Jasper Report  Integration Examples

Can any one of you send examples/source/link that shows how to implement jasper report in JAVA .I tried it in google.but i won't wrok. A simple and detailed example that shows finally how a PDF is generated

Can any one of you send examples/source/link that shows how to implement jasper report in JAVA .I tried it in google.but i won't wrok. A simple and detailed example that shows finally how a PDF is generated

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  • Jasper Reports Integration - beta release

    Hi guys,
    I have finally found the time to release the Jasper Reports Integration package for producing print ready reports.
    You can find all the details here: http://daust.blogspot.com/2010/01/jasper-reports-integration-beta-release.html
    Anybody is welcome to try the software and join the beta program.

    Hi Wolfgang,
    Now it works as expected!That's the way I like it ;).
    I would like to save the report in a user table with a blob field, how can this be achieved?Easy, this is even already part of the test application.
    On the Report Tester tab you will find a button called "Get report as BLOB, then display". It calls the following page process:
       l_blob        BLOB;
       l_mime_type   VARCHAR2 (100);
       xlog ('PRC_GET_REPORT_TUNNEL', 'url (orig):' || :p5_report_url);
       -- generate the report and return in BLOB
       xlib_jasperreports.set_report_url (:p5_jasper_report_url);
                                    (p_rep_name               => :p5_rep_name,
                                     p_rep_format             => :p5_rep_format,
                                     p_data_source            => :p5_data_source,
                                     p_rep_locale             => :p5_rep_locale,
                                     p_rep_encoding           => :p5_rep_encoding,
                                     p_additional_params      => :p5_additional_params,
                                     p_out_blob               => l_blob,
                                     p_out_mime_type          => l_mime_type
       -- set mime header
       OWA_UTIL.mime_header (ccontent_type      => l_mime_type,
                             bclose_header      => FALSE);
       -- set content length
       HTP.p ('Content-length: ' || DBMS_LOB.getlength (l_blob));
       -- download the file and display in browser
       WPG_DOCLOAD.download_file (l_blob);
       -- release resources
       DBMS_LOB.freetemporary (l_blob);
       -- stop rendering of APEX page
       apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := TRUE;
    END;Once you have the blob you can store it in a database table, done!
    There is only one tricky part. Should the Tomcat throw an exception then it will return a html error page (http code 200=ok). The request is perfectly valid but a human can see the error message.
    The API should throw an exception on that. A bit tricky once other J2EE servers are supported or the error messages vary.
    BTW: do you plan any additional features ?Perhaps, what are you looking for?

  • Apex and Jasper Report Integration

    Hi all,
    If someone was interested to try another way for pdf generation from an apex application can try our Report Chunker based on Jasper Report and now avaiable to download on :
    The latest release includes an APEX DEMO APPLICATION.
    Any feedback will be welcome.
    Edited by: NeOGeO on 23-set-2008 1.28

    A few points here.
    You need to state what permissions are required.
    eg create table, create sequence, create trigger, read/write directory.
    You should also mention the authentication method you use.
    Fortunately I could figure that out myself.
    Now bearing in mind I am your typical target audience, I have no knowledge of Jasper reports, and very little knowledge of java and xml. So I'm now stuck as I don't know what to use for the xml layout or how to write my report.
    At least provide an example xml layout, a example report and a link to where the reports cab be obtained.
    If we need to have anything on the system before we start (eg jasper reports) then this should also be stated (including minimum required version)
    Thats it. Unfortunately I can't go any further until I know more.

  • Jasper Reports Integration - JNDI datasources

    I wish to use Jasper Reports to create a few reports with Bar Charts which I send to users via emails from APEX.
    The system versions I am running is:-
    Product Build:
    CORE Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
    I been installing Jasper Report following http://www.opal-consulting.de/apex/f?p=20090928:4
    In following the instructions I got as far as Tomcat installation point 7 where the JNDI datasourcse is defined.
    I the installations file \conf\Catalina\localhost\JasperReportsIntegration.xml should of been created. In case it has not
    Have I misunderstood the instructions?
    Thanks, Pete

    Hi Pete,
    Yes, you should install iReport to design your reports.
    I'm not completely sure about what you mean with "the format of the classpath". I guess you refer to the "classpath" tab in Tools > Options (?).
    A default installation of iReport does not allow you to create datasources of type Oracle JDBC driver. The JasperReportsIntegration kit includes a lib folder that contains two .jar files (ojdbc14.jar and orai18n.jar). Copy these two files to the following location: C:\Program Files\Jaspersoft\iReport-4.6.0\ireport\modules\ext. Then in iReport, go to Options > Tools and hit the classpath button. Click the button "Add JAR" and select the two .jar files from above. These steps make it possible to create a new datasource of type Oracle JDBC driver. I hope this answers your question. If not, provide more information and I'll get back to you...
    Don't mind the JasperReports Server by the way. The JasperReportsIntegration kit includes all the files you need to install and configure JasperReports.

  • Jasper report integration in Oracle BPM

    Hello friends
    We'r working on an application using Oracle BPM 11g (
    What we are looking for is to have the ability to generate reports using iReport (jasper).
    Using help from the previous thread below ,we have been able to call a report without any input parameters and by calling the servlet directly.
    Re: generating jasper reports in Oracle BPM
    What we're trying to do here is to have some input parameters for our report.
    I'm trying to do this using a java class, but haven't found any sample to show me the way and samples I've found didn't work in Oracle BPM
    Can anyone help me with this?
    Thank you

    I have finally solved my problem.
    The problem was that I could not send the input parameter to the servlet.
    Here is my code:
    in my java class:
    public String actionRunReport() throws Exception {
            // Add event code here...
            String emp = null;
            if (getEmployeeID().getValue() != null) {
                emp = getEmployeeID().getValue().toString();
            } else {
                emp = "1";
            FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
            HttpServletRequest request =
            HttpServletResponse response =
            request.setAttribute("empId", emp);
            return null;
        }in my servlet:
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
                           HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,
                                                                IOException {
            //OutputStream ouputStream = null;
            try {
                Connection conn = Connect.createConnection();
                String reportSource = "C:\\reports\\templates\\guarantees.jrxml";
                InputStream input = new FileInputStream(new File(reportSource));
                JasperDesign design = JRXmlLoader.load(input);
                JasperReport report = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(design);
                Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                params.put("reportTitle", "Guarantees");
                params.put("author", "Milad");
                params.put("startDate", (new java.util.Date()).toString());
                params.put("empId", request.getAttribute("empId"));
                JasperPrint jasperPrint =
                    JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, params, conn);
                OutputStream ouputStream = response.getOutputStream();
                JRExporter exporter = null;
                exporter = new JRPdfExporter();
            } catch (Exception ex) {
        }In jspx page::
    <af:commandButton text="Run report" id="cb1"
       action="#{printBean.actionRunReport}"/>in web.xml:

  • I need Jasper Report example

    I need example on how to generate Reports by using Jasper. So if any one having any link pls just send me.
    Thank you in advance

    For Creating Jasper Report u need to import these packages
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint;
    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrintManager;
    public boolean compileReport()
    try {
    JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile("path of fileName.jrxml");
    catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("compile exception " + fileName + ", " + e);
    return false;
    return true;
    public JasperPrint fillReport()
    try {
    JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport("fileName.jasper", <parameters if u use any in Jasper Report Design else give null>, new JRFieldLevelAuditSource(data));
    return jasperPrint;
    } catch (JRException e) {
    return null;
    public void print(JasperPrint jasperPrint) {
    try {
    JasperPrintManager.printReport(jasperPrint, true);
    } catch (JRException e)

  • Example in jasper report

    pls give me the soln...
    how to create jasper report in java. and how the jrxml convert to jasper ..and where we need to comopile these files....
    how to use these in tomcat...pls give me a suggestion...

    Although this is not a relevant post . Let me tell you.
    You will need an IREPORT tool to make templates for the Jasperrepot. Then you will have to create a servlet in Java which will read this template XML and popultae the data with either request variables or through query.
    You will easliy get that sample servlet on IBM developers network.
    But you will need to learn IREPORT for creating templates for Reports.

  • Integrating Jasper Reports with BPM Inbox

    BPM Dashboard has click able graphics which drill down the Inbox with the filtered results.
    Now we are using Jasper Reports for building Dashboard. We want to implement the same type of drill down functionality with Jasper Charts.
    Does anyone know how to filter the inbox like BPM Dashboard does ?

    More comments...
    When clicked on a chart in BPM Dashboard, it makes an AJAX call to get the updated chart information. While getting the chart information the call also updates the filter criteria in a predefined View. This view should have the required Filter criteria defined.
    After getting the response from the server.. Dashboard re-directs the parent window to a URL which displays the Filtered results.
    Now we are checking on how to make this AJAX call from Jasper report.

  • How to run multiple sqls in one jasper report

    Is there any one that can help me in integrating/ viewing my xml file to the web. I have my GUI in jsp format, the jsp makes a call to the bean class and then finally bean class hit my reports java class.The report java class generates the report and shows it in the new window.
    The problem is with writing mutiple sql queries and showing the result from multiple sql queires in one report.
    I do not know how to write multiple queries for just 1 report. I can give a simple example of my problem also.
    My report is as follows:
    First Name Middle Name Last name
    Sandeep               Pathak
    Now First and Middle Name come from 1st sql query and Last Name comes from 2nd sql query.
    I want to join the result obtained from both the sql queries in one Jasper Report (not as 2 separate sections but as one section).
    My problem is how to view my report in the web. furthermore, how to make complex query in jasperassistant, like multiple table in one query, because i�m integrating multiple query in one form or sheets of paper.
    Please help me in this.

    Hi Sheldon,
    we never have issues when we combine standard objects, like a cliear with a load inforprovider, or the master data integration you mentioned in your document. However, from the moment we combine a script logic with a standard package (like a move) it does not work .The data package contains the task needed for the script and for the move. the process chain is called up but always comes in error in the first step (BPC modify dynamically ) ... there is also no log when checking the view status ...
    I can sent you some screenshots if you like ...

  • How to generate jasper report in pdf format using swing

    hi all,
    im new to swing and jasper.. can anybody provide me some example on how to generate the jasper report in pdf format? i will call the reportManager from sessionBean.. below is my code:
    public GenerateReportDto generateIntoPdfReport(String fileName, String outputFileName, Map parameters){
    GenerateReportDto generateReportDto = getAuditTrailServiceRemote().generateIntoPdfReport(fileName, outputFileName, parameters);
    return generateReportDto;
    public GenerateReportDto generateIntoPdfReport(String fileName, String outputFileName, Map parameters){
    //Map parameters = new HashMap();
    ReportManager reportManager = new ReportManager();
    public void generateIntoPdfReport(String fileName, String outputFileName, Map parameters) {
              Connection conn = null;
              try {
                   conn = dataSource.getConnection();
                   //Generate the report to bytes
                   File reportFile = new File(fileName);               
                   byte[] bytes =
              //Write the bytes to a file
              ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
              File file = new File(outputFileName);
              // (if the file exists)
              boolean append = false;
              // Create a writable file channel
              FileChannel wChannel = new FileOutputStream(file, append).getChannel();
              // Write the ByteBuffer contents; the bytes between the ByteBuffer's
              // position and the limit is written to the file
              // Close the file
              } finally {
                   if (conn != null) {
    Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance

    Hi ,
    One 'simple' way is by using the DBMS_SCHEDULER db package and the procedure CREATE_JOB(....) using as job_type the value 'EXECUTABLE'...
    Read for further info in 'PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference'.
    If you have access to OEM ... you can configure this there using wizard.....
    Other way is to use the External Procedure call capabiblity of Oracle DB Server...:
    My greetings,

  • Jasper report s

    Hi can someone plz tell me integration of ireport with Myeclipse
    or how can i use jasper report as i want reports to hav output in pdf and html and i'm using spring/hibernate as persistence .
    thanks in advance.

    Hi Shariff,
    have you already googled for "apex integrate jasper"? It returns several how-to's.
    My Blog: http://www.inside-oracle-apex.com
    APEX Plug-Ins: http://apex.oracle.com/plugins
    Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/patrickwolf

  • How to open a jasper report (html URL)

    currently we are testing the jasper report engine. We are already able to open such a report from forms by a forms personalization.
    Now we want to run a concurrent report where the output should be a link to a jasper report.
    For example:
    I start the request "open jasper report" with parameter "001". After successful finishing the request should give me a link like "http://jasper/myreport&parameter=001" which will be opened in a new browser tab.
    Well, is it possible to open a URL by using a concurrent request?

    Hi Josef;
    Please check
    How to open an URL with PLSQL FUNCTION?
    Hope it helps

  • How to set the backcolor of an element in jasper report dynamically

    I've just start using jasper report for my project. I have a problem that : my report will show some records get from database, I want some data field on report must have "red" backcolor according to its value, for example : if a text value is 3 its back color is red, and others value its backcolor is transparent. I don't know if there are some way to control jasper report script as I use java code in html file.
    Please help me, thanks,

    I had the same problem. There are two ways (as far as I know) to solve it.
    - if you only want to highlight some fields you can create a rectangle with your color and set the printWhenExpression
    - if you want to set the color from your DataSource, you can use styled text. Just select styled text from the font panel and use the <style> element in the textFieldExpression like:
    "<style backcolor=\"" + $F{COLOR} + "</style>" Hope this helps

  • Export Jasper Report Through JSP(using parameters)

    Hi All ;
    Please I need A help ;
    I need to use a Jasper Report in my jsp pages using parameters ;
    can some one tell me how i can do it by steps & with example ;
    note that i use Oracle Data Base;

    I would start off reading a JasperReports tutorial.
    Here is a list of all JasperReports tutorials available on the world wide web:

  • Integrate jsf, jboss and jasper reports

    Hi there!
    I've a problem with integration jboss with jasper reports and jsf. Which jasper classes do I have to place on a server and what jboss files do I need to configure? How can I run jasper report from the jsf page? Any information on this subject will be very usefull.
    Thanx for help in advance.

    Unless I have totally misunderstood your question, I think you have posted this question in the wrong forum. This forum is dedicated to developer questions about JSR 208 (Java Business Integration), a specification from the JCP that describes a service-oriented integration architecture. In this realm, integration means getting separate applications and messaging systems to interoperate, when they were never designed to do so. Your question sounds like you want to install particular technologies into jboss; this is a very different use of the term "integration".

Maybe you are looking for

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