Iterating over LinkedHashMap (doubly-linked) backwards

I have a complete lack of understanding here. I interpret "doubly-linked" to mean every node has a pointer to the next node plus a pointer to the previous node. I don't see a way to get an Iterator that goes from the tail to the head of a LinkedHashMap, however.
How do I iterate backwards over a LinkedHashMap?
If I have to use some external object to reverse the order of the keys, what is the point of doubly-linking the list?
Thanks for any help.

pbyhistorian wrote:
I have a complete lack of understanding here. I interpret "doubly-linked" to mean every node has a pointer to the next node plus a pointer to the previous node. Yes, but that's an implementation detail that you as a user don't need to know about to use the features of the data structure. (It does come into play where performance is concerned.)
I don't see a way to get an Iterator that goes from the tail to the head of a LinkedHashMap, however.If it's not in the docs, then it doesn't have one.
Note that it would be possible to iterate backwards even without such an internal implementation detail. And even if such an implementation detail is there, that doesn't mean it will be exposed in the public interface.
How do I iterate backwards over a LinkedHashMap?If there's no method provided, you don't.
If I have to use some external object to reverse the order of the keys, what is the point of doubly-linking the list?It may still be useful for the implementations of some of the methods, even if it's not directly exposed to the user.

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    ejp wrote:
    That's rather out of date. It is how Hashtable works, but as regards HashMap it isn't. The keySet() iterator and the values() iterator are both written in terms of the entrySet() iterator. There is no skipping over unused slots.Out of date? In that case there's been a recent advance in hashed data structures I've missed.
    Or the HashMap implementation has been recently changed to internally link entries to improve iteration performance. I doubt that because such a list would degrade the performance of the HashMap in other ways and that's unacceptable (and unnecessary because of LinkedHashMap).
    Besides, what I said is in the Java 6 API documentation to LinkedHashMap. It may be out of date but I doubt it.
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              dataRecord data;
              linkData next;
              linkData prev;
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    mindspeed wrote:
    I have to traverse a linked list to a doubly linked list This makes no sense as traverse means to pass or move over or along something. Perhaps you mean translate instead.

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    Hi Dani,
    Yes, according to me this would be the best approach. You can use content-streaming to pass this large xml to ejb and once it passes successfully EJB should operate on this. If you want any result back (for further routing), you can get it back from EJB.
    EJB gives you power of java to process this file and from java perspective 150 MB is not a very LARGE data. Ensure that you are using buffering. Check out this link for an explanation on Java IO Streams and, in particular, buffered streams -
    Try dom4J with xpp (XML Pull Parser) parser in case you have parsing requirement. We had worked with 1.2GB file using this technique.

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    which is implemented as a doubly linked list:
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    public class ListTest {
      public static void main(String [] argv) {
        // synchronize if multiple threads are using list
        LinkedList list = Collections.synchronizedList(
          new LinkedList());
        list.addLast("a test");
        ListIterator it = list.iterator(0);
        // with iterator you can walk the list
    }You can then use iterators to walk the list:
    Good Luck.

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    Edited by: user4933866 on Jun 26, 2012 11:22 AM
    Edited by: user4933866 on Jun 26, 2012 11:25 AM
    Edited by: EJP on 27/06/2012 08:50: corrected title to agree with question

    EJP wrote:
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    I have given some comments in your other thread and instead of finding the minimum in each scan, you can do "neighbour-swaps". This will sort the list in fewer scans.

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    I'm thankful for every Idea.
    Thank you in advance,
    best regards

    Well, I've been using mysql for a long time, yes, but I thought that this approach would be the best for my requirements.
    Materialized View's don't work for me, because I need real-time updates of the Slaves.
    So, sorry for asking that general, but what would be the best technology for the following problem:
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    Very important to me is, that Data remain consistent. That means, that it must not be that 2 systems update the same record on 2 different databases at the same time.
    I hope you understand what I'd need.
    Thank you very much for all your replies.
    best regards
    PS: I forgot to mention that the Databases won't be very large, just about 20k records, and about 10 queriees per second during peak times and there's just the need to sync 1 Table.
    Edited by: 907142 on 10.01.2012 23:14

  • Sorting a doubly linked list

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    public void sortList()
    int flag = 0;
    DoubleNode temp; //Doubly Linked List Node
    temp = firstNode;
    String tempData;
    while (flag != 1)
    flag = 1;
    String data = (String)temp.element;
    while ( != null)
    int comp = data.compareTo((String);
    if (comp > 0)
    tempData = (String)temp.element;
    temp.element =;
    data = (String)temp.element; = tempData;
    flag = 0;
    temp =;
    data = (String)temp.element;
    I'm trying to take an easy way around the problem by not swaping nodes but just the data the nodes contain. I'm pretty new to this and my prof. has just gone insane giving us this hardcore assignment.
    is this code even close to be correct?
    is this a good way of tackling the problem?
    thanks a lot! / Dan

    Okay, without going into any great detail about possible issues with the algorithm or code, it's gonna first be necessary to know some more about the DoubleNode class. For example, does it have a next method? If it does, then right off the bat your code will have to be adjusted so that where you have written "" you actually call the next method (which, if it is parameterless, would be ""). As you have it written now, "" is accessing the "next" attribute of your DoubleNode instance, and I don't think that's what you're intending.

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       * @param o the object to insert.
       * @param i the index to add the object.
      public void insertAt(Object o, int i) {
        if (i==0) {
        else {
          int j= 0;
          Node previous= first;
          Node next= first;
          while (j<i) {
            previous= next;
            next= previous.getNext();
          Node insertAt= new Node(o, previous, next);
       * @param i the index of the object to remove.
      public Object removeAt(int i) {
        if (i==0) {
          return first.getData();
        else {
          int j= 0;
          Node previous= first;
          Node next= first;
          while (j<i) {
            previous= next;
            next= previous.getNext();
          Node temp=next.getNext();
          if (temp.equals(null)) {
            last= previous;
            return next.getData();
          return next.getData();

    public Object removeAt(int i) {
    if (i==0) {
    return first.getData();
    }I can't be sure from the code but the above code looks like a problem: if you remove the node before you get the data, aren't you returning the data from the second node (now the first)?

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    Anyone know how I can troubleshoot this? For kicks, I also tried using a DB for the remote link, but with the same results.
    Edited by: socpres on Mar 2, 2009 3:44 PM
    Accidental save...

    ittichai wrote:
    I searched metalink for your issue. This may be a bug in 3.1 which will be fixed in 4.0. Please see Doc ID 740581.1 Database Link Tables Do NoT Show Up In Table Drop Down List In Apex. There is a workaround mentioned in the document.
    I'm not sure why I never thought of searching MetaLink, but thanks for the pointer! It doesn't match my circumstances, however. The Bug smells like a view not being queried in the APEX development tool itself -- i.e. the IDE's coding needs changing, not necessarily those apps created with the IDE.
    I'm working on getting you access to my hosted app...

  • TE over ospf virtual-link does not work

    Hi Expert,
    I want to practise the TE over ospf virtual-link. The topo is like this one:
    R1 R2
    | |
    | |
    R5 R6
    all links are in area 0 except link between R3 and R4.
    router ospf 1
    network area 0
    mpls traffic-eng router-id Loopback0
    mpls traffic-eng area 0
    interface Tunnel16
    ip unnumbered Loopback0
    tunnel destination
    tunnel mode mpls traffic-eng
    tunnel mpls traffic-eng autoroute announce
    tunnel mpls traffic-eng priority 5 5
    tunnel mpls traffic-eng bandwidth 5
    tunnel mpls traffic-eng path-option 10 dynamic
    router ospf 1
    network area 0
    mpls traffic-eng router-id Loopback0
    mpls traffic-eng area 0
    router ospf 1
    area 1 virtual-link
    network area 0
    network area 0
    network area 1
    network area 0
    mpls traffic-eng router-id Loopback0
    mpls traffic-eng area 0
    mpls traffic-eng interface
    Ethernet1/0/1 area 0
    router ospf 1
    area 1 virtual-link
    network area 0
    network area 0
    network area 1
    network area 0
    mpls traffic-eng router-id Loopback0
    mpls traffic-eng area 0
    mpls traffic-eng interface Ethernet1/1 area 0
    router ospf 1
    network area 0
    network area 0
    mpls traffic-eng router-id Loopback0
    mpls traffic-eng area 0
    router ospf 1
    network area 0
    network area 0
    mpls traffic-eng router-id Loopback0
    mpls traffic-eng area 0
    The tunnel 16 on R1 from R6 does not come up .
    rt5_1#sh mpls traffic-eng tunnels t16
    Name: rt5_1_t16 (Tunnel16) Destination:
    Admin: up Oper: down Path: not valid Signalling: Down
    path option 10, type dynamic
    Config Parameters:
    Bandwidth: 5 kbps (Global) Priority: 5 5 Affinity: 0x0/0xFFFF
    Metric Type: TE (default)
    AutoRoute: enabled LockDown: disabled Loadshare: 5 bw-based
    auto-bw: disabled
    Shortest Unconstrained Path Info:
    Path Weight: UNKNOWN
    Explicit Route: UNKNOWN
    Time since created: 1 hours, 7 minutes
    Path Option 10:
    Last Error: PCALC:: No path to destination,
    Does anyone the cause of the problem?

    There is one virutal link between R3 and R4.
    rt5_1#sh mpls traffic-eng topology
    IGP Id:, MPLS TE Id: Router Node (ospf 1 area 0)
    link[0]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:24, gen:224
    frag_id 1, Intf Address:
    TE metric:10, IGP metric:10, attribute flags:0x0
    link[1]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:25, gen:224
    frag_id 0, Intf Address:
    TE metric:10, IGP metric:10, attribute flags:0x0
    link[2]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:-1, gen:224
    frag_id 3, Intf Address:
    TE metric:10, IGP metric:invalid, attribute flags:0x0
    sh mpls traffic-eng topology brief
    IGP Id:, MPLS TE Id: Router Node (ospf 1 area 0)
    link[0]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:31, gen:106
    frag_id 1, Intf Address:
    TE metric:10, IGP metric:10, attribute flags:0x0
    link[1]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:32, gen:106
    frag_id 0, Intf Address:
    TE metric:10, IGP metric:10, attribute flags:0x0
    link[2]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:-1, gen:106
    frag_id 3, Intf Address:
    TE metric:10, IGP metric:invalid, attribute flags:0x0
    IGP Id:, MPLS TE Id: Router Node (ospf 1 area 0)
    link[0]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:34, gen:104
    frag_id 0, Intf Address:
    TE metric:10, IGP metric:invalid, attribute flags:0x0
    link[1]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:19, gen:104
    frag_id 1, Intf Address:
    TE metric:10, IGP metric:10, attribute flags:0x0
    link[2]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:-1, gen:104
    frag_id 2, Intf Address:
    TE metric:10, IGP metric:invalid, attribute flags:0x0
    IGP Id:, MPLS TE Id: Router Node (ospf 1 area 0)
    link[0]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:31, gen:94

  • Two unexpected Locals variables when iterating over array of containers​.

    I iterate over an array of containers. In the ForEach loop step variables format I have defined two variables; one is current offset, second one is current element.
    The loop works fine.
    However, during the debug process, I've spotted two new Locals variables called __ElementSibling0 (type: number) and __ForEachReleaser0 (type: obj. reference) created silently by TS as soon as I start iterating over my array. What are they?
    Do they exist because:
    I'm iterating over an array of containers, or
    I use  the _currentElement_Freq variable, or
    it always like that?
    Go to Solution.

    Those are used by the implementation of the For Each step. You can see them only because you have enabled the Show Hidden Properties setting.
    You can safely ignore their presence.

  • [SOLVED] Iteration over a BPM Object.

    Hi guys, here i'm trying to solve a problem. May be simple, but i cant iterate over a BPM object without using the fuego taglibs.
    I need to iterate over the object X. The X object have one attribute, called itens, that is a group with values.
    In my JSP, using the code, works:
    <tr><td><b>Objeto.codigo:</b></td><td><f:fieldValue att="x.code" onlyValue="true"/></td></tr>
    <tr><td><b>Objeto.nome:</b></td><td><f:fieldValue att="" onlyValue="true"/></td></tr>
    <tr><td><b>Objeto.item1:</b></td><td><f:fieldValue att="x.itens[0].description" onlyValue="true"/></td></tr>
    I have tried a conjuction with a <c:forEach> to iterate over the x.itens attribute without success, like this
    <c:forEach var="item" items="${x.itens}">
    With JSP EL, there's a way to access this attribute without workarounds?
    Edited by: user10128107 on 08/01/2009 04:04
    It was the use of the core taglib...
    Edited by: user10128107 on 08/01/2009 05:49

    madeqx wrote:
    Will this piece of code be significantly slower than iteration over an ArrayList?a) No. Iteration is O(n) in both cases.
    b) Irrelevant. If your design calls for a map, use a map, and if it calls for a list, use a list. The two serve entirely different purposes, and we don't choose between map and list for performance reasons.

Maybe you are looking for