IVI COM driver access thru Teststand

I need to access an IVI COM driver (Sorenson DCPS) from Teststand. The driver works fine as a standalone application but when i call the initialize() method of COM from Teststand i get the following error:
An error occurred calling 'Initialize' in 'IIviDCPwr' of 'IVI SorensenDC 1.0 Type Library'
SorensenDC: Unknown resource.
Source: SorensenDC.SorensenDC.1
Kindly help me out with this!!

Hi, Priya,
Have you looked at this knowledgebase document. It looks like you need to create a session before calling the initialize function. This could be the cause of the problem.
When you say it works fine as a standalone application, what do you
mean? Since the driver is an activeX server, do you mean you
successfully use the server in another programming environment? It'd be nice if you can verify that the driver is working before we troubleshoot TestStand.
Also, are you communicating with your device over GPIB, Serial, or some other interface. It looks like the driver does not understand what "SorensenDC" is. Are you sure it's the correct resource name. Typically it's of the format "ASRL10:INSTR" unless you gave an alias to it. So please make sure you are passing the correct resource name.
Song D
Song Du
Systems Software
National Instruments R&D

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    We would be happy to post your contributed driver to the IDNet website in either its beta or completed form. You can submit the driver by completing the submission form on IDNet.
    As stated on the IDNet Website, our test tools are currently configured for drivers written in LabWindows/CVI that come with Function Panels (i.e. IVI-C). The only way for us to test your IVI-COM driver is if you could provide an IVI-C wrapper for it.
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    National Instruments

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    Jean-Louis SCHRICKE
    ├ CTA - Certified TestStand Architect (2008 & 2010 & 2014)
    ├ CTD - Certified TestStand Developer (2004 & 2007)
    └ CLD - Certified LabVIEW Developer (2003 & 2005)

    The IVI soft front panels that ship with the NI IVI Driver Toolset do not support calling IVI-COM drivers. The soft front panels support IVI-C drivers. On Instrument Driver Network there are IVI-C drivers for other Tektronix scopes.

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    tkawg5x0.c ‏249 KB

    Actually, I did some more research and it turns out that the IVI foundation does have a COM spec. However creating an IVI-COM driver is not a trival ask as I had mentioned before so I stand by what I said regarding creating a wrapper.
    I wanted to point out that National Instruments offers IVI ActiveX controls to provide a more Visual Basic-friendly programming interface than using standard instrument driver DLLs.
    These IVI ActiveX controls as well as VC++ wrappers for IVI classes come with Measurement Studio Full Development System (FDS). For more info, go to:

  • IVI-com PowerMeter​: Getting to Channel and Measuremen​t interface and using FetchCwPow​er & FetchWavef​orm

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    Are you trying to use the class driver or the instrument specific driver? For the class driver, is your IVI-COM driver listed in MAX?
    For an example of using the instrument specific driver, see http://www.ni.com/white-paper/4505/en/

  • Ivi-com

    Where I can find some examples of ivi-com driver in vc++?

    If you are a Measurement Studio user, we have native IVI classes in our MFC-based Visual C++ tools. We also have many IVI instrument drivers available for download at http://www.ni.com/idnet. We don't have low-level IVI-COM examples since we have easier to use tools in our MFC classes and instruments drivers.
    Best Regards,
    Chris Matthews
    National Instruments

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    NI的TDS3000 IVI-C specific driver當然可用,用VB6.0的話,還是IVI-COM方便一些。

    由 Fatty 在 03-31-2009 09:20 PM

  • Unsupported Ivi Class Driver

    We developed a new ivi class driver (for counters) and everything works well, the problem comes when we try to use the ivi tool step type to acces functions such as Reset, selftest Get/Set attributes etc. When we use this functions we get the following error
    Error executing substep 'Post'.
    An exception occurred calling 'RunStep' in 'ISubstep' of 'TestStand Ivi Step Types 1.0 Type Library'
    An error occurred while executing the step.
    Component Works IVI Control Error: The IVI operation failed for logical name 'SampleCounter'.
    Details: The session handle is invalid or refers to a session that is not from a supported IVI class driver.
    Source: TSIviStepTypes
    The strange thing is that the functions Close and init with options in ivi to
    ols work very well..so what's the problem with the functions reset, selftest, etc..
    With this functions we can't even access the generic driver code because the error shows up before we can get to the code in debbigging mode. Any ideas?.

    I sounds like there's either an error in the configuration for SampleCounter, or that the IviStepTypes only support the DMM, Scope, Switch, FGen, and DCPwr class drivers.
    If you could send/post your ivi.ini file and your driver, I'd be happy to check it out and see if there's a configuration issue. If you don't want to post it to DevZone, you can e-mail it directly to [email protected]
    As for why the init and close functions work, but not the others, I will investigate further.
    One option to get your application to work is to not use the IviStepTypes. You can still use the driver using C function calls directly through the DLL. This will still work, but may not give you all of the features
    of the step types.
    Bankim Tejani
    Instrument Drivers/IVI
    National Instruments

  • Latest IVI Class Step Types in TestStand

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    David -
    There is no documentation on the low-level workings of the TestStand IVI step types. As with many of the step types that have source code, it is available as examples of developing a step type in various languages.
    The additional work to add the a new class to the TestStand IVI step types is not small, that is why to date we have not done it. The amount of work could be divided into the following areas:
    * Update the TsIviStepTypes to add the new class to the enumeration.
    * Create the new step type definition (subproperty structure) based on the IVI spec.
    * Upcate the TSIviStep and TSIviSFP code to allow you to edit and perform the work to process the expressions and initiate the various IVI class operations.
    * Add low level
    IVI class layer logic to talk to the IVI class driver. This piece was previously done in a VB ActiveX control written by the Measurement Studio group in NI.
    The last two items are the biggest and they would take some time. That is why I was suggesting creating specific Action steps that call into custom code modules to talk to IVI directly, that is, no edit dialog box, no SFP, etc.
    Scott Richardson (NI)
    Scott Richardson
    National Instruments

  • Agilent's IVI-COM Drivers

    Can TestStand call Agilent's IVI-COM Drivers and how to configurate them with NI MAX?
    "Only a life lived in the service to others is worth living..." - Albert Einstein

    At the very least, Agilent probably provides a dll interface to calling their driver. You could call those dll functions from TestStand using the C/C++ DLL adapter (or the Flexible DLL Adapter if you are using TestStand 2.0.1 or below). If they provide an ActiveX or COM interface (which sounds highly likely considering the name of IVI-COM) then you can use the TestStand ActiveX/COM adapter to call into these drivers.
    NI MAX is the NI Measurement and Automation explorer. Because these drivers are not National Instrument's drivers there will not be an interface for them to be used within NI MAX.
    Let us know if you have any other questions.
    Shannon R.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • IVI-COM Vi's or property nodes?

    I'm fairly new to IVI-COM instrument drivers and have up until now been using the supplied IVI-COM Vi's for the instrument I'm doing a driver for. However I'm finding that more and more it's making sense to just use a property node to set things such as Start Frequency etc so I'm thinking I might just use them for everything from now on.
    All I really want to know is are there any major issues with doing this - and is it something is recommended to be done - just really want reassurance that if I take the route of using property nodes I won't get bitten on the arse by something that I don't know about.
    Any thoughts happily received,
    David Clark
    CLA | CTA
    CLA Design Ltd
    Hampshire, England

    Hi David,
    I'm guessing that you've got a bunch of LabVIEW vi's from the vendor - that are basically wrappered IVI-COM calls? (If you can tell me where to download the driver from I can look in more detail). The low level IVI-COM calls will just use ActiveX (so property nodes and invoke nodes) to access the COM object.
    Whether you use the wrappered vi's or the lower level calls is up to you, it will depend on the level of flexibility that you require. For some configuration settings for the instrument there might not be a ready built vi - so you may have to use the lower level calls to acheive it.   (A bit like the usual plug and play instrument drivers, versus low level calls directly using VISA - which may or may not give you an idea - depending on whether you've used them!).
    Take a look at the following tutorial which might give you some more pointers:
    I guess one point to bear in mind is that the vendor can at any time change the ActiveX methods and properties with a new release of the driver (a bit like Microsoft have done in the past with things like media player and office) which may leave code you've generated with broken wires, if you are using their wrappered vi's then its possible that they'll keep the wrapper and change whats inside so that its seamless to the end user. - (Its also possible that they could update the automation servers version number which would result in a non working vi - but may not result in broken wires, working with the vendors LabVIEW API should solve these issues - since they will have re-linked them specifically to each version)
    Another factor that should help you make up your mind is how well documented each of the options are - they may have put more time into the friendly end user vi's than they have to the API?
    But if you're generating your own driver, then it will probably be more useful to you to strip away some of the abstraction to get more efficient results.
    I hope this helps - perhaps other members of the NI community can give you their experiences
    NIUK & Ireland

  • Drive access impossibly slow... Even though target disk!

    Drive access on our MacBook Pro is suddenly impossibly slow - taking five, ten minutes to startup, and being unable to complete an install (Java update).  I found no errors in disk repair and just 'ignorable' errors in permissions.  Programs crashing or haltling - even Finder and Force Quit aren't coming up.
    Plugged it into my white MacBook to run Drive Genius to see if the drive could be salvaged, and disk access is slow even this way.  Crazy slow, like taking several minutes just to get the drive information.
    Size: 499.25 GB (464.96 GiB, 499,248,103,424 bytes)
    Formatted As: Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    Volume Block Count: 121,886,744
    Volume Block Size: 4,096 bytes
    Volume Size: 499.25 GB (464.96 GiB, 499,248,103,424 bytes)
    Journal: Enabled
    Used: 259.67 GB (241.83 GiB, 259,666,432,000 bytes), 52.01%
    So it seems normal, just really, exceedingly, impossibly slow.
    What are the possible solutions?  I'm not entirely certain it's just the drive; one of the USB ports on the computer is randomly non functioning, no software indications.

    Using the online hardware test tool (Boot using Option+D) I was able to discern that the operaitng system had decided the drive was bad without actually telling me it was bad.  Eventually the drive completely failed.
    While it was slow, I had backed everything up.  I found a guide to replacing the HD, although I did not actually need the fancy screwdriver to put the drive back in.  It was very simple!
    The USB issue still comes and goes, though.

  • E3631A IVI class driver can not enable power supply three channel outputs at same time

    with E3631A IVI class driver i am trying to enable all the channels at the same time,The problem is that class driver supports only Channel Switching between three Channel,i find in this Forums this Discussion 
    is it possible to enable all outputs at same time  that I modify the source code and recompile the drivers,but it is complicated for me.
     Is there a another easy way to solve this problem??
    Would appreciate if someone who has worked on it suggest a method appropriately. Thanks!
    Note:Labview 2009 sp1

    You'll either have to modify yourself, ask the poster in that other thread for it, or use the LabVIEW driver.

Maybe you are looking for