Itunes crashes when selecting playlists

Hi there,
I have two of the standard playlists in my iTunes (Recently Played and Recently Added). When selecting these i get a pop up stating that iTunes has stopped working and the program must close. I've tried to delete the playlists as i'm not that bothered about them but even when i right click on them to try to delete...i get the pop again.
Additionally if i add the Date Added and Date Played columns into iTunes and try to sort by them columns, i get the pop up again.
All other features of iTunes is fine.
Anyone else have this problem, and/or have a solution to get it fixed?

Tell Apple about it.
iTunes > Help > Provide iTunes feedback.
ALso send more details, such as how large the playlists is (how many songs, how many GB in music....this info should show up at the bottom of iTUnes when you're in the playlist).
And if you notice it always stopping at one song, try taking that out.
You could also check in your Application event viewer and see if there is an error from iTunes there.

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    I had removed a couple of those artists and later replaced them with  backups from a separate hard drive and it didn't help. I was going to ditch and replace all of them today to see if that made a difference. However, before I did, I thought I'd check a couple of things as far as renaming the artists was concerned. So I added a number to one problem artist's name, then tried opening it in the 'Artist' list. It worked fine.  I went back, removed the number, and tried opening it again. Worked fine again. So I checked the other problem artists, without altering the names. They all open just fine. Problem solved! Well, not solved but mysteriously gone away, at least for now.
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    Tell Apple about it.
    iTunes > Help > Provide iTunes feedback.
    ALso send more details, such as how large the playlists is (how many songs, how many GB in music....this info should show up at the bottom of iTUnes when you're in the playlist).
    And if you notice it always stopping at one song, try taking that out.
    You could also check in your Application event viewer and see if there is an error from iTunes there.

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    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down page in case one of them applies.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there is backup and recovery advice elsewhere in the user tip.

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    I suspect a hardware problem.  But do the following to rule out a software problem:
    - Reset.  Nothing will be lost.
    Reset iPod touch:  Press and hold the On/Off Sleep/Wake button and the Home
    button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Restore the iPod from backup via iTunes
    - Resore the iPid to factoery defaults/new iPod.
    In the latter part of you post, I thin you ar sayng that you do not have a syning computer and the music is not on the computer. If so, do the following so you will not lose anthing (or very little) when you restore.
    - Transfer iTunes purchases to the computer:
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to a computer
    - Transfer other music by using a third-party program like one of those discussed here:
    Best iPod to PC
    - Connect the iPod to the computer and right click on the iPod under Devices in iTunes and select Backup. This will make a backup so you can restore to the backup

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    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Step 1
    For this step, the title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
    SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    In the top right corner of the Console window, there's a search box labeled Filter. Initially the words "String Matching" are shown in that box. Enter the name of the crashed application or process. For example, if iTunes crashed, you would enter "iTunes" (without the quotes.)
    Each message in the log begins with the date and time when it was entered. Select the messages from the time of the last crash, if any. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    ☞ The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of which is irrelevant to solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    ☞ Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.
    Step 2
    In the Console window, select
    (not Diagnostic and Usage Messages) from the log list on the left. There is a disclosure triangle to the left of the list item. If the triangle is pointing to the right, click it so that it points down. You'll see a list of crash reports. The name of each report starts with the name of the process, and ends with ".crash". Select the most recent report related to the process in question. The contents of the report will appear on the right. Use copy and paste to post the entire contents—the text, not a screenshot.
    I know the report is long, maybe several hundred lines. Please post all of it anyway.
    ☞ If you don't see any reports listed, but you know there was a crash, you may have chosen Diagnostic and Usage Messages from the log list. Choose DIAGNOSTIC AND USAGE INFORMATION instead.
    In the interest of privacy, I suggest that, before posting, you edit out the “Anonymous UUID,” a long string of letters, numbers, and dashes in the header of the report, if it’s present (it may not be.)
    ☞ Please don’t post other kinds of diagnostic report—they're very long and rarely helpful.

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    I'm experiencing the same problem.
    A temporary fix is to open iTunes (without the iPod cabled into the computer.) Go to "Edit Preferences," then "Devices," and check the block that says "Disable automatic syncing..."
    Then, attach the iPod USB cable. The iPod settings will all show up, but the iPod won't sync, and iTunes won't crash. You can then uncheck the block under the Contacts tab that says "Sync Contacts." (iTunes will ask you whether you want to save the existing contacts.)
    Go back and uncheck the Disable automatic sync command. Tell iTunes to sync the iPod, and there shouldn't be an iTunes crash.
    Admittedly, this is a bandaid until something better shows up. My suspicion is that it's a problem that originates with Outlook, and not iTunes.

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    Using the latest version of iTunes
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    I've tried everything from uninstalling and re-installing iTunes, making sure all components were deleted, etc.
    Then, I created a "local" account, and iTunes works fine.  I can even access my Library from the local disk and the iTunes Store with no issues.
    I then created yet another test account in Windows, this time with a new e-mail account and viola, the program crashes whenever I try iTunes Store from the app.
    The local account works fine, but the online account.... not so much.
    Any ideas?

    Uninstall the currently installed Skype version and install the version using the download links provided here:
    Make sure to disable automatic updates:
    Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Automatic updates ->Turn off automatic updates

  • ITunes not syncing selected playlists, choosing songs from all playlists

    I have some smaller iPods that I use on random occasions. When I sync them, I choose the following options:
    Sync Music:
    Selected Playlists, artists, genres
    Music Videos - Not Checked
    Automatically fill free space with songs - Checked
    I have two playlists from which I wish a selection to be made, which exceeds the size of the iPod (they were designed for larger devices synced with this machine). When I attempt to Sync, I get a message saying that the iPod is too small, and would I like iTunes to automatically choose songs to sync. If I click no, the sync is canceled. If I click yes to have a subset of my two playlists automatically choosen, the ipod will sync, but then iTunes clears all of my selected playlists and starts syncing songs from all playlists.
    This seems like a bug in iTunes to me, as it is not performing the requested options. Has anyone else experienced this, or know how to get it fixed? Or to get a bug report sent in to Apple? I have been going all over the place on their support page, and since this isn't an issue with the iPod, but with iTunes, I haven't been able to find a support avenue.

    Suggestions here -> iTunes application feedback
    iTunes not syncing selected playlists, choosing songs from all playlists
    You have it selected to *sync selected playlists* and those playlists are not syncing to the iPod?
    however this seems to be very counter-intuitive behavior for iTunes
    It can be kind of confusing.
    I suggest it's not a bug in that it is acting as it's supposed to.
    The option (Fill free space) could be made clearer. Perhaps if they added "with songs at random from the entire library" or somehow added an option to select what the free space will be filled with.)
    1) The fact that iTunes it is not obeying the selected options on the screen
    Not supposed to do that.
    If the playlists all fit and there is free space, what would iTunes use to fill the free space if it only used selected items?
    2) iTunes is allowing users construct an unhonorable set of choices out of four options. If "Selected playlists, artists and genres" is not compatible with "Automatically fill free space," then that option should be grayed out.
    It is compatible.
    If there is free space after your selections are added, what should iTunes use to fill the free space? It shouldn't fill the free space with stuff already on the iPod.

  • Itunes crashes when syncing contacts

    My itunes crashes when it tries to sync contacts with Outlook. I cannot even select the Contacts tab to changes the settings. When I click the Contacts tab, itunes crashes. Has anyone experienced this problem?
    Message was edited by: MR.W

    Ok... was able to disable sync of contacts as follows:
    1 - Make sure Outlook is closed.
    2 - Open up iTunes
    3 - Stop sync
    4 - Go to contacts tab under your ipod
    5 - Allow it to try and start outlook, will give you an error about how it is not logged on. (have to time it well, or it might crash again)
    6 - Uncheck sync contacts and hit apply. I let it remove all contacts.
    Now I do not have to sync contacts (which is fine for my ipod classic... not sure if this affects iPhone users as well).

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    itunes crashes when trying to open the devices preferences. I use Mac osX 10.7.3 and iPhone 4s. The iPhone (and iPad) syncs via WLAN but when i try to open the iPhones/iPad Preferences in iTunes iTunes crashes. Any Idea?

    Hi there AlexHB123,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the article below helpful.
    iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8: Fix unexpected quits or launch issues
    -Griff W. 

  • Itunes crashes when importing music (v10.5.2.11, Win 7 (64))

    iTunes crashes whenever I try to import either a file or folder - regardless of the file format (e.g. WMA, MP3 etc.). 
    This is only a recent problem.  Is the only option to try to re-install iTunes? 
    Thanks for any assistance. 

    I have had the same problem & itunes crashes when i try to import a file. Now i can't even start itune. I've reinstalled itunes so many times, without a fix, I've lost count.
    I did post and had no reply. I'll watch this post with interest.

  • ITunes crashes when Importing music from CD

    Im having trouble importing CD's using itunes. The process begins and then midway through the first track i get an error message saying that itunes need to close. I have run the CD diagnostics, but dont really understand what they mean. If anyone can offer any ideas on how to fix this it would be very gratefully recieved.
    My CD Diagnostics results:
    Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
    eveshamvale AWRDACPI
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    LowerFilters: AFS2K (, BSSTOR (,
    UpperFilters: GEARAspiWDM (,
    Video Driver: RADEON 7500 Series\RADEON 7500 Series
    IDE\DiskMaxtor6Y080L0_________________________YAR41BW0, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [0,0]
    IDE\CdRomHL-DT-STCD-RW_GCE-8520B________________1.03___, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [1,0]
    IDE\CdRomHL-DT-STDVD-ROM_GDR8161B_______________0100___, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [0,0]
    If you have multiple drives on the same IDE or SCSI bus, these drives may interfere with each other.
    Some computers need an update to the ATA or IDE bus driver, or Intel chipset. If iTunes has problems recognizing CDs or hanging or crashing while importing or burning CDs, check the support site for the manufacturer of your computer or motherboard.
    Current user is administrator.
    D: HL-DT-ST DVD-ROM GDR8161B, Rev 0100
    Audio CD in drive.
    Found 17 songs on CD, playing time 75:51 on Audio CD.
    Track 1, start time 00:02:00
    Track 2, start time 03:33:45
    Track 3, start time 07:48:40
    Track 4, start time 12:09:20
    Track 5, start time 15:38:47
    Track 6, start time 19:13:32
    Track 7, start time 22:08:32
    Track 8, start time 26:44:32
    Track 9, start time 30:24:22
    Track 10, start time 35:19:72
    Track 11, start time 41:43:50
    Track 12, start time 46:32:25
    Track 13, start time 51:25:05
    Track 14, start time 57:55:02
    Track 15, start time 62:58:65
    Track 16, start time 67:45:55
    Track 17, start time 72:12:15
    Audio CD reading succeeded.
    Get drive speed succeeded.
    E: HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8520B, Rev 1.03
    Audio CD in drive.
    Found 12 songs on CD, playing time 49:42 on Audio CD.
    Track 1, start time 00:02:00
    Track 2, start time 03:56:45
    Track 3, start time 08:19:37
    Track 4, start time 12:21:05
    Track 5, start time 16:54:65
    Track 6, start time 21:40:52
    Track 7, start time 26:57:60
    Track 8, start time 30:54:62
    Track 9, start time 34:33:25
    Track 10, start time 38:37:42
    Track 11, start time 42:09:10
    Track 12, start time 44:35:30
    Audio CD reading succeeded.
    Get drive speed succeeded.
    The drive CDR speeds are: 4 8 10 12 16 24 32 40 48 52.
    The drive CDRW speeds are: 4 8 10.

    I have had the same problem & itunes crashes when i try to import a file. Now i can't even start itune. I've reinstalled itunes so many times, without a fix, I've lost count.
    I did post and had no reply. I'll watch this post with interest.

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