ITunes 10.5 - Part of Compilations - Album

I am using iTunes 10.5.  I want to edit my songs such that they are part of compilation.  I can do this manally for each song with Get Info.  I'd like to do it for overall albums.  When I choose Get Info for an overall album, the part of a compilation option checkbox doesn't exist.  Is there a way to do this?

I use a much older version of iTunes but in 7.5 when you get info on a whole album the compilation toggle option goes from being a checkbox in the bottom right to a menu at the bottom left.

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    sheldz46 wrote:
    Thanks Chris but according to Pioneer, is was possible with the itunes in 2010.
    It wasn't. (at least as far as setting Part of Gapless album goes. See next para.)
    They claim that itunes will work if you select gapless album, part of a compilation
    Selecting Gapless album does not make it gapless. (which is likely that now this option is removed - to not confuse people)
    The ONLY thing that option did was tell iTunes to NOT crossfade consecutive songs from same gapless album IF you had crossfade enabled.
    Setting the gap to 0 is what made it "seem" gapless.
    Perhaps it is not working as it used to.
    Try a slower burn speed.
    and used itunes to convert them to mp3
    Dont know why they suggest this.
    Simply use the WAV file. Then there will be no loss (as there is when converted to MP3).

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    Generally setting a common Album title and Album Artist will fix things.
    For compilation albums set Album Artist to Various Artists and Part of a compilation to Yes.
    For deeper problems see Grouping tracks into albums.

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    Thank You,
    if i download an album by bob dylan; keeping it in order by track listing; it appears on both itunes and my ipod in alphabetical and by track listing in one group. Now if i do the same for an album by metallica and warren zevon itunes & ipod will do the same. My problem is if I use a various artist/compilation album the tracks are all shown by artist, not as a group. For example a song from a compilation might feature songs by aerosmith & zztop. Aerosmith will show before bob dylan & zztop might show after warren zevon. I would like to make them all show in actual track listing, in one group , under the album name. Hope this makes sense to you.
    thanks again

  • Compilation albums in iTunes 11

    This thread is as a result of a post in December 2012, in another thread ( ) by jacdan. I felt it would be preferable if this discussion was kept separate from the original post.
    Until now, iTunes regarded a Compilation Album as one with multiple artists, but the music industry and consequently a lot of the entries on Gracenote regarded an album by a single artist - but with songs from various stages of their career - as a compilation. Looking at the Artist list in iTunes, there was no entry for "Various Artists", and albums were instead listed under "Compilations". This has meant for example, that not only was "Now XX listed under Compilations, but so too was "The Whole Story" by Kate Bush (a compilation of her earlier work). If that was the only album of hers in my Library, her name would not be listed in the Artists section. I also found it necessary to fill in the Album Artist field on Compilation albums with "Various Artist".
    With iTunes 11, in the Artists section of the Library, Compilation Albums (by various artists) are now listed under Various Artists. I discovered several albums in my Library that did not have "Various Artists" in the album name field and these were listed under "Compilations" instead. Completeing the Album Artist field has sucessfuly moved those albums to Various Artists. The "Compilations" within the Artists section has now disappeared.
    However, what is not quite clear, is when or how albums do get put into the Compilation section. I have experimented with the Kate Bush album, and a Mike & The Mechanics album, to see if I could get them to be entered into the "Compilations" section, but without success.
    So perhaps this is actually a fix in iTunes 11. It just remains tro sort out why I cannot get Kate's "The Whole Story" into the Compilations section.

    Hi Steve,
    well, currently I still cannot force an album to show in Artists as a Compilation. There certainly appears to be a discrepancy, as you suggested. Here are some screenshots, with odd things happening;
    I've tried with the album part set to Compilation, but in these shots, the complete album is set as a Compilation. If I look in songs, there it is, between White Island Fever and Why Don't We Do It In The Road?;
    but if I then look under Artists, there is no heading for Compilation albums shown at all (not even the other ones we can see in the first picture);
    although, when I first found them, Compilations was shown immediately below All Artists. The Whole Story isn't hiding under Various Artists either;
    Even more odd is this, in the songs view:
    you'll notice that Get Info (an option I use a lot) is greyed out. I then changed views a few times, without modifying the album in any way. Eventually, after several attempts, when I return to the songs view, I can now use the Get Info...
    Just teething problems I'm sure. But I can imagine lots of hysterical posts from users who see Get Info greyed out. I'm sure you've noticed that the OTT posts about the delays in the release of iTunes 11 have now been replaced by yet more hysteria asking to go back to iTunes 10 because they don't like 11.
    You couldn't make it up!

  • ITunes 8 and Compilation Albums

    Hi everybody,
    Just wondering why my compilation albums show an individual album for each artist?
    If I view the individual track info, it says it belongs to a compilation. If I select the whole album while in browse mode, and then 'get info' and select 'options', it says it is part of a compilation as well, though the tick box isn't checked. I also have 'Group Compilations' selected in my iTunes preferences. Could this be a bug?
    Thanks for any tips.
    Message was edited by: steve pick

    Given all of the other options I had selected, it's part of a compilation, I had the correct setting in the preferences, the album title was the same title for each track of the compilation, I found it odd that iTunes still wouldn't group it. It wasn't immediate obvious what the problem was, which is odd. Album Artist isn't displayed in the browse table by default, so how could I know it wasn't filled out.
    I only discovered the 'fix' after visiting the group here and searching through posts about compilations. Normally Apple products 'work' a little better than that. Most folks wouldn't know where to start. I work in a software development company so I knew the answer was somewhere in the application, but the fix was not obvious.
    Given 'clelanjh's' advice for the fix, it wasn't obvious to him/her either.
    Message was edited by: steve pick

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    I don't see your screenshot but I assume you're starting with something like this, i.e., the compilation split into multiple albums:
    If you select all the items that you want to be in a single album, right-click > Get Info you'll see this:
    As you say, in iTunes 12 you don't see a field to enter a distinct Album Artist value.  You can, however, address this by clicking the Add Field button and selecting Album Artist:
    That makes the field available in the metadata dialog so that you can enter the required value:
    You can also show the pre-iTunes 12 version of the dialog by holding the SHIFT key when selecting Get Info - this allows you to enter the Album Artist directly:

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    iTunes doesn't like WMA files, so it will try to convert them to AAC or MP3. The latter is best as you can still use them on WMA or iTunes.
    As for compilations, if you highlight all of the Now66 tracks, right click and select "get info", you'll see down in the bottomleft a box saying "Compilations" - toggle that to yes and it'll show them all together.
    Hope this helps

  • Compilation Albums in Itunes 7.0

    A problem I have yet to see on these boards with 7.0
    Compilation albums will not display in track order (or play in track order!) Some of them seem to go into artist order on the album and I can't work out what the order is for others - it doesnt play the albums in order either - really annoying on mix albums!! kind of defeats the purpose of gapless playback

    right - have made further progress with this issue.
    If you have an album freshly ripped that is a compilation it will sort tracks numerically. Once you tell Itunes that it is a compilation though it then will sort by Artist within that compilation. It will no longer sort it in track order even if you uncheck the compilation option!! Further more, when I sort using "Album by Artist" - the albums in question do not stay together but Itunes treats each track as a seperate album with each track sprinkled thru the full list - cannot find a way to resolve this yet though!!!

  • 1st - itunes downloaded to my ipod albums that are all fractured, compilation albums are seperated.This should not have happened but itunes felt it knew better. I do not like it.

    1st - itunes downloaded to my ipod albums that are all fractured, compilation albums are seperated.This should not have happened but itunes felt it knew better. I do not like it.
    2nd - While trying to fix it, itunes made all albums and artists unknown
    3rd - While trying to get an answer I am unable to contact anyone or even send an email requesting an answer.
    4th - While trying to use the "fast lane" i ran into trying to find the product S/N, I went to my account and it was not there. I tried to see it on the back of the Ipod but had to find a magnifying glass to even read it.
    5th  -- The we will get back to you really ****** me off
    6th  -- I have wasted 2 hours to fix something that should not have happened and the situation is worse than when i started
    7Th  --- Itunes management of songs is terrible and there are NO instructions and even worse no support
    8th  ----  Apple is going down the toilet because the products are good, not great, and the itunes instructions are non existent
    9th  --- to even suggest i pay for product support is insulting and a sign that apple is desperate
    10th -The suggestion for online feedback is this; BE ON-LINE SUPPORT, NOT WHATEVER YOU CONSIDER IT TO BE NOW.

    I agree with stevejobsfan - (0123).
    However, if what you actually want to do is to fix/sort out your problem, why no try posting a question on that subject?
    For starters - you can re-name the tracks in your iTunes library, so it is possible to correct the changes that you must have made that mean that songs are now "unknown artists and albums."

  • Adding compilation albums to iTunes. Some artist get listed separately

    When I add a folder containing a COMPILATION album to my library in iTunes occasionally it splits the album into 2 or 3  and each of these will have just one track in it from the original compilation.
    Why does iTunes do this and how can it be remedied.
    Please will someone answer this CLEARLY. All the answers I have explored do not!!
    Thanks in advance

    Generally setting a common Album title and Album Artist will fix things.
    For deeper problems see Grouping tracks into albums.

  • ITunes and compilation albums

    I have many compilation albums which i want to add to iTunes, is there a way to accomplish this without spending many hours editing track data to keep each one as a single album. I'd actually like to keep the track data intact and not mess with it at all. Other music organisers can accomplish this without much fuss but unfortunately as i have an iPhone whenever i connect to iTunes for updates any tracks that are not in iTunes get deleted from my device so using another organiser is a pain too.

    Generally all you need to do is fill in an appropriate Album Artist. For more details see my article on Grouping Tracks Into Albums, in particular the topic One album, too many covers.

  • Changing artists names in iTunes is very slow (1 minute per song) in compilation albums

    Changing artists names in iTunes is very slow (1 minute per song) in compilation albums. I am using iTunes 10.6.1 Mac OS X 10.6.8 on a MacBook Pro with 4GB RAM 2.66 GHz Intel processor and my itunes library is 340GB. My new music is on the computer's hardrive (about 16GB) and the rest is in an external HD.
    It used to work great until I switched to the new version of iTunes (10.6.1) and now changing the artist field is very very very slow (1 minute per song in compilaton albums)
    What happened? Can someone help me?

    Thank you both!!!!!!  Especially you, Limnos for adding onto the terrific answer from leonieDF.  Yeah, I'm seldom willing to let the software do the driving all by itself.  <heh>  However, to date I've been too lazy to work with what is currently there - and needing to know how to customize the software was my first step.
    I'm finally going to reduce the enormous physical size of my cd collection - organizing and storing the jewel cases is too great a nightmare not to mention that it has turned my livingroom into nothing more than a visually overwhelming variety of storage devices--spinners being my favorite, but now mostly unavailable outside of yard sales.  Favorite disks I WILL keep to play in the car (no, my player is too old to have a USB port).
    I'm getting a 2T external drive to hold the accumulation - but before that, I wanted to find out HOW to organize things so that I can find them myself - old school.  My ITunes libraries go back many years, but I now want a good cohesive way to save the way that I want - not the way that is set up for me.
    Thank you both again very, very much!!

  • ITunes not working with compilation albums

    Hi, I have a question about the handleing of compilation albums in iTunes. Is there a way to be able to sort iTunes by Artist, and not have compilation albums all over the place? I am using cover flow if it makes a difference. I want to have the correct artist in the artist tag so I can use I have tried using the compilation option in get info (yes I checked it too in preferances) and grouping by album artist.

    Hello MC,
    Have you tried using the "Sorting" tab in the track info?
    Select a track. Command+i will bring up the info window; click on Sorting and you can tell iTunes how you want a track sorted.
    This is a new feature in version 7 so if you aren't yet using v. 7 you won't find this tab.
    Incidentally, even with compilation albums, iTunes should still list the individual artist.
    Hope this makes sense.

  • Music app shows unknown artist for compilation albums

    I just submitted a bug report to Apple, though I can't believe I am the only person with this issue.
    Since iOS7 (I am currently on iOS7.0.4) I have noticed that the music app (along with many many other issues) will no longer display the artist for compilation albums that I have.  In iTunes the artist on the compilation is clearly defined but in iOS7 the Music app simply states "unknown artist".
    Surely I am not the only one with this issue?

    I am very annoyed by this bug too, I have  a lot of compilation albums and soundtracks with lots of differents artists, and my library is super organized in iTunes, with the “Album artist” field empty and the “Part of a compilation” checkbox enabled, and it shows the compilations as a “Various Artists” album.
    But when I tried to download through iTunes Match in my iPhone 5C some few songs from those albums today, I found out that the music app has this bug that makes almost all of the compilation albums appear within this “UNKNOWN ARTIST” category under the artists tab.
    It is very annoying and I hope Apple fixes this, cuz it is driving me crazy.

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