what video formats are acceptible to load onto an iphone??

I encode mine video using mp4 format.
I specially like one of the freeware call "Super" by eRightSoft

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    Each SMS message has a size limit but you simply scroll with your finger to view the entire message - no different from scrolling to read a long email or scrolling on a website.
    The iTunes application is free and you must use iTunes to transfer music to an iPod or iPhone. You need the latest version of Tunes to activate an iPhone with AT&T Wireless so iTunes is required. You can import music from a purchased CD to iTunes and unless you downloaded music from a Windows based site that includes Microsoft's DRM protected music, you should be able to import this music into iTunes.
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    There isn't currently any music, films or TV programmes available in the South Korean store, so you will only see iTunes U in the iTunes store app. You can't use the US store unless you are in the US, you have to be in a country to use its store (that is in the Store's terms) - so whilst you are in South Korea you can only use the South Korean store.
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    Verify/repair your disk first (not just permissions), as described here:
    The Repair functions of Disk Utility: what's it all about?
    After having fixed all filesystem issues, if any, and making sure that there's enough space available on the startup disk (a few GB, plus the space needed to make a backup copy of the Mail folder), try this:
    1. Quit Mail if it's running.
    2. In the Finder, go to ~/Library/Mail/. Make a backup copy of this folder, just in case something goes wrong -- e.g. by dragging it to the Desktop while holding the Option (Alt) key down.
    3. Locate Envelope Index and move it to the Trash. If you see an Envelope Index-journal file there, delete it as well.
    4. Open Mail. It will tell you that your mail needs to be "imported". Click Continue and Mail will proceed to re-create Envelope Index -- Mail says it's "importing", but it just re-creates the index if the mailboxes are already in Mail 2.x format.
    BTW, you haven't answered which mailbox has the problem. I could be that just rebuilding that mailbox fixes it -- you should verify/repair the disk and make a backup copy of the Mail folder first, nevertheless, though.
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    i don't get it. if you have a playlist of songs you want, why not create another playlist of just the songs you want to play at work in a work playlist, which you can then shuffle?

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    iTunes: May be unable to transfer videos to iPhone, iPad, or iPod
    iTunes: Frequently asked questions about viewing and syncing videos
    You may need a computer app like the free HandBrake to convert the format to one compatible with the iPod.

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    Any help appreciated, but I guess my bottom line is anytime I want to watch video on iTunes, I just pull the USB thumb drive .
    PC Pentium 4   Other OS   Windows Vista Home Premium

    I have the same stuttering video issues with iTunes and Vista. While I have used a thumb drive to transfer files (not Sony) I have not yet messed with Ready boost. I have seen several others complain about the video problem, perhaps they will chime in as well. Unfortunately, your solution doesn't work for me. I pretty much ignore iTunes, waiting for the next version (only god knows when it will be released).
    I do have an external firewire drive connected, I'll disconnect later today and see if that has any affect.

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    You copy it from one computer to the other.
    Type "move itunes library" into the google search bar.
    You have posted in the iphone forum.

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    Any ideas?

    no error message. i could view the video on itune.. and I know that the files were downloaded / sync to iphone as the memory status shows me the presence of video files.
    But just could not see these files in itunes-u on my iphone.
    appreciate your advice

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    windows vista
    iphone 4
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    Photos captured by your iPhone or photos that are available in your iPhone's camera roll (a photo saved from a received email or from a website is also stored in your iPhone's camera roll) are not included with the iTunes sync process except for being included with your iPhone's backup, which is created and maintained by iTunes.
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    Do you have another digital camera and if so, have you imported photos by your computer that were captured by this digital camera?
    I believe Windows includes a camera and scanner wizard for importing photos from a digital camera. When your iPhone includes photos in the camera roll, it is also detected as a digital camera when connected to your computer.

Maybe you are looking for

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