IWeb and Download ?

hi all ...
can someone tell me how to shut down DOWNLOAD button in iWeb? I did find options where I can only control how big file people gonna get but I dont see this options, I know what you gonna say people can download every single shot anyway they just drag file to the screen right? but anyways , what you gonna do when you see huge white button DOWNLOAD? i gues downloading way much more often... so anybody ?

majosrnik.com wrote:
I did it but same deal, r we talking abouth iWeb o8? just wanna be sure...
yup, we are talking about iweb08. If all things fail, you can shut it down with javascript, see this thread:

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    You might want to consider using iWebSites to manage your multiple sites. I use iWebSites to manage multiple sites.. It lets me create multiple sites and multiple domain files.
    If you have multiple sites in one domain file here's the workflow I used to split them into individual site files with iWebSites. Be sure to make a backup copy of your original Domain.sites files before starting the splitting process.
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    To add meta tags to your site you need to do this in your site directly, but your published site so that it is added to the html code.
    Download a programme called iWebSEO. Go to iWeb and publish your site to a local folder and then open your published site with iWebSEO and add the tags, Google analytics etc., and anything else you want. Then use either iWebSEO to upload to your server or use a dedicated ftp client such as Cyberduck to do this - it can be downloaded for free from the internet.
    You can easily place a hit counter on your site by inserting the code into an html snippet on your site. Do a Google search for hit counters and you will have lots of choices.

  • IWeb and full resolution pictures for download

    I finally got a good camera and wanted to share those glorious 12MP (3-4MByte) pictures via iWeb. I'd not paid much attention before now, but iWeb is fond of "optimizing" and reducing the size of pictures in order to save space and improve upload and download times. Even if you uncheck "optimize" in preferences, and select "download full resolution" in the photo inspector, I've found that some times you get the full multi-megabyte picture, then for reasons unknown to me, most other pictures have been reduced from 1/4 to 1/10 the original file size and the resolution has been reduced, say form 3000x4000 pixel to 768x1024 (seems arbitrary ...).
    How to deal with this. Nothing direct that I can find: uncheck optimize works for a bit, them reverts; full size download refers to the size after such "optimizing." I think it's a bug, but maybe others think it's a feature.
    My indirect work around: use your public folder on idisk in me.com. Create a folder structure to mirror your iWeb picture album structure to simplify life for your guest. Password protect it if you want some privacy.
    Then go ahead and let iWeb optimize, and select the download size you want (maybe "medium" is fine for some users, for example).
    But include on each picture or album page a hyperlink to your me.com public folder: the link will look something like https://public.me.com/<your me.com name here>. If you've specified a password, it will be requested when someone uses the link. I don't think there is any finer grain hyperlink available to your public folder - for example, to the sub folders you create to mirror your album structure.
    The public idisk options are in preferences in idisk on iWeb.
    If you only want to share a few pictures, it may be easier for the user to share individual file with a similar hyper link set up for each one using link outside the picture container object (can't be inside), or for each picture on the detail page (the comment, such as the image name, can be made a clickable element (hyper link). If you have tens or more pictures to share at once, this method is pretty inconvenient.
    The sharing options for individual files are available when you select file via idisk in me.com
    So, there it is. Hope this suggestion helps someone.
    Eddie O
    PS: Yes, I've offered feedback to Apple about this lack of flexibility in iWeb.

    If you only want to share a few of the larger files zip them and put them in a folder titled Pictures in your iDisk/Web/Sites folder. Then create a thumbnail or text hyperlink to them at http://web.me.com/MMeAccount_Name/Pictures/FileName. That way they will immediately download when the link is selected.
    A viewable version of the photo can be placed on the page and linked to the larger zipped version on your iDisk.

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    3. Are their other templates for iWeb? I see about 12 or so they offer, can you search and download for new ones or is what's there all you have to choose from?
    I appreciate any help on these matters.

    HilaryRusso wrote:
    1. After watching the iWeb tutorials it looks as if you have to publish it on mobileme.com.
    Hilary ~ Did you not watch till the end of this iWeb tutorial?...
    2. I also have a domain name I want to show up in the hyperlink bar not mobileme.com/____, is that possible to do with this program?
    See this article:
    3. Are their other templates for iWeb? I see about 12 or so they offer, can you search and download for new ones or is what's there all you have to choose from?
    Yes, you can search — but let me Google that for you; click here.

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    iWeb: you don't need to save anything from the iDisk - iWeb does not open html files. Your iWeb sites are held in (user)/Library/Application Support/iWeb in a file called Domain. So even after MobileMe terminates you will still be able to open iWeb and see your sites, you just won't be able to publish them to MobileMe. You can publish them to any other webspace - please see this page:
    Gallery: if your albums arre synced with iPhoto or Aperture then the pictures are on your Mac anyway. If not, and you don't have local copies (which is always a risky procedure) you will have to download each picture separately. Alternatively there is an online photo gallery service called ZangZing which provides an easy import facility from various other services including MobileMe's Gallery. It's free until June 2012 after which the first 2GB is free with escalating price levels starting at $5 per month or $50 a year.

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    when i publish my site and vew it the page on the web it just comes up with the file name w/ the ,swf and the "mising plug-in" message below. if i click on the file name it displays the flash file but gigantic (the entire height of the page).totally perplexed!
    anyway, here is the code.
    <object classid=”clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000”codebase=”http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0, 40,0”width=”244” height=”221” id=”ETrade_banner_Gumby_replay”><paramname=movie value=”ETrade_banner_Gumby_replay.swf”><param name=qualityvalue=high><param name=base value=”.”><embed src=”ETrade_banner_Gumby_replay.swf”quality=high width=”244” height=”221” name=”ETrade_banner_Gumby_replay”align=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” pluginspage=”http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer”base=”.”></embed></object>

  • I tried to implement photo albums using iweb and got a publishing error.

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    Exact message "There was an error communicating with the FTP server. Try again later, or check with your service provider."
    If I reduce the albums inside to 1 then it seems to work but that takes away from the usefullness of multiple albums.
    my iWeb version is 3.0.4 (601)

    Publish your site to a folder on your hard drive to see if the publication will proceed successfully and open the site locally with your browser to confirm all of the alums are there and work.  If they do try the following:
    delete the iWeb preference files, com.apple.iWeb.plist and com.apple.iWeb.plist.lockfile, that resides in your Home() /Library/Preferences folder.
    go to your Home()/Library/Caches/com.apple.iWeb folder and delete its contents.
    Click to view full size
    launch iWeb and try again.
    If you're still not able to publish from iWeb to your server download and use the free  Cyberduck to upload your website files to the server. Users have found that CD has been successful when iWeb had problems.

  • IWeb and photo corrections and importing photos

    Yeah, another iWeb problem. I both love and hate the application. I hadn't had this problem before now. I imported many, many photos into albums (via Aperture...) before noticing that the photos in download mode on my website were showing up at half the pixel size that the originals were. The photo download option is checked as 'original' so that's not it. I did a little checking and couldn't figure out why iWeb is importing these photos from Aperture at half size... So, I did an end run around it and dragged and dropped directly from the folder to iWeb. Great, right? Nope... started noticing that the photos that I am dragging in are not holding their corrections (mainly brightness/contrast) that I had applied in Photoshop. They show up fine in the folder, they look fine as I am dragging them, but when I release in the iWeb folder/page they lose their corrections? HUH?!?
    No matter what I do (dragging them from the folder or from the desktop is the same...) they lose the corrections in iWeb... They still hold their corrections if I drag them from the Aperture sidebar in iWeb, but then they are half sized...
    And no, the optimize images on import button is NOT checked, thought for sure that that would be the problem. Any thoughts, ideas on either problem, the size issues or the corrections... What determines the size that iWeb chooses for display? I notice that there are three listings when I upload them in FileZilla...
    And on a side note, the preview images in the main album page show low res images... What controls the resolution for them and could this be somehow related?
    I also tried to export a photo from Aperture which shows the correct resolution of 1280 X 1280 to the Desktop and got a correct 1280 X 1280 image. Dragged it into iWeb and it kept the corrections as well, but when published, the website displays a half size image with a 640 X 640 download size... Sigh...

    Did you reboot?  That often clears out caches and corrects errant behavior in apps. That and deleting the preference file. Either that or offering the right sacrifice to the computer gods.

  • Can I move my iWeb from mac-mini to my new macbook pro ? iLife 11 does not have iWeb and I really want to use it to update my website on my new macbook Pro instead of Mac mini

    Can I move my iWeb from mac-mini to my new macbook pro ? iLife 11 does not have iWeb and I really want to use it to update my website on my new macbook Pro instead of Mac mini

    There is no license required for iWeb.  Just do a Wyodor suggested and you'll be ready to go. If you're running Lion however, consider the following:
    In Lion the Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and hit the Enter button - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.
    To open your domain file in Lion or to switch between multiple domain files Cyclosaurus has provided us with the following script that you can make into an Applescript application with Script Editor. Open Script Editor, copy and paste the script below into Script Editor's window and save as an application.
    do shell script "/usr/bin/defaults write com.apple.iWeb iWebDefaultsDocumentPath -boolean no"delay 1
    tell application "iWeb" to activate
    You can download an already compiled version with this link: iWeb Switch Domain.
    Just launch the application, find and select the domain file you want to open and it will open with iWeb. It modifies the iWeb preference file each time it's launched so one can switch between domain files.
    WARNING: iWeb Switch Domain will overwrite an existing Domain.sites2 file if you select to create a new domain in the same folder.  So rename your domain files once they've been created to something other than the default name.

  • I've lost iWeb and thus my web design.  I must start from scratch.  Should I reinstall iWeb 09 and use that, or is there a better way?

    I've lost iWeb and thus my web design.  I must start from scratch.  Should I reinstall iWeb 09 and use that, or is there a better way?

    The file you really need is named Domain.sites2 which resides in your   Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb foldler.  It's independent from the iWeb application. If it's not in there do you have a backup of your hard drive from an earlier time? 
    Resinatll iWeb 3 from the iLife 09 disk or wherever you got it from originally and then try what's described below:
    In Lion and Mountain Lion the Home/Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and press the Return key - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.
    To open your domain file in Lion or Mountain Lion or to switch between multiple domain files Cyclosaurus has provided us with the following script that you can make into an Applescript application with Script Editor. Open Script Editor, copy and paste the script below into Script Editor's window and save as an application.
    do shell script "/usr/bin/defaults write com.apple.iWeb iWebDefaultsDocumentPath -boolean no"delay 1
    tell application "iWeb" to activate
    You can download an already compiled version with this link: iWeb Switch Domain.
    Just launch the application, find and select the domain file in your Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder that you want to open and it will open with iWeb. It modifies the iWeb preference file each time it's launched so one can switch between domain files.
    WARNING: iWeb Switch Domain will overwrite an existing Domain.sites2 file if you select to create a new domain in the same folder.  So rename your domain files once they've been created to something other than the default name.

  • IWeb and SEO Tool - best practice?

    I have made an iweb website (published to a MobileMe account) and have downloaded iWeb SEO Tool.
    I have understood that there is one certain procedure in doing SEO that's a lot better than the other.
    What I usually do after making changes in iWeb is choose publish to MobileMe. But after following the instruction video from iWeb SEO Tool they say one should choose publish to folder and then open the iWeb SEO tool and the local folder and after that make tags and publish to mobile me.
    I have noticed that my counter sometimes disappears when I have published (and have from other topics understood that this can happen if you do the procedure with SEO-ing the wrong way). I would just like to set a SEO-routine that I always follow after making changes in my site. Pleeeeeease can someone follow me through easy step by steps from saving changes in iWeb and to publication.
    Many many thanks in advance!
    /the Novice

    If you publish to a folder and then upload the files it's the same as publishing to a non-Mac server with these restrictions:
    Features Unavailable When Publishing to a Non-Mac Server:
    ◼ Password protection
    ◼ Blog and photo comments
    ◼ Blog search
    ◼ Blog RSS Subscription
    ◼ Hit counter
    ◼ Enhanced slideshows
    So if you use any of these features you will have to published directly to MobileMe to keep them.
    However, if the hit counter is your only loss you can add a much more informative 3rd party counter, like that from StatCounter, which would not be affected by the publishing to a folder. StatCounter also gives you much more information about your visitors other than just number. Old Toad's Tutorial #13 - Adding a StatCounter as an HTML Snippet has more information on that.
    If you decide to go the 3rd party counter method you can publish to a folder on the desktop, process with SEO Tool and then use the free Cyberduck ftp client to upload the files to your MobileMe account. Cyberduck has the capability of uploading only the new or changed/editied files saving considerable uploading time.

  • Do I need to buy a web hosting package to publish with iweb, and how do I configure Filezilla?

    I've created a website using iweb and have bought a domain name from 123reg and downloaded Filezilla as the FTP server. How do I configure Filezilla to my server and do i need to buy a web hosting package?

    To use FileZilla, or iWeb's built-in FTP, you need a webhosting package.
    Which one? Start with your own ISP. Otherwise its like answering what's a good grocery store.
    The webhoster will provide the details of what to enter in the various fields.
    Perhaps 123Reg offers what you want? They do actually.
    You must have seen it when you visited their pages.

  • What is the difference iWeb and Homepage

    I'm trying to back up everything I had published to my iDisk (over several years) before installing Lion. The Gallery files were easy. But I'm confused about iWeb and a folder called "HomePage." The movies I had on iWeb...I could see and download. However, older movies are in a folder called HomePage. If I click on these older movies, I get a Quicktime Question mark symbol. For example, older movie 1 is located at: http://homepage.mac.com/username/iMovieTheater22.html and I cannot see it or download it. New movies, seem to be located in a different place, for example: http://web.me.com/username/myname/Austin_is_4!.html
    Am I just out of luck?
    Is there any way to retrieve the old movies?
    Possibly worth noting...the old movies were probably published on an old MBP.

    Homepage was Apple's early website hosting effort and that has been discontinued for quite a while now. The files created for the Homepage websites will reside on your iDisk in the iDisk/Sites folder. 
    Mount your iDisk on the Desktop and go to the Web folder.  There will be the html files for the various websites and pages.  The photo and video files used in those sites should be located in the Pictures and Movies folders.
    For MobileMe websites all files for them will be inside folders in the iDisk/Web/Sites folder.

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