ITunes rollback

How do I rollback itunes to the previous version?
I tried that, but the installer told me the database was created with newer itunes. so you can't install...
itunes, iphone 4.3.5

Hello me,
Look at this post:
See if the problemos disappear.

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  • My iTunes will ONLY backup my iPhone ONCE *SO* VERY quickly, almost as if it's done nothing... (not the three options for rollback as promised) HELP! Please Read...

    Hi there,
       thanks in advance for any help you can give me on this, but, my iTunes will perform a backup on my iPhone ONCE. By which I mean, it will do another new backup again if I want it to, and that's all fine... but it's supposed to hold (I think) THREE states of backup that the user has saved at various points in order that the user can choose and rollback/restore from whichever one they want.
    There is none of that. I get the drop-down menu if I choose to restore... but it's pointless as there's only ever one option.
    At the moment, no matter how close together I perform the backups, or how far apart... I get ONE backup saved in my iTunes.
    As far as I can tell this is also ONE backup between iCloud or the computer. i.e. I don't get one for each. Just whichever I performed most recently.
      iTunes absolutely DID NOT used to do this. I used to get the three options and it took a little bit of a wait for the backup process to go through fully.
      Can anybody help or shed some light on this?
    As a sidenote: It's slightly concerning that the backup process it performs is now lightning quick and it almost seems as if it's doing nothing, when in fact my iPhone is absolutely, irresponsibly rammed with everything... hence the worrying need for backups and solving this issue etc. etc.
      Please can anyone help me with this, or even give a little support?
    P.S. Yes, I fully anticipate being told not to have my iPhone so stuffed etc. etc. It's got about 1-2gb free and I figure you should get to use what you pay for
      Thank you so much in advance.

       I have to say, this is so weird because it's actually become this way in the past week maybe, and I'm sure me saying this here will be disputed, ridiculed and belittled, and that's absolutely fair, but I've got to say it... up until a few days ago, my iTunes sync/backup area really would keep more than one backup for my one, single iPhone. They were all timed and dated with a drop-down menu (which appeared if I clicked the restore button) to choose which one I wanted to roll back to, for example. Sure, I'd read about the three backups thing etc. etc. and perhaps I got that wrong or misunderstood, but I can honestly say, I only ever had at the most two backups, that I could drop-down and choose to restore from. They were there. Same iPhone. Different dates.
       At the time, when this seemed to be the case, the backing-up process took quite a while. I would leave it to progress while I went and made a cup of tea, come back and it still wasn't finished running. So, not really AGES, but a little while.
       Now, when I perform a backup, the progress bar almost shoots across to a finish. I'll 'fess up... that worries me most of all. I can live without the luxury of a menu of backups... but if it does it once, I'd like to be sure it does it at all.
    Much more importantly though, thank you for your replies so far.
    Any further input, even if it's to belittle or shame is totally welcome. I'd like to understand this a bit more.
    Thanks again.

  • Itunes 10.1 will not install and Rollback v8.2 will not recognise my Ipod!

    I recently updates to itunes 10 (running nano 4th gen) and since then my computer has become a constant error message and my ipod has become a paper weight.
    Whilst installing I10 I get error messages saying could not open Key unknown\components\DA42BC89BF25F5BD0AF18C3B9B1AEE8 verify that you have sufficient access to that key.
    I searched through the support forum and did everything that was advised to confirm access etc. I tried to reinstall but got the same message again followed by "Apple application support not found" and then "the program can't start because core foundation.dll is missing from your computer".
    Again searched the message boards and tried everything suggested but with no luck.
    Ok i said to myself - I need to rollback.
    I managed to install itunes V8.2.1.6
    When i go to open it i get 2 messages come up that state "The program cant start becuase ASL.dll is missing from your computer" If i click ok on both message and then try to open itunes again it will open. PHEWWWWW.
    However, Now I cannot sync my ipod.
    Itunes will recognise it, if I try to do a restore I get the message "The ipod could not be restored, An unknown error occured (1436)"
    The only help I can find for this is to update to the latest itunes (which I cannot for tech issues).
    I have done a reset on the ipod both hard and soft but no luck.
    The support I received from apple was basically a message saying that the support they offered didn't cover these issues!!!!!!!
    Is there anything that can be done to sort this mess out or should I just consign my ipod to becoming a paper weight.
    Any and all suggestions welcome.
    Thanks in advance

    try the procedure suggested in [this|] thread.

  • HT203128 iTunes 12.1.050 - Rollback: Updated from 12.01, now I cant't change track numbers and add additional data fields. How can I roll back to the previous version? @Apple, I want a $100 gift card for the inconvenience.

    iTunes 12.1.050 - Rollback: Updated from 12.01, now I cant't change track numbers and add additional data fields. How can I roll back to the previous version? @Apple, I want a $100 gift card for the inconvenience.
    - it's all said in the title. I can't understand why the developers turn things bad ... risking loosing Apples valuable customers.
    More examples needed? (check out the communities and the reviews)
    - OSX: Maverick to Yosemite = not recommended (check it out >
    - iPad: older versions as iPad2 should not upgrade to iOS7/8 (it's not supporting its hardware accordingly, it's designed for the latest hardware)
    - iTunes (it's possible to rollback to 10.7 - 11.4, but you need to breech OSX system security framework)
    - Pages (was a real alternative for many of us, each update reduced features and created incompatibility to older work files)
    The list could easily extend to ...

    You can offer Apple feedback here:
    as for "
      "@Apple, I want a $100 gift card for the inconvenience"
    dream on.

  • Rollback iTunes 7.6 to iTunes 7.5

    I've read a couple of messages about doing this... remove the app, copy over the old Library, and remove the PKG files. Anyone else try this?
    Do you loose tagging information or artwork that is not downloaded via iTunes?

    Can you explain what files I need to copy over to rollback to 7.5? I have a backup disk which I back up to manually through "Superduper." I haven't run a backup since updating to iTunes 7.6 so all the files & folders are there. I just need to know which ones to work with.

  • Upgrading to itunes 10.5.2 makes Xcode 4.2.1 crash.  How can I rollback iTunes to 10.5.1?

    I upgraded to OSX Lion last week and had to upgrade Xcode to 4.2.1 so it was compatible with the new OS.  Today I upgraded iTunes from 10.5.1 to 10.5.2.  Now every time I start Xcode it crashes. I tried reinstalling Xcode, that didn't help. Is there a way to rollback the iTunes update?

    Hi dkwestfall62,
    Is the error something like this:
    UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION (NSInternalInconsistencyException): Couldn't load plug-in '' while firing fault for extension 'Xcode.Device.iPhonePlaceholder'
    I'm almost in exactly the same situation as you except I upgraded iTunes first then went to Lion. If I get anywhere I'll let you know.

  • HT1926 Cannot install ADM in upgrading to iTunes 10.6.3 64-bit. Install does a 'rollback'. iTunes works but iPhone "DEVICE" is not seen in left panel.

    Furthermore... AMD is not listed when I try the "Uninstall" trick - but all other Apple SW is - Bonjour, Quicktime etc.

    One suggestion was to make sure AMD was started - go to admin, services etc. and make sure Apple Mobile Device is started.  In my issue there is NO AMD listed in Services (local).
    I have tried to reinstall/install at least 5 times - I always get to the 'rollback'. BUT - iTunes works! It is just that when I plug in my iPhone 4S it isn't recognized under Device.
    I have Win 7 64-bit (and yes, I did download the correct 64-bit version). AMD does not install.
    My version is 10.6
    Before the upgrade everything worked fine.  My iPhone is recognized at a local Apple store - so it's not the iPhone.

  • How to rollback to iTunes 6 and keep libraries

    Haven't been able to find resolution to sync problem with iTunes 7.
    What would be the correct procedures to rollback to version 6 without losing data - libraries, etc.
    I'll have to use version 6.0.4, since 6.0.5 doesn't load on XP Pro x64.
    MA003LL   Windows XP Pro   x64

    You can use these instructions to revert your library to the iTunes 6 format. Apple does not currently have a public download of iTunes 6.04 available.

  • My ipod touch 4g does not show in Windows 7 or itunes.  I've removed and reinstalled itunes, stopped and started apple mobile services and changed out cables.  Ipod is charging when connected.  I've also done a complete rollback to factory defaults.

    My ipod touch 4g does not show in Windows 7 or itunes, I've removed and reinstalled Itunes.  I've done a factory default, and I've changed out cables. The ipod shows connected but does not show.

    Did you remove and reinstall all the Apple software by:
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista or Windows 7
    Run this to see if it helps determine the cause
    iTunes for Windows: Device Sync Tests
    Try on another computer to help determine if you have an iPod or computer problem'
    Last, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

  • Itunes 9.2 Errors Solution (Rollback)

    Hi Everybody,
    As we all know the 9.2 is severely flawed and is making syncing impossible without crashes, this worked for me and hopefully it will for you too, please follow the instructions carefully. This will bring you back to 9.1.1 which works fine.
    1. Save a copy of your library file as a backup, just in case (it's in the My Music/itunes folder, and it’s called "iTunes Library.itl"). I also printed out 1 page of my music library sorted by Date Added so I’d have a list of the most recent songs I had added (I had bought some stuff after upgrading to 9.2, and I knew they’d need to be manually imported after I rolled back to my earlier library.
    2. Remove everything installed by Apple in "Add/Remove Programs" in Control Panel (it might be called "Programs and Features" in Vista). I removed itunes first, then Quick Time, then Apple Mobile Support, Bonjour, and anything else that came from Apple. Apparently this is important when you roll back to an earlier version of itunes, or so the posts I read told me.
    3. Restart your computer.
    4. When you're started up again, download itunes 9.1.1. I just went to File Hippo, searched for "iTunes". It only showed itunes 9.2 results, but all the older versions are located in with the most current version. Go to "itunes 9.2 (32 bit)" if you have a 32 bit OS (like my Vista) and go to "iTunes 9.2( 64 bit)" if you have 64 bit OS (Windows 7?). After you select the one you want, you'll go to a page that has all the older versions listed on the right - pick itunes 9.1.1, download it and install it. There are other ways to get old iTunes versions – this was just the one that worked for me.
    5. When it's installed and ready to go, it may give you an error message about the library being created by a later version of iTunes --- I just cancelled it out, because you are replacing the library anyway. Also, my IT guy said to make sure the “Keep iTunes Organized” checkbox in Preferences/Advanced” is unchecked when you replace libraries, which I did, although I’m not entirely sure why. All I know is it worked.
    6. Replace your newly created empty library file with the library file itunes created in version 9.1 before it upgraded to 9.2. To do that, go to your itunes folder (usually in the My Music folder) and delete the "iTunes Library.itl" file that the new install of 9.1 just created. I didn't mess with any of the others (iTunes Music Luibrary.xml; Extras, Genius, etc., and I was fine). Then find the "Previous iTunes Libraries" folder. Every time itunes upgrades, it saves a version of the pre-upgrade library file in that folder, with a date. Locate the "ITunes Library 2010-06-25.itl" file (the date will be whatever date you installed your 9.2 update). Change the name of that file to "iTunes Library.itl" and copy it into the root itunes folder where all the iTunes library/Extras/Genuis files reside (i.e. where you just deleted the new library the install created).
    7. Fire up iTunes, and your old library and music and playlists should show up just like it did before 9.2 was installed, all purty like. You may have to clean up a few things or add back any songs you bought during 9.2, but for the most part you should be back in business.
    Hope this helps.

    From Chile. Today i've fixed the problem of this issue. The solution was.
    1° Uninstall Itunes, Apple Device Helper and all Apple product from Control Panel > Software Management.
    2° Rename the folders (or save in another folder) located in Documents & Settings > User > Aplication Data > Apple. User is your personal user and "all users".
    Download Itunes.
    Reinstall the software.
    And it works.
    Also, before and i dont know if this was part of the solution, i've searched sqlite3.dll and the one located in folder apple device manager don't delete. Copy and paste in the another location (in my case ma-config)
    Hope this can resolve this problem.

  • ITunes 8 install rollback

    I've tried to install iTunes 8 x64, and each and every time it goes to a point and then rolls back the installation.
    x32 installed, but wouldn't open, so when I tried to uninstall, it wouldn't! But it did get to a point where the icon was no long itunes specific (just a generic icon).
    So, I install an older itunes, and it starts, and will synch with my ipod, but each time it opens it gives me a registry error, and 'repairing' won't fix it.
    I have Vista, and I AM an admin on this user account, AND i've made sure all windoze updates are installed.
    Please help. I really want itunes 8, but i'm at a loss

    After many hours and trials, this is what fix mine, working on Windows XP:
    My system was not completing the installation and was indicating that it cannot continue do to an error with the unpacking of the files. What was worse is that the iTunes 7.7 already had upgraded my iTouch to the 2.1 version. That version no no longer work with the 7.7 so I could not even sinchronize now.
    I found that the program "Apple Software Update" got corrupted by the first trial of the 8.0 installation. To fix:
    - Uninstall the Quicktime software
    - Go to Control Panel and clik on "Apple Software Update"
    - Once highlighted click again on "Click here for support information"
    - Click on the Repair option (another option is try to remove)
    - Install Quicktime again
    - Install iTunes 8.0.1
    The above process will add the "Apple Software Update" as part of the Quicktime and iTunes installed OK after that.

  • Rollback iTunes 12

    I absolutely HATE what is being done to iTunes!! Version 12 is the worst - and see I am not the ONLY one who does. Does anyone at Apple listen anymore? No sidebar, plain style that stinks, no easy way to manuever. I am pretty computer savvy and have helped design programs for users and NEVER has a design team I've worked with focused their efforts on wrecking a program (as that is apparently what your designers have as a goal).
    I'm pretty much done with iTunes, version after version has garnered multiple complaints, anger, requests for changes and Apple apparently remains oblivious or no longer give a crap about their users. Maybe you ought to offer the "vanilla-useless" design to those geeks that like things like that and return some usability to those of us who just want to flipping USE the program without having to go to your "user manual" - sorry guys, that does NOT overcome the pure plain blah, crap you are trying to pass off.
    Do you get it that there are thousands who do not appreciate you messing with this program, instead of removing user flexibility, how about restoring it
    I've seen no answers to the multiple requests about allowing us to return to prior versions of iTunes that WORKED, were flexible and allowed user options. You've lost your way Apple - hate to say it but Android now seems the best option (if you are careful), even Windows seems to care more about their customers than you do anymore.
    Frustrated, disappointed, sad and mad - - give me back those things that caused me to switch to Apple in the first place.

    Yes, you can revert but as you observe, it depends.  If you have a brand new device it may insist upon the version of iTunes current the time the device was sold.
    Reverting is not easy. How easy depends upon your backup history because you cannot use your present library file, you will have to use a backup or regenerate using your present library's .xml version file which will not have ratings, play count, or date added. You may be able to restore from backup.  Or you may have to use other files on your computer which will revert but may end up leaving you with an older library which will need to be updated.  This won't affect your media files but you may have to add some of them again as the actual content list in your library may end up dating from anytime yesterday to whenever you last updated the iTunes application.
    Reverting will involve hand-removing various component files in different system folders which makes it tricky and messy.  Make sure you back up first, and be prepared to do more troubleshooting.
    There's various web sites with instructions on reverting (usually a page or two long).  Do a web search for something like "revert iTunes".
    Unless you are like me and run a computer produced 13 years ago and operating system dating from 2005, no Apple gadgets, no iTunes Store purchases, you will be eventually forced to upgrade (as I will when this computer dies, but I can enjoy iTunes 7.5 until then   ).

  • IPhone 3GS doesn't show up in iTunes

    (Sorry for the length of this, but I want to make sure that I don't leave out anything that I've done.)
    It all started last week when I installed Starcraft 2 on my Mac mini (the new one that came out in June 2010). Starcraft 2 crashed frequently due to the nVidia driver issues in 10.6.4, so the next day I re-installed OS X from the DVD that came with my computer to rollback to 10.6.3. Starcraft 2 worked better, but that's beside the point.
    Later that day I noticed that iTunes didn't show my iPhone 3GS when it was connected (I have had zero problems with this since I got my Mac mini last month). (I'm using iTunes 9.2.1, by the way). I searched a bit, and found the instructions to Uninstall and reinstall iTunes ( I followed the instructions, and everything worked quite well.
    At this point, I thought the problem was either due to my re-install of OS X or Starcraft 2 (I'm using a USB headset, which could somehow be related).
    I was having other issues with Starcraft 2 at this point, so I decided to install Windows XP SP3 via Boot Camp. I did this, installed Starcraft 2, and played away.
    When I rebooted into OS X, again I noticed that my iPhone wasn't showing up in iTunes. I started to follow the uninstall steps again, and this time I noticed that iTunesHelper wasn't running. It wasn't running because it wasn't in the list of login items to run when my account logs in. Since I was part way through uninstalling anyway, I continued with the process and then reinstalled iTunes. Once again, iTunes saw my iPhone fine. This time I also manually added iTunesHelper to my login items (I had to right click, Show Package Contents, navigate to, and drag it into the list of Login items; I did check the Hide checkbox, since I recalled it being checked during the first uninstall).
    It was a few days before I checked iTunes again (I rebooted a few times in here to play Starcraft 2 in Windows; note that I haven't ran Starcraft 2 in OS X since I installed Windows XP previously). However, once again my iPhone wasn't in iTunes.
    Since I want to sync my iPhone today, I once again follow the uninstall iTunes process. This time, after installing it and verifying that my iPhone shows up in iTunes (again, I had to manually add iTunesHelper to my login items), I immediately rebooted and connected my iPhone. It didn't show up in iTunes (which I kind of expected at this point). I verified that iTunesHelper was indeed running.
    I also tried connecting my wife's iPod touch (first generation), but it doesn't show up in iTunes either (not that I expected it to).
    I've tried changing the USB port the dock connector is connected to, but that doesn't seem to matter. I did not change the port during the last reboot attempt, so I do not think that the port itself is bad. I have it connected to one of the ports on the back of the Mac mini, not to one of the ports on my keyboard. Also, my iPhone does charge when connected to this port even if iTunes doesn't recognize it.
    At this point it sounds like the iTunes 9.2.1 installer doesn't do something that is required for the iPhone to be recognized by iTunes after a reboot, even though it sets things up properly right after installation. Based on the uninstall instructions, I compared the iTunes related files on my Mac with my wife's (a MacBook from early 2008, if that matters), and everything seems to be in place.
    I've seen quite a few other posts here regarding issues with iPhones (and iPod touches) not showing up in iTunes, so apparently this is a common issue, but none of them seemed to help my problem.
    Do you have any ideas of anything else I can try?
    Thank you very much!

    I think my problem is fixed now.
    For the fun of it, I reinstalled iTunes 9.2.1 today (using the exact same installer as I did yesterday), but this time I didn't uninstall iTunes first. As expected, iTunes recognized my iPhone (as I expected it to, until my next reboot).
    A few minutes later, Software Update showed up and among the updates is "iPhone SDK Compatibility Update". The description indicates that installing this should fix an issue where iPhones and iPod touches aren't recognized by iTunes. Isn't that interesting?
    I installed that update and most of the others waiting for me (including Java, Safari 5.0.1, and a few others - not 10.6.4 though, due to the issues with nVidia graphics cards). After the reboot, I started iTunes, and it saw my iPhone!
    So, if you're having this same problem, I'd recommend tracking down this update and see if that does the trick for you. Hopefully it will.

  • When I try to reinstall iTunes, I see the error "Could not open key: UNKNOWN\Components\..."

    Hello, everyone.
    About a month ago, iTunes was working fine (save for the fact I couldn't update it. No matter if I tried automatically or manually, it would tell me it couldn't be updated or that the update failed.) I don't exactly remember if I was trying to update when iTunes stopped working. All I remember is one day I went to open it and it kept giving me an error. So, I unistalled it. Then, I removed the files from the registry and other places with my Windows Clean Uninstaller--just to make sure it was completely off. When I tried to re-install, it would stop in the middle of installing and give me this:
    It would rollback the changes and then keep installing. However, when I tried to open it after installation, I'd get this:
    I've tried uninstalling and re-installing a few times. I've also tried adjusting my administrative settings (This would be the second program that has claimed I don't have sufficient priveledges, so I assmued it was me). However, no matter who I gave administrative priveledges too, the same thing reoccured. A
    I've tried finding the key to make sure it existed, but I couldn't find it on my computer (At least, not through the C drive or anything. Do I have to use the command prompt or something?).
    If anyone's got any advice, give a shout. I'm really getting sick of my programs acting up.

    Found a solution!
    Follow the extended version of these directions here:
    Worked like a charm!

  • Why does the iTunes AppleID system refuse to work properly without the need to reset the password every time I open iTunes for use?

    Alright so here is the issue. When I first started using iTunes I created my AppleID. I locked it in to remember my password and authorize my computer so that I would NEVER HAVE TO ENTER IT AGAIN. So years pass, no problem. Then "ITUNES 11" come on everyone lets upgrade or you can't proper use the iTunes Store. Seriously it wouldn't let me access the store. Go Figure. So I upgrade simple right? No. It really isn't when iTunes 11 rolled out it was riddled with minor bugs that made the experience annoying so I did a rollback and live without the store for awhile.
    About a year passes and I try again this time upgrading iTunes through a COMPLETE fresh install, again I did what had done the first time I logged my AppleID and reauthorized my computer. Hurrah other than getting use to the new UI it ran perfectly. Yes Finally! Right? Again.... No. No more than 2 or 3 software updates later suddenly my password for my AppleID is incorrect I was like "Okay?" and re-entered it thinking the big update cleared my settings.
    Wrong Password please reset password to continue using the iTunes store.
    I was like okay maybe the user agreement change and we all need to reset passwords and re-accept the EUA. So I go through the process to create a new password successfully and reset my AppleID in iTunes with the new password. Come back a few weeks later it happens again this time I enter my new password and what do I get?
    Wrong Password please reset password to continue using the iTunes store.
    So I first do a repair install to my iTunes than reset my password this time NOT setting it to remember password. Great everything works fine again password even matched my Home CompID so that I could NEVER lose it well come a few days later I try to use the store and what happens?
    Wrong Password please reset password to continue using the iTunes store.
    to try to make my Long story a little shorter....
    This has been going on for the better part of 3 years I have almost completely dropped iTunes which has the better store library for Goggle Play Music who's store library isn't even a third the size iTunes has because their system works and my log-in is my e-mail. I repeatedly completely uninstalled iTunes and wiped it from my registry in hope a clean install would fix the problem but it never does.
    My OS is Vista Home Premium Edition 32-bit and no picking on my OS I been working to get a new computer but that isn't happening anytime soon so I work with what I got.

    Even removing the .xml files doesn't make a difference. Also, I now installed another update of iTunes, but still having the same problem, and this time there are no .xml files or preference files whatsoever in the Application Data and Local Settings\Application Data iTunes folders. It seems like for some reason iTunes is unable to create these. What should I do?

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