Java API to find group members?

I need to find a way to list all the members of a group.
There're only two similar methods in the oracle OID java API. Group.isMember() and Util.getGroupMemberShip().
Is there something like Group.getGroupMembers(), or Util.getGroupMembers()?
If not, do I have to query the OID myself? Thanks!

You can do it using JNDI - e.g: I have posted a code snippet here that shows my isGroupMember method. The method checks if a user belongs to a Group
* The method isMemberInGroup checks if a user is a member of a group. The
* method relies on the Context provided by the calling method.
* @throws java.lang.Exception
* @throws javax.naming.NamingException
* @return bIsMemberInGroup true, if the user is a member of the group.
* @param objDirContext the DirContext provided by the calling method.
* @param strGroupDN the DN of the Group.
* @param strMemberDN the DN of the Member.
public boolean isMemberInGroup(String strMemberDN,
String strGroupDN,
DirContext objDirContext)
throws NamingException, Exception
SearchControls objSearchControls = new SearchControls();
String[] strAttributes = new String[]{};
String strFilter = null;
boolean bIsMemberInGroup          = false;
NamingEnumeration objNamingEnumeration;
strFilter = "(&(uniquemember="+strMemberDN+")(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames))";
objNamingEnumeration =, strFilter, objSearchControls);
bIsMemberInGroup = objNamingEnumeration.hasMore();
catch(NamingException objNamingException)
catch(Exception objException)
return bIsMemberInGroup;
}// end of isMemberInGroup method
You can find many such examples on popular Java Websites....

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         at a2i.common.CatalogData.AddRecord(Unknown Source)
         at a2i.common.CatalogData.AddRecord(Unknown Source)</i>
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    String filePath = "C:\temp\Sunset.jpg";
    File file = new File(filePath);
    byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) file.length()];
         //read byte from file, and set the large data
         FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);;
         mdmFields.Add(new A2iField("Data ID", new Value(bytes)));
    }catch(IOException ioex){
    int dataGroupId = 0;//Hardcoded it to 0. There is one group already in the repository
    mdmFields.Add(new A2iField("Data Group ID", new Value(dataGroupId)));
    //adding the name
    mdmFields.Add(new A2iField("Name", new Value(file.getName())));
    mdmFields.Add(new A2iField("Original Name", new Value(file.getName())));
    //adding OrigLocationId
    int origLocationId =0;
         origLocationId = catalog.AddDataLocation(filePath, 0, DataLocationType.ComputerLocation);
         System.out.println("Location id generated is " +origLocationId);
    }catch(StringException ex){
         System.out.println("Error while generating the location id");
    mdmFields.Add(new A2iField("Original Location ID", new Value(origLocationId)));
    try {
         //adding the image to the "Images" table
         int newImageId = catalog.AddRecord("Images", mdmFields, 0, 0);
    } catch (StringException e) {
         // TODO Auto-generated catch block
         System.out.println("Error while adding the image record " + e.GetErrorCode() + "  " + e.GetRCMessage(e.GetErrorCode()));
    I am not able to figure out what is causing the problem. Any ideas would be greatly helpful. Thanks in advance.

    Hi Mausam,
    Thanks for your help. However, the problem doesn't seem to be going.
    I printed the records in the <b>Data Groups</b> table using a program to find the record ids that are already existing. My Data Groups table has 3 records. Here are the values.
    ID :1 Value :MyGroup
    ID :2 Value :Group2
    ID :3 Value :Group3
    I tried passing all the above 3 values (1,2,3) as input to the <b>Data Group ID</b> field. However, this time, I am getting a different error code this time
    Error while adding the image record -2147483647  No message for RC (0x80000001)
    a2i.core.StringException: AddRecord error
         at a2i.common.CatalogData.AddRecord(Unknown Source)
         at a2i.common.CatalogData.AddRecord(Unknown Source)
         at images.MyImageUpload.uploadImage(
    The error code <b>2147483647</b>  from the javadocs says <b>RC_BADPARAM</b>. Not able to figure out what exactly is causing the problem with Data Group ID.
    Any ideas or pointers to solve this would be greatly helpful. Thanks in advance.
    > Hi Suman,
    > If you look at the description for the error code,
    > Try giving some other value ( 1 worked for me ) in
    > the Data Group or try following the code given for
    > the Data Group in other forum post that you have
    > mentioned.
    > Regards,
    > Mausam

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    Hi Bill,
    thanks for your very interesting hint .
    I run the query you posted and actually got the following output. But the displayed linegroups are only a subset from my configured 79 linegroups . Is there a possibility to display all linegroups with all corresponding DNs and can i display this information for only one linegroup?
    When i know the queery that satisfy my claims, i will write a small web application that uses the AXL-SOAP API.
    Regards, Robert
    admin:run sql select as LineGroup,n.dnorpattern,dhd.hlog from linegroup as lg inner join linegroupnumplanmap as lgmap on lgmap.fklinegroup=lg.pkid inner join numplan as n on lgmap.fknumplan = n.pkid inner join devicenumplanmap as dmap on dmap.fknumplan = n.pkid inner join device as d on dmap.fkdevice=d.pkid inner join devicehlogdynamic as dhd on dhd.fkdevice=d.pkid order by
    linegroup                      dnorpattern     hlog
    ============================== =============== ====
    LG_A-Ulr4_Augsburg_9965077_235 \+498215075234  f
    LG_A-Ulr4_Augsburg_9965077_235 \+498215075209  f
    LG_A-Ulr4_Augsburg_9965077_235 \+498215075224  f
    LG_A-Ulr4_Augsburg_9965077_235 \+498215075226  f
    LG_A-Ulr4_Augsburg_9965077_235 \+498215075227  f
    LG_A-Ulr4_Augsburg_9965079_300 \+498215075327  f
    LG_A-Ulr4_Augsburg_9965079_300 \+498215075306  f
    LG_AB-Fried17_9965006          \+496021391713  f
    LG_AB-Fried17_9965006          \+496021391714  f
    LG_AB-Fried17_9965006          \+496021391721  f
    LG_AB-Fried17_9965006          \+496021391727  f
    LG_AM-Mar9_9965004             \+499621474921  f
    LG_BT-Sch9_9965010             \+4992189423    f
    LG_DD-Fet29_9965014            \+493514459055  t
    LG_HO-Bah1_9965020             \+4992818194122 f
    LG_KE-Moz31_9965024            \+498315215110  f
    LG_LA-Dre11_9965025            \+498714308419  f
    LG_LA-Dre12_9965026            \+498719239113  f
    LG_Mue-Sta41_9965029           \+498631386227  f
    LG_N-KOEN11_9965034            \+4991124039112 f
    LG_N-KOEN11_9965034            \+4991124039142 f
    LG_N-KOEN11_9965034            \+4991124039110 f
    LG_N-Ste6_9965057_400          \+499112428403  f
    LG_N-Ste6_9965058_450          \+499112428455  f
    LG_NES-Sie2_9965008            \+499771610413  f
    LG_NES-Sie2_9965008            \+499771610421  f
    LG_NM-Bah12_9965030            \+499181293312  f
    LG_PA-Kle13_9965035            \+498519594109  f
    LG_PA-Kle13_9965035            \+498519594113  f
    LG_PAN-Drb12_9965036           \+498561961225  t
    LG_PAN-Drb12_9965036           \+498561961224  f
    LG_R-Her2_9965068_400          \+499413783414  f
    LG_TS-Bah26_9965040            \+498619887312  f
    LG_Voicemail                   997005          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997006          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997007          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997008          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997009          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997010          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997011          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997012          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997013          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997014          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997015          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997016          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997017          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997018          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997019          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997020          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997021          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997022          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997023          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997024          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997025          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997026          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997027          t
    LG_Voicemail                   997028          t
    LG_WEN-Buer16_9965041          \+499614820413  t
    LG_WEN-Buer16_9965041          \+499614820415  f
    LG_WM-Puet35_9965042           \+49881922927   f

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