ITunes still freezing at 9th second

iTunes 8 does not address this problem, which exists for large (160GB) iPod classics.
If I try to play a song from my ipod thorough iTunes, it will freeze up for about
10 seconds, taking up 99% of CPU power. The freeze will also happen if I create a playlist, move a song within a playlist etc.
See the original thread here:

iTunes 7.6.2 (9) does not address this problem.
It is hard to believe a problem this bad could be allowed to continue for so long. I suspect it is related to the way the song database on the ipod classic is encrypted. So every time the database needs to be updated the whole thing has to be re-encrypted which uses too much CPU and causes the freeze.
Is there any other software out there that I can use instead of iTunes?

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    I noticed a decline in the number of complaints regarding the 9th second freeze.
    I have already upgraded to iTunes 7.5 and have 1.0.3 software installed. It declined greatly in the 1.0.2 update, but I have not noticed any difference between the 1.0.2 update and the 1.0.3. Is anyone still having this problem? I like connecting my iPod to iTunes while i'm at work.

    iTunes 7.6.2 (9) does not address this problem.
    It is hard to believe a problem this bad could be allowed to continue for so long. I suspect it is related to the way the song database on the ipod classic is encrypted. So every time the database needs to be updated the whole thing has to be re-encrypted which uses too much CPU and causes the freeze.
    Is there any other software out there that I can use instead of iTunes?

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    Lets see whether this file APSDaemon.exe is the problem here.
    Close your iTunes.
    Press Ctrl-Alt-Del key and choose Task Manager. In the "Processes" Tab, select the file APSDaemon.exe and click End Prosses button, then close the task manager window.
    Now open itunes and see if it is working?

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    Thank you.

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    Please help me!

    Welcome to AD!
    Look in Task Manager > Processes tab. Click on the CPU column twice.
    Watch it to see what other process is taking CPU time every 15 seconds.

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    Hi if not now,
    In order to see your device in iTunes you may just need to select the option to have the Sidebar shown, something that by default is not displayed. This is where Devices and other items are displayed that you may be trying to locate.
    iTunes 11: Frequently used features
    Show Status Bar - Choose View > Show Status Bar (this feature will conveniently display the number of items and playback time for a category, for example, music or movies).
    I hope this helps!
    - Ari

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    Tried the un-install and getting the same problem although it takes a bit longer before it crashes this time. Checked the problem report and it looks the same as the previous reports.
    Problem signature
    Problem Event Name:          APPCRASH
    Application Name:          iTunes.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp:          4d756476
    Fault Module Name:          MediaToolbox.dll
    Fault Module Version:          1.0.694.3
    Fault Module Timestamp:          4d4d9a00
    Exception Code:          c0000005
    Exception Offset:          0034a672
    OS Version:          6.0.6002.
    Locale ID:          2057
    Additional Information 1:          fd00
    Additional Information 2:          ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
    Additional Information 3:          fd00
    Additional Information 4:          ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160

  • ITunes7.5 doesn't fix the 9th second freeze

    ..that is, it cuts the 9th second mp3 freeze on my PC from 26seconds down to 3seconds, so it helps, but why can't apple just fix this problem entirely? There should be no freeze at all. Maybe the remainder of the fix will come with new 1.0.3 firmware?
    so to summarize (for apple's programmers sake)
    ACC's don't freeze iTunes.
    MP3's freeze iTunes 9seconds into the song unless the visualizer is on.

    Interesting. My main screen has the higher resolution and is my main monitor. I tried the experiment someone mentioned of moving the menu bar over to the second, lower resolution screen, and then QuickLooked a file on the Desktop from there--the preview opened on my big monitor even though it was no longer the main monitor. So you are correct, and it is a bug. Be sure to send Apple feedback:
    Or you can join Apple Developer Connection and file a bug a report--although obviously some people have already filed bug reports on the issue. It would still be worthwhile to at least send feedback, sticky wheel gets the grease sort of thing.

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    You would get better response from the iTunes community forum.
    Have a nice day!

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    Sorted it out. If anyone has this problem i reccommend visiting eezes-itunes-need-restore-plz-help-2.html#post1403546 there's some pretty good advice on it. have to go into control panel and re-format iPod into NTFS file. good luck.

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    Hi Ronald ...
    Have you checked lately to see how much free space there is on the disk? Especially since iPhoto freezes at launch ...
    Click your Apple menu icon top left in your screen. From the drop down menu click About This Mac > More Info > Storage
    Make sure there's at least 15% free disk space.
    And make sure the OS X software is up to date.
    Click the Apple  top left in your screen.
    From the drop down menu click:   Software Update
    If you have anti virus software installed or are using third party Mac cleaning utiliites, that may be part and parcel of the your problems.

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  • Safari still  FREEZES when I click on iTunes Store Links!!!

    Originally this Thread was called: Safari 4.0.3 PPC = FREEZES when I click on iTunes Store Links!!!
    Wish I didn't specify the version, so that I could have continued it all as One Thread after the next update, 4.0.4... This Discussion Board doesn't allow the Author of the Top to Edit the Title of the Title of the Topic... Now that Safari 4.0.4 Update has been released, when people see 4.0.3 in the Topic Name, they might be more likely to ignore it. Lesson learnt...
    Please review the Original Topic and Reply HERE!default.jspa?forumID=876 so it could be unified as One Thread...
    The latest:
    After Sleeping my PB G4 during the night, the problem still exist. After Restart, the problem is gone... I'll continue to watch this, and hopefully it won't be happening too often...

    So, I thought that starting a New Topic, without a specifying the Old Version 4.0.3 would be a safer bet...
    Then you should close the old topic by marking it as Answered or Solved; don't leave them open.
    If Safari still freezes, try this:
    1. Go to Home/Library/Cookies and delete the Cookies.plist file.
    2. Go to Home/Library/Caches/ and delete the contents of that folder.
    3. Go to Home/Library/Caches/ Page Previews and delete the contents of that folder.
    4. If you don't want to use the Top Sites or Cover Flow features, open Terminal and paste in this command:
    defaults write DebugSnapshotsUpdatePolicy -int 2
    then press Enter or Return and quit Terminal
    5. Go to Home/Library/Caches/Metadata/Safari and delete the contents of that folder.
    6. Go to Home/Library/Caches/Safari and delete the contents of that folder.
    7. Go to Home/Library/Safari and delete these files (if you have them):
    Form Values
    Then Repair Permissions, restart Safari and see if the problem continues.

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    I can browse the store without a problem, i can do everything without a problem but wheni start a song, or iTunes swith to the next song, the program freeze.
    Any help?

    i finally resolved my problem. Turned off Homesharing feature and everything is back to normal!

  • Why is itunes freezing every few seconds?

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    Try reinstalling iTunes again. Don't worry, it won't erase your music collection.

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