RMAN> upgrade catalog;
    recovery catalog upgraded to version
    DBMS_RCVMAN package upgraded to version
    DBMS_RCVCAT package upgraded to version

  • Export PDF taking too long to upload to Adobe export online. Any suggestions?

    I just recently purchased adobe exportPDF and I am trying to convert the PDF to word, but it is just taking too long even after opening multiple times.

    Hi there Huapopicante,
    How large/complex is the file that you're trying to convert? It may be that the file is too complex for the ExportPDF service to convert before timing out. Here are a few things that you can try, however:
    Clear the browser cache and try again.
    Make sure that you're using a supported web browser (
    Try a different browser.
    Make sure that there are no firewall/proxy settings that are limiting your access to the Internet.
    Convert the PDF file from within Reader with OCR disabled, as described in this document: How to disable Optical Character Recognition (OCR) when converting PDF to Word or Excel.
    Please let us know how it goes.

  • I shut down when an upgrade was taking too long yesterday, now Itunes will not open today

    I shut down when an upgrade was taking too long yesterday, now Itunes will not open today

    Hello James,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities!
    From what you are describing, I have 2 recommendations. First, troubleshoot for 3rd party plugins that may be causing an issue after the interrupted update:
    iTunes: Troubleshooting issues with third-party iTunes plug-ins
    If the issue persists after followign the article, I would next download iTunes from the download page, and install it.
    Take care,

  • My iPod was updating to iOS 6 and i shut it off during the update because it was taking too long and now my screen in baby blue i've tried to drain the battery but when i plugged it in to charge the blue screen came back on.I dont know what to do

    My iPod was updating to iOS 6 and i shut it off during the update because it was taking too long and now my screen in baby blue i've tried to drain the battery but when i plugged it in to charge the blue screen came back on.I dont know what to do

    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iPod fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - If still not successful that indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.

  • Update statement taking too long to execute

    Hi All,
    I'm trying to run this update statement. But its taking too long to execute.
        UPDATE ops_forecast_extract b SET position_id = (SELECT a.row_id
            FROM s_postn a
            WHERE UPPER(a.desc_text) = UPPER(TRIM(B.POSITION_NAME)))
            WHERE position_level = 7
            AND b.am_id IS NULL;
            SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ops_forecast_extract;
    SELECT count(*)
            FROM s_postn a, ops_forecast_extract b
            WHERE UPPER(a.desc_text) = UPPER(TRIM(B.POSITION_NAME));
    575What could be the reason for update statement to execute so long?

    polasa wrote:
    Hi All,
    I'm trying to run this update statement. But its taking too long to execute.
    What could be the reason for update statement to execute so long?You haven't said what "too long" means, but a simple reason could be that the scalar subquery on "s_postn" is using a full table scan for each execution. Potentially this subquery gets executed for each row of the "ops_forecast_extract" table that satisfies your filter predicates. "Potentially" because of the cunning "filter/subquery optimization" of the Oracle runtime engine that attempts to cache the results of already executed instances of the subquery. Since the in-memory hash table that holds these cached results is of limited size, the optimization algorithm depends on the sort order of the data and could suffer from hash collisions it's unpredictable how well this optimization works in your particular case.
    You might want to check the execution plan, it should tell you at least how Oracle is going to execute the scalar subquery (it doesn't tell you anything about this "filter/subquery optimization" feature).
    Generic instructions how to generate a useful explain plan output and how to post it here follow:
    Could you please post an properly formatted explain plan output using DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY including the "Predicate Information" section below the plan to provide more details regarding your statement. Please use the {noformat}[{noformat}code{noformat}]{noformat} tag before and {noformat}[{noformat}/code{noformat}]{noformat} tag after or the {noformat}{{noformat}code{noformat}}{noformat} tag before and after to enhance readability of the output provided:
    In SQL*Plus:
    EXPLAIN PLAN FOR <your statement>;
    SELECT * FROM TABLE(DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY);Note that the package DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY is only available from 9i on.
    In 9i and above, if the "Predicate Information" section is missing from the DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY output but you get instead the message "Plan table is old version" then you need to re-create your plan table using the server side script "$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlxplan.sql".
    In previous versions you could run the following in SQL*Plus (on the server) instead:
    @?/rdbms/admin/utlxplsA different approach in SQL*Plus:
    <run your statement>;will also show the execution plan.
    In order to get a better understanding where your statement spends the time you might want to turn on SQL trace as described here:
    When your query takes too long ...
    and post the "tkprof" output here, too.
    Oracle related stuff blog:
    SQLTools++ for Oracle (Open source Oracle GUI for Windows):

  • Why mac taking too long to wake-up??

    I dont know ahy but my mac is taking too long to wake up after sleep mode. As I open up the lid, the password screen pops up quickly but after I type in the password, it takes too long to open up. Does anyone have a solution for this problem?

    It might have something to do with the SSD, what is the size of your Ram ?? do an extensive test on your RAM which will take a long time. Bad RAM can do wacky things and work fine until you do something specific or push the system hard. Have a look at this articles here, might be helpful:

Maybe you are looking for

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