Itunes Store Album Preview

What happened to the album preview in the store? There used to be that little "i" that popped up in the lower left corner of an album when your mouse was hovering over it, now I have to go to the actual album page to look at the songs on each album instead of the mini-window opening up. It is so much more of a hassle to constant go back and forth to see what songs are on each album what their popularity is.

The original feed URL you give redirects to the new URL you give, except that you have left out the dot before 'org'.
However this is not the feed that the Store is using. That is at
This has episodes up to 7 February, and an image which is the same as that shown in the Store. The feed at
has five episodes dated 8th February, and a different image. So basically you've been updating the wrong feed. I'm not sure how you got yourself into this position; probably you need to update Feedburner to using the latter feed, but if you want to retain the older episodes in the Store you will have to add them to that feed first.

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    My Itunes previews have been playing fully now for the past few days. After trying every suggestion possible to fix the problem of 5-10 second previews, I took the advice on one feed to use OpenDNS for your network internet connection. There are internet sites that will instruct you how to do it. Just Google "opendns for (your operating system)". I have Windows XP and followed a video instruction at Afterward, close your browser and then flush the DNS Resolver cache; Start/Run, type CMD in the open field, click OK, in resulting window type ipconfig/flushdns, press return on keyboard. No guarantees, but my browser is faster and my Itunes previews are playing fully so far. But I still shudder every time I hit the preview button.

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    I could not find processor speed requirements listed anywhere.
    For future reference, they're listed on the iTunes download page:
    Note that there are two sections, one for the basic specs and one that says "additional video requirements", the second being the one that applies to videos from the iTunes Store.

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    Thanks for your posts guys or girls I have found the solution and will work I promise it was to do with Kaspersky after all, Here is how I done it after alot of working out and restoring my laptop to factory settings, I reinstalled things slowly to work out which program was causing the issue and bingo it was Kaspersky after sometime researching the internet on how to do it i found the solution!
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    click the 4th tab (looks like a box)
    the tab "Threats and Exclusions"
    then at the bottom under title "Exclusions" click settings
    then click tab "Trusted Applications"
    and add
    then applications
    then just type itunes
    under Apple Inc,
    click itunes then ok it,
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    Short answer: No
    You have to connect it with the Internet only once. Authorization of your computer can only be done when it is connected to the Internet.
    I'm afraid there is no other way.
    Alternatively, burn your purchased songs on Audio CD (not Data CD) and import them on the other computer.
    You don't have to authorize the computer now.
    Hope this helps.

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    I hope someone can help, I'm at wits end with this.
    There's a lot of people complaining that they can only preview a few seconds of a song in the iTunes Store.
    Oh yeah? Big deal, just be glad that's your only problem with it, because when this happens to me it locks up my iTunes from playing anything else and I not only have to exit iTunes but then terminate the process from task manager.
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    Perhaps try resetting your iTunes Store Cache.
    Go "Edit > Preferences". In the Advanced tab, click the "Reset cache" button shown in the following screenshot:
    ... and then click OK.
    Restart your iTunes, and head back to the Store. Are you getting full previews now?

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    robcharlus wrote:
    The old iTunes libraries do not restore any playlists or song counts.
    They should you if you do the roll back properly... Opening files from the Previous iTunes Libraries folder in Windows Explorer simply opens the current library. If you don't see the .itl file extension then don't give your copied and renamed file the extention or iTunes will create an empty library rather than using the renamed file.
    If you had a complete pre-problem backup of your library you could restore that. On the assumption that isn't possible I have a script called ExportImport that could in principle be adjusted to save the relevant data from a backup of the library database and then reimport that data into the current library. See this thread for details.

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    The following post from wunbadapple fixed my preview issue. May want to try it.
    Re: itunes store song previews now less than 10 seconds
    created by wunbadapple in iTunes for Windows - View the full discussion
    Well I think I fixed it, but with Apple you can never be sure. Just previewed 5 songs and all previewed ok. I reviewed the thread above and some other related threads and all seemed to reference DNS at some point. So I changed my DNs provider in Windows
    Network connections->properties->IPV4->properties-> Primary DNS = and secondary DNS = .
    Primary is the Google DNS server, secondary is the old old old VZ DNS (used to be GTE I think). My default was Verizon's Fios DNS. and are other google and VZ servers if you want the same provider for primary and secondary. I split them in case one has issues.
    Then DOS CMD: ipconfig /flushdns
    This seemed to resolve the issue, but can't be sure something in Apple servers, etc didn't change. I am wondering if there is something evil in the iTunes Store VZ FIOS DNS interaction, but can't be sure. At least worth a shot if you still have the issue. Ironic the google DNS servers fixed an issue with Apple. 

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    The very first thing that I would try is to restart your iPad and try again. Hold down on the sleep/power button until the slider appears on the screen and slide to the right to power off. Hold down on the sleep/power button until the Apple logo appears on the screen to resetrt the iPad, after it starts up, try the download again.
    Another thing to try is to reboot your router. I realize that your WiFi is working, but sometimes this can kick start problematic downloads. Unplug it from power for about 30 seconds and then plug it back in again. Try the download again after the router starts up.
    Something else to try that involves a few more steps ..... Close the iTunes Store app. Sign out of your Apple ID. Reset the iPad and then try again.
    Double tap the home button and swipe up on the iTunes Store thumbnail preview window to close the app. Tap the home button. Go to the home screen. Go to Settings>iTunes & App Store> Apple ID. Tap your ID and sign out. Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10 seconds until the Apple logo appears on the screen and then let go of the buttons and let the iPad start up.
    Go back to Settings>iTunes & App Store>Apple ID. Sign in. Go back to the iTunes Store app and try to resume the download.

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    error writing to file: C:\program files (x86)\commonfiles\apple\mobile device support\ssleay32.dll. verify that you have access to that directory.
    That's consistent with disk/file damage, tame.
    Let's try running a disk check over your C drive. There's Windows 7 instructions in the following document. Select both Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors.
    [How to use CHKDSK (Check Disk)|]
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    The very first thing that I would try is to restart your iPad and try again. Hold down on the sleep/power button until the slider appears on the screen and slide to the right to power off. Hold down on the sleep/power button until the Apple logo appears on the screen to resetrt the iPad, after it starts up, try the download again.
    Another thing to try is to reboot your router. I realize that your WiFi is working, but sometimes this can kick start problematic downloads. Unplug it from power for about 30 seconds and then plug it back in again. Try the download again after the router starts up.
    Something else to try that involves a few more steps ..... Close the iTunes Store app. Sign out of your Apple ID. Reset the iPad and then try again.
    Double tap the home button and swipe up on the iTunes Store thumbnail preview window to close the app. Tap the home button. Go to the home screen. Go to Settings>iTunes & App Store> Apple ID. Tap your ID and sign out. Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10 seconds until the Apple logo appears on the screen and then let go of the buttons and let the iPad start up.
    Go back to Settings>iTunes & App Store>Apple ID. Sign in. Go back to the iTunes Store app and try to resume the download.

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    For what it's worth, I have the same problem on the iPad after installing ios7.  This problem was solved by changing Safari preferences (Block Cookies) to From third party advertisers.  Similarly I got iTunes to work properly on my iMac by also changing Safari preferences, Privacy, Block Cookies: to From third party advertisers.  Don't understand the connection between Safari and iTunes but it solves the problem on both devices.  I wonder what else is impacted by the Safari Privacy settings.

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    Don't have time to test it now, and don't know if it will work for your situation, but you can drag items from the iTunes Store onto a playlist. This may give you the continuous playback you want.

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    Has been happening for the past three or four iTunes releases. How can I fix it?
    When I purchase the song, the album art downloads just fine though. Funny thing is, if I preview a different song from the same album, the album art loads fine. Not sure whats going on.

    Make sure that these two options in Edit > Preferences > Store are turned off:
    Then exit iTunes and open it up again.  Your metadata entries should then be persistent - with these options checked iTunes will be comparing what you have with the information held in the iTunes Store, and will overwrite with the latter for Store purchases (and if you have iTunes Match).  If you have any iOS devices you should also turn off Show All Music under Settings > Music.

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