ITunes 7, "determining song colume" and iVolume

I'm interested in installing iTunes 7 so I can finally have gap free playback where appropriate. I've been waiting for this for a long time, so will probably wait a little longer till 7.0.2 or .3 are released (and a few more bugs are squashed).
But I have a question.
From reading here it appears that iTunes 7 will automatically re-determin the volume of all songs. I guess this is good since some previous versions of iTunes did mess these up sometimes. But, I've already "fixed" the problem by using iVolume. I also think iVolume does a slightly better job at making volume of all songs sound about the same.
Can somebody confirm that iTunes 7 always redetermins the volume of all songs in the library?
Running iVolume took about 10 days to crank through my 70k+ song library. I imagine iTunes 7 will also take some time to determin volume, and if an album should be gapless, and I want to leave time for this after I finally get up enough nerve to jump to the latest iTunes.
OK, I have two questions. How is iTunes 7 on a large library?

just cleaning up old posts. it did not recalculate the volumes

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    ed2345 wrote:
    If iTunes and WMP are referencing the same copy of the MP3, then a tag change in one will be reflected in the other. If that is not what you want, you will need separate copies of the song.
    Being picky, iTunes will write it's changes to the tag immediately (unless the file is locked as read-only) whereas WMP may choose to do it at some later point in time unless you use an option to "Apply media information changes". WMP will generally notice automatically that another appliation has modified the tag and updates it's library accordingly whereas iTunes only spots the change if it accesses the tag for some reason.
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    Correct. When you update via iTunes all synced media that is not in your iTunes library will be lost.
    As IO said before:
    You can redownload most iTunes pruchases by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    I do not think it included audio books.

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    Try this.
    Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.
    If that does not work, sign out of your account, restart your iPad and then sign in again. Settings>Store>Apple ID - tap your ID and sign out.
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    Go back to Settings>Store and sign in again.

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    I don't know what is going on and I have no experience of such a large library but a few suggestions.
    Select a problem track but instead of playing it, select Get Info.
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    Hi, shrosie and feuquay!
    I experienced a similar issue after updating to iTunes 10.5 and my iPhone 4 to iOS 5. Here's what I did to resolve the issue:
    Connect your device
    Click on your device on the left side of iTunes
    Click the "Music" tab at the top of the screen
    Uncheck "Sync Music"
    Click the "Sync" button to sync your device
    After syncing has completed, check "Sync Music"
    Click "Sync" button again to sync your device
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    Good luck!

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  • FIX - iTunes Crash while "Determining Song Volume"

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    iTunes' SoundCheck scanning process (aka determining song volume) is not fully thread-safe. When it's trying to scan several songs, it launches each one in a separate thread. On a dual-core or dual-processor machine, this means that the scans happen simultaneously. My guess is that the decoding/scanning is perfectly fine, but the bit where it's writing the updated information into iTunes database is not. And so it eventually hits a case where both threads try to write at the same instant and bam, crash. Probably because a lack of mutex locking on the database routines.
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    1. Start iTunes. If it starts scanning immediately, hit the X icon to the right of where it says "determining song volume" to make it stop and not crash.
    2. Go to preferences and turn off SoundCheck. Also turn off "Use soundcheck when burning CDs" or something like that.
    3. Open the Task Manager (CTRL-SHIFT-ESC). Click the Processes Tab.
    4. Right click on the iTunes.exe process, and select "Set Affinity..."
    5. You should have checkmarks beside CPU0 and CPU1. Turn off the CPU1 checkmark.
    6. Back in iTunes, turn on SoundCheck again. It'll start determining song volume, and this time, it should not crash.
    If this works for you, then you can make it semi-permanent with this little program:
    It's called RunFirst.exe and what you do is to put a copy of it in the iTunes directory. Then change the shortcut you use to start iTunes to have the full path to runfirst.exe followed by the normal path to iTunes.exe. SO change the shortcut's properties to look like this:
    "C:\Program Files\iTunes\RunFirst.exe" "C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunes.exe"
    This makes the shortcut launch RunFirst, which launches iTunes with the CPU Affinity forced to one core only.
    That should fix it for a lot of people. It worked for me. So enjoy!
    Apple can fix this in future revisions of iTunes, if somebody tells them to check that all the bits are totally thread-safe, because clearly that's where the issue lies.

    Sarah: Sound Check (and other volume leveling schemes) usually do lower the volume. There's lot of good technical reasons for this, but the basic gist of it is that songs which are too loud cause distortion. If you want louder music, your best bet is to leave the Sound Check on and crack up the volume knob on the speakers instead. Most audio sources are actually too loud to begin with, because people think loud = better, but this ruins the dynamic range and you don't get the full effect of the audio. CD's really would sound just as good as live performances if it were not for this.
    Sound Check doesn't actually change the song's volume itself. It just inserts a tag saying what the volume of the song is. On playback, the volume is auto adjusted to conform to an optimum level. ReplayGain works in much the same way, but it is much more precise. But anyway, turning off the Sound Check option really does turn the effect off. Sound Check doesn't permenantly change the music to begin with.
    My suggestion is to not use the volume slider on the computer, but to leave Sound Check on, and to instead simply turn up the volume on the speakers. Using the speaker volume won't distort the music in the same way that using a volume slider on the computer will. I could explain why, but it's really technical, having to do with amps and dynamic range and so forth. You're probably not that interested.
    But if you are interested, go over to the HydrogenAudio forums and start reading. More technical gibberish there than you can shake a stick at.

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    Anyone else seein' this? Tips?

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    You'd have had more luck if you'd moved your library files out to your external drive as well as the media. That way, when you'd reinstalled all you would have needed to do was use SHIFT-start iTunes and point it at the library on the external.
    Next time you reinstall Windows backup the entire *Documents and Settings* or Users folders from the C:\ drive so that after the rebuild you can restore anything you discover you still want from your old profile.
    Better yet do these backups before something goes wrong, say once a month. The following tool is great for general backups of any specifc set of folders, not just iTunes.
    *Fast backup for iTunes library (Windows Only)*
    Grab SyncToy 2.1, a free tool from MS. This can be used to copy your entire iTunes library (& other important data folders) onto another hard drive or network share. You can then use SyncToy periodically to synchronise or echo your library to the backup. A preview will show which files need to be updated giving you a chance to spot unexpected changes and during the run only the new or updated files will be copied saving lots of time. And if your media is all organised below the main iTunes folder then you should also be able to open the backup library on any system running the same version of iTunes.

  • ITunes plays 1 song at a time?

    I know this is a dumb question but how can I get iTunes to play songs continuously and not just 1 at a time? I have to click on each song to play it rather than the songs playing continuously by themselves? help!

    Thank you so much for asking these questions. Your timing was perfect; I was looking all over the place for an answer the same problem (playing one song at a time), plus I was wondering what the checkmarks were for!

  • ITunes automatically updates song information?

    For some reason itunes keeps updating song information and artwork when I already have information / artwork present. How do I switch this off as I find it incredibly annoying?

    No its not checked. Basically album art just keeps disappearing and song information is changing itself. Its really odd. I looked through my library today and about 1 in 5 album art is gone. Any ideas?

  • ITune crashes while determining song volume

    After I told iTune to import new songs, it started to determine the song volume. After about 300 or so songs (out of about 2000) it just crashes and ask me to send a report. When I restart it it just starts to determine the song volumes and crashes again after about the same number of songs. Any suggestions how to correct this problem?

    Well, yes, as Spock says, "Live Long and Prosper!.
    Using Spotlight, I tracked down anything that vaguely had to do with iTunes, everywhere I could find them and mercilessly deleted them. I also renamed the iTunes Music Folder and moved it to the desktop. I then took my 'old" iLife 6 CD and reinstalled everything. I refused any updates. I then opened iTunes, in preferences/playback I made sure Sound Check was checked and then clicked "add to library and added chunks of about 100 to 250 songs at a time until I got them all in. There were no problems. I suspect that some buffer get overloaded.

  • ITunes Feezes while "Determining Song Volume"

    I downloaded a series of podcasts (35) as usual. When downloading stopped iTunes beagn "detrmining Song Volume" which generally is only seen when nothing is playing. It normally takes a few seconds depending on number of downloads. It froze after 3-4 podacsts. It would not close. ContAltDel idicated program notb responding and "end task" took some time. This happened a number of times. I went to Grogram Add?delete and ran"repair PGM". It repeated same sequence and I closed by "end Task". I downloaded iTunes from Apple website and the same thing occurred. What now?

    I have the same issue. I deleted the track manually that iTunes was attempting to determine the volume of, but that doesn't help.
    I have force-restart my computer every time.

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