Japplet jar file

hi friends.....
i have created an java project in which an japplet file is added. i searched allover in this folder but barring japplet class file and javafile there is not any other file created after running this japplet.
actually my quary is how can i find japplet jar file and is there any need of it for running japplet in jsp??
one mere question what is the role of html converter for running japplet in jsp and how can i find it??although i have read it from google but still not able to understand.
any help is much appreciated

URL url=myApplet.class.getResource("images/icons/up.gif");was giving null URL
Works for me (jre 1.4+), see link shown below:
Just curious, which jre are you using?
works fineSo, problem solved?

Similar Messages

  • Jar files and JApplet

    My applet class is using other classes in my package,
    So do i need to create a jar file and specify that jar file in <applet archieve = :myjar.jar"
    I did created the jar file , but its not loading up, the browser just says Loading java applet, what might be the reason, does it depends on size of jar file?
    or my tags are wrong.
    my applet tag is
    <applet archive = "myjar.jar"
    code = "front.class"
    width.. >
    the front.class file is also in myjar.jar.
    Any help....
    Also one more question,
    Can i call other applets within one applet class.
    I have a gui, when a particular button is clicked on applet
    i want to go to other applet, so how should i call it in that buttons action listner?
    And in my applet class i am using one other class from my package which actually coonects to databse through JDBC. now say i have a button on my applet whihc says "Connect", and when that button is clicked then I created object of my other class which makes connection
    through databse. So will this work from applet?

    my applet tag is
    <applet archive = "myjar.jar"
    code = "front.class"
    width.. >Just to get you started - if it is a JApplet, not an Applet, then you need to use different HTML tags, otherwise it won't work. If you have JDK1.3, look in the /bin directory - you should see a file called "HTMLConverter.bat" if it's there, cd to the directory where your HTML file is, and type
    "HTMLConverter wateverYourHTMLPageIsCalled.htm"
    (case sensitive - and remember to check whether its called ".htm" or ".html")
    When it has executed successfully, look at the source of your html - it should be different (<OBJECT> tags and lots of other stuff)
    If you have an older version of the JDK, or don't have HTMLConverter.bat, you can download it from Sun's website.
    Now you should be able to run your applet...
    Can i call other applets within one applet class.
    If you use "getAppletContext().showDocument(URL url)", this will replace the current html page with the new one - is that what you mean?
    And in my applet class i am using one other class from my package which actually
    coonects to databse through JDBC. now say i have a button on my applet
    whihc says "Connect", and when that button is clicked then I created object
    of my other class which makes connectionthrough databse.
    So will this work from applet?Should do :-)

  • Loading an image into an Applet from a JAR file

    Hello everyone, hopefully a simple question for someone to help me with!
    Im trying to load some images into an applet, currently it uses the JApplet.getImage(url) method just before registering with a media tracker, which works but for the sake of efficiency I would prefer the images all to be contained in the jar file as oppossed to being loaded individually from the server.
    Say I have a class in a package eg, 'com.mydomain.myapplet.class.bin' and an images contained in the file structure 'com.mydomain.myapplet.images.img.gif' how do I load it (and waiting for it to be loaded before preceeding?
    I've seen lots of info of the web for this but much of it is very old (pre 2000) and im sure things have changed a little since then.
    Thanks for any help!

    I don't touch applets, so I can't help you there, but here's some Friday Fun: tracking image loading.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.beans.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import javax.imageio.*;
    import javax.imageio.event.*;
    import javax.imageio.stream.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class ImageLoader extends SwingWorker<BufferedImage, Void> {
        private URL url;
        private JLabel target;
        private IIOReadProgressAdapter listener = new IIOReadProgressAdapter() {
            @Override public void imageProgress(ImageReader source, float percentageDone) {
            @Override public void imageComplete(ImageReader source) {
        public ImageLoader(URL url, JLabel target) {
            this.url = url;
            this.target = target;
        @Override protected BufferedImage doInBackground() throws IOException {
            ImageInputStream input = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(url.openStream());
            try {
                ImageReader reader = ImageIO.getImageReaders(input).next();
                return reader.read(0);
            } finally {
        @Override protected void done() {
            try {
                target.setIcon(new ImageIcon(get()));
            } catch(Exception e) {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e, "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
            final URL url = new URL("http://blogs.sun.com/jag/resource/JagHeadshot.jpg");
            EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
                public void run() {
        static void launch(URL url) {
            JLabel imageLabel = new JLabel();
            final JProgressBar progress = new JProgressBar();
            JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane(imageLabel);
            scroller.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(800,600));
            JPanel content = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
            content.add(scroller, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            content.add(progress, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
            JFrame f = new JFrame("ImageLoader");
            ImageLoader loader = new ImageLoader(url, imageLabel);
            loader.addPropertyChangeListener( new PropertyChangeListener() {
                 public  void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
                     if ("progress".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) {
                     } else if ("state".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) {
                         if (SwingWorker.StateValue.DONE == evt.getNewValue()) {
    abstract class IIOReadProgressAdapter implements IIOReadProgressListener {
        @Override public void imageComplete(ImageReader source) {}
        @Override public void imageProgress(ImageReader source, float percentageDone) {}
        @Override public void imageStarted(ImageReader source, int imageIndex) {}
        @Override public void readAborted(ImageReader source) {}
        @Override public void sequenceComplete(ImageReader source) {}
        @Override public void sequenceStarted(ImageReader source, int minIndex) {}
        @Override public void thumbnailComplete(ImageReader source) {}
        @Override public void thumbnailProgress(ImageReader source, float percentageDone) {}
        @Override public void thumbnailStarted(ImageReader source, int imageIndex, int thumbnailIndex) {}

  • How to list files from .jar file in applet?

    I have created applet and export all files to .jar file.
    I use File.list() method in applet to list files from one directory and that works ok but if I try to do that from web browser it sends exception AccessDenied meaning that File.list() isn't allowed in browser.
    I know what's the problem but I don't know how to solve it.
    What I want is to read from directory list of files.
    Help anyone?

    I will post here my code so that can be seen what I want to do:
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.io.BufferedReader;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStreamReader;
    import java.net.URLClassLoader;
    import java.nio.charset.Charset;
    import javax.swing.JApplet;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JTextPane;
    public class test extends JApplet {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
         private JPanel jContentPane = null;
         private JTextPane jTextPane = null;
          * This is the xxx default constructor
         public test() {
          * This method initializes this
          * @return void
         public void init() {
              this.setSize(449, 317);
          * This method initializes jContentPane
          * @return javax.swing.JPanel
         private JPanel getJContentPane() {
              if (jContentPane == null) {
                   jContentPane = new JPanel();
                   jContentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                   jContentPane.add(getJTextPane(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
              return jContentPane;
          * This method initializes jTextPane     
          * @return javax.swing.JTextPane     
         private JTextPane getJTextPane() {
              if (jTextPane == null) {
                   jTextPane = new JTextPane();
              return jTextPane;
         public void start(){
              File fileDir= new File("somedirectory");
              String strFiles[]= fileDir.list();
              String a="";
              for(int i =0;i<strFiles.length;i++){
    Method init() is irelevant, it just adds JTextPane in applet.
    Method start() is relevant, it runs normaly when started from Eclipse but from browser it sends exception AccessDenied.

  • How to handle 2 or more .jar files with an applet

    Hey out there
    I have created an ftpClient application that uses "jakarta ftpClient". It works fine as an JFrame application � But when I converted the Application into an JApplet I get the following Exception:
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/net/ftp/FTPClient
    I have bundled the main application into a .jar file (Application,jar). But I don't know how to handle the 2 jakarta .jar files with my JApplet??
    I Tried to append the 2 jakarta .jar files to the Application,jar with the following code:
    jar cvf Application.jar 1.class 2.class�. commons-net-1.4.1.jar jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar
    But with the same result / Exception (I have signed the Jar file!)
    Can anyone help me

    Hi i have a question with your application can you down- or upload more files at the same time? Because i'm having problems with my ftp application.
    Here is the link with my problem maybe you can help me. I will be very pleased when you can help me.

  • Applet in a .jar file?

    I want to program a program which can be used as application or as applet. Is it possible to create a .jar file and use something inside as applet? What would the <applet> tag look like?

    Sorry, I guess I thought you had this working already. In any case, here is an example of some JApplet code that runs either as an applet on a web page or as an application in a JFrame. It is the applet from the html-applet tag example I provided above. It is missing some classes, so it won't compile of course, but it shows all the applet vs. application code. This methodology also works in older non-swing applets ...just follow a technique similar to what you see below:
    If you didn't need to see this ...please just ignore it. Good luck.
    /** Applet or application example. */
    public class RasterGameOfLife extends javax.swing.JApplet {
      RasterLifeCanvas canvas;                // The drawing area
      RasterLifeCanvas.LifeControls controls; // The drawing controls
      /** the applets init method sets up some gui components */
      public void init() {
        canvas = new RasterLifeCanvas();
        controls = canvas.getControls();
        getContentPane().setLayout( new java.awt.BorderLayout() );
        getContentPane().add( "Center", canvas );
        getContentPane().add( "South", controls );
      /** the applets destroy method cleans up after execution */
      public void destroy() {
        remove( controls );
        remove( canvas );
      /** the applets start method enables and begins an animation sequence */
      public void start() {
        controls.setEnabled( true );
      /** the applets stop method stops and disables an animation sequence */
      public void stop() {
        controls.setEnabled( false );
       * main is where the alternative application code is placed
       * this code does not execute when the program is run as an applet
      public static void main(String args[]) {
        javax.swing.JFrame f = new javax.swing.JFrame();      // create a JFrame for the application
        final RasterGameOfLife life = new RasterGameOfLife(); // create an instance of the applet
        life.init();     // Manually call the init method
        life.start();    // Manually call the start method
        f.addWindowListener( new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
          public void windowClosing( java.awt.event.WindowEvent e ) {
            life.stop(); // Manually call the stop method
        f.getContentPane().add( "Center", life );
        // or sometimes I use this alternative to get the applets contentPane
        //f.getContentPane().add( "Center", life.getContentPane() );
        f.setSize( 734, 435 );

  • Where do I download .jar file..?

    I have an JApplet, but it does not show on the web. Is there a .jar file I can implement in my project, and where can I find it?
    In advance thanx!!!

    You will need a plugin with your browser to display swing applets. Should work with IE6 and NS6 if you have the java plugin as well. If you use older browsers, I believe you need to modify the html page also (with the htmlconverter that comes with jdk1.3.x), since they use their own internal java, which is from before swing came out (1.1.x).

  • Issues with Loading Images from a Jar File

    This code snippet basically loops through a jar of gifs and loads them into a hashmap to be used later. The images all load into the HashMap just fine, I tested and made sure their widths and heights were changing as well as the buffer size from gif to gif. The problem comes in when some of the images are loaded to be painted they are incomplete it looks as though part of the image came through but not all of it, while other images look just fine. The old way in which we loaded the graphics didn't involve getting them from a jar file. My question is, is this a common problem with loading images from a jar from an applet? For a while I had tried to approach the problem by getting the URL of the image in a jar and passing that into the toolkit and creating the image that way, I was unsuccessful in getting that to work.
    //app is the Japplet
    MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(app);
    //jf represents the jar file obj, enum for looping through jar entries
    Enumeration e = jf.entries();
    Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
    //buffer for reading image stream
    byte buffer [];
    fileName = e.nextElement().toString();
    InputStream inputstream = jf.getInputStream(jf.getEntry(fileName));
    buffer = new byte[inputstream.available()];
    currentIm = toolkit.createImage(buffer);
    tracker.addImage(currentIm, 0);
    images.put(fileName.substring(0, fileName.indexOf(".")), currentIm);
    } //while
    catch(Exception e)

    compressed files are not the problem. It is just the problem of the read not returning all the bytes. Here is a working implementation:
    InputStream is = jar.getInputStream(entry);
    ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
    byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
    int read;
    while((read = is.read(buf)) > 0) {
    os.write(buf, 0, read);
    catch(Exception e){
         return null;
    image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(os.toByteArray());
    This works but I think you end up opening the jar a second time and downloading it from the server again. Another way of getting the images is using the class loader:
    InputStream is = MyApplet.class.getResourceAsStream(strImageName);
    In this case, the image file needs to be at the same level than MyApplet.class but you don't get the benefit of enumerating of the images available in the jar.

  • Jar file and gif file

    why jar file cant load the .gif file? is it need to specify the directory for the .gif file in jar? when i run my applet, that can't load the picture, what is the problem? below is my code:
    public static final ImageIcon ICON_FOLDER =new ImageIcon("folder.gif");
    for (int i=0; i<v.size(); i++) {
                   FileNode nd = (FileNode)v.elementAt(i);
                   IconData idata = new IconData(DirTree.ICON_FOLDER,
                        DirTree.ICON_EXPANDEDFOLDER, nd);
                   DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new
                   if (nd.hasSubDirs())
                        node.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(
                             new Boolean(true) ));

    if the image is in your jar file,maybe you can use:
    public static final ImageIcon ICON_FOLDER =new ImageIcon(this.class.getResource("folder.gif"));
    variable "this" stands for your class which extends Applet or JApplet
    ...I'm not sure

  • Jar files. HELP!!!

    Hi Im having trouble interacting with a database via an applet. I have to create a JAR file? Im highly confused on how to set up this an allow my class file to have the needed permission?

    you don't need a JAR to make an applet contact a database, however you need the JDBC driver or use the JDBC-ODBC bridge..
    this is a simple test applet I have created to add a record to a database table, it uses the mySQL JDBC driver...check it out:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class AppletAlphabet extends JApplet implements ActionListener {
         JButton buttonOK = new JButton("Add Record");
         JTextField firstname = new JTextField();
         JTextField lastname = new JTextField();
         JTextField address = new JTextField();
         void buildConstraints(
              GridBagConstraints gbc,
              int gx,
              int gy,
              int gw,
              int gh,
              int wx,
              int wy) {
              gbc.gridx = gx;
              gbc.gridy = gy;
              gbc.gridwidth = gw;
              gbc.gridheight = gh;
              gbc.weightx = wx;
              gbc.weighty = wy;
         public void init() {
              JPanel pane = new JPanel();
              GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout();
              GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
              buildConstraints(constraints, 0, 0, 1, 1, 5, 40);
              constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
              constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
              JLabel label1 = new JLabel("First Name: ", JLabel.LEFT);
              gridbag.setConstraints(label1, constraints);
              buildConstraints(constraints, 0, 1, 1, 1, 5, 40);
              constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
              constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
              JLabel label2 = new JLabel("Last Name: ", JLabel.LEFT);
              gridbag.setConstraints(label2, constraints);
              buildConstraints(constraints, 0, 2, 1, 1, 5, 40);
              constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
              constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
              JLabel label3 = new JLabel("Address: ", JLabel.LEFT);
              gridbag.setConstraints(label3, constraints);
              buildConstraints(constraints, 1, 0, 1, 1, 70, 40);
              constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              gridbag.setConstraints(firstname, constraints);
              buildConstraints(constraints, 1, 1, 1, 1, 70, 40);
              constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              gridbag.setConstraints(lastname, constraints);
              buildConstraints(constraints, 1, 2, 1, 1, 70, 40);
              constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              gridbag.setConstraints(address, constraints);
              buildConstraints(constraints, 1, 3, 1, 1, 20, 40);
              constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
              gridbag.setConstraints(buttonOK, constraints);
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
              Object source = evt.getSource();
              if (source == buttonOK) {
                   /*     System.out.println(
                                  + ","
                                  + lastname.getText()
                                  + ","
                                  + address.getText()
                                  + "��");*/
                   if ((firstname.getText().compareTo("") != 0)
                        && (lastname.getText().compareTo("") != 0)
                        && (address.getText().compareTo("") != 0))
                   else {
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "All fields are required");
                   //     System.out.println("all fields required");
         public void addRecord() {
              String query =
                   "INSERT INTO TESTTABLE VALUES('"
                        + firstname.getText()
                        + "','"
                        + lastname.getText()
                        + "','"
                        + address.getText()
                        + "','zorro')";
              try {
                   Connection conn =
                   Statement st = conn.createStatement();
              } catch (Exception ex) {
                        "Failed Operation:\n " + ex.getMessage());
    }I hope it helps :)

  • JApplet jar signing

    My requirement is to bring a set of files from the server to the client thru JApplet..
    (Japplet,jdk1.3,weblogic,jre1.3) is the environment.
    I know that the jar file has to signed etc.. but is there any way by which i can accomplish this
    without jar signing..
    If it is not possible, is there any way to test the jar signing (any trial version etc).I just want to
    test it before buying the Verisign etc..
    Could any one help me on this...

    Can we customize sign_webutil.bat to do this?Yes, you can. Only be careful to webutil password

  • Application working under NetBeans but not as a *.jar file

    recently I found a little problem. I wrote application that shows all available ports in my computer. When I am running this applications under NetBeans it works with no problem - finds all available ports. Then I am building it to the *.jar file. Application is working with no problem but command:
    Enumeration PortIds = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifiers();
    is not returning any identifiers - PortIds is empty.
    Anyone knows a solution for this type of problems? Thanks

    Hi Venkatesh,
    Few questions.
    1. What is your JDeveloper version? (Always better to post your JDev version along with the question, which would help us to help you better).
    2. Did you try adding webserviceclient.jar to the classpath? (Search in your JDev installation directory for the location of this jar file).

  • .jar file is not working properly :developed in NETBEANS

    Hi Gurus,
    i am using NETBEANS IDE 7.2.
    i am developing a project that interacts with databases 10g and COM ports of machine , these all processes are performed by .bat file which i am trying to run from jFramform , code works perfectly .bat file is also called perfectly when i run the project using F6 from the NETBEANS, for testing i placed some dialogue boxes on the form to test it ,
    but when i run executable .jar  file , form run successfully and dialogue box works perfectly but .bat file is not called by executable .jar file.
    this is how i call the .bat file...
      String filePath = "D:/pms/Libraries/portlib.bat";  
            try { 
              Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(filePath); 
            } catch (Exception e) { 
    and below is the contents of portlib.bat file
    java -jar "D:\SMS\SMS\dist\SMS.jar" 
    you must probably ask why i am calling a .jar file using .bat file .
    reason is that this .jar project sends message using GSM mobile , System.exit(); is compulsory to complete a job and then do the next one ,
    if i use the same file to execute this job it makes exit to entire the application (hope you can understand my logic).
    that's why i use extra .jar file in .bat file , when single job is completed .bat exits itself and new command is given.
    Problem is that code is working perfectly in NETBEANS when i run the project but when i run .jar then .bat file is not working  ,

    Thanks Sir ,
    You need to first test an example that works like the one in the article.
    There are plenty of other examples on the web - find one you like:
    I tried this one.
      try {
                ProcessBuilder dirProcess = new ProcessBuilder("D:/SMS/SMS/Send_message.bat");
                 File commands = new File("D:/SMS/SMS/Send_message.bat");
                 File dirOut = new File("C:/process/out.txt");
                 File dirErr = new File("C:/process/err.txt");
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(mainform.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    as instructed in the article i compiled  both the projects at same version or sources and libraries which is 1.7
    here is my version details
    C:\>javac -version
    javac 1.7.0_07
    C:\>java -version
    java version "1.7.0_07"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_07-b11)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 23.3-b01, mixed mode, sharing)
    inside the NETBEANS IDE c:\process\err.txt  remains empty and code works perfectly , but when I run executable .jar file( by double clicking on that file in dist directry) then c:\process\err.txt becomes full with this error text and there is no response from calling D:\SMS\SMS\send_message.bat
    here is the error text
    java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: sms/SMSMAIN (Unsupported major.minor version 51.0)
      at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
      at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
      at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
      at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
      at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
      at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
      at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
      at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
      at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
      at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
      at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
      at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
    Exception in thread "main"
    here is /SMS/SMS
    unknown source ?

  • Unable to load database driver from my applet's jar file

    I'm trying to set up an applet that will talk to a MySQL database. I have no problem connecting to the database as I'm developing the code ("un-jarred"), but when I create a jar file of my code to test through a web browser, I cannot connect to the database due to the usual ClassNotFoundException. I have included mysql-connector-java-3.1.12-bin.jar (the current driver) in the jar, but I don't know if I'm supposed to supply some info through an attribute to the applet tag to let it know that the jar contains the driver it needs or if I have to call the driver differently in my code.
    Any help is appreciated, thanks.

    The simplest approach is always the best. :)Abso-lutely.
    Awesome, that worked perfectly. I Included the extra
    jar file in the applet tag and now my applet makes
    some sweet lovin' to the database.And you have succeeded where thousands have failed. Congratulations.

  • Crystal Report not works in JAR File

    I'm using Eclipse All in one, which includes Crystal Reports.. I Connected my Java program with Crystal Reports and its working properly. Now my problem is that the Report is not working in JAR files.. It throws some exception as
    "com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.lib.ReportSDKException: com.businessobjects
    com.businessobjects.reports.sdk.JRCCommunicationAdapter---- Error code:-2147215357 Error code name:internal"
    Whats the Error.. I don't know. I think that i may missed some CLASSPATH Files. The included CLASSPATH Files are:
    and the mysql-connector jar file
    Anybody help me please...

    Unable to load database connector
    now you have any idea.. pleaseIs that a typo where you have two periods below?
    queryengine..driverImplOther than that I don't think anybody here can help you with that. If your classpath includes all necessary JAR files and you are able to access all your resources from within your application JAR file, then I imagine there is a problem with the third-party crystal decisions JAR file or how you are attempting to use it.
    My advice to you is to try and contact support with the vendor or provider of this API or possibly try posting on a support forum on their website to see if somebody can help you there.

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