ITunes slow start up

Whenever I run itunes, it takes about 10 minutes to start up.
This has just recently been happening after I installed the new 7.6.1
I have tried defragmenting and reinstalling itunes and quicktime, but nothing works.
Does anyone know what to do?

Do you have a large library and do you have a lot of playlists?

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    Hope this helps any Mac users out there that might be having a similar issue with iTunes

    Thank you so much for this post. After updating iTunes to support iOS 4.3 my load times were in the 5-10 minute range!! Removing the iLike plug in instantly fixed the load times.
    thanks again

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    Run this and post the results here:

  • Latest iTunes version: extremely slow start-up

    My set-up:
    - Windows 8.1 Pro x64
    - iTunes 11.1.2 x64
    - large MP3 collection (hundreds of GBs... don't ask how)
    - Moved Music library from C: drive to D: drive
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    After you start iTunes, you see the memory usage slowly crawling to 250 MB, then it starts and works.
    But it takes 3-4 minutes.
    What's new ?

    Apple just released 11.1.3
    From the release notes:
    This version of iTunes resolves an issue where the equalizer may not work as expected and improves performance when switching views in large iTunes libraries. This update also includes additional minor bug fixes.
    I can confirm that my issue has been solved. iTunes loads after a few seconds and switching view doesn't crash it anymore.
    Thanks Apple !!

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  • Itunes slows my pc

    I had the same problem as the pperson who posted the question below. I followed the advice of wiclee after trying everything else imaginable and iTunes now works properly!
    why is Itunes slowing down my computer
        1292 Views   1 Reply Latest reply: Jan 10, 2012 4:43 PM by wiclee                             
            Level 1 (0 points)      
            Jan 10, 2012 2:03 PM    
    I have the latest version of Itunes and all updates for my Ipad 2, however anytime I connect my ipad 2 to my computer now it takes for ever to do anything until after a restart then everything is fine again, untill I go to connect to itunes again by usb. Why is this latest version slowing down my PC?
    Itunes, Windows XP  
    I have this question too (7)  
      Categories:  iTunes Store     Tags:  slow_speed   
              Level 5 (6,880 points)     
    Re: why is Itunes slowing down my computer     Jan 10, 2012 4:43 PM    (in response to e_riddle) 
    Try this,
    Close your iTunes,
    Go to command Prompt -
    (Win 7/Vista) - START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES, right mouse click "Command Prompt", choose "Run as Administrator".
    (Win XP SP2 & above) - START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES/Command Prompt
    In the "Command Prompt" screen, type in
    netsh winsock reset
    Hit "ENTER" key
    Restart your computer.
    Now launch your iTunes and see if it is working now.

    I tried to copy & paste to show the advice I found because the post would not allow me to reply. Tha'ts why it looks wierd.

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    I don't understand a thing right now...

    1. Check your Startup Disk. Go to System Preferences/Startup Disk and make sure that your Mac OS X system drive/folder is selected as your startup disk. Otherwise the system could take longer searching for it every time you boot.
    2. Repair Permissions. Open Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility select your hard drive on the left and under the First Aid tab click Repair Disk Permissions.
    3. Verify Disk. While you are in Disk Utility after you Repair the Permissions click Verify Disk. This will check the integrity of your volume directory. If there are any errors that need to be addressed you will have to boot up to your install disk in order to run Repair Disk.
    4. Check your login items list. Go to System Preferences/Accounts/Login items. If there are any Applications there that should not be simply remove it from the list.
    5. Disconnect any external devices for testing purposes. External hard drives, ipods, scanners, printers, have been known at times to cause startup/shutdown issues.
    I've bought a new 1 TB MyBook today so I can remove a Maxtor-disk I have who's been difficult to read from (it doesn't always appear in the Finder), so I'm moving my music and different stuff right now and I'll have to wait some time to do a startup without external disks. In addition I have a 500 GB LaCie with two partions (250 on each, one for Time Machine) who seems to work fine.
    It's the actual start up which is the problem, not the login process.
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    It also takes ages to load now. I tried removing the library, re-installing, updating etc. No avail.
    I note that today I just had a big Windows update done.
    Dell latitude 620   Windows XP Pro   Core Duo

    Any recent changes to your anti-virus/firewall, anti-spyware, anti-adware or other protection software? (Updates, new versions, etc.)
    It sounds like some sort of scanning is going on before these things open.
    I started having overall slower computer problems when I downloaded and installed the instant search feature that's part of Office 2007. Once I uninstalled this add-on things started moving along a little faster.
    But, if you have a large iTunes library it does take a while to load and open the program--especially if it's not part of your startup routine. The iTunes store page loads are a bit more of a mystery--unless you have a firewall scanning issue causing some interference.

  • Issues with itunes on start-up

    I'm not able to use any of the functions of iTunes anymore.  Since the last couple updates.  When I start iTunes it takes a long time for the library to load(understandable-I have a large music library stored on an external hard drive) Once the library has finally loaded and iTunes opens, I just get the colored pinwheel of death. Any ideas?

    Hey david472,
    Thanks for the question. I understand you are experiencing issues with iTunes for Mac. To isolate and troubleshoot this issue, try opening iTunes in safe mode:
    iTunes: Troubleshooting issues with third-party iTunes plug-ins
    There are several ways in which an add-on can cause iTunes to act erratically, such as those listed below:
    - Loss of iTunes functionality, such as the Visualizer.
    - Distortion or irregularity in the iTunes interface.
    - Slow performance.
    - iTunes won't open or quits unexpectedly.
    - You see an alert while syncing stating "... cannot be synced. A duplicate file name was specified."
    If you notice any of the above symptoms or other unusual behavior, you can disable any plug-ins not manufactured by Apple by opening iTunes in Safe Mode. This is done by holding down the Option and Command keys (on Mac OS X) or holding down the Shift and Control keys (on Windows) while opening iTunes. If performed correctly, you should see the following dialog before iTunes finishes starting up:
    Matt M.

  • Import titles to iTunes - Slow

    Yesterday I installed the update 10.2.2 (12) for iTunes. Today i noticed that the importing of audio files to the itunes Database takes extremly long. (about 5 minutes for 1 song)
    I didn't change anything in the settings of itunes. I'm managing the database on my one, so the files won't be copied to the Music folder of itunes.
    The first time i recognised the problem was when i tried to import an audio cd to my Macbook Pro. It took about 10 minutes that iTunes began to import the CD.
    After that i tried to import music from my harddisc. This took also very long.
    Does anyone has a solution for the problem?
    Thank you!

    same problem here.
    Very very slow to import files to itunes, just started after 10.2.2 update.
    when I drag a folder or a group of mp3 files into itunes it will take about 30-60 seconds per song to import.
    before it used to be like 5 seconds to import a song.
    this is really bugging. I hope there is an update soon to fix this issue.
    I did all updates and nothing solved.

  • TS3694 My Ipod is not recognized by Itunes with my Windows 8 PC. Works fine with Windows 7 PC. Device sync test says "No device found". Already performed all of the Ipod device troubleshooting including reload Itunes, stop start Ipod device, changed drive

    Need help? Some of my Ipods are not recognized by Itunes with my Windows 8 PC. (Ipod Nano 4th gen  and Ipod Nano 6th gen), but on my Windows 7 PC, they work fine.  My Ipod 3rd gen and Ipod shuffle work both on Windows 8 and 7 PC's.  On the non-working Ipods, the  Device sync test says "No device found". Already performed all of the Ipod device troubleshooting including reload Itunes, stop start Ipod device, changed drive letter...
    any help is appreciated. Chris4sail

    Hello there, chris4sail.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers up some great step-by-step instructions on troubleshooting your iPod not being recognized in iTunes:
    iPod not recognized in My Computer and in iTunes for Windows
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

  • Itunes wont start and i get no error messages

    i just downloaded itunes 7.3 and itunes wont start any ideas how to fix?

    Okay. I'm still wondering about your firewall. A "persistent" iTunes.exe in your processes is most consistent with a firewall blocking iTunes, iTunesHelper and/or QuickTime from accessing the Internet. (Norton Internet Security 2005 is by far the worst offender in this regard, but it can be produced both other firewalls too.)
    Head into the Firewalls settings and make sure that iTunes, iTunesHelper, and QuickTime are all being allowed full access to the internet.
    If iTunes still doesn't launch after making sure the firewall is correctly adjusted, reboot the PC and try the suggestion from the following document. (It's a much rarer issue, but it can also produce that persistent iTunes.exe symptom in conjunction with an error-message-free iTunes launch failure.)
    iTunes for Windows doesn't open after upgrading

  • ITunes wont start up

    Hi, i had a look on this answer to a topic : itunes wont start :
    +The QuickTime problem is most likely causing the iTunes launch problem. So let's try swapping out your QuickTime again taking a few additional explicit precautions.+
    +Head into your Add/Remove programs. uninstall QuickTime.+
    +Next, we’ll manually remove any leftover program files and folders.+
    +1. On the Start menu, click My Computer (or double-click My Computer on the Desktop).+
    +2. In My Computer, open Local Disk.+
    +3. Open Program Files.+
    +4. Right-click on the QuickTime folder and click Delete from the shortcut menu.+
    +5. Navigate to C:\Windows\system32\.+
    +6. Remove the files QuickTime.qts and QuicktimeVR.qtx. (If “Hide filename extensions for known file types” is enabled on the PC, then those two files will appear as “QuickTime” and QuickTimeVR”.)+
    +7. Restart your computer.+
    +Next, we'll get a fresh copy of QuickTime into your PC by doing a repair install of itunes.+
    +Switch off antivirus and antispyware applications prior to the repair install.+
    +Go into Add/Remove and select itunes. Click "Change" and then click "Repair".+
    but when it comes to install/uninstall an error comes out : An error ocured while installation
    and i cant get rid of it. Pls help. Any ideas? Thx. J

    but when it comes to install/uninstall an error comes out : An error ocured while installation
    Let's try getting the program uninstalled by other means then.
    Download and install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility:
    Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility
    Now run the utility (“Start > All Programs > Windows Install Clean Up”), select any QuickTime entries in the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, and then click “Remove”.
    Next, we’ll manually remove leftover program files and folders.
    1. On the Start menu, click My Computer (or double-click My Computer on the Desktop).
    2. In My Computer, open Local Disk.
    3. Open Program Files.
    4. Right-click on the QuickTime folder and click Delete from the shortcut menu.
    5. Navigate to C:\Windows\system32\.
    6. Remove the files QuickTime.qts and QuicktimeVR.qtx. (If “Hide filename extensions for known file types” is enabled on the PC, then those two files will appear as “QuickTime” and QuickTimeVR”.)
    7. Restart your computer
    Does the repair install go through properly now? Or do you get another error message when you try the repair install?

  • I have installed iTunes on my Windows computer (XP sp2) but not in any way iTunes will start

    I have installed iTunes on my Windows computer (XP pro sp2 x32) but not in any way iTunes will start when new iPad 4 is usb connected with computer
    what can be wrong?

    I recommend you do as LexSchellings and I are telling you to do. If you have uninstalled iTunes and the reinstalled it from Apple's website and it still does not work, you will have to contact the Apple Technical Support section for them to guide you through steps to try and get it working.
    The US Contact Page is here:
    The UK Contact Page is here:

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