Itunes problem with visual c++ runtime

I have not had any problems with my itunes for windows before. But today as soon as I opened itunes, an error message came up with "microsoft visual c++ runtime library" in the window title bar and "application requested runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. please contact the application's support team for more information". Once you click ok in the window, itunes closes and you can't do anything with it. I have downloaded the latest version of itunes and it still states that. a couple of days ago i did download itunes plus but it doesn't seem like that's the culprit. Can anyone help? Thanks!

i do hope so, considering that i can't access any of
my music or account information at all because of it.
I could always try to remove itunes and reload but I
can't remember the songs that I've downloaded since
the last time I made a library backup (last month).
Here is the answer. First you download the latest iTunes and intstall it. You will not lose your iTunes library by doing this. Then, if you get the "can't save iTunes library" error, you follow the instructions on this page - - it worked for me!

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    NOTE: I did not check other Crystal Runtime versions.
    Any solution?

    Visual Studio Premium 2012.
    It is a web application.
    It was working fine with Crystal Report version 13.0.5. Only change is uninstall Crystal Report version 13.0.5 and install Crystal Report version 13.0.10
    Entering page number works fine to view that page Request.Form parameters sample for that (change page from page 3 to page 5):
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    Try to view New Page does not work. Request.Form parameters sample for that (try change page from page 2 to page 3):
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    text_viewer_toptoolbar_selectPg:2 / 5

  • HT1926 (iTunes) Problem with Windows installer package?

    (iTunes) Problem with Windows installer package?  I try to install the new version of iTunes but get an error "Problem with Windows installer package.  A Program required for this install could not be run."  Can anyone help shed some light for me as to how to correct this?  I have tried to install the program through Chrome, Explorer and FireFox but have had no success.  I have included a screenshot of the error.  Hopefully it's visable.  Thank you for any help.

    Found answer for anyone else curious.  I love the apple community.  Thanks guys for help!

  • Itunes causes Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Error at Vista Startup

    I installed Itunes version 8.1.1 and Quicktime on my Toshiba laptop with Vista. The installation went in correctly and Itunes found my music library.
    However, when i rebooted the system, i get a Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Error Library error message that states "This application has requested the runtime to terminate in an unusual way. The message persists and Vista will not boot up.
    I have to do a system restore in safe mode to get Vista usuable again.
    Has anyone seen this problem and can you help me find the culprit.

    Some people have reported that Apple Software Update can cause this error, so you might try removing that and see if it helps. Removing that utility should not affect iTunes, though you won't get automatic updates (you can just download any new version of iTunes or QuickTime manually and install it). It would, however, be wise to make a backup of any purchased content or items that would otherwise be difficult to replace, just in case something goes wrong.

  • Urgent!!!! please help!!! problems with visual j++ and jbuilder

    I have been worried about this problem since a long time. I couldn't get any help figuring out the problem. I am using microsoft visual j++ 6.0
    I have tried putting the rt.jar file in the class path but its getting me out of the compilation errors and not this runtime error.
    I faced this problem with many codes.
    When i used the jbuilder as one of the users suggested, i am getting this compilation errors,
    "": Error #: 704 : cannot access directory vrml at line 4, column 4
    "": Error #: 704 : cannot access directory vrml\node at line 5, column 4
    "": Error #: 704 : cannot access directory vrml\field at line 6, column 4
    "": Error #: 300 : class Script not found in class FloatingAgent at line 9, column 39
    Please somebody help.
    // an agent is floating randomly.
    import java.util.*;
    import vrml.*;
    import vrml.node.*;
    import vrml.field.*;
    public class FloatingAgent extends Script{
    SFVec3f setAgentPosition;
    SFRotation setAgentRosition;
         static int count=0;
         float agentPosition[] = new float[3];
         float agentRosition[] = new float[4];
         float rotangle = 0.0f;
         float aRad= (float) (Math.PI/180);
    //Random randomNumGenerator = new Random();
    public void initialize(){
    // get the reference of the event-out 'setAgentPosition'.
    setAgentPosition =
              setAgentRosition =
    // initialize the agent position.
    agentPosition[0] = 0.0f;
    agentPosition[1] = 0.0f;
    agentPosition[2] = 0.0f;
         agentRosition[0] = 0.0f;
    agentRosition[1] = 0.0f;
    agentRosition[2] = 1.0f;
         agentRosition[3] = 0.0f;
    public void processEvent(Event e){
    if(e.getName().equals("interval") == true){
    // generate random float value ranging between -0.1 to 0.1.
    /*float generateRandomFloat(){
    return(randomNumGenerator.nextFloat() * 0.2f - 0.1f);
    // move the agent randomly.
    void moveAgent()
    agentPosition = reader();
    // agentPosition[0] += generateRandomFloat() ;
    // agentPosition[1] += generateRandomFloat();
    //agentPosition[2] += generateRandomFloat();
         rotangle += 2.0f;
         agentRosition[3] = rotangle * aRad;
    // move the agent to the new position.
    }//move agent
    static float[] reader()
         float p1[] = new float[3];
         FileReader fr = new FileReader("data.txt");
         BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
         String s;
    int count1=0;
              StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s);
              int i=0;
              }//end of stringTokenizer while.
         catch(IOException f)
              System.out.println("file cannot be opened");
         catch(FileNotFoundException e)
         System.out.println("file doesn't exist");
         } //try
         return p1;

    Didn't we hear this from you yesterday? Sounds too familiar. If so, we told you you're using a MICROSOFT product (Visual J++), which is OLD, and not up to the SUN's java specification. We suggested that you dump Visual J++ and go with something like JBuilder, Forte, Visual Cafe, etc.
    This is a SUN site in support of SUN's java - not Microsoft's outdated and non-existent (anymore) version.

  • Itunes problem with windows Vista

    ok i bought my touchsmart tx2 1025 with windows vista ultimate 64 bit and well i ve noticed that ..well since this is my third time i exchange this computer and i noticed there was a problem with the speakers when i was playing music that anytime during a song i would get this distorted sound like when u put a lot of volume in ipod headphones that it sounds like a crack. Well that happened in my computer even with low volumes.
    However I played two times the same song on itunes and two times on windows media player.
    Every single time on itunes the sound came as if the speakers were about to blow... like a crack..
    Every single time on Windows media player it never sounded like that.
    So i am pretty sure its an itunes problem. Does anyone know how to fix this.. i would rather use itunes than windows media player but i really hate the sound it makes sometimes because it shows about 2 to 3 times during one song.

    It's possible that the song your playing does indeed have a little audio distortion in it, some media players are capable of filtering it out in a silent way, others play a beep, hence with one song I have, if i play it in windows media player it goes on and then for a split second theres a beep, iTunes doesent seem to do it, so instead of filtering out the missing data, it plays it.
    This is more likley a problem with the song than iTunes

  • Itunes problems with windows 7 64 bit

    Hi, i have searched and searched for a solution to my on going problems with itunes on my windows 7 64bit computer.
    it started with my backups not being saved when i sync, then any music i add seems to play strangely i.e skips and plays the start of the song in the middle.
    updating last sunday to the new iphone os (4.3) was also a disaster, having to try a number of times over 2-3 days as the downloads just seemed to hang and not do anything. At the end on around my 10th try it downloaded and updated in around 15 mins.
    I now find myself when i connect to itunes more often than not having to manually delete corupt backups until i get a succesful one as sometimes it works and other times it doesnt.
    I tryed a vista computer a friend has and everything worked perfectly!
    songs, backups the lot!!
    So it clearly seems like a problems between windows 7 64bit and iphone 4.
    can anyone please shed some light on these issues??????
    Many thanks, gaggie...

    I am not sure that I can help with this, but I have seen an instance where continuous backup software cased playback problems.
    Also are you using any Norton products?

  • Itunes problems with Vista

    Has anyone run into a problem with Itunes not being able to play audio tracks from cd, and not able to import from a cd? (Using Vista Ultimate)I can play existing audio files, but not from a disc and it won't import.
    I have tried uninstalling vers. 7.1 and re-installing. I have tried updating my firmware for my two drives and I have also enabled administrative permissions for Itunes under the, annoying UAC built into Vista. Nothing seems to resolve the issue.

    Which versions of each? iTunes was updated to 7.5. iTunes may not support x64.
    Did you tell or let iTunes during the install to "use iTunes for playing all supported media?"

  • Reinstalling iTunes, problem with duplicates

    I have an iMac 2GHZ running OS X v10.5.7 which is having multiple longstanding problems with freezing/errors and no significant problems show up after running disc utilities (repairing permissions etc..) or Tech Tool. Also my itunes music folder is full of duplicates that don't show up on my i tunes duplicate or "Dupin" duplicates list. iTunes library shows 43 GB space used and iTunes Music folder shows 95 GB space used.
    I would like to start from scratch, reformat my hard drive and reinstall iTunes to see if it solves most of the problems. I am using Time Machine for backup but also can make a bootable clone with Super Duper. I wonder if it would be better to restore my iTunes from an iPod since none of the duplicates exist there.

    a lot of people are having similar problems
    a temporary solution i discovered is desribed on this thread

  • Several Problems with Visual Editor 1.1

    I have installed the latest version of visual editor and also the emf and gef version required,the problem comes when i try to create a new Vsual class after i choose the property of the class such as name and so on and clicked finish My visual editor is empty.....the palette for visual component doesn't appear.
    The visual editor creates a little window and duplicates it evrey time i click in the visualEditor page......please help me...i don't know what i have to do.... i tried the impossible but visual editr still doesn't work!

    Mmm yes it's true, I have a virus checker on my computer...
    and I have tried it twice to download WLS6.1 and always the same
    I'll try again.
    As for the last point (quick deploy of ejbs without compiling the classes)- Has
    anybody managed to do it? It really could be helpful is somebody, who managed
    to deploy a bean like this (without compiling) could post it to me, so I can examine
    You can mail it to [email protected]
    David Felts <[email protected]> wrote:
    It sounds like there is a problem with your downloaded version of the
    Perhaps your download was corrupted by a running virus checker - we've
    seen that
    before. If you have a virus checker active, flush your browser cache,
    turn off the
    virus checker and reboot. Attempt to download again and run the install
    You should be prompted for the password and JDK 1.3.1 should be installed
    on your
    Francesco wrote:
    Hi all,
    I have downloaded WLS 6.1 (NT /2000 version) but
    I found several problems with it.
    1) During the installation I'm not asked anymore
    a password for my domain (feature or bug?)
    2) The installation doesn't install jdk1.3.1
    as required by setEnv.cmd. I have arranged the problem
    pointing to my elder jdk1.3.0 that comes with WLS 6.0 but I don't knowif it's
    correct this behaviour.
    3) I have read in the docs that it's possible to deploy
    EJB in a very quick way, without even compiling the classes.
    So I have tried to pack the basic stateless Trader example
    like this:
    But then I get only a Stack-trace full of exceptions stating that
    <3-set-01 13.58.26 GMT+02:00> <Error> <Management> <Error deployingapplication
    \config\mydomain\applications\basic.jar: java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowa
    Is anyone aware about how to solve this problems?

  • Itunes problems with new nano, purchased songs

    Hello all. I am having a few problems with my itunes and newly purchased nano that hopefully you guys can give me some advice on. First of all, when i plug in my nano, it does not recognize it unless i close itunes and reopen it. Then, it takes a few minutes to open and acts like it is a new nano every time i open it. Meaning, it asks me to name the nano and asks me to apply all the settings etc. After that it works. I then can eject it. If I then re open itunes, with my nano not plugged in, itunes thinks that my nano is plugged in and says its corrupted. If i attempt to do anything in itunes, it freezes up.
    In an unrelated problem, i am forced to authorize my computer to play my purchased songs every time i open itunes. It never remembers when I authorize it.
    Thanks in advance for your help i definitely appreciate it!

    OK, could not resist. I did go ahead and put my old run history back into the new & now restored Nano. No problems. Everything is fine. (Be remember, this is not something that is supported or approved by Apple or Nike.)
    There may be no connection between adding the old run data files to the new Nano and the sound & freezing problems. Others have already complained about those.
    However, what I will say is that you should never mess around with the Nike+ xml "Preferences" file or the "Best" file. These are invisible for a reason. You can put your old xml run data files into your "latest" folder and thus get them on your new Nano, but you CANNOT change your Totals on your new Nano no matter what you muck around with. However, if you try it and things go wrong, doing a "restore" should save the day.
    And it should save the day for sound problems and recurring Nano freezes unless you have a defective Nano.

  • ITunes problem with speakers

    This only started recently, but when I play music on iTunes, it starts off fine but every once in a while, sound will stop coming from one speaker (or sometimes both). I thought it was a problem with my speakers at first, but then I realized that pausing and resuming the song would fix the problem. So I tried playing songs with other programs and tried the audio on websites and they work fine. Not too sure what the problem is.

    Some have posted issues using the Apple TV with extended networks.
    Is it possible that it is some sort of interference to your network that is causing problems rather than distance. Have you tried using a different wifi channel.

  • IPhone sync to iTunes problem with version 10.3.1

    I've just upgraded to iTunes and my iPhone will no longer sync to iTunes. I've tried downloading and reinstalling but this made no difference.
    I get the following message:
    "iTunes cannot read the contents of the Iphone. Go to the summary tab in iPhone preferences and click Restore to restore this iPhone to factory settings"!
    I picked up elsewhere that there was a problem with 10.3 which was supposed to be corrected with 10.3.1 but it seems that this update had not cured the problem.

    Thanks for the info, Tom.
    I've gone thru that Interoperating guide but I'll go thru it again. I don't see any error messages in my server logs. This is a single instance although the database does have multiple server instances connected to it. The data source name would be the same for all the server instances. Mine is the only one using the MDBs & WLS 10.3.1, others are using the stateless session beans. I'm using XA drivers & connection factories but I don't have any specific transactions defined in the Java code. Initially I didn't have the auto-acknowledge specified initially but thought maybe that is the problem. I have not knowingly specified any non-transactional config - if I did it would be via an omission.
    So, if there is no problem in the WLS 10.3.1 supporting this acknowledgment then I'll keep reviewing my configuration.
    Thanks again. I'll try to remember to post my solution.

  • ITunes - Problems with Audio Configuration

    I have been an iTunes user and Apple lover for years and have used these products for years. On my Toshiba laptop I have run iTunes for years without problems. HOWEVER, when I installed the latest iTunes, I get the following error: "iTunes cannot run because it has detected a problem with your audio configuration." What the BLEEP does this mean. Never before have I had an issue. Please advise. Thank you!

    I was bitten by this one too, and this fix worked for me too.
    This is about the 3rd time that a new version of iTunes has caused me problems - the 2nd time it's been a serious one. Not a great record.

  • Crystal Report Dll problem with Visual Studio 2005

    I am using Crystal Reports with Visual Studio 2005. At one time there were two different version of Crystal Decision Dll in Global Assembly Cache (GAC). So I uninstalled both the versions and then only installed 10.2.3600.
    I am facing the following error when building my application in visual studio.
    The type 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument' exists in both 'c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\arms website\301a5b02\e03ad7d9\assembly\dl3\c30f5560\00f92427_3857ca01\CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.DLL'
    I have only installed it in .Net Framework. For some reason it appears in the temp folder. I cannot delete it and when I renamed it after the next compile it came back again.
    I would appreciate any help.

    Thanks for the tip.
    I installed CR XI R2 with SP2 and 2.1
    There are few reports in the system they use to run fine but now when I try to run them I get the following error:
    Failed to open the connection. Details: [Database Vendor Code: 4060 ] Failed to open the connection. C:\DOCUME1\SSheikh\LOCALS1\Temp\ZGA370 {71BFCD35-F652-48C8-896D-B93229A4D2C2}.rpt Details: [Database Vendor Code: 4060 ]
    I understand that these reports run ok independently and on production machine as well; however when I try to run them from my development machine I get the above error.
    I would appreciate help to resolve this. The code of the report is with report developer and I need to know what settings do I need to change where to be able to run the reports. Also I use my machine for deployment of application on the production server.

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