ITunes Library (*.itl) on server hidden

Hi all
I've got a Home Server (Windows 2008 SBS) where i save all my data, like My Documents and so on.
My Folder "Music" is also there.
Now the problem:
On my PC, I see als the files (iTunes Library.itl, iTunes Library Extras.itdb, iTunes Library Genius.itdb), on my server, in the same folder, I see only iTunes Library Extras.itdb and iTunes Library Genius.itdb. The .itl file is not there.
It seems that iTunes hides this file!
I realy don't know what an other reason for that can be. I can reproduce it as much as I want.
I create a new Library on my PC, start iTunes, and in the same Moment on the server it seems the file is deleted or whatever.
Can someone reproduce this problem? How can I fix that. It makes no sense to leave the files on the server if I can't make a backup of them or what else...

I think I am having the same problem. Itunse sees the files plays them but I can not see them in the folder on my airport. In fact a window says the folder is empty.
My post

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  • The iTunes Library.itl file is locked

    I have read many, many postings on this issue, but can't seem to find a resolution that works for me.
    The problem occurs whenever iTunes is forced to close unexpectedly. Upon attempting to reopen iTunes, I get the following error message:
    "The iTunes Library.itl file is locked, on a locked disk, or you do not have write permission for this file."
    However, when I browse to the library.itl file and select "get info", it does NOT show as locked. In fact, if I attempt to check the "lock" selection, it immediately unchecks itself. Also on the "get info" page, the Sharing & Permissions area says "You can read and write".
    I do not know of any other way to change permissions in OSX. I do not know how to use the terminal and view the chmod permissions on a networked drive.
    However, since I do store my music library on a NAS device, I have browsed to the library.itl file via PC and viewed the properties. Again, it is not checked as "read only", and the permissions clearly allow read and write by everyone. I have even changed the permissions to "full control" for everyone. But that doesn't resolve the problem. As far as I can tell, there is not a permissions problem at all.
    I have tried to copy the library.itl file to my mac desktop, in order to rename the original file and replace it with the copy, to try and reset the permissions that way. But OSX tells me "The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have permission to access “iTunes Library.itl”. So I cannot move the file. Interestingly, I CAN rename the file in the iTunes folder. But this does not help me. I find it funny that I can rename it, but I can't move it...
    I am running OSX 10.6.5 with all the latest updates, and the latest version of iTunes as well. 10.1 I think? But I can't check because I can't get iTunes to open right now.
    I have had this problem many times in the past. And I have gone as far as creating a whole new library, which takes FOREVER as I have nearly 120GB of music. And I lose all sorts of info... playlists, album art, etc. This is a real pain which I hope to avoid.
    What gives me hope is that the last time this happened iTunes just spontaneously started working again. As if there were some sort of "timeout" issue. I have restarted multiple times of course, but still have not got a resolution this time. It would be nice if there were a simple "iTunes Library.itl.LOCK" file that I could delete.
    Apple, would you please institute a crash recovery protocol for this issue? In all my reading and research, it seems like people are just sort of guessing at what is causing this problem, and coming up with a variety of different fixes that they think might work, or that occasionally work in given situations. But there seems to be no official word from anyone at Apple as far as a direct response to these library file locks caused by crashes.
    Additionally, I feel that this may fall along the same lines as the lack of Time Machine support for networked drives. There is something sub optimal about Apple's networking. I don't know what it is. But there seems to be very little support for Apple users who use networked storage. Just to put my iTunes library on a NAS took a whole lot of reading and understanding to get done right, with no official help from Apple to be found anywhere. Not all mac users are dummies who need the simplest and most limited configuration options in order to avoid "problems". Networked storage is the future of home media and data backup. Please pay more attention to those of us who are trying to pave the way here.
    Thanks for any help I might find here.

    CB many thanks!
    woke up today with the exact same problem... iMac locked up while playing a video podcast off my NAS
    (it was happily playing the audio even though the mouse was frozen)
    couldnt get permission control of my Library.itl so found your post,
    turned off the iTunes Server in my Synology (dont use it like that anyway) and rebooted the NAS.
    iTunes immediatley launched WITHOUT the lock, performed its repair check and up it came!
    ...oddly I notice that I dont have permissions to ANY of my directorys/files,
    guess 'cause they are set in the Synology Shared Folder permissions?
    All are listed in the finder as:
    (unknown) R&W
    everyone NO ACCESS
    cockbongo wrote:
     I had exactly the same problem, but appear to have solved it
    Not sure what make/model NAS you have, but if it has an iTunes Server type service on it, turn it off. This won't delete your music folder, don't worry, but it will stop your NAS thinking it deserves exclusive access to the library files. Then reboot your NAS and voila, you can do what you like with the files.
    You can turn the iTunes service back on whenever you've finished doing what you need to do.
    Hope that helps.

  • I just reinstalled iTunes, and it will not open, as it says iTunes library itl. was created from an earlier version. Any idea what this means, and how I can get itunes to open?

    I just reinstalled iTunes, and it will not open, as it says iTunes library itl. was created from an earlier version. Any idea what this means, and how I can get itunes to open?

    Many thanks.
    That suggests that another application has stashed old QuickTime componentry in your system files.
    So just in case we'll go looking for older QuickTime componentry in the most common locations for it to be stashed.
    First we'll need to change some view settings.
    In your Start menu, open Computer.
    In your Organise menu, select Folder Options.
    In the View tab, make sure that "Show hidden files and folders" is selected, and Hide extensions for known file types is unchecked.
    Click OK.
    Now in Computer, open your C:\ drive (or whichever drive you have your operating system installed on).
    Open the "Windows" folder.
    If you have a 32-bit version of Windows, open the "System32" folder.
    If you have a 64-bit version of Windows, open the "SysWOW64" folder.
    What files and folders can you see in there with QuickTime in the title? (In a standard installation of Quicktime you should be seeing precisely two files... QuickTime.qts and QuickTimeVR.qtx ... and no QuickTime folders whatsoever.)

  • When i double click itunes it doesn't open it just comes up with an error saying " The itunes library.itl file cannot be found or created. The default location for this file is in the 'itunes' folder in the 'music' folder". How can i fix this?

    When i double click itunes it doesn't open it just comes up with an error saying " The itunes library.itl file cannot be found or created. The default location for this file is in the 'itunes' folder in the 'music' folder. How can i fix this problem?

    Anyone can help to advice how to solve this issue ?

  • I have multiple libraries on an external drive. Somehow all the iTunes library files i.e. iTunes Library.itl, xml, itdb, Media folder, etc disappeared! Only the music files remain. Now when I start iTunes w/option it can't find any of the old libraries!

    Help! I 'm using an old G4 powerbook, Mac OSX 10.5.8, iTunes ver 10. I have multiple iTunes libraries on an external drive. Everything was fine for a while, then all of the iTunes library files, i.e. iTunes Library.itl, xml, itdb, artwork folder, Media folder, etc mysteriously disappeared! Only the music files remain (thank god) So now when I start iTunes w/option key to choose a library, I can't choose any of them because iTunes won't recognize them. Because all the library stuff is missing. So can I re-create the library files? (I don't care if I lose my ratings)
    Or should I create a new empty library on the external drive, then manually move all the music files to the Media folder in the new library?
    I tried some stupid ideas like creating a new library just to start iTunes, then going into prefs and advanced, then under iTunes Media folder location, selecting the location of the old library on the external, to see if iTunes would then find all the music which is still there, but no workee.
    I'm out of ideas, and I searched the archives.
    Help! anyone?

    I don't know if this is me adding files to iTunes when the external wasn't connected
    it is.
    is it OK to just keep deleting that library on the Air?
    i wouldn't - at least not until i
    mount the external
    point iTunes media folder location back to the external via preferences > advanced
    consolidate my library via file > library > organize library
    The ntfs hasn't seem to be causing any problems, but I've always wanted to know.
    in order for your Mac to write to NTFS drives, it needs some help by installing e.g. the NTFS 3G driver. apparently that or something similar is installed on your Mac already. preferably, it would be formatted for Mac but then windows machines would need to have e.g. MacDrive installed to recognize the drive.

  • I have the following error The file "iTunes library.itl" cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes

    Can anyone help me with this problem.  I tried updating the latest itunes and it caused an error MSVCR80.dll missing.  I then tried fixing it after reading other people had the same problem and a solution was given about uninstaling itunes and the order in which to do that.  I did that but now get the error "the  files "itunes library.itl" cannot be read because it was created with a newer version of itunes.  I see a solution has been given about this but I cannot find what is suggested to enable me to follow instructions.  Can anyone please go through step by step (letting  me know where I can find what is needed) to enable me to be able tio log into itues again.  Thanks

    Hi pussygalore,
    If you are having issues with iTunes after an attempted update, you may find the following article helpful:
    iTunes 11.1.4 for Windows: Unable to install or open
    You may want to make sure that in the last step (reinstalling iTunes) that you are installing the latest/newest available version, and not attempting a reinstall from an older file.
    - Brenden

  • I have had to unistall itunes and re install it.  Now I get a error message - The file 'itunes library itl' cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of itunes.  Help?

    I had a prompt to update the software, when this was updated i tunes would not open coming up with a 404 error message.  So I uninstalled it, reinstalled the 64 bit version for windows, now it wont open with the mentioned error message.

    zepel has it, but perhaps some more detail will help.
    Empty/corrupt library after upgrade/crash
    Hopefully it's not been too long since you last upgraded iTunes, in fact if you get an empty/incomplete library immediately after upgrading then with the following steps you shouldn't lose a thing or need to do any further housekeeping. In the Previous iTunes Libraries folder should be a number of dated iTunes Library files. Take the most recent of these and copy it into the iTunes folder. Rename iTunes Library.itl as iTunes Library (Corrupt).itl and then rename the restored file as iTunes Library.itl. Start iTunes. Should all be good, bar any recent additions to or deletions from your library.
    See iTunes Folder Watch for a tool to catch up with any changes since the backup file was created.
    When you get it all working make a backup!

  • TS3212 I just installed iTunes (from the apple site) on to my new laptop.  When I click on the icon to open I get a pop up that says "The file iTunes Library.itl cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes".  Now what do I do and ho

    I just installed iTunes on my new laptop.  When I click on the desktop icon I receive a pop up that says "The file iTunes Library.itl cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes".  I have no idea what this means or what to do about it.  I can't even find a file on my computer like the one referred to in the pop up.  I am currently considering keeping my old laptop if it is the only way for me to continue to access iTunes.  What should I do to fix this?

    What version of iTunes are you using? An .itl file is something that Windows uses, or very old versions of iTunes on Mac. The library file on Macs is now .xml and has been since late iTunes 4.
    Is iTunes running ok without any problems after you OK that message? If it is, then you may be able to ignore it if you can't account for why you're getting it. But make sure you take backups in case something happens in the future.

  • When I try to open ITunes it brings up a box that says the iTunes Library. itl file cannot be found or created. the default location for this fie is in the itunes folder in the music folder How do I solve this

    My laptop was updating itunes and turned off and every since when i try to load itunes it brings up a window that says
    The itunes library.itl fie cannot be found or created. The default location for this fie is in the itunes folder in the Music folder.
    an I cant figure out what to do to get itunes to load so I can't use itunes at all which ***** since it also means I right now I can't add music to my ipod or apps or anything. So hopefully someone can tell me what happened and how to fix it or solve it

    Hi pgarard1,
    If you are having issues with launching iTunes after an update, you may want to take a look at the troubleshooting in the following article:
    iTunes for Windows: Doesn't open after upgrading in Windows Vista or Windows 7
    - Brenden

  • TS1717 unes, i have windows 8, i get the message, "the itunes Library .itl file is locked, on a locked disk, or you do not have write permission for this file.  how did this happen, how do i fix this?

    the message"The itun, library .itl file is locked, on a locked disk, or you do not have write permission for this file". i have windows 8. how why did this happen? how do i correct this and prevent another occurance?  I am able to access itunes on my i5, ipad, and my old i4 that i use solely as my ipod now. At the time  problem occurred, i was connected to ext hard drive that hold over 190GB music, to add to my library. I am now unable to add to my library using my laptop.  any advise/help is greatly appreciated!!

    I just had the same problem and was able to fix it after trying a couple of things I found after a search.
    The solution that worked for me:
    Find iTunes folder - it should be in C:\Program FIles (x86) or similar depending on your operating system
    Right click the entire folder (no need to open it) and click properties
    Click the security tab
    Click edit and highlight the user name under which you logged in.
    Click the box next to full in the allow column, which should check everything
    Click apply
    Open iTunes
    This worked for me.

  • How To Fix: "The iTunes Library.itl file is locked, on a locked disk, or you do not have write permission for this file."

    I can't reopen my iTunes after I have to force quit when it does not respond. I get this message:
    "The iTunes Library.itl file is locked, on a locked disk, or you do not have write permission for this file."
    I've read to do the solutions. I right clicked on both the iTunes and Music folder and went to info for each. On both the lock at the bottom of the Get Info was locked. All of my users including admin can read and write all files within those folders. They are even a shared folder. I clicked on the lock to unlock it, typed in my admin password, and went to the gear to apply to all files inside. After doing that I keep getting the saved message.
    I tried another way that I've found online to move my ituneslibrary folder to the desktop and then open my iTunes. In theory the iTunes is supposed to ask for where the iTunes library is. Once that is prompted you quit iTunes and drag the iTunes Library folder back to the folder from the desktop and reopen iTunes to apprently solve the problem. However, when I move the iTunes Library file to the desktop and try to reopne iTunes the icon just keeps bouncing and when I right click the application does not respond.
    This problem is only resolved if I restart/shut down my macbook pro which is a 15-inch Core 2 Duo with intel. It will be 5 years old in December. I currently have Lion and the latest iTunes 10.5. This problem started in late December. 

    If you hold down the option key when starting iTunes, it will allow you to select a library or create a new one.
    You can create a new one, and then add all of your iTunes music back in by simply dragging the old iTunes music file onto iTunes.
    There are more detailed instructions at
    It will show you how to re-build your iTunes database file.

  • ITunes won't open, I get this message: The iTunes Library .itl file is locked, on a locked disk or you do not have write permission for this file.

    iTunes won't open.
    I get this message: The iTunes Library .itl file is locked, on a locked disk or you do not have write permission for this file.

    This may indicate a corrupt preference file with iTunes trying to open the wrong location. Try holding down shift as you launch iTunes then choose the correct file, normally <User's Music>\iTunes\iTunes Library.itl. See iTunes: How to open an alternate iTunes Library file or create a new one.

  • HT1527 iphone wont open it says the itunes library.itl file is locked on a locked disk or you do not have write permission for this file. nothing l  do seems to help thanks

    Have tried to connect and sync my iphone 4 to my computer in itunes but this message keeps coming up The itunes Library .itl file is locked on a locked disk. or you do not have write permission for this file.

    I have tried both suggestions, unfortunately neither fixed this for me. Hoping there's another possible fix. Thanks in advance. 
    Empty/corrupt iTunes library after upgrade/crash and/or Repair security permissions for iTunes for Windows.

  • TS1424 I can't open iTunes. Get error message "the file iTunes library.itl cannot be opened because it was created by a newer version of iTunes"

    I cannot open itunes.  Getting error message: "the file iTunes library.itl cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes"
    What do I need to do so I dont lose all my loaded music, etc.?

    If you still have an issue you may have to see about using the iTunes version (application) included with Snow Leopard 10.6 from the installer or an another one if available online, and see if that will install.
    Sometimes you may have uninstall the bits left in your system by the earlier (or later) iTunes installers; as they all leave a trace and these can stop a different version of iTunes from being installed.
    Not sure if the following site/link will tell the method...
    •Apple - Support - iTunes - install & update:
    •Troubleshooting iTunes installation on Mac OS X:
    Good luck & happy computing!
    ps: i see you resolved this issue. it's magic!

  • TS1717 My itunes won't open and I get message that says "The file iTunes library.itl cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of itunes." I am unsure what this means, but I have uninstalled and reinstalled the itunes, and it still will not

    I receive the message: The file "iTunes library.itl"cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of itunes. I do not know exactly what this means.  I have Windows 7 on my computer and was able access itunes until just recently.  I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling itunes multiple times and that does not work.  Sometimes I can get in when immediately after installing, but then if I close it, i cannot get back in. Now, i can't get in at all.

    That message is usually a sign that you tried to roll back to an earlier build of iTunes, but occasionally I've seen it connected to a new upgrade. This technique should fix things.
    Empty/corrupt library after upgrade/crash
    Hopefully it's not been too long since you last upgraded iTunes, in fact if you get an empty/incomplete library immediately after upgrading then with the following steps you shouldn't lose a thing or need to do any further housekeeping. In the Previous iTunes Libraries folder should be a number of dated iTunes Library files. Take the most recent of these and copy it into the iTunes folder. Rename iTunes Library.itl as iTunes Library (Corrupt).itl and then rename the restored file as iTunes Library.itl. Start iTunes. Should all be good, bar any recent additions to or deletions from your library.
    See iTunes Folder Watch for a tool to catch up with any changes since the backup file was created.
    When you get it all working make a backup!

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