IV measurement with Keithley 2600

Hi everyone,
  I have made a program to measure the IV. The reading is from -1V to 1V and 200 steps. Initially, there is no problem at all. However, when it is at 100th step, the magnitude of I becomes the magnitude of V, vice versa. Besides, the magnitude with e-10 or above cannot be measured sometimes and it shows zero in both I and V. I don't know what is the problem and he solution. Please advice. Ther are two attachments. The interface 1 is the interface I usually use to measure IV. The interface 2 is the Keithley interface.
interface1_201110.jpg ‏270 KB
interface2_201110.jpg ‏124 KB

Hey Eli,
I'm not sure why your values seem to switch but I can recommend some debuggint tools to help out. I assume you have already tried highlight execution, if you haven't it is a wonderful tool. Another great tool to find out the particulars of what is happening in your code is a probe/breakpoints. You can set a custom probe to pause the code when certain conditions are met, and then you can slowly step through the code and follow exactly what is happening. For details about their use just look up "Debugging Techniques in the search of the LabVIEW help.
Kyle K.
Product Manager for Product Data
National Instruments

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    Hi Fransisco,
    First off, I'm glad to hear that you were already able to test for continuity on one channel.  To do this I imagine you are setting one mux to to channel 1 (which would be one side of your cable) with the common going to the HIGH of the DMM) and the second mux to channel 1 (which would be the other side of your cable) with its common going to the LOW of the DMM).
    For your insulation measurement are you still looking for a resistance measurement?  If so, then you can connect your first mux to channel 1, and the second mux to channel 2.  This would measure the resistance from the first wire to the second wire.  You should not need to use a four wire measurement to do that.
    If that is not what you want to do please let us know,
    Eric S.
    AE Specialist | Global Support
    National Instruments

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    RS232 Serial Write and Read.vi ‏22 KB
    Unbenannt.JPG ‏7 KB

    I have no time to look into your code, but most likley you miss the termination char. On a string constant you can switch to \-display and then use \n or \n\r depending on the settings. You can also look into the LV drivers for the keithley 2000, they are available on ni.com and/or on keithley.com
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    pic_Voc_buffer.png ‏110 KB

    Hello Melanie,
    I discussed with them indeed and it seems it is not possible to trig from the bus in case you just have a USB bus and not a GPIB one. Therefore I will try  to trig the DMM measurement with the "channel closed output" from the MUX and see if it can work like that.
    Best regards,

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    First, the VI you mention is NOT for STC timer/counters. Therefore, it won't work.
    If you want to get the time interval between two edges, you want to use the Functions -> Data Acquisition -> Counter -> Count Events or Time VI. This will do the function you are looking for.

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    Best Regards

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    Best regards,

    Andy Goris wrote:
    But I don't think that it's possible to hire an application completly with function modules (there is no PERNR in the beginning so I would keep the BIM).
    The applicants already exists in system, i just want to implement a measure with exact one click!
    Otherwise there is a BAPI for applicant_create.
    I'm not very expierienced focussing the implementation in pa-recruiting. I'm really looking for a good documentation or anything like that f.e. sap press.
    Andy Goris wrote:
    ... but why would you use the old recruiting database? This is hardly used anymore.
    What are the alternatives to it. (I'm not looking forward to upgrade releases or using wd4a or webgui). we are on ecc 6.0 There is already a lot of z-coding in recruitment. We are also using an self implemented e-recruiting approach
    Edited by: Timo Ehl on Jan 3, 2012 2:30 PM

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    thank you

    Simplest way, would be to create a spreadsheet with the Measures and alias listed in column format.
    You can organize them in Generation, Level or Parent-Child format.
    Create a dimension load rule that maps the columns to properties in Essbase.
    When you want to modify the Measures dimension layout, change the spreadsheet and rerun the load rule.
    Brian Chow

  • Error "CONVT_NO_NUMBER" while performing user measurement with USMM

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    To be specific - After preselections in USMM->system measurement->while
    checking Green Check mark this error is screaming up.
    Ae per Note - 1230640 :- You call transaction USMM and want to cancel
    the user measurement using the cancel button (red 'X') on the dialog
    box of the user measurement. However, the measurement continues and is
    completed as if you had chosen the ok button (green check mark).
    Above note is applied if the problem comes if we check red button
    rather than green check mark.
    Please suggest us the best way to procees.
    ST22 details:-
    Runtime Errors CONVT_NO_NUMBER
    Date and Time 09/16/2008 07:42:32
    Short text
    Unable to interpret " 1,410 " as a number.
    What happened?
    Error in the ABAP Application Program
    The current ABAP program "RSUVM001" had to be terminated because
    it has
    come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
    What can you do?
    Note down which actions and inputs caused the error.
    To process the problem further, contact you SAP system
    Using Transaction ST22 for ABAP Dump Analysis, you can look
    at and manage termination messages, and you can also
    keep them for a long time.
    Error analysis
    An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.
    The exception, which is assigned to
    class 'CX_SY_CONVERSION_NO_NUMBER', was not
    caught and
    therefore caused a runtime error.
    How to correct the error
    Whole numbers are represented in ABAP as a sequence of numbers,
    with an algebraic sign.
    The following are the possibilities for the representation of
    point numbers:
    [mantissa]E[algebraic sign][exponent]
    [whole number part].[fraction part]
    For example, -12E+34, +12E-34, 12E34, 12.34
    If the error occurred in your own ABAP program or in an SAP
    program you modified, try to remove the error.
    If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able
    find an interim solution in an SAP Note.
    If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the
    "RSUVM001" or "RSUVM001"
    If you cannot solve the problem yourself and want to send an error
    notification to SAP, include the following information:
    1. The description of the current problem (short dump)
    Information on where terminated
    Termination occurred in the ABAP program "RSUVM001" - in "START-OF-
    The main program was "RSUVM001 ".
    In the source code you have the termination point in line 96
    of the (Include) program "RSUVM001".
    85 * Analyze the user records.
    88 text = 'Die Benutzerstammsätze werden analysiert.'(002).
    89 * PERFORM analyze_user_records.
    94 .
    98 ENDLOOP.
    100 * Submit Application measurements as batch jobs.
    101 * Save additional data about this analysis in the DB.
    102 * we need meas-no ,v-date at the batch
    any ideas?

    Hi Srikanth,
    The below Notes helps you to solve the issue.
    Please review the below Notes.
    Note 1117010 - Runtime error CONVT_NO_NUMBER in RSUVM001
    Note 1115924 - USMM composite SAP Note: Problems after importimg new SPs
    Thanks & Regards,
    Pradeep Srigiri

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                             Jan,  Feb, March, Aprl, May, June
    Actual                  A       B       C     D
    Plan                     N       M       O     P

    Hi Soniya,
    It will be better if you can get these keyfigures calculated from the BEx with the help of structures in the BEx.
    At the report level it will be complex to create these variables and also not sure whether going to work:
    But you can try something like this:
    A= If (L01 Moths="JAN") then Sum (Actual)/Sum (Bud) Else 0 similarly for other months.
    Then you need to create one more variable (measure) which should be plotted on the chart as:
    Final Act = If([L01 Month]="JAN") Then A ElseIf([L01 Month]="FEB") Then B ElseIf([L01 Month]="MAR") Then C
    Final Plan= If([L01 Month]="JAN") Then N ElseIf([L01 Month]="FEB") Then M ElseIf([L01 Month]="MAR") Then O
    similarly you have to create variables for Forecast, then finally you can plot final 3 variables in the graph.
    Hope it helps you.

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    Yes it is possible. But make sure that you have turned the compression off in the cube

  • AC resistivity measurement with MyDAQ on TEC

    I would like to ask for advice: we would like to measure resisitivity of Peltier-elements. If we use DC method, because of the Seebeck-voltage of the element, we do not get the real resistivity value. The common method to use AC measurement in case of such devices. I would like to know, if it is possible to use a MyDAQ device for this task? As a first approach we do not need the best accuracy, this would be more as a "broken-element" test (there is usually a significant shift away from the nominal AC resistivity value stated by the manufacturer).
    What would be the easiest way to carry out a simple measurement? What about if I use one analogue output of the MyDAQ lets say with 1kHz, and I drive the Peltier-element with this voltage AC source? And I connect a known resistor in series, and I measure the AC voltage drop on this. From this data, I could calculate the current, and the AC resistance of the Peltier-element? Of course I have to choose a resistor so the MyDAQ can drive the network.
    what is your opinion, where to start?
    Go to Solution.

    Hello, thanks for the reply!
    Actually I am just going to replace 60 Peltier elements in a "home-made" 15 years old heat exchanger (I expect to find some mice too ). This assembly has dropped performance (heat transfer power) and also I know that, a few years ago after a malfunction with the hot side cooling fans, this device was running for a certain time without forced cooling. What is quite bad in case of Peltier-elements. I have already bought 65 brand new Peltier-modules and after I get some heat conducting paste, I will replace them. And I will have 60 pieces of old Peltier modules, to play with them
    Since I have this NI MyDAQ, I thought it would be fun (and would give also valuable information) to try to measure the old elements' AC resistivity. Since this task is not like I should do often, so for first, I would not like to go for more pro solutions, I will try the MyDAQ first.
     I expect that some of the modules got structural degradation during the heat shock, and this may be measurable in a shifted AC resistance.
    I would do the measurement with zero applied DC voltage. These modules are Melcor PT3-12-30L (discontinued product), the nominal module resistance is about 5 Ohm.
    EDIT: and would you recommend a certain circuit to try? Shell I use a known resistor for current measurement via measuring the voltage on it? Or I could use a known AC current to drive the Peltier, and I would measure the resulted AC Voltage on it?

  • Create new object (measure) with IIF function on BW Olap universe:mdx error

    i have a universe based on a BEX query
    i want to create a new object (a measure) with the IIF(,,) function
    i created the following select:
    <EXPRESSION>IIF(@Select(Currency Type\CurrencyTypeCode)="10",@Select(Key Figures\RevenueGlobalCurrency),@Select(Key Figures\RevenueLocalCurrency))</EXPRESSION>
    defined as number
    CurrencyTypeCode is a dimension (character format)
    RevenueGlobalCurrency and RevenueLocalCurrency are measure (number format)
    i always have a parse which is OK but
    when i want to  use the object on a webi report i always have an MDX error : ...invalid MDX with .... (WIS 10901)
    and advise ?

    Hi Didier,
    Thanks a lot for your help.
    Now it works : i do not understand why
    i explain:
    the correct syntaxe of my new measure is :
    it does not works with my "L01 currency type" BO dimension
    when i had :
    -my universe is based on a BW BEX query
    -my universe has been automaticaly generated with the assistant
    -the Currency Type Class was define as below:
           - 1 BO dimension object : L01 Currency Type =>
           - 3 BO detail objects : L01 Currency Type techName =>
                                              L01 Currency Type Key =>
                                             L01 Currency Type Long Name =>
    i always had a wrong mdx syntax error on the webi report
    i updated the class with the follow
         - 1 BO dimension object : L01 Currency Type =>
    [0CURTYPE].[LEVEL01] (idem)
           - 3 BO detail objects : L01 Currency Type techName =>
    [0CURTYPE].[LEVEL01].[TECH_NAME]  (idem)
                                              L01 Currency Type Key =>
    [0CURTYPE].[LEVEL01].[NAME] (updated)
                                             L01 Currency Type Long Name =>
    [0CURTYPE].[LEVEL01].[DESCRIPTION] (updated)
    then it was working
    Then i tried to reproduce from scratch and now it also works with the previous version of the class.
    I do not understand anything
    Is there something like a cache file of the MDX query (in RSRT, cache mode is set to inactive for the bex query) ?
    ps: this is the same if a use webi under infoview (java) or webi rich client...
    Edited by: Frederic Nez on Jan 19, 2010 6:35 PM
    (edit : there is mistake in the post : objects are always between [] even if it is not dispay => change objects to code mode)

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