ITunes Library on D Drive instead of C Drive

My C Drive is pretty full, so I am wanting to import songs to store on my D Drive. In addition, I want my iTunes Library on my D Drive. How do I have my Library and all saved songs on my D Drive instead of my C Drive?

Matt, welcome to discussions! This link from MacMuse should do the trick for you.
MacMuse, "Move iTunes music/Library to new drive", 12:34pm Oct 12, 2004 CDT

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    how do i delete a song from iTunes library and hard drive on Itunes 11.0 at the same time.

    Hello CleveCo, Inc
    And welcome to Apple Discussions!
    At some point in time, you may have selected the option to prevent that dialog from appearing again when trying to delete tracks from your library. To reset all of iTunes warning dialogs, click the Edit drop down menu and choose Preferences from the list (on a Mac it is *iTunes -> Preferences* ). When the window pops up, head over to the Advanced tab and click the *Reset Warnings* button. Then quit iTunes and relaunch it. That do the trick for you?

  • How do I restore iTunes library from flash drive backup?

    How do I restore iTunes library from flash drive backup?

    brigdool wrote:
    How do I restore iTunes library from flash drive backup?
    HI Brigdool,
    It depends how you made the backup.
    If you copied your entire iTunes folder onto the flash drive, just copy it back to the appropriate place on the computer.
    If you copied individual folders or files, add them back to iTunes by inserting the flash drive in your computer, and then dragging the files into your "Automatically Add to iTunes" folder.
    The first method recreates your library as it was, with all playcounts, playlists, etc.  The second method builds a new library with the same content.

  • A solution to having media files in your iTunes library on multiple drives

    After searching on the web for threads of people with this issue, I found this thread:
    I wanted to reply, but the thread has been archived and locked, so I figured I could make a new post offering my new solution.
    The application I have written to allow users to easily move the media files in their iTunes library to multiple drives is called TuneSpan (
    TuneSpan is user friendly, freeware, native OS X app. It does the whole process of moving files and having iTunes know the new location for you, just as you would expect from a full featured app for OS X. Symbolic links are used to point iTunes to the new file locations, but in some cases, TuneSpan can actually get iTunes to learn a new location for the file, without the need of a symbolic link. Also, TuneSpan never removes any tracks from iTunes (preserving playlists, play counts, etc.) and there is no need to adjust any settings in iTunes such as the "Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library" setting.
    Lots of important information about TuneSpan and how it works can be found on
    I do not mean to completely self-promote by posting this, but I realize that I am doing so. I am hoping to reach out to users who have had the desire to do this task but have been overwhelmed or hindered by past solutions technicality, inflexibility, etc. I am hoping that making this posting in the location that some may look for a solution will give TuneSpan more exposure, and help more people have their iTunes library the way they want it to be. TuneSpan is freeware, but donation are accepted though not forced nor nagged for. If you choose to donate through my site, I will, of course, be receiving compensation which I would be grateful for, but that is not the intention of this post. If this posting does not meet the guidelines of this forum, I apologize.

    Very useful app, thanks! But i've noticed it is still a O.xx beta. Do you intend to go on with it?

  • ITunes Library on shared drive, option-open itunes

    Just ordered my AX. Have Airport Express for AirTunes now.
    I have an MBP intel 2.3 17" and a PB G4 12" 1gig. I'll put my iTunes library on a drive shared via AX. I've been reading iTunes sharing threads, but I haven't come across anything about simply option-opening iTunes. Doing so brings up "choose library..." of course.
    Can I just share the library by option-opening iTunes each time, from either laptop, with all modifications made via one machine (playlists, purchases, etc.) showing up on the other? I'll never need to run iTunes on both at once.
    ...If I do try to use iTunes on both machines at the same time, would the second give me some kind of 'library in use' error message?

    It's actually even easier than you describe. In a real way your iTunes "Library" is an index file in your Music folder. If you have 2 computers with iTunes then they each have their own indices in the Music folder of each users account on those computers. You can store the actual audio/video files that make up the music/audiobooks/videos really anywhere. Give the USB drive you attach to the Airport Extreme a name, mount that drive on each of your two computers. Copy the actual audio/video files from wherever you have them to that shared drive (I use a subdirectory called "library" to put them all in. Then go into the iTunes preferences on both computers. In the "Advanced" section change the directory that the library is stored at to the path of the mounted drive and whatever subdirectory you make it. In my house it's /public/library. "public" is the name of the shared USB drive, library is a directory I created on it and all the artists directories and such are under the "library" folder. That's all there is to it. Any other computer you want to use those files just update the preferences. The only other caveat is that since the "library" is really the index file on each computer you will need to authorize each computer separately to play any purchased files. That's about it.
    Message was edited by: Compono

  • Back up itunes library to usb drive instead of cd or DVD-how do I do this?

    I just got a great deal on a Seagate Free Agent 500gb drive. I've formatted it for Mac, now, I want to backup my iTunes library to it and still use iTunes on my laptop-I don't want to burn a zillion cd's or dvd's to do it-that's why I bought this drive. Can anyone help me? I am just not able to figure this out, maybe because I was raised on PC.

    If you don't want to run iTunes from the EHD & you are simply backing up, just copy the whole iTunes folder onto the Seagate.

  • Moved itunes library to external issues..

    Hi, I recently picked up an external hard drive and needed space on my macbook so I dragged my folder onto my external drive. Next time I launched Itunes my library was wiped out. I still have the original library on the external but is there anyway I can direct Itunes to pull up the library instead without having to import everything a second time and end up with duplicates? I don't want to lose my purchased apps and songs.

    I am having the same problem.   - everything was fine, and I thought I had figured it out, It looks like I messed up on a step though.  I copied the ENTIRE folder to my external drive.  Then when I opened Ituned while pressing the option key, I think I selected the wrong thing (pretty sure I selected "create library" , when I should have selected "choose library".
    Now, when I open the itunes folder in my computers (macbook) hard drive OR on the external hard drive, looking for that "itunes library.itl" file, it is blank - just a white icon, and says it was created today.
    When I open Itunes from my desktop, there is NO music in it - which is not the end of the world because the files are on my external drive, but all of my playlists and customized itunes stuff is gone.  Is there any way to recover this?!?!

  • Restoring iTunes library after hard drive crash

    The hard drive on my Macbook pro (mid-2009) crashed. I took it to the genius bar for a diagnostic. The drive was physically fine so they wiped it and reinstalled Mavericks, which is now running 10.9.4. I am restoring user files from Time Machine individually to keep things clean. Hooray!
    I'm now running iTunes 10.3.1. Years ago, I placed the iTunes library in Users>Shared on the hard drive, so my wife could access the files when she logged in. We don't need to do that now, so today I dragged all the music files from Time Machine to the "Music" section on the iTunes window.
    They seem to have installed and indexed fine, but I lost some of the original data--like date added and numbers of plays--which would be nice to have. (Then all now read as installed today with zero plays.) My playlists are all gone as well; I'd like to have them back.
    Is there any way to restore the music so those things stay intact, by basically making my library the way it was?
    I considered dragging the entire set of folders over from the Shared section of Time Machine, but was afraid the music would not index, and the folder structure and nomenclature was different (for example, it had iTunes Music instead of iTunes media and there were a couple other anomalies). I imagine this is because the Shared library was set up under a different version of iTunes.
    I hope this doesn't further complicate things but my user name was changed at the genius bar (from what it was prior to crash); they added my last name to my user name. I didn't notice till I got home. So far I have had no trouble accessing the files I have dragged in (Numbers, Word, etc), but don't know if the permissions on the music files might be affected.
    All help greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    Answers to all your questions are in the links below:
    What are the iTunes library files? -
    More on iTunes library files and what they do -
    What are all those iTunes files? -
    Where are my iTunes files located? -
    iTunes 9 [and later]: Understanding iTunes Media Organization - - plus supplemental information about organizing to new structure
    Image of folder structure and explanation of different iTunes versions (turingtest2 post) - and making an iTunes library portable.
    06/2014 ChrisCA post: Restore iTunes library from Time Machine backup -

  • Retrieving iTunes library after hard drive dies.

    Here is my dilemma.
    My external hard drive that containes my entire itunes library of over 17,000 songs just died.
    First, what is the best way to reassign my iTunes library back to my computer instead of the now-dead external hard drive?
    I have an iPod that also has all my music on it but it is set up to automatically sync with iTunes.  Once I get my iTunes library back on my computer will it erase everything on my iPod?  I am aware of some programs that can take music off an iPod and put it on any computer, so if it doesn't earse it all when it syncs, I would most likely do this.
    I also have a seperate external hard drive set up with Time Machine.  I could possibly retrieve some of my old iTunes library from it but I only need to restore iTunes and not the entire computer.
    What is my best course of action for mantaining the majority of my iTunes library?

    Unfortunately unless you specifically told Time Machine to back up the contents of your external Media HD it won't do it automatically, so it seem you iPod is the only repository for your music.  There are plenty of tutorials on the web that will walk you through getting music off your iPod.

  • Now got iTunes library on external drive, will TM back it up?

    I've just moved my iTunes library from my internal HDD on my Mac to a portable USB powered HDD as it was taking up to much room.
    I use TM with another desktop external drive that I plug in. Will TM backup the portable USB drive with iTunes on?
    do I need to do anything to do this?
    Can I also add other stuff to the portable drive and TM will backup this to?
    The portable drive is formatted as Mac OS Journaled

    the loc-man wrote:
    Ah ok so everytime I now add something to the portable drive I will have to specifically tell TM not to back it up, as it will do all of drive if not.
    So the older iTunes library that was on my internal iMac HDD, will I dump this now? is it a case of going into a finder window, going to home/user/Music/iTunes and right clicking and delete all previous backups? or should I leave it there?
    that's a tricky question. instead of deleting the iTunes folder from your startup disk, you might want to consider it your backup of your precious media files (or perhaps move it to yet another external HD). see
    but, if you really want to, *don't use the finder* ! see

  • Itunes library on external drive

    ok heres the deal...i bring my library with me to work on an external hdd. i am working with windows xp. i am using the latest version of itunes. when i plug the hdd in with my music on it. windows xp starts to read the drive which i promtply hit cancel on because i dont want windows media to play the music i want to use itunes. but before i can hit cancel it has read alot of my music and has made duplicates of them. so i end up with duplicates of entire albums. does anybody know how to turn this off?

    Assuming you use the iTunes default settings where iTunes copied added items to your iTunes folder and organizes your library (meaning - everything is all self contained in the iTunes folder), then all you have to do is drag & drop your iTunes folder (not just the iTunes Music folder you find inside the iTunes folder) to the external drive and copy the entire thing.
    If you want to test that it worked or would like to actually start using it from that location instead, use these instructions when you start iTunes to point it to the new location...
    How to open an alternate iTunes Library file or create a new one
    If you are just testing, then close iTunes after you verify it works, and restart iTunes again with the same instructions and point it back to your internal drive (original) location.
    Back up your iTunes library by copying to an external hard drive

  • One Itunes Library, 2 external drives in different locations...

    Here's my problem... I go everywhere with my laptop... iphone and ipod... My laptop contains my itunes library.. I connect at work to an external 1tb drive which houses my entire music collection..
    My goal is to be able to copy that drive (64,000 songs) to another external that I can leave at home.. I want to be able to plug in both places without having to carry the external with me..
    Is is possible to have one library and 2 externals with identical music folders? Any help would be appreciated.

    How to use multiple iPods with one computer , describes two methods.
    If you both use the same account (and one iTunes library), the easiest way is to create separate (Smart) Playlists for each iPod.
    Hope this helps.
    17' iMac fp 800 MHz 768 MB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   Several ext. HD (backup and data)

  • How do I reconnect to an iTunes Library onan external Drive?

    I have a huge iTunes library comprised of 10,000's of songs and 1000's of  videos. I keep this library on an 8TB  Raid 5 network attached storage device. I reciently had a catestrophic hard drive crash on the computer running my iTunes application (the local HD on my computer, not the network drive which is reasonably imune to an HD failure). Everything is gone from that computer's drive except for the files in scope of my automatic backups. There are two locations on my external hard drive that are candidates for the location of the iTunes files:
    M:\Music\iTunes and
    Location #1 looks to be an early version of my library prior to consolidation into the "SharedFiles" location. My delemma is that I have attempted to point my iTunes (on my replacement computer)  to location #2 and I don't get any of my library files. I am running Windows 7 (the old computer was running Vista). Looking at the M:\SharedFiles\Music\iTunes\iTunes Library.xml file (using a text edditor) In the first "<dict>" record I see: "<key>Music Folder</key><string>file://localhost/M:/SharedFiles/Music/iTunes/iTunes%20Music /</string>". So, thinking that was the "iTunes Media Folder" I pointed my iTunes application to that folder. I used Edit->Preferences->Advanced to change the location of my library. This resulted in an empty iTunes (no music,no movies,no devices).
    One thing I noticed  is  that  before changing the iTunes folder was pointing to a default location of "C:\Users\Bill\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media". However, I do not have an "iTunes  Media" folder at either location #1 or #2. Under location #2 I see sub-folders for "Album Artwork", "Automatically Add to iTunes", "iTunes Music", and "Previous iTunes Libraries". Within  the "iTunes Music" sub-folder I see a "Movies" folder with sub-folders for all  of my  movies, and a "Music" folder with sub-folders for all of my music.
    After all of this, my question is: How do I connect my new iTunes application to my networked  iTunes Library?

    I figured it out!
    After setting the iTunes Library to M:/SharedFiles/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music, I then used File->Library->Import Playlist and then navigated to M:/SharedFiles/Music/iTunes and added it. This then went to work for an hour or so reading my entire library. After that I connected to iCloud, Match, shared with home network, and connected to iTunes Store. I am now watching my movies on my big screen using Apple TV again.

  • I have my iTunes library on external drive and can access from any PC. However I cannot access from new MacBokk Air.

    My iTunes library is on an external drive and been using it on two PCs with no problem.
    Now that I got a new MacBook Air I want to access the same iTunes library from the external drive and keep all the library and media on that external drive.
    When I try to change to another iTunes library by hitting "option" with iTunes and select the library on the external hard drive I get the following message:
    "The iTunes library file is locked, on a locked disk, or you do noy have write permission for this file."
    I have read many posts in which many suggest to go to the library or media file on the PC and right click to make sure the read only tab is not checked.
    I uncheked the read only tab and gave full permission to all the iTunes files and folders.
    The unusual part is that I can use this external drive on many PCs that I have tried with no problem at all.
    I just select a different library, which is on my external hard drive and everything works, play lists and everything.
    However, when I try it on a MAC i get the message stated above:
    What can I do to be able to access my External iTunes library from new MacBook Air while keeping everything on the external drive like I can on PCs?
    I am running latest version of iTunes and Mavericks.
    Please advise.

    Here are the official Apple Support instructions:

  • How can i automate duplicating itunes library from local drive to nas

    Basically, my only computer is a laptop and when i go away i take it with me to listen to music/watch films etc.
    The problem is this. When i'm away my family can't access the music to play on various devices as it's stored on my laptop. I have a NAS drive and can map the media folder in itunes to it, but when i'm away obviously I can't access it. I'm quite sure there used to be a way in itunes to have your library mapped to a nas drive but also store the library locally. Am I just making this up?? Any Ideas? This is driving me mad. I know i can manually copy and paste files onto the nas but it's really not a viable answer.

    Back up your iTunes library by copying to an external hard drive
    See if this helps. I think this counts for you NAS Drive.

Maybe you are looking for