IVI drivers constant

I use 
- PXI5124 digitizer 
- Visual studio 2012 C#
- Measurment studio 2012
- ni Scope 4.0
I have made a niScope_wrapper file  with measurment studio 2012.
I'm now converting a CVI programm into C# and see a lot of defines like NISCOPE_VAL_NORMAL and NISCOPE_VAL_DC in the original CVI source file.
How do i deal with these defines in C# ? Is there a reference that i have to add ?
Thanks in advance

Oops, sorry guys posted in a wrong forum by mistake.

Similar Messages

  • Using IVI drivers in LabView 5.1.1

    We have a set of IVI drivers ( class specific and custom specific ) developed in LabWindows/CVI 7 and IVI Compliance package 2.2 version. We want to use these drivers in a new application in LabView 5.1.1 version. I want to use the class specific drivers through the IVI class drivers in LabView 5.1.1 so as to cater for the interchangeability aspect configuring the logical names in MAX. Finally I would be creating an Installer with executable and distributing it.
    I want to clarify few issues.
    1. Please let me know whether I need to install any other software's apart from NI DAQ, IVI compliance package 2.2 and the Installer in the User PC. Does the IVI engine, Tool set, Class drivers for LabView 5.1.1 come with the compliance package?
    2. Does MAX 2.1 support IVI drivers, interchangeability through class drivers and compliance package 2.2 or should I use MAX 3.0 for best results?
    3. When I import a IVI driver (developed using IVI compliance package 2.2) to LabView 5.1.1 and try to use the functions there are some problems in the functions. As per the IVI specifications 3.2, functions GetErrorInfo and ClearErroInfo are changed to GetError and ClearError. But it shows error in the functions at those points and we have to go to IVI Error Converter.vi and change the configuration of the library node and direct it to the GetError function. Do we have an alternative to avoid this process?
    It would be of great help if somebody can clear these issues.
    Thanks & Regards,

    1.  The IVI Compliance Package (ICP) 2.2 installs the IVI Engine and Class Driver support for LabVIEW 7.0 and 7.1.  It does not install Class Drivers for LabVIEW 5.1.
    2.  ICP 2.2 requires MAX 3.0 to get the IVI interchangeability provider in MAX.
    3.  LabVIEW 5.1 was released before the official IVI specifications 3.2 were approved.  Prior to 3.2, the function names were GetErrorInfo and ClearErrorInfo.  Those changed to GetError and ClearError.  The LabVIEW wrapper generation tool that shipped with LabVIEW 5.1 is not aware of these changes.  Therefore, my suggestion is to upgrade to a later version of LabVIEW so that you will have support for the current IVI specifications and class drivers.

  • My multimeters don't function properly with ivi drivers

    I have 4 Keithley MM in my setup. I am using the ke2000.dll ivi drivers for all my meters. I have also labeled each meter MM1..MM4, however when I make a call using MM1, MM3 is the one being control? How can I configure MAX properly to avoid this or is it unavoidable?

    Did you download the driver from the National Instruments web site, or did you get it from Keithley?
    Which GPIB board do you have?
    If you are using NI IVI driver or board, you should post this question to the GPIB forum to find out how to configure the driver in MAX.
    Zvezdana S.

  • Agilent 34980A simulation using IVI-drivers in Teststand?

    Hello! I am unable to simulate 34980A in TestStand and here are some results based on testing:
    Agilent 34980A is linked to logical name SampleDmm. Simulate With: Specific Driver.
    IviStepTypes.seq used with only DMM and Switch steps.
    Using IviDMM IVI-C causes runtime-error in Ivi DMM Configure Single Point: Component Works IVI Control Error: The IVI Configure operation failed for logical name 'SampleDmm'. Details: Extension capability not supported by instrument driver.  (Base)
    Using IviDMM IVI-COM causes runtime-error in Ivi DMM Read Single Point: Component Works IVI Control Error: The IVI Read operation failed for logical name 'SampleDmm'. Details: Attribute ID not recognized. [IVI Error Code:  BFFA000C] Source: TSIviStepTypes
    Skipping Ivi DMM SFP -step removes that error but next one waits in Ivi DMM Configure Multi Point: Component Works IVI Control Error: The IVI Configure operation failed for logical name 'SampleDmm'. Details: Attribute or property not supported. [IVI Error Code:  BFFA0012] Source: TSIviStepTypes
    Skipping multi point steps helps until Ivi Switch Connect where another error hits: Component Works IVI Control Error: The Connect operation failed for logical name 'SampleDmm'. Details: No path was found between the two channels. [IVI Error Code:  BFFA2011] Source: TSIviStepTypes
    I find some similarities in forum post that involves HP 34401A and IVI .
    According to IVI-C Class Driver Support for IVI-COM Specific Drivers the fault might be in 64 bit system (the note in the end). Is this the case? I can't use IVI-COM-drivers in 64bit system?
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    Has anyone succeeded to simulate 34980A properly in TestStand? Any knowledge about how to solve this thing? Any help is welcome. Thank you.
    -Teststand 5.1
    -Windows 7 64bit
    -IVI shared components 2.2.1
    -Visa shared components 1.5 64bit
    -Agilent IO libraries suite 16.3 Update 1
    -Agilent 34980A IVI Driver 1.5.3
    -MAX/Agilent 34980A published APIs:
        -IviDmm 4.1 IVI-COM (IVI-C tried with less success)
        -IviSwtch 4.0 IVI-C & IVI-COM

    Some IVI drivers are designed to work in simulation mode, that is, the virtual instrument can be defined in MAX but no physical instrument is necessary to use the "instrument". If you turn off the simulate checkbox on the validate dialog box, TestStand will create the instrument session without simulation and the driver will attempt to talk to a physical instrument. If no physical instrument definition is available or if the address defined for that virtual instrument is incorrect, the above error can occur.
    Scott Richardson (NI)
    Scott Richardson
    National Instruments

  • Updating IVI Drivers

    I've got a question re: updating the IVI drivers in NISE.
    We are using a 3rd party switch card, and the IVI drivers are updated from time to time. As we have worked with this particular vendor to help test out their IVI drivers, we have received new "drops" of their IVI drivers over the past couple of months as bugs are found.
    On more than one occasion, I had entered a sizeable amount of information into NISE (alias names for IVI Channels, hard-wires, etc.) for our system, and when the new IVI drivers were installed from our vendor, I found that I had to re-enter my alias information, etc. because the IVI drivers had changed drastically.
    Up to this time, I have not modified the virtual names in the Driver Sessions to have any custom info, I have only entered it into the Virtual Device as "alias" names, etc. Is there any way to "protect" my custom information from having to be re-entered when significant updates are received from our IVI vendor?

    When a NISE Virtual device is created it is linked to a logical name that points to a driver session that points to an IVI specific driver. If anything changes on the specific driver level the NISE virtual device will not work. When you enter virtual names in the driver session, NISE will be able to see these virtual names at creation of the virtual device only. If virtual names are entered after the creation of the virtual device, the virtual names will not appear in NISE, because the link was already established.
    I understand you concern but unfortunately if the ivi specific driver changes its channel names, an already created NISE virtual device will not be able to show these changes.

  • Are IVI drivers supported on RT?

     I have a PXI-4060 DMM on a remote system.  I have been trying to initialize the DMM but have had no success using the IVI drivers.  I have set up a Logical Name that is linked to the Driver Session for the 4060, but these are setup in MAX under the host system, not the remote system.  I have been unable find drivers for that DMM other than the IVI drivers and if they aren't supported on the RT system, how do I use the 4060 DMM on a remote system?
    My cfg is:
    IBM laptop running WinXP w/LV 7.1
    PXI-1045 chassis w/LV RT and multiple components that all work fine except the DMM
    I have the latest drivers/software for everything that I'm aware of (DAQ, IVI, Visa, etc)

    Hi Richard,
    Thank you. I ran that test and there are no Visa's running describing any of the PXI instruments.  I've attached a screenshot of the results sitting on top of what I'm seeing in Max.  For the Visa's, the 6 GPIB's are for HP6610xA power supplies and the serial's are for an 8-port serial card (plus the 2 on the 8187 controller), which is a PXI card (8421).  When I'm trying to initialize the DMM I am running on the targeted system as shown so I should only need the descriptor after the IP address (PXI3::15), correct?  As noted from the error description above, the vi is looking for a "DAQ::" descriptor and I don't see anything like that in Max.
    Hope this helps with the diagnosis,
    VISA Find 4060.bmp ‏2305 KB

  • Followup on IVI drivers

    Thanks all for the help on IVI drivers.
    I want to develop a simple interface for a scope. I want to use IVI class
    drivers (the "green" drivers?) so that I am as hardware independant as
    possible. I have a simple example using the scope class drivers that I am
    happy with right now.
    I have drivers for my current scope, from lecroy. When I install these
    drivers, to
    I don't get any files with a .dll extension. I can use instrument specific
    ("blue", right?) drivers from this set-up.
    I think I must have a .dll to be able to install a driver in max, then
    install a virtual instrument, then install a logical name?
    Is there something I can do to make this driver work?

    Thanks, that was the right place to look.
    "Dennis Knutson" wrote in message
    > Check your VXIpnp\Bin folder for the .dll. I believe you should also
    > have a separate folder for the instrument under VXIpnp if it was
    > installed correctly.

  • Make IVI drivers from LAB VIEW drivers

    I have some questions about IVI drivers and Teststand.
    how can I make the interface between teststand and the IVI drivers. Or
    how can I import the IVI drivers in teststand, so that I can use them
    kind regards

    You can use the LabVIEW adapter to call the instrument driver VI's direct. Use the Action Step Type to perform the configuring and one of the Test Step Types (Pass/Fail, Numeric Limit Step Types) when acquiring a reading.
    Ray Farmer
    Ray Farmer

  • Run cleanup utility, then all ivi drivers in the measurement & automation explorer are deleted,

    Hello I have the following problem,
    I run the cleanup utility, then all ivi drivers in the measurement & automation explorer are deleted.
    when I want to add for example a new driver session then that is not possible to click on "create new".
     What is the problem?
    regards samuel

    In this case its the usb-serial adapter that is likely the cause of the issue.  As mentioned in this KB it is likely that MAX doesn't know how to recognize the third-party adapter.  You may want to refer to this KB that talks about making VISA calls to third-party devices as it may be useful.
    John B.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • How do I create an executable for a computer that does not have IVI drivers

    I'm creating an executable driver (based on the NI drivers) for a TDS 3054 intended for a computer that does not have the IVI engine. I would prefer to install as little software on this computer as possible. Is it possible for me to build the driver with the appropriate support DLL's without installing IVI on the user's computer? How do I do this?
    Thank you,
    Zach Oberman

    Since the tkds30xx driver you are using is IVI based, you will not be able to use it without the IVI Engine.
    If you must build an executable that does not require the IVI Engine, then you will need to use a traditional LabVIEW driver or convert a VXIpnp driver into LabVIEW. Neither of those drivers would require the IVI Engine.
    At this time the only TDS 3054 driver on NI's IDNet website is the IVI-based tkds30xx driver.
    You may be able to obtain a traditional LabVIEW driver from
    Developer Exchange
    Requesting a
    Other Resources

  • Does anyone know how to remove IVI drivers..?

    I am trying to install hp34401a_LV61 'installer' and keep recieving an error about ivi traditional / third party drivers need to be uninstalled.....
    Please HELP !!!

    Most likely you have the traditional driver for the hp34401a.
    If that is the case, you need to remove the hp34401a folder located in the LabVIEW\instr.lib directory. Removing this folder should be enough to remove the traditional driver.
    If you have a older version of an IVI driver, go to C:\VXIpnp\WinNT\hp34401a. In this directory there should be an uninstall executable.
    Hope this helps.

  • VISA or IVI drivers, example code?

    I have an Agilent DSO-X-2004A oscilloscope and I've downloaded two different set's of drivers that work. Here are the links to the drivers.
    The first one is the Agilent 2000 3000 4000 X-Series drivers, that require only NI VISA-4.6
    The second is the Agilent agx2k3k Oscilloscope drivers, that require NI VISA-4.6 or IVI Compliance 4.3
    The second one has example codes, which are VERY helpful for me since I am new to LabVIEW. The first one does not have examples, but seems to have more thorough driver library with more scope options to set. Without the examples though, I will have a tough time. Can I find examples for those drivers somewhere?
    When mixing blocks from different drivers, I get broken wires with the message "source is IVI session of class, sink is VISA session of class". Maybe if I could resolve that, I could mix the driver blocks.

    The answer is that both driver sets have example code in their .zip files. The first one (Agilent 2000 3000 X-Series) just didn't have the examples show up in the Instrument I/O palet, and the other one (agx2k3k) did. You can add the examples to the palet by following the instructions here:
    The question of which set to use is still open. The Agilent 2000 3000 X-Series drivers are "Certified LabVIEW Plug and Play (project-style) Instrument Drivers", and the agx2k3k dirvers are "Certified Multi-Enviornment IVI Instrument Drivers"
    For a new user like myself, it's very hard to know the differences and how they may effect me down the road. Hopefully someone with more experience can chime in. 
    - John

  • Ivi drivers cannot open the instrument

    i'm programing ivi driver in cvi.it works well with a 1394 control-slot.but when i changed the control-slot to an embedd-vxi one,my driver does not work.it always breaks at the init(),with the text:"general protection error".it can't open the instrument.(my init() function is generated by ivi-wizard of cvi and works well before.)why?i guess maybe the reason is some "environment problem",isn't it?and how can i solve it?thx in advance~

    There are a few things that you could try:
    - Use VISA Interactive control (Start>Programs>NI>VISA) to send the same set of commands to the embedded VXI controller to check the communication. If this fails, the problem is definitely not in the IVI driver then.
    - Use NI-Spy to capture the VISA calls and see where it exactly fails. You can send the output to us ([email protected]) and we can take a look at it.
    - Step through the driver source code to narrow down the problem to a specific function in the _init function.
    I hope this helps a bit.
    Vesna Jadric
    Instrument Drivers/IVI

  • Unable to see IVI drivers in NI max

    Hi. I am not able to see IVI driver's list under IVI tab of NI max

    This may not be the right forum for your issue. This forum is specifically for people with questions about using the Driver Development Kit that allows users to create their own driver for National Instruments devices on unsupported operating systems.
    I wouuld recommend posting on the GPIB/Serial/VISA/IVI forum.
    Steven T.

  • How to use/call IVI-C drivers in Visual Studio 2012

    i downloaded some IVI-drivers and saw that they all contain IVI-COM and IVI-C drivers.
    I am trying now to call the IVI-C drivers in my Visual Studio 2012 but i cannot find any examples how to do this.
    Can someone provide a simply example project to demonstrate how this would be done?
    At the end this should become also a DLL.
    Thanks a lot for help

    Hello nyc,
    thank you for the PDF link that describes how to do this in C# and VB.Net.
    I also found a PDF on the same site that shows how to do it in C++.
    But the example is only how to create a console application.
    But i need to to create a DLL.

Maybe you are looking for

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