Iteration into Recursion

Hi ..
can someone help me turn the iteration in the code below into recursion
// Note: phone number must be input in the form #######.
// Only the digits 2 through 9 are recognized.
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.FormatterClosedException;
import java.util.IllegalFormatException;
public class Phone
   private int phoneNumber[];
   // output letter combinations to file
   public void calculate( int phoneNumber )
      String letters[][] = { { " ", " ", " " },
         { " ", " ", " " }, { "A", "B", "C" }, { "D", "E", "F" },
         { "G", "H", "I" }, { "J", "K", "L" }, { "M", "N", "O" },
         { "P", "R", "S" }, { "T", "U", "V" }, { "W", "X", "Y" } };
      int digits[] = new int[ 7 ];
      for ( int i = 6; i >= 0; i-- )
         digits[ i ] = ( int )( phoneNumber % 10 );
         phoneNumber /= 10;
      } // end for
      Formatter output = null;
         output = new Formatter( "phone.txt" );
      } // end try
      catch ( SecurityException securityException )
            "You do not have write access to this file." );
         System.exit( 1 );
      } // end catch
      catch ( FileNotFoundException fileNotFoundException )
         System.err.println( "Error creating file." );
         System.exit( 1 );
      } // end catch
      System.out.println( "Please wait..." );
         int loop1; // loop counter for first digit of phone number
         int loop2; // loop counter for second digit of phone number
         int loop3; // loop counter for third digit of phone number
         int loop4; // loop counter for fourth digit of phone number
         int loop5; // loop counter for fifth digit of phone number
         int loop6; // loop counter for sixth digit of phone number
         int loop7; // loop counter for seventh digit of phone number
         // output all possible combinations
         for ( loop1 = 0; loop1 <= 2; loop1++ )
            for ( loop2 = 0; loop2 <= 2; loop2++ )
               for ( loop3 = 0; loop3 <= 2; loop3++ )
                  for ( loop4 = 0; loop4 <= 2; loop4++ )
                     for ( loop5 = 0; loop5 <= 2; loop5++ )
                        for ( loop6 = 0; loop6 <= 2; loop6++ )
                           for ( loop7 = 0; loop7 <= 2; loop7++ )
                              output.format( "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n",
                                 letters[ digits[ 0 ] ][ loop1 ],
                                 letters[ digits[ 1 ] ][ loop2 ],
                                 letters[ digits[ 2 ] ][ loop3 ],
                                 letters[ digits[ 3 ] ][ loop4 ],
                                 letters[ digits[ 4 ] ][ loop5 ],
                                 letters[ digits[ 5 ] ][ loop6 ],
                                 letters[ digits[ 6 ] ][ loop7 ] );
                           } // end for
                        } // end for
                     } // end for
                  } // end for
               } // end for
            } // end for
         } // end for
      } // end try
      catch ( IllegalFormatException illegalFormatException )
         System.err.println( "Error in format of output." );
         System.exit( 1 );
      } // end catch
      catch ( FormatterClosedException formatterClosedException )
            "Error sending output; File has been closed." );
         System.exit( 1 );
      } // end catch
         System.out.println( "Done." );
         if ( output != null )
            output.close(); // close output stream
      } // end finally
   } // end method calculate
} // end class Phone

Heila wrote:
I know a little about recursion .. and what's commen between them is that they have a base case and a caling for thesame method with the update needed. right?Yes, but what's important about that is that it means that to solve the problem over the whole set, you solve the same problem over parts of the set and then combine the results, which means, a) You have to understand how to define the algorithm in terms of itself, and b) you have to understand what the base case is. Do you know those parts for this problem?
As an example, factorial (N!) can be defined as:
N! = N * (N - 1)! if N > 1
N! = 1 if 0 <= N <= 1
Undefiend if N < 0
So we see that the "defining factorial in terms of itself" part is N * (N - 1)!, and that the base case is when N is 0 or 1.
Now, if you're going to define "find all sequences of N values" in terms of itself, how would you do that (without Java)?

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    Not to be confused with dominition.You mean when Sue gets out her whip and stiletto
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    I am very far from being an expert here, but:
    Two important things come to mind;
    1. Try to keep your calculations in one file/class it is tempting to have something like the following:
    class BookTypeA
      float calculateFine()
         loanRate = 2%;
         // stuff
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    class BookTypeB
      float calculateFine()
         loanRate = 0.5%;
         // stuff
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    You solve this problem by having a Visitor, there is lots of stuff on the web about the Visitor pattern. Basically:
    class Calculator implements Visitor
       public int calculate( Book book  )
          //stuff here
    class BookTypeA extends Book
       void calculateFine(  Visitor v )
          v.visit( this );
    for(  Book bk : myBooks  )
        bk.calculateFine( calculator );
    // etc.2. Separate your calculations into discreet functions, notice the difference in the following two "calculators"...
    class Calculator
       float getFine( int daysoverdue )
          if(  !senior )
              float result = daysoverdue * 0.01f;
              result += ( int tax = result * 0.08f );
              result += ( previousFines );
              result -= ( float seniorsdiscount = result * 0.10f );
           //etc, etc.
    // The WAY BETTER version
    class Calculator
       float getFine( int daysoverdue )
          if(  !senior )
              float baseAmount = calculateBaseFines( daysoverdue );
              float taxAmount = calculateTax( baseAmount );
              float previousFines = addPreviousFines(  );
               float subTotal = baseAmount + taxAmount + previousFines;
              float seniorsDiscount = applySeniorsDiscount(  subTotal );
           //etc, etc.
          // one calculation per function
          float calculateTax(  float baseamount )
              taxRate = 0.08;
              return baseAmount * taxRate;
          // rest of the functions
    } In short be really explicit. Really clear. Chasing tax rates through program headers, global definitions, main classes is really rough. Put the tax rate right next to the calculation. Perform one calculation per function, stuff like this; int rate += ( amount * tax ) + zot; is impossible to debug.
    Hope that helps some.

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    Recursion is bad, mmkay?
    Unless you can grow the stack in someway (I'm not familiar with the parameters for javac), it's pretty much a lost cause.

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    Well, I could write the iterative version along the lines of this:
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    String exp;
    StringBuffer postfix = new StringBuffer();
    Stack stk = new Stack<Character>();
    System.out.println("Enter an arithmetic expression: ");
    exp = inScan.nextLine();
    for(int i = 0; i<exp.length(); i++)
        char ch = exp.charAt(i);
        if(ch<='F' && ch>='A')
              case '+':       \\what to do if ch is a + operator
              case '*':        \\what to do if ch is a * operator
              case '(':        \\what to do if ch is a (
              // and so on for each operator or paranthesis, i know what to do with each operator
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    * Precondition: 0 <= m <= n
    * m == 0 or a[0] <= ... <= a[m-1]
    * n == m or a[m] <= ... <= a[n-1]
    * Postcondition: the values a[0] .. a[n-1] are arranged
    * in the ascending order
    private static void merge(int a[], int m, int n)
    // If any of the two segments is empty, do nothing:
    int i = 0, j = m; // starting indices into the two segments
    // Allocate a temporary array temp to hold n elements
    int k = 0; // starting index into the temporary array
    while (i < m && j < n)
    if ( ______________________ )
    // Copy remaining elements:
    while (i < m)
    while (j < n)
    // Copy temp back to a:
    for ( _____________________________________ )

    Your teacher needs to teach you to Teach
    Yourself[b]. People can't always tell you the answer
    to everything. There comes a time in life when you
    just have to break down and fire up that brain cell.
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    Also, can someone please confirm the maths on this.  If I have a string of 3 letters, ABC, the number of possible combinations is 3! right? 3 factorial?

    I don't know C, but have a couple of logic-based suggestions.  I believe you are right in your permutations calculation of 3!.  To solve your problem of combinations, could you do something like put each character into an array (which is ordered by index) and then use a similar technique to the one you used for the other set of letters but base it on the index number?

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    This is very simple (to the best of my knowledge)
    sqlplus userid/password@hoststring @pl_sql_file_name.ext [arg1] [arg2] [arg3]
    sqlplus - to invoke oracle
    userid - is the login id into oracle db
    password - is the password
    hoststring - is the ORACLE_SID
    pl_sql_file_name.ext - is the pl_sql file you wish to run
    arg1, arg2, arg3 - the arguments that you may be refering in the pl_sql script. arg1 refers to &1 in your script and arg2 refers to &2 in your script and arg3 refers to &3 in your script.
    Have fun!
    Good Luck

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    if i stop running the program, can Continuations style help to run at the last running point?
    computing nightmare

    Tail recursion is when a recursive call is the last piece of evaluation done.  So
    let rec len l =
    match l with
    | [] -> 0
    | x:xs -> 1 + len xs
    is recursive, but not tail recursive, because there's still the addition to do after the recursion returns, whereas here
    let len l =
    let rec len' l n =
    match l with
    | [] -> n
    | x: xs -> len' xs n+1
    len' l 0
    len' is tail-recursive.
    As there's nothing to left do in the current call when the recursive call is made, then the compiler can optimize the code to re-use the stack frame.
    This is the simplest way to provide for unbounded repetition of an action with immutable state, passing updated state into the recursive call.
    Tree-like structures, on the other hand have a left descent then a right descent and you can't make both the tail, because you have to return from one to do the other.  So that's where continuation passing moving the accumulation from the stack to the
    heap can ameliorate the problem.

  • 'unbounded' java factorial question

    during a recent job interview I was given a java assessment test and asked to write a code fragment to calculate factorials.
    The tech lead then walked through the code with me and questioned how I would write the fragment
    'unbounded' by an int, long or double type.
    He mentioned the phrase 'max value' somewhere, but I don't understand the solution he was looking for.
    do any java gurus understand the question? can you provide a code fragment that meets this requirement?
    I've seen the typical code samples using an int type as the input number.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    user13537476 wrote:
    during a recent job interview I was given a java assessment test and asked to write a code fragment to calculate factorials.
    The tech lead then walked through the code with me and questioned how I would write the fragment
    'unbounded' by an int, long or double type.
    He mentioned the phrase 'max value' somewhere, but I don't understand the solution he was looking for.He was probably asking what you would do if the result were bigger than Integer.MAX_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE, etc. Factorial grows very fast, so even a modest input can have a result that's too large to fit in those types.
    do any java gurus understand the question? can you provide a code fragment that meets this requirement?I can't speak to what the interviewer was looking for, but if it were me, I'd use BigInteger.
    I've seen the typical code samples using an int type as the input number.That would be sufficient to show the general approach, whether iterative or recursive, but it will only work for small values. If I recall, 12! is the largest factorial value that will fit into an int. You can use the same approach with BigInteger.

  • When I open a new window, the spinner does not stop, or the window open

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    The given are very little details about your problem so please elaborate. 
    2. on each page load you have to verify whether the session variable. if "IsLoggedIn" exists and its value is "true" then you can show the requested page otherwise redirect to login page.
    if(Session["IsLoggedIn"] == null || Session["IsLoggedIn"] != "true")
    Better way: use a master page. In the load_page event, check the session. Thus, you wouldn't need to write the method to check in every page, just in the master page.
    Noam B.
    Do not Forget to Vote as Answer/Helpful, please. It encourages us to help you...
    Masterpage is a better idea.
    But The login page shouldn't use MasterPage OR need to have logic to check before redirecting to login page if you are already in Login page.
    Otherwise you will get into Recursive Redirection error.
    hope this helps.

  • Problem in generic value copier class / reflection and generic classes

    Hello experts,
    I try to archive the following and am struggling for quite some time now. Can someone please give an assessment if this is possible:
    I am trying to write a generic data copy method. It searches for all (parameterless) getter methods in the source object that have a corresponding setter method (with same name but prefixed by "set" instead of "get" and with exactly one parameter) in the destination object.
    For each pair I found I do the following: If the param of the setter type (T2) is assignable from the return type of the getter (T1), I just assign the value. If the types are not compatible, I want to instantiate a new instance of T2, assign it via the setter, and invoke copyData recursively on the object I get from the getter (as source) and the newly created instance (as destination). The assumption is here, that the occurring source and destination objects are incompatible but have matching getter and setter names and at the leaves of the object tree, the types of the getters and setters are compatible so that the recursion ends.
    The core of the problem I am struggling with is the step where I instantiate the new destination object. If T2 is a non-generic type, this is straightforward. However, imagine T1 and T2 are parametrized collections: T1 is List<T3> and T2 is List<T4>. Then I need special handling of the collection. I can easily iterate over the elements of the source List and get the types of the elements, but I can not instantiate only a generic version of the destinatino List. Further I cannot create elements of T4 and add it to the list of T2 and go into recursion, since the information that the inner type of the destination list is T4 is not available at run-time.
    public class Source {
       T1 getA();
       setA(T1 x);
    public class Dest {
       T2 getA();
       setA(T2 x);
    public class BeanDataCopier {
       public static void copyData(Object source, Object destination) {
          for (Method getterMethod : sourceGetterMethods) {
             ... // find matching getter and setter names
             Class sourceParamT = [class of return value of the getter];
             Class destParamT = [class of single param of the setter];
             // special handling for collections -  I could use some help here
             // if types are not compatible
             Object destParam = destination.getClass().newInstance();
             Object sourceParam = source.[invoke getter method];
             copyData(sourceParam, destParam);
    // usage of the method
    Souce s = new Source(); // this is an example, I do not know the type of s at copying time
    Dest d = new Dest(); // the same is true for d
    // initialize s in a complicated way (actually JAX-B does this)
    // copy values of s to d
    BeanDataCopier.copyData(s, d);
    // now d should have copied values from s Can you provide me with any alternative approaches to implement this "duck typing" behaviour on copying properties?
    Best regards,
    PS: You might have guessed my overall use case: I am sending an object tree over a web service. On the server side, the web service operation has a deeply nested object structure as the return type. On the client side, these resulting object tree has instances not of the original classes, but of client classes generated by axis. The original and generated classes are of different types but have the identically named getter and setter methods (which again have incompatible parameter types that however have consistent names). On the client side, I want to simply create an object of the original class and have the values of the client object (including the whole object tree) copied into it.
    Edited by: Patrik_Spiess on Sep 3, 2008 5:09 AM

    As I understand your use case this is already supported by Axis with beanMapping []
    - Roy

Maybe you are looking for