JAAS design problem?

I am using JAAS only for authentication. Here I want to present the user a graphical (GUI) dialog for login. The user should see multiple possibilities for login.
For example he can login with:
1. Password and username
2. Fingerprint and username
3. Token and fingerprint.
All of the three possibilities should be shown to the user in one dialog. The user has the choice how he will log in. Every possibility is implemented as a LoginModule.
At least one of the possibilities has to be fullfilled. All verification and authorisation of the given data should start not before the user has given his data.
The problem of JAAS is that there is no possibility to do that because all LoginModules are processed sequentially and every LoginModule processes:
1. The callback, and
2. the verification (connection to database for example).
I can't show all interaction at first and then do all the verification steps.
Are there any ideas or a workaround for that problem?
Best regards,

did you figure out how to solve the problem? I am facing exactly the same... I read something about a wrong Locale, but setting it to en/US didn't help!

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    Yes this is a common problem that many of us have when building UIs
    Here's the question: In this instance, are these two classes really independant? Could they stand alone? Often when building a GUI, it's not even that easy to answer that question, but these leads to the two ways you can solve this
    #1. Make them independent, and use listeners either using Observable / Observer or creating your own custom listeners. The advantage of this is smaller classes and more independence. The disadvantage is it's generally more complicated, especially at the design stage
    #2 (what I'd probably recommend). Make 1 GUI class "MyPSFrame", then declare your panel classes as inner classes within that class. This way, everything goes into one spot, and everything is shareable. This also makes sense if you can't have 1 of the panels without the other.

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    Thanks in advance!
    Marcin Gawlik

    Again me - I now it is a bad idea to reply for own messages, but I have just checked a new idea:
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    Considering the given example, it would look:
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    2. public interface BaseSthLocal extends EJBLocalObject
    3. public abstract class BaseSthBean implements EntityBean
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    2. deploy BaseSthBean as the SthTwo CMP entity EJB
    3. ... and so one
    The question is: IS THERE ANY CONTRA FOR THIS WAY OF DEPLOYING EJBS? Is there any reason for not to use the same class and its complementary interfaces many times to create many separate enity EJBs working within the same EJB module?
    Thanks in advance!

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    Go to Solution.

    Ekram wrote:
    Hi Everyone,
                       I am ...Can anyone suggest me any book or any website where I can find exercises and design problem? Thank you everyone.
    You found it!
    Get involved answering questions (gird up your loins) and let others hammer you into submision. Don't fall into the trap of writing code and posting VIs on demand, but rather post images of how you want to solve the posted question and let others feedback.
    Have fun!
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

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      String url = "http://www.sandbox-usa.com/images/product_images/2piece_16.gif";
      public Test() {
    //    System.getProperties().put( "proxySet", "true" );  // uncomment if you have proxy
    //    System.getProperties().put( "proxyHost", "myproxy.mydomain.com" ); // Your proxyname/IP
    //    System.getProperties().put( "proxyPort", "80"); // Sometimes 8080   
        Container content = getContentPane();
        try {
          Image i = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(new URL(url));
          JLabel jl = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(i));
          content.add(new JScrollPane(jl), BorderLayout.CENTER);
          setSize(200, 200);   
        } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
      public static void main(String[] args) { new Test(); }

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    Any idea, how to define and use a central MessagePool?

    Hi Thomas,
    Instead of the architecture what you are thinking try the architecture explained in the following link:
    <a href="https://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/f4d79e59-0601-0010-0689-89670315bc6b">link</a>
    Dont forget to award points on helping answers

  • Design problem: RS232 communication

    I have a design problem for communication with a device via RS232. Since I'm normally a C++ programmer I might just look at the problem from a wrong angle and hope for some hints how to do it in LabVIEW.
    The scenario:
    A device is communicating with the PC via RS232. The device permanently sends data packets. At the same time, commands can be sent to the device and it returns replies. Data packets and reply packets are arbitrarily mixed, i.e. after sending a command there could be a couple of date packets before the reply comes back but the packets can be distinguished by an identifier.
    At least one, ideally several VIs should communicate with the device. Commands should be sent by pressing buttons and the incoming data should be parsed (the packets contain mutliple data streams) and shown on graphs or saved to files.
    My initial idea:
    Coming from C++ I wanted to build a class for the communication that permanently reads the incoming data and splits it to reply and data packets. This class would then have a function to send out a command and would return the reply or a timeout and it would be possible to register and unregister listeners (I wanted to use queues for this) for the various data streams.
    The problems I ran into:
    There were a couple but the two most pressing problems were: how could I communicate with the constantly running sample VI (e.g. to stop sampling) and how could I propagate changes to the class to it (e.g. new listeners). Since it is not returning I don't see a good way to implement it as in instance funcion (i.e. pass it the object). I could probably not let the sample function run continously but call it periodically from outside. However I planned to implement the class as a singleton, so it could be used parallely from different VIs.
    Is there a best practice for a case like this?
    I'm glad about any hints or ideas.

    tfritz wrote:
    thanks. Since almost the same thing was suggested to me in a German forum I guess this is really common practice (using one VI with different methods controlled by a queue). It still seems a little "unnatural" for me but my biggest concern (bad interface description) was shattered by the suggestion in the link you sent me to wrap these functions with wrapper VIs, thus caller VIs won't have to deal with the call-by-queue-mechanism. This might also be easier to port to a different implementation later. However I still see the danger that the continously running VI could easily become bloated. 
    It also requires me to change the way I have looked at VIs until now. In our course they told us that VIs are basically functions. Using this design patterns, the VI becomes more of a module, really (Like a C module implemented in a C-Source file). But I will try it. It sounds as if it could work.
    I will still look into the OOP solutions a little more, though. Do I understand you correctly that you wouldn't recommend using LVOOP because it's still buggy? What about dqGOOP for example? This sounds like it could do what I need (however it doesn't seem to implement things like polymorphism, late binding and inheritance so I don't quite see what's so OOP about it. It seems more like programming with structures in C.)
    I don't know if LVOOP is buggy or not.  I think early on it was buggy and things have improved in recent versions. I have read that it doesn't have all the features that you would have in OOP like C.  I wouldn't recommend it only because I'm not familiar with it at all.  I can't recommend something that I'm not comfortable with.  If you go that route, plan on spending time in these forums and in LAVA to reading up on what others have done.  I haven't hard of dqGOOP.
    But back to your suggestion. I still have a couple of questions:
    - How do you return values from the module? Would you use a queue for that as well?
    - Where would the parameter queue be held (created and passed to the VI)
     I would store all of these in a functional global variable.  This is the VI that stores data in shift registers.  Ben's action engine nugget is an advancement on that.  This allows for both the calling VI and the parallel running subVI to get and set the data as needed.  It runs quickly so neither process should be forced to wait while the other  VI is doing its thing.
    - My VI has to be constantly sampling and this shouldn't be interrupted too long by other functions as adding a listener. However both functionalities have to access the same kind of data. Is there an easy way to parallelize this? Would the sampling be a case in the case diagram that's always used if no command was sent to the VI or would it somehow run parallely?   Yes.  There are a couple of ways of doing this.  One would be for the dequeue to have a timeout function.  In the event the dequeue times out, you run the code that is doing the acquisition.  I think a better method is that the code that does the acquisition enqueues its own command again to the end of the queue.  Let's say that is command A.  So when case A finishes, it enqueues A, which seeds itself to run again.  So if nothing else comes into the queue, it just executes A , A, A, A.  But let's say another section of code needs to do something such as command B.  It will slip B into the queue while A is executing.  So you would A, B, then A again, because A would get slipped back into the queue when the first A finishes, but B has already been put in while the first A was running.
    - Would it be possible to make the VI reentrant and in this way use it simultaneously on different COM ports (using different parameter queues as well)? I'm not sure if I will need this but it would be neat if it could work.
    I think you could do this.  It may be a case where the VI is saved as a template  (.vit) and you initiate it multiple times.  I haven't needed to do this before, so I'm afraid I can't provide any details or useful tips. 
    Well, I will fool around some more. Thanks so much for your help. This is kind of exciting since the concepts are quite new for me. Btw, is there something like an academic theory (computer science) for LabVIEW? I came across functional languages in university but data flow languages are still a new concept for me.
    tfritz wrote:
    Another question about the "dynamically starting" of the VI:
    How is the path handled? Is it guaranteed that it always takes the VI from the project or does it just search for the first VI by that name it finds in the file structure? Does this still work when building an .exe from the project? What happens if the VI is already running? Can you test for this?
    While I'm at it: is there a way to stop LabVIEW from searching for subVIs it can't find when openin a VI? This resulted in very unexpected behaviour sometimes where it would find the VI somewhere else (with the same name but maybe an older version).
    In my case, I just had the path hardcoded.  It is my only instance, I'm not planning on moving the VI's.  If you don't have the path, it will take a VI by that name if it's in memory.  If it isn't in memory, it starts searching relative to the calling VI's path.  One thing I know, if you are dealing with relative paths, a subVI has a different relative path in an .exe as opposed to the development environment.  The name of the .exe becomes a folder.  So in development, if your sub VI is mySubVI.vi.  In an executable, its path is MyExe.exe\MySubVI.vi
    For all of this, I recommend searching the forums to get more details.
    If it is searching for a VI, you can hit ignore.  But of course you'd have to do it before it finds it.  When you are dealing with versioning issues, I recommend making a backup copy of the entire directory structure elsewhere.  Some location where it shouldn't stumble across it.

  • SIMPLE Database Design Problem !

    Mapping is a big problem for many complex applications.
    So what happens if we put all the tables into one table called ENTITY?
    I have more than 300 attributeTypes.And there will be lots of null values in the records of that single table as every entityType uses the same table.
    Other than wasting space if I put a clustered index on my entityType coloumn in that table.What kind of performance penalties to I get?
    Definition of the table
    EntityID > uniqueidentifier
    EntityType > Tells the entityTypeName
    Name >
    LastName >
    CompanyName > 300 attributeTypes
    OppurtunityPeriod >
    PS:There is also another table called RELATION that points the relations between entities.

    check the coloumn with WHERE _entityType='PERSON'
    as there is is clustered index on entityType...there
    is NO performance decrease.
    there is also a clustered index on RELATION table on
    when we say WHERE _entityType ='PERSON' or
    it scans the clustered index first.it acts like a
    table as it is physically ordered.I was thinking in terms of using several conditions in the same select, such as
    WHERE _entityType ='PERSON'
      AND LastName LIKE 'A%' In your case you have to use at least two indices, and since your clustered index comes first ...
    Have you ever thought of using constraints in your
    modell? How would you realize those?
    ...in fact we did.We have arranged the generic object
    model in an object database.The knowledge information
    is held in the object database.So your relational database is used only as a "simple" storage, everything has go through your object database.
    But the data schema is held in the RDBMS with code
    generation that creates a schema to hold data.If you think that this approach makes sense, why not.
    But in able to have a efficent mapping and a good
    performance we have thought about building only one
    table.The problem is we know we are losing some space
    but the thing is harddisk is much cheaper than RAM
    and CPU.So our trade off concerated on the storage
    cost.But I still wonder if there is a point that I
    have missed in terms performance?Just test your approach by using sufficiently data - only you know how many records you have to store in your modell.
    PS: it is not wise effective using generic object
    models also in object databases as CPU cost is a lot
    when u are holding the data.I don't know if I'd have taken your approach - using two database systems to hold data and business logic.
    PS2: RDBMS is a value based system where object
    databases are identity based.we are trying to be in
    the gray area of both worlds.Like I wrote: if your approach works and scales to the required size, why not? I would assume that you did a load test with your approach.
    What I would question though is that your discussing a "SIMPLE Database Design" problem. I don't see anything simple in your approach when it comes to implementation.

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    section 2 - nothing changed
    GroupHeaderSection1 - no text or anything their
    GroupHeaderSection2 - nothing their
    Section 3 (Details section) - Task, Term, Current Grade, Course, teacherdisplay
    GroupFooterSection2 - Cumulative gpa and page configuration: new page after
    GroupFooterSection1 - Comments subreport (part of report displaying the the subreport at end of the whole report instead of after GroupFooterSection2 for each person)
    Edited by: jeffman2 on Dec 1, 2011 4:38 PM
    Edited by: jeffman2 on Dec 1, 2011 4:43 PM

    Basic interface like textboxes and subreports is in crystal reports for visual studio 2010 also. I have installed the latest service packs though for the visual studio add-on. If you like I can list anything else you would need but im trying to solve my problem in the least amount of time and would be grateful for your help. What version in used in visual studio 2010 add-on?
    Also, i would like to avoid costly phone calls.
    Edited by: jeffman2 on Dec 14, 2011 7:35 PM
    Edited by: jeffman2 on Dec 14, 2011 7:38 PM
    Edited by: jeffman2 on Dec 14, 2011 7:38 PM

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    IKR! But u an order a connector that can plug nto any old speakers and then connect to your charger port and it will play music!

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    When using the supplied Apple charger do you have any problem? The apple supplied charger has a very low leakage current of about 30uA when connected to the phone.
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    First of all, check this:
    If these updates don't help then download this app, it allows you to throttle the macbook's fans up so it runs cooler
    http://links.visibli.com/4b93fc22658d1fa7/?web=cc555a&dst=http%3A//feedproxy.goo gle.com/%7Er/SoyDeMac/%7E3/1KAZTfyEZS4/story01.htm
    I think you'll find this app simpler than the one you are trying to install.
    Hope it helps!

  • Oracle Designer Problem Please help me

    1) I created a database
    2) Run>cd d:\Oracle_home\repadm61\admin\@ckqa
    @ ckvalqa
    @ ckcreate
    3)Opened Repository Administration Utility
    Log in as 'repos_manager/repos_manager@orcltest'
    Installed Repository.
    4) Opened Oracle 9i Designer. I am able to connect
    as 'repos_manager/repos_manager@orcltest'
    But I am not able to logon as any other user in same database/ any other user in different database. Why?
    Please help me.

    duplicate thread, see this one -> Re: Oracle Designer Problem Please help me

  • I'm using ver 4.0.1.: every search yields only 4 rows (2 pages) of images. Is this a settings or design problem?

    I'm using version 4.0.1.: every search yields only 4 rows (2 pages) of images. Is this a settings or design problem? Its not a computer problem, as I get many screens of image rows when I use Internet Explorer.

    You may want to ask this in the Dreamweaver Extensions forum or the Extension Developer's own support forum. You will likely get faster answers there.
    Brad Lawryk
    Adobe Community Professional: Dreamweaver
    Northern British Columbia Adobe Usergroup: Manager
    Thompson Rivers University: Dreamweaver Instructor
    My Adobe Blog: http://blog.lawryk.com

  • Paviliion tx 1000 Overheating Destroys Motherboard - Design Problem

    I bought my son a Pavilion tx 1000 for college. The warranty recently expired, and now the motherboard needs to be replaced because of overheating. Two different computer diagnosticians have told me that this is a design problem caused by HP's use of environmentally-friendly soldering in laptops with processors that generate too much heat for the solder. HP has already recalled another model for this reason but has refused to address the same design issues with the tx 1000. We have been told to either replace the board for $400+ or buy a new computer. We are looking for avenues to push HP into solving the problem on the tx1000 the same way they have on other designs...with a recall. Any ideas?
    My son needs a laptop ASAP, but if we have to buy a new one it won't be an HP. I am also the CEO of a new start-up company that will need 300+ computers over the next year. If this problem is not fixed to my satisfaction, we will not have a single HP in the new company and will recommend avoiding HP to all our customers and vendors.

    I believe I am starting to have the same problem.  My laptop just ran out of warranty and though I cannot prove it, I believe it is overheating.  Both my daughter and I have a TX 1000 and we both noticed when we got them that the bottoms were way too hot to set in your lap (funny for a laptop).  The heat has always poured out of this thing. 
    I keep this laptop in the bedroom for cruising the web and usually only use it at night.  Regardless as of March 12, it began shutting itself down.  At first I thought it was a Windows update, but after doing all the appropriate removal, the problem is still there.  I can even feel the heat on the palm rest now.  And this is a well taken care of laptop, never been on trip, never moved around, banged, or mistreated.  Used mostly to cruise the web, write a few documents and balance my check book.  Sucks, huh?

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