Items (imput field) only numeric?

Hi all,
I m trying to create items (imput field) to insert new record into table
TABLE_A(id numeric, value numeric) value is desired column, id is sequence and not important.
So I have format mask $5,234.10(FML999G999..) 5,234.10(999G999G999..) 5,234.1000 5,234 5,234.10- -5.234,10 <5.234.10>
but i need only this digit 0123456789. or this format 5234.00
is there any simple solution for this items numeric only format ?

APEX Version?
Database Version?
Browsers in use?
Answering these questions will go a long way in answering you question..
(Why I say this is, if you are using a PRE 4.x version of APEX, you would use some java script, a 4.x version of APEX would allow you to use a plugin  like this: - Item Plugin - Text Field with Masked Input
Thank you,
Tony Miller
LuvMuffin Software

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    Sorry for the delay in my response. Here is the code
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    Hi Venuthurupalli,
    As valery has said once you select the value to be of type integer,once you perform an action it will be validated and error message that non numeric characters are there will be shown. If you want to set additional constraints like max value, min value etc you can use simple types for it.
    On the project structure on left hand side under local dictionary ->datatypes->simple types create a simple type of type integer
    The attribute which you are binding to value property ;make its type as simple type which you made
    Hope this helps you

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    Create a Custom Authorization Object so that you can control it for certain users.  2. Write implicit enhancement spot in the include TCS MV45AF0T_TCTRL_U_ERF_AUFTRAG_I,
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    It shows only Open Item as the partial payments can not be maintained through the Info Cubes. Because Info Cubes always Addition concept.(Hope you are using Reverse/inversion field here for fetching the data to BI side)
    You can Use DSO for this purpose as it has the Over write functionality but still your problem is not solved because it shows the Open here also, But can trace the changes through Change log table.
    Try to use 2 Info Objects to map with both the Open and Clear because you have partial payment concept is one way OR
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    ajitabap wrote:
    > Schedule Lines related Data USING BAPISDORDER_GETDETAILEDLIST Then Pass them to BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE Then It work and update the field.
    > Regards
    > AJIT
    What's the relevance of schedule lines and ADRNR?
    @OP: Don't. There is a reason why SAP gives out a new ADRNR. And manually changing the value of a primary/foreign key is never a good thing to do.

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    Hello Eveyone
    My solution for this is simple
    In Adobe Pro, go to menu bar in:
    Add and Replace or Update
    in Apperance select
    Apperance Options
    remove the check for "SHOW WHEN PRINTING"
    This solved the problem to print forms with background in your company.

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                   ID        = 'Z005'
                   LANGUAGE  = SY-LANGU
                   NAME      = VBDPL-TDNAME
                   OBJECT    = 'VBBP'
                   HEADER    = THEAD
                   LINES     = TEXT_CARTONQUAN
                   NOT_FOUND = 1.
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    IL    &VBDPL-USR01_VBLB&
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    Am I missing something?
    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Jan 7, 2009 11:25 AM

    thanks for the answers!
    @Ramiro Escamilla  
    I've tried that already, but for some reasons, the break point doesn't work, it is not stopping during the print out. I've tested if it is using that print program and uncommented the entry subroutine and I got an error message then, so it's the correct print program. Any suggestions why break point is not working?
    @Pawan Kesari  
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    One possible workaround is to export the form data and then import it into a "blank" version of the same file, that has only the form fields. This would require using a script to export and import the data, and to create that additional version of the file for printing purposes.
    Or you can put the file's contents on a non-printable layer when creating it...

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    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It makes no changes to your data.
    Please triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    ls -@Oaen L*/Keyc* | pbcopy
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window by pressing the key combination command-V. I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting.
    Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign ($) to appear below what you entered.
    The output of the command will be automatically copied to the Clipboard. If the command produced no output, the Clipboard will be empty. Paste into a reply to this message.
    The Terminal window doesn't show the output. Please don't copy anything from there.
    If any personal information appears in the output, anonymize before posting, but don’t remove the context.

  • Item catagory field display in sales order lin item

    Hi experts,
    I would like to have your view points to gray out item catagory field at sales order item level.
    In our scenario, company has outsourced sales order creation to third party vendor. Also we have restricted sales order creation for these user's via role creation for certain document types.
    Even after these settings, now they have access to item catagory field to modify. We want to gray out this field so that they will not be able to update it to another item catagoroy.
    Thanks in adavance for your reply.

    I have a suggestion, which can act as a work around through configuration. Maintain only one default Item category & do not maintain any alternative item category, which can be changed manually. this will serve the purpose of not changing the Item Category & even if user tries to change, it will not accept any other item category.
    Menupath: SPRO --> Sales and Distribution --> Sales --> Sales Documents --> Sales Document Item --> Assign Item Categories
    Rajesh Banka
    Reward points if helpful.

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    We want to add an item detail field (manufacturer part number = MEPO1321-MFRPN) into items overview table
    on ME21N, ME22N and ME23N transactions.
    Does someone know if it's possible with a badi or other kind of exit ?
    thanks for your help

    Hello Eric,
    If you want to system to show  Mfr Part Number you must not maintain the "MPN Profile" in materail master.
    But if you are using a material with profile, you will only get these fields pooulated  if you order the MPN material, and not the internal one. See also information in note 615722.

  • Restricting Duplication in Item Code Field

    Dear Experts,
               I am designing an FMS on sale order Item Code Field. When it will executed on first line it will show all the sale items but as it will be executed on 2nd line it will show sale items excluding the item which has been entered at first line and same scenario will occur at 3rd line means it shows Sale Items excluding Items entered on line 1 & 2 and same for other lines. So the user will not be able to enter a single item twice not even by mistake.
    Please tell me what would be the FMS query for this.

    Hi Muhammad,
    Executing a stored procedure will not solve your problem.
    Stored procedure can only evaluate when your records is written in table.
    In your case, when user enter an item code, it is not yet committed to database.
    Thus your stored procedure will never know what items have been entered.
    Your current requirement cannot be addressed by FMS.
    You have 2 choices.
    1. If you insists on validating live as when the user enter the items, you need an UI API addon.
    2. If you can live with validating when the user click the add/update the document, you can use Transaction Notification.

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