Items needed for iChat Av

i am wanting to set up an iChat between my mother and i (she lives 4 hours away)
i know that i need the iSights, but in regards to software and accounts, what do i need??
i have looked for FAQ on iChat AV but can't find any help.
it is recommended that you have a .mac account, but is this necessary and if so would i need two (one for her and one for me)
please advise

Hello, Ryan.
I'm butting into your conversation with (lab specialist and others) because I am searching all over trying to resolve my own problem. This thread looked close. But it's not quite my answer. You seem very knowledgable on this so...
I have AIM for mac 4.7 and iChat AV 2.1. I'm in OS 10.3.9.
iChat won't acknowledge the very same people that AIM does. I have a buddy (actually this happens with more than one buddy) listed in AIM whom I communicate with fine. Her same name is in my iChat buddy list but it tells me she is offline (while I am chatting with her in AIM). She, by the way, has iChat 3. using Tiger. I try to add a buddy in iChat but by default all I can select is AIM or .Mac - or her email from my address book. I presently have her as all three but still cannot connect. She says she does not pay for a .Mac account (but I now understand after reading your info that she probably did sign up free and it allows her to continue with IM only). Her screen name in my AIM has no @.... anything. Just a name and number she chose. When I try to enter that in iChat, of course, it adds a @.mac on the address book entry, and aim on the one I tried adding as Other. Neither work!? But she's coming in loud and clear in my AIM. Can you unravel this?
ps, I did create a new post in the iChat 2.1 forum pretty much asking the same question but it may go unnoticed.
noodlehead confoun..ddeD

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  • Why are ports 36000-36999 needed for iChat AV

    I have a homegrown firewall on my network that allows me to do whatever I wish.
    When testing this with a ichat AV 4 user, I had to open the following ports to make it work:
    ${fwcmd} add pass udp from any to any 36000-36999
    ${fwcmd} add pass udp from any 36000-36999 to any
    Once that was done, the video/audio worked fine. I had already punched the other recommended holes:
    ${fwcmd} add pass tcp from any 5190 to any 1024-65535
    ${fwcmd} add pass tcp from any 5298 to any 1024-65535
    ${fwcmd} add pass tcp from any 1024-65535 to any 5190
    ${fwcmd} add pass tcp from any 1024-65535 to any 5298
    ${fwcmd} add pass udp from any 5060-5061 to any 1024-65535
    ${fwcmd} add pass udp from any 5190 to any 1024-65535
    ${fwcmd} add pass udp from any 5297-5298 to any 1024-65535
    ${fwcmd} add pass udp from any 5353 to any 1024-65535
    ${fwcmd} add pass udp from any 5678 to any 1024-65535
    ${fwcmd} add pass udp from any 16384-16403 to any 1024-65535
    Why were the 36000 ports needed?
    Also, when testing with an iChat 3 user, I couldn't initiate the call, but they could and it worked...
    One more thing I should add is that I tested the ichat4 to the appleu3test02 aim user and it worked without punching the 36000 holes.
    Any clues would be very helpful.

    I will tell you which ports iChat 4 uses.
    You can then decide how to enter them into your set up.
    5190 on TCP for AIM Login. An alternative we suggest is 443
    This can be SSL on either port for iChat 4
    5190 on UDP for File Sending, Pic in Text chats (Direct chats) and Group chats.
    5222 and or 5223 on TCP for Jabber login depending on your Server
    5220 for Jabber on TCP (rest of their port use)
    5297, 5298, 5353 on UDP for Bonjour
    5298 on TCP for Bonjour
    5678 on UDP for sending and receiving Visible part of A/V invite
    Ports 16393-16402 on UDP for the SIP connection phase with the SNATMAP server AND the A/V chat it self. Use one port at a time for all of this (Different from iChat 3) Starts at port 16402 and move down one port at a time for those 10 ports then tries random port.
    5900 TCP for Screen Sharing (Unsecure connections) VNC.
    See this Doc for some info
    This for some of the iChat 4 Changes
    This for the VNC bit and confirmation on Port Use and the use of Jabber on some server 5553 in Note 10
    What happens sometimes is that if the other end is doing Port Forwarding, DMZ or Port Triggering with NAT happening in two or more devices then the ports get changed.
    You see this is some Error 8 logs. This in fact itself goes back to info that appeared in the Error log drop down in iChat 2 (And 3 before 10.4.7) that gave you some of the info about how the call was progressing when it failed.
    Doing NAT behind tow or more routing devices can be the problem. It is even worse when people have two DHCP server further complicating the issue.
    I am not sure why you have not pointed them port for port.
    (I know the Apple Doc does says in it's table that this is an option.)
    Most domestic devices via a web browser set up, work fine pointing 5190 at 5190 for example. iChat data is then expected on an iChat port and pointed to an iChat port on your computer.
    Realistically a firewall should work the same way.
    10:23 PM Wednesday; November 14, 2007

  • Why is a hub needed for ichat a/v locally?

    If I'm not mistaken it's currently not possible to create a network by having all nodes except one join the other using adhoc networks and for that machine to act as a router. Why is this the case?
    Why do I need a router to do ichat a/v b/w computers locally?
    Back in the days a machine could emulate a basestation correct?

    Hi Robert,
    I have two Macs but they are through a Routing modem.
    I also run Little Snitch on one of them and have not seen iChat call SNATMAP when using Bonjour.
    I have the modem set to use UPnP. The Mac Firewall is not on but does list the Bonjour ports (along with AV and Jabber).
    The Bonjour ports are 5298 on TCP and 5297, 5298, 5353 on UDP
    It is the 5353 that most people miss as it is not one of the Bonjour /iChat presets in the Mac Firewall.
    I do have my DNS servers fro my ISP listed on both the modem and my computers.
    5:05 PM Sunday; February 25, 2007

  • What we need for ichat 3.....

    Apple customers have been waiting since tiger's debut and i think that these threads says it all:
    i think we paid money for this now "non-working" package and a very pricey camera. We have waited and waited, without a word from apple on this issue.
    I have repaired and tested my isight, with the help of Ralph's efforts and the test sites, but still can't video connect to anyone, except testers on the boards.
    There have been messages sent to apple, via their feedback form. ............................................................................... ..silence....................................................................... .
    Now what?
    What would be great is: We need a crafty person to make ichat 2.1 work on tiger. some sort of a patch, that will trick tiger into thinking that ichat 2.1 is able to run.
    who knows if that's possible. By suggesting this, I am sure they will dump this post in a few minutes.
    does anyone else feel the same?
    If there is any input from apple, I would love to hear it.
    posted in desperation.... paul

    I hear you and appreciate that you have already tried getting 2.1 to work on tiger.
    Aside from the fact that we paid for tiger and should be able to use it, I don't think downgrading is going to solve the problem. Unless everyone does it.
    Beleive me, PLEASE, when I say that i have been though all of your suggestions and I have managed to get my side of the connection working. The problem lies in the fact that now everyone else needs to do the same, which isn't going to happen.
    I haven't given up, i just think that short of troubleshooting one connection, with one person, there isn't a way to fix this problem.
    Do you think that it is realistic to hop on the phone and walk someone through fixing their connection, every time you want to initiate a video chat with someone new?
    Lastly, my hope with this thread was to provide a place for users to post their thoughts, without clogging up your troubleshooting forums. Seemed reasonable to me, given the fact that there is no way to voice your frustration, with this situation. Sending emails to apple doesn't help. At least, we know that someone from apple is seeing these threads....
    thanks for you help ralph

  • I know my Apple Id (not .mac) and password but I can't logon to ichat.  I keep getting a message of password not matched.  Do I need to create a new account for Ichat?

    I know my Apple Id (it isn't ".mac") and password but I can't log on to ichat.  I keep getting a message of password not matched.  I saw somewhere that my Apple id is the same as my ichat account.  Do I need to create a new account for Ichat?  I've already reset my Apple id password 3 times in the last 2 days.  What am I doing wrong?

    At one time only Email IDs from Apple (when it was just were referred to as "Apple IDs"
    Other IDs such as to log in to Discussions were know as Discussion IDs
    Things like the Online Store and iTunes and Apple realising that people would prefer one ID to have access to Everything tended to move things together.
    There can be a variety of combos now
    iChat Name before MobileMe post MobileMe
    AIM Names
    AIM names current
    MobileMe (
    Email Address valid with the .Mac service prior MobileMe Note 1
    Email style Name Valid with AIM
    May or may not be an Email address
    Can be AIM issued or third party Email address
    Valid Email with MobileMe Service
    Other Abilities
    May also be Currently valid email linked to a MobileMe account
    Maybe Valid Apple ID
    Is a Valid AIM Screen Name
    May Not be a Valid Apple ID (was an option choice at one stage)
    Is a Valid AIM Screen Name
    May not look like an Email (No but may be linked to either an AOL email account or AIM one
    Current Registration seems to be pushing Email registration ( asking to use another you currently use.
    Trial Accounts are limited to the Trial Period Only as Emails, Valid AIM Screen Names and Apple IDs.
    Apple ID
    Possibly (likely)
    Possibly (depends when Registered)
    More currently Yes.
    Glad I could help.
    8:39 PM      Thursday; September 15, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • What is needed for a PC user to video chat with me on ichat?

    I'm a newbie at this....The easiest solution is to convert them to MAC! But that isn't going to happen! Desperately need to see my little grandson.....please help if you can.....the answer is probably very simple and i am going to feel a little silly.
    My husband and I communicate just fine on video ichat between our two MACS....he uses an id and i use a id

    AIM for a PC or the app Trillian will do it (With an AIM name).
    Trillian used to sell 3 versions until recently.  The oldest, ver 3.2, now seems to have disappeared from their site. It was on "Sale" at $15
    They also seem to have renumbered the various releases as Version 3.2 used to be the same for Mac and PCs
    The previous layout also implied the Mac version was the same as the Windows 4.2 version And the Beta option for version 5 has also disappeared.
    Also if you have a Google mail Account and they do as well you cna both turn On the Talk option at Google and make use of GoogleTalk in a web Broswer.
    iChat can make use of the GoogleTalk ID (It's your email in fact) and you can Video Chat to other iChat Users that Google or Jabber IDs (GoogleTalk is a Jabber server).
    It will not however Video chat to the Standalone PC app of the same name or to anyone using the Chat feature in the Google Mail Web page (Different Protocols)
    You can use other web sites to do Browser to Browser Video chats
    See the options 9 through 11 (12 is now defunct) and MeBeam is now called Koowy.
    These options need Flash to be enabled in your Browsers (both ends) and it will give you a Pop up to Click Allow for access to the Camera (Which you may also need to chose in one of the tabs)
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.
    8:41 PM      Friday; April 22, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.7)
    , Mac OS X (10.6.7),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • We need a No-Charge TAQ item Category for a Sales BOM

    We have a situation where we will bring in several Sales BOM's on a Sales order, but need to have one or more of the Sales BOM's to be a No-Charge item (similar to a TANN Item Cat).
    We are using ERLA (top down) Item Category Group for the Sales BOM materials and when we use these materials in a sales order I would like to be able to change the some of the Sales BOM's Item Category to a No Charge category (we created a ZAQ item category for this situation), but when you creating the Sales Order, the top level item where the pricing is (the TAQ item category) is GRAYED out and I can not change it to our new ZAQ category, even though it appears in the drop down list for the Item Category.
    Is there any way to make the top level TAQ item category for Item Cat. Group ERLA a maintainable field on the Sales order?

    As I know- std , will not support Return scenario of Sales BOM & Free goods.
    Work around may be needed to achieve this, other than standard.
    Create Zitem category by copying from REN - (ZREN - with structure scope & application), determine item category for sub items as well.
    Maintain copy controls accordingly from RE to LR - Ret delivery & RE- Credit for returns.
    Test & revert.

  • Hide function in Login Items doesn't work for iChat and Address Book app.

    There is a problem with the hide function for iChat and Address Book application in Login Items. If you go to System Preferences, click on Login Items, add the iChat and Address Book application to the Login Items, activate the hide function for iChat and Address Book application and restart your Mac iChat and Address Book application will start with opening a window. Normally this shouldn't happen if the hide function in Login Items is activated for iChat and Address Book application.
    Message was edited by: Roman Patrice Gego

    Your link refers to changes to 10.6.3 prior release as tested by Developers.
    The numbering system tells us that. (Build 10Dxxx).
    Therefore it is an Update and not an Upgrade, therefore no-one is going to get charged.
    If the article is the so called Release Notes then they mention nothing about correcting any issue with Login Items Hiding.
    If you think an issue is being missed there is a place to report that, from this icon view list which includes Hardware and Software.
    I personally have not tested Login Items Hiding as I tend to think there is no point in having an App open if it not on the Desktop.
    As Kappy pointed out there was little progress on a similar issue with Leopard.
    This could be interpreted that Apple feel that the issue does not effect enough people or that other issues are more important.
    As anyone and everyone can report Issues and contribute their ideas to the OS and it's improvement via the Feedback links it would seem to be a question of enough people bringing it to Apple's Attention.
    I would tend to work on Issues that stopped an App functioning first, linked with integration with the OS and any changes to the major parts of it such as a Quicktime.
    Lesser issues that maybe more cosmetic in appearance would tend to fall down my list of things to do.
    Presumably Apple have a grading system on such things that may not fit with either of our views.
    As Apple don't reveal any details about the OS Updates or even Upgrades then anything any of us think we interpret as a pattern is just that - an interpretation.
    Consequently anything we say on the subject is then likely to be seen as speculation under the Terms of Use of these Boards.
    8:28 PM Sunday; May 9, 2010
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

  • What ports do I need to open on my router for iChat AV?

    What are they ports that need to be opened? (Range) I am using a linksys router..

    Hi Ralph,
    I am sorry, but UPnP is automatically enabled on my Netgear 834G but still won't make it work.
    I've disabled the internal Firewall in 10.4.6 and also opened all ports on the router (1024-65535) for both outbound and inbound. I've trashed all pref files in /Library/Preferences. Yet I have still failed to connect to an AIM user.
    If I disconnect the router and plug in an old D-Link ADSL modem it works striaght away for iChat and AIM users without a fail.
    Any help appreciated!

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    BAdI needed for transfer order split with the maximum of 5 item level.
    If a transfer order contains 12 item level, three separate transfer order should be created with item level 5,5 and 2.
    This transfer order is for the material which bound to flow to production from warehouse.
    Can anyone explain the step by step procedure to implement this BAdI?
    It would be great if the procedure is for New BAdI.
    The specified item was not found. [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken]:///people/alwin.vandeput2/blog/2006/04/13/how-to-search-for-badis-trace-it
    /people/thomas.weiss/blog/2006/04/18/how-to-implement-a-badi-and-how-to-use-a-filter--part-4-of-the-series-on-the-new-enhancement-framework /people/thomas.weiss/blog/2006/05/03/source-code-enhancements--part-5-of-the-series-on-the-new-enhancement-framework

  • The App Store indicates that 5 items need to be updated. When I go to the Update page, only a blank page appears and no application logo appears for updating. Would appreciate receiving a solution for this.

    The App Store indicates that 5 items need to be updated. When I go to the Update page, only a blank page appears and no application logo appears for updating. Would appreciate receiving a solution for this.

    Okay - let's cut to the chase...
    If the Menu Bar (File, Edit... Help) shown in my screenshot below is not visible, use CTRL+B to display it. Then click on Help/Check for Updates. If one is available, you will be able to select it at this time.
    Note the item at the bottom of the list; About iTunes. Selecting that will show you which version of iTunes you are using.
    An alternative method to display the Menu Bar is click on the box in the top left of your iTunes window...

  • Need help ErrorERR-1002 Unable to find item ID for item "P12_PROUDCT_ID" i

    please help me i am getting this error and idont know how to solve it
    Error     ERR-1002 Unable to find item ID for item "P12_MOR_IS_VIRGIN"
    Error connecting to the VIRGIN TABLE ' Check MOR is look like shit?
    for x in
    (select seq_id, c001 from apex_collections
    where collection_name = 'ORDER' and c001 = :P12_PRODUCT_ID)
    apex_collection.delete_member(p_collection_name => 'ORDER', p_seq => x.seq_id);
    htp.p('removed an item');
    end loop;
    if anyone has a clue how do i solve it plz email me or just write it here
    [email protected]
    tnx alot David.
    Edited by: user11017573 on Oct 1, 2012 3:03 AM

    Error ERR-1002 Unable to find item ID for item "P12_PROUDCT_ID" in application "61553".Is the item name P12_PROUDCT_ID or P12_PRODUCT_ID? Perhaps you misspelled the item name in the item itself?

  • Why can't I access preferences or account settings for iChat

    Let me start by saying I'm a newbie. I would like to use iChat. I set up a .mac account, a Google/Gmail account and an AIM account.
    However, I cannot seem to log-in or use iChat using any of the accounts. I get to the Account Set Up page, enter the log-in info, get to the "Encrypted Chat" window, but cannot see any "Done" button that iChat says I have to select to start using iChat. Nor can I access any of the iChat account settings or preferences.
    It doesn't matter if I'm on my wireless network (linksys WRt54G) or connected via ethernet. My firewall settings in System Preferences is open.
    What am I doing wrong?
    thanks in advance.

    Welcome to the    Discussions
    I am a bit confused as to what stage you are up to.
    I think it is the difference in the words you had used (and where you have used them) compared to how I tend to think about iChat
    I would like to use iChat. I set up a .mac account, a Google/Gmail account and an AIM account.
    I take this means that you have Registered Screen Names at the required places.
    I get to the Account Set Up page, enter the log-in info, get to the "Encrypted Chat" window, but cannot see any "Done" button that iChat says I have to select to start using iChat.
    I am therefore assuming this mean you are stuck in the Start Up Screens ?
    Start Up Screens
    You get a Welcome Screen First
    A place to Add ("set up" in my speak) an AIM or Apple Screen name. It has a place to Add your First Name Last name details - which may be pre-filled from the Address Book.
    This pic is from iChat 4 but should be the same in iChat 5
    You need to use the middle Drop down to select which type of account you are using/setting Up.
    The option to Enable Bonjour Chats is the next screen followed by the option to Set Up Jabber (Or Google) IDs
    In iChat 5 there are optional items under the Text Fields to set up Server Names if different to the ending of your Jabber ID and the Server Port to use.
    This is followed by a Video Snapshot option/Preview of Video Screen.
    The Last is the Done Screen which tends to list the Names you are setting up.
    If I have summarised correctly this is where you have got to then Open the Folder with the Little House iCon (Hard Drive/Users/(your account)
    In here then open the Library one and the Preferences one in there.
    Use either List View or CoverFlow (Also a List) an find anything that starts and ends .plist and drag it to the Trash.
    Try setting up just one Name (You can add more in iChat Later).
    If that does not work can you click though all the screen without adding any details at all ?
    Longer version of this here
    As I provided a link to my Site I am required to place this:-
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.
    9:59 PM Tuesday; November 9, 2010
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

  • Connecting a macbook to a tv for ichat?

    I am wondering if there is a way to use a macbook connected to a tv with a dvi or similar cable to ichat.  My Mom is throwing a 70th birthday party for my dad and we usually chat macbook to imac, but I know there is a way to connect to a tv so I can 'attend' the party.  I can't seem to find what I am looking for, but it seems like it would be simple.  The problem is that my Mom isn't too savvy in this area, and it is hard to walk her through this.  I would think once she connects to the tv, a simple switch in Displays prefs would do it.  Any suggestions?

    My MacBook Pro has a DVI Output and came with an Apple DVI to VGA cable.
    It is very short at about 6 inches.
    My TV has VGA Input.
    For me this would need a longer cable to be able to place the Computer in a position to still use the camera (it would be useless for them to see you but you not see them because the camera was facing the wrong way) then in System Preferences > Displays Mirroring can be turned On.
    I would then go Full Screen in iChat so that the iChat Video chat was the whole display on the TV.
    I would also get iGlasses (A System Add-on) that can be used by iChat to do various Adjustments to the Macs Video pic  (Pan and Zoom is one thing that may be useful for a shot of a room when people are further back than normal).
    For Sound to the TV she would probably have to use a 3.5mm jack to whatever the TV has.
    (And chose System Preferences > Sound > Output  and then Line Out (it may read Headphones if something is Plugged in) - she may also have the option for the Digital feed).
    Obviously if her Mac or her TV have other connections then some inter cabling will be needed.
    10:27 PM      Saturday; July 9, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.7),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • AP Line-Item Report for State Auditors

    Dear Members,
    I am preparing one Report named AP Line-Item Report for State Auditors and i need the following fields in my report.
    Check Number                PAYR-CHECT
    Voucher Number             BSEG-BELNR
    Check Date                     PAYR-ZALDT
    Voucher Date                     BKPF-BUDAT
    Vendor Number             LFA1-LIFNR
    Vendor Name                     ADRC-NAME1
    Vendor Street Address     ADRC-STREET
    Vendor City                     ADRC-CITY1
    Vendor State                     ADRC-REGIO
    Vendor Zip Code             ADRC-POST_CODE1
    General Ledger Acct No     BSEG-HKONT
    Purchase Order Number     BSEG-EBELN
    Tax Status Code             BSEG-MWSKZ
    Taxable Amount             BSEG-HWBAS
    Exempt Amount             BSEG-MWSTS
    Tax                                     BSEG-MWSTS
    Tax Accrued                     BSEG-MWSTS
    Total Invoice                      BSEG-DMBTR
    I am new to FI.So I request some one please let me know which datasources contain the above fields and which CUBE is best suited for this.
    Thanks in Advance for help and quick reply is much much appreciated.
    Best Regards

    0VENDOR_ATTR - Vendor Master Data Attributes
    0FI_AP_51 - Check Register Line Items
    0FI_AP_4 - Accounts Payable Line Items
    It should be noted, however, that this won't get you everything that you need, so you may have to create enhance one or more of these DataSources and create User Exit ABAP code to get the required data. Also, the 0FI_AP_51 DataSource isn't available if your source system isn't ECC6 EHP3 or higher. If your source system is less than that, you're going to have to create a generic DataSource for the data from the PAYR table.

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