ItemUpdate Webservice with alternates

I have a need to start using Item alternates from our ERP system (non-SAP).
I am using version
I tried to use the tag <Me:ItemAlternateList> in the ItemService.UpdateItem method,
but for some reason I never get the Alternate item to be set as enabled or the valid start and valid end filled with any values.
I have attached a screenshot of how the material maintenance screen looks after the web-service has run.
Can anyone try this and see if you can replicate the issue?
This is the web-service message used.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:me="" xmlns:gdt="">
                     <me:ValidStart daylightSavingTimeIndicator="false">2014-06-17T00:00:00Z</me:ValidStart>
                     <me:ValidEnd daylightSavingTimeIndicator="false">2099-01-01T00:00:00Z</me:ValidEnd>

Hi Johan,
In 6.0, ERP Alternates are created as a regular BOM Components. This was changed for 6.1 to get ERP Alternates created in BOM.
And ItemService is not used by ERP Integration - there is a dedicated WS for this.
So, it is likely that this feature of ItemService does not work in 6.0 at all.
Message was edited by: Sergiy Katerinich

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    Hello Manuel,
    You can use the following code:
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    SAP needs a password.
    Kind regards,

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    Thanks for the help:
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    It seems that the "Form" property of the XmlElementAttribute was missing in Compact Framework 1.1. It does exist in Compact Framework 2.0.
    You can try removing the "Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified" entries from the proxy, but I'm not sure of it will still correctly work: For in-parameter it should be Ok to skip "Form=", but for out-paramters and result it could have the effect that no data is received.
    In this case the best option may be to upgrade to Compact Framework 2.0.

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    width="400" quality="best" play="true"></embed>

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    <center><p>Please update to the latest version
    of <a href=""
    target="_blank" title="Flash Player">FLASH</a>, and enable
    <a href=""
    title="Enable Javascript"
    target="_blank">JAVASCRIPT</a><br /> or view site as
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    // <![CDATA[var so = new SWFObject("flash.swf", "mymovie",
    "950", "600", "8", "#FFFFFF");

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    Best regards,
    Marco Tranquillin

    My collegue found a solution:
    1) create WSDL with 2 or more operations (with input,output and fault messages);
    2) drag & drop "Event Based Decision" element into Business Process;
    3) link "Start" to "Event based decision";
    4) link "Event based decision.end" to "End";
    5) link a scope (with inside what you want) with "Event based decision";
    6) choose your operation from WSDL and drag & drop it OVER the icon with the mail icon;
    7) link operation.reply with the output scope and with the element "Event Based Decision.end";
    Marco Tranquillin

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    I need to call a Webservice with SAML security from PI 7.0, Is It possible? or only It is possible with PI 7.1?
    Thanks in advance,
    Jose Manuel

    Hi Jose,
    Let me answer your questuion first :
    No, using PI 7.0 I dont think its posible..
    Below is a brief overview on SAML.
    SAML: It stands for Security Assertion Markup Language, it is an XML standard which is used to exchange security information between a service provider and an identity provider.
    Why we need it ???
    We have a concept called Principal Propagation in PI 7.1, Principal Propagation allows to securely pass the identity of a user from a sender application to a receiver application. There are various adapters and protocols which support the Principal Propagation and one protocol amongst them is the Webservice Reliable Messaging Protocol or WS-RM. Principal Propagation solution for WS-RM protocol is based on SAML and uses the SAML assertions.
    There are some video recordings available for configuration and you can view the same as below,
    Configure a Trust Relationship between Sender and Integration Server: Exchange sender's digital certificate between sender and Integration Server.
    Configure Trusted Issuer: Map user in the Integration Server, and specify issuer. Default issuer is the sender's system ID, default attester is the sender's certificate.
    Configure Sender Agreement and Sender Communication Channel: In Integration Directory, select SAML Sender Vouches Assertion as authentication method.

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    public String getXMLFile(String name,String fileName,Attachments atts) throws RemoteException
    AttachmentFactory factory = AttachmentFactory.newInstance();
    Attachment imageAtt = factory.createAttachment(fileName, "text/plain", new FileInputStream(fileName));
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return "Hello " + name;
    This webservice is deployed in Oracle AS.
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    Any pointers would be highly appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Vishal,
    I created the class as mentioned in the link. But when I try to test the web service, I get the following error :
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    Any ideas on how I can make it work ?
    Thanks and Regards,

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    Ask your ABAP Team to write BDC or LSMW program.
    This will help you.

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    <string> 111 </string>
    <string> 222 </string>
    <string> 333 </string>
    A problem i have:
    How I can to assign a differents values to this list?
    i assigned first element directly and then tried to add a new one with append:
    I receive:
    <string> 111 </string>
    Its added as a single string, no as a Structure Element.
    What i missed???

    ok, i tried.
    add a new string type variable:
    <variable name="string" element="ns6:string"/>
    next assigned to $string my text and tried to append it to list:
    and as a result i receive a correct structure:
    <string> 111 </string>
    <string> 12345 </string>
    BUT!!! When i next use a countNode:
    <assign name="ac">
    <from>ora:countNodes('GetPersonsData_Request','parameters','ns2:request/ns5:PersonIdList/ns8:string') - it shows me 1 !!!
    In EM:
    Updated variable "counter"
    <counter xsi:type="def:int">1</counter>
    Is it really correct example and it should to work?

  • Async webservice with Callback

    Hi Experts,
    How to call a Asynchronous Microsoft webservice(Used callback mechanism) from XI?
    First I have to call the Microsoft webservice, it will return acknowledgement about the status. Again I have to invoke the webservice then it(microsoft) will return the response.
    How to do the above steps using XI? Please share your suggestions

    Hi Sara,
    Major thing is if ur  webservice accepts some data and gives some response, then both input and output should get imported into XI as seperate message types (Under Messages Tab) as shown in step 1 of ur referred weblog
    So there u must have 2 messages: 1 for request and 1 for response. This depends upon ur wsdl structure. Once u get these messages, u could proceed with ur message mapping
    Steps are,
    1.import the wsdl file in Integration Repository in Integration Objects->external definitions.
    2.then create message types using the imported WSDL request and response.
    3.Other things are as usual.
    using SAP XI we can easily connect to webservices pls chk the links

  • WS security on webservices with JAX-WS Provider Interface

    Hi Experts:
    I have developed webservices with JAX-WS Provider Interface (WSProvider),it gives message level handling and also eliminates POJOs for user defined types; but how to add operation level Weblogic security policy on such services ?
    In my Weblogic console, I can see the endpoint of the service, and my services has at least 10 operations as defined in the WSDL, but I do not see operations details in the server console when I try to attach Weblogic security policy; so how do I add security rule to decide which operation is allowed by which user?
    am I missing something? or this is not possible ?  I am using WSProvider Interface and wondering is any issue because of that?  Or my operations should be visible regards of any JAX-WS standards implementation ?
    Thanks in advance!

    appaerently with the switch to the oc4j ws providers - a regression was introduced - bug 5665917 ... which is to be fixed for ..
    pls contact oracle support to retrieve the patch ..

  • Is it possible to call a webservice with just the url to its WSDL

    hi all
    can anyone tell me if it is possible to call a webservice with just the url to its WSDL file. must we create the proxy class for webservice client? thanks

    if you are in the context of a J2EE 1.4 container, you do not need to generate any stub, you can use either a dynamic proxy mechanism or dynamic invocation.
    check JWSDP tutorial.

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    Siva Sankar
    You may use Field Exit to do this enhancement. You can create fieldexit from report RSMODPRF.
    In order to use field exit check/activate Profile Parameter abap/fieldexit using t code RZ11.
    Thanks & regards
    Amol Lohade

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