Java code for database synchronization for every transaction

we have 10 stores each one have their own database . transaction happens in stores. If at all any transaction happen first this transaction update should happen it's own data base.After that immediately this updation should happen for central database. All stores can connect to this central database. After updation happen in this central data base this updation should happen for rest of all stores .
this updation should happen for every transaction. Please help me for above scenario.

So you have 11 instances of a database and you want that any changes to one of them should be replicated to the other 10?
Sorry, there isn't a "code snippet" for that. Google for "reliable database replication" to see what you are getting yourself into.

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    What is the use of Tcode SE80.How can we make use of this transaction?

    SE80 - Object Navigator
    se80 is a tool to develope and navigate programs and dd-obj.
    SE80 Object Navigator - > means all the objects qill be available there.
    in se80 in addition to viewing the objects related to programming and classess, there are more priviliges to view such as some other repositories suchas mime, object repository,object browser and all..
    The 2 editors are se38 and se80 both have the abap editor in place. In se38 you can go create programs and view online reports and basically do all thedevelopmet of objects in this editor. In se80 ( object navigator) there are additional features such as creating packages,module pool , function group ,classes, programs ( where you can create ur programs) and BSP applications .
    SE38, u will get more space in editor when u compare with the SE80 screen, the tree structure available will occupy more space so it will be eay for us to code.
    If u want to do any special navigation then u can got to SE80, but there is no specific reason.
    It depends on teh users convineince.
    se80 is to navigate to every object .....
    but everytime there is no need to navigate to several steps and go to abap editor.
    So there certain transactions which takes us to directly to the objects such as SE38 for abapaeditor
    SE37 for function module
    SE93 for creating transaction codes...etc.
    U can also traverse to se80 from SE38 itself using CtrlShiftF5.
    SE 38 ->Abap Editor thru which we can create/modify the programs.
    SE80 ->Object Navigator thru which we can navigate to many areas like message classes,Function modules,application areas,transactions, programs etc.

  • Color names in Java code format.  Looking for the 216 safe colors.

    Color names and associated values are available in HTML format; I am looking for such a list in Java code.
    thanks for any help.

    // Since I could not find it, I pasted it up myself.
    // Since I think it is useful and cool, I am sharing it.
    import java.awt.Color;
    Java class of the standard non-standard "safe" browser colors.
    View and choose colors grouped by color at
    or others.
    Colors in this alpha ordered list are presumed to correspond.
    public class Colors {
    public static final Color AliceBlue = rgb("F0F8FF");
    public static final Color AntiqueWhite = rgb("FAEBD7");
    public static final Color Aqua = rgb("00FFFF");
    public static final Color Aquamarine = rgb("7FFFD4");
    public static final Color Azure = rgb("F0FFFF");
    public static final Color Beige = rgb("F5F5DC");
    public static final Color Bisque = rgb("FFE4C4");
    public static final Color Black = rgb("000000");
    public static final Color BlanchedAlmond = rgb("FFEBCD");
    public static final Color Blue = rgb("0000FF");
    public static final Color BlueViolet = rgb("8A2BE2");
    public static final Color Brown = rgb("A52A2A");
    public static final Color BurlyWood = rgb("DEB887");
    public static final Color CadetBlue = rgb("5F9EA0");
    public static final Color Chartreuse = rgb("7FFF00");
    public static final Color Chocolate = rgb("D2691E");
    public static final Color Coral = rgb("FF7F50");
    public static final Color CornflowerBlue = rgb("6495ED");
    public static final Color Cornsilk = rgb("FFF8DC");
    public static final Color Crimson = rgb("DC143C");
    public static final Color Cyan = rgb("00FFFF");
    public static final Color DarkBlue = rgb("00008B");
    public static final Color DarkCyan = rgb("008B8B");
    public static final Color DarkGoldenRod = rgb("B8860B");
    public static final Color DarkGray = rgb("A9A9A9");
    public static final Color DarkGreen = rgb("006400");
    public static final Color DarkKhaki = rgb("BDB76B");
    public static final Color DarkMagenta = rgb("8B008B");
    public static final Color DarkOliveGreen = rgb("556B2F");
    public static final Color Darkorange = rgb("FF8C00");
    public static final Color DarkOrchid = rgb("9932CC");
    public static final Color DarkRed = rgb("8B0000");
    public static final Color DarkSalmon = rgb("E9967A");
    public static final Color DarkSeaGreen = rgb("8FBC8F");
    public static final Color DarkSlateBlue = rgb("483D8B");
    public static final Color DarkSlateGray = rgb("2F4F4F");
    public static final Color DarkTurquoise = rgb("00CED1");
    public static final Color DarkViolet = rgb("9400D3");
    public static final Color DeepPink = rgb("FF1493");
    public static final Color DeepSkyBlue = rgb("00BFFF");
    public static final Color DimGray = rgb("696969");
    public static final Color DodgerBlue = rgb("1E90FF");
    public static final Color Feldspar = rgb("D19275");
    public static final Color FireBrick = rgb("B22222");
    public static final Color FloralWhite = rgb("FFFAF0");
    public static final Color ForestGreen = rgb("228B22");
    public static final Color Fuchsia = rgb("FF00FF");
    public static final Color Gainsboro = rgb("DCDCDC");
    public static final Color GhostWhite = rgb("F8F8FF");
    public static final Color Gold = rgb("FFD700");
    public static final Color GoldenRod = rgb("DAA520");
    public static final Color Gray = rgb("808080");
    public static final Color Green = rgb("008000");
    public static final Color GreenYellow = rgb("ADFF2F");
    public static final Color HoneyDew = rgb("F0FFF0");
    public static final Color HotPink = rgb("FF69B4");
    public static final Color IndianRed = rgb("CD5C5C");
    public static final Color Indigo = rgb("4B0082");
    public static final Color Ivory = rgb("FFFFF0");
    public static final Color Khaki = rgb("F0E68C");
    public static final Color Lavender = rgb("E6E6FA");
    public static final Color LavenderBlush = rgb("FFF0F5");
    public static final Color LawnGreen = rgb("7CFC00");
    public static final Color LemonChiffon = rgb("FFFACD");
    public static final Color LightBlue = rgb("ADD8E6");
    public static final Color LightCoral = rgb("F08080");
    public static final Color LightCyan = rgb("E0FFFF");
    public static final Color LightGoldenRodYellow = rgb("FAFAD2");
    public static final Color LightGrey = rgb("D3D3D3");
    public static final Color LightGreen = rgb("90EE90");
    public static final Color LightPink = rgb("FFB6C1");
    public static final Color LightSalmon = rgb("FFA07A");
    public static final Color LightSeaGreen = rgb("20B2AA");
    public static final Color LightSkyBlue = rgb("87CEFA");
    public static final Color LightSlateBlue = rgb("8470FF");
    public static final Color LightSlateGray = rgb("778899");
    public static final Color LightSteelBlue = rgb("B0C4DE");
    public static final Color LightYellow = rgb("FFFFE0");
    public static final Color Lime = rgb("00FF00");
    public static final Color LimeGreen = rgb("32CD32");
    public static final Color Linen = rgb("FAF0E6");
    public static final Color Magenta = rgb("FF00FF");
    public static final Color Maroon = rgb("800000");
    public static final Color MediumAquaMarine = rgb("66CDAA");
    public static final Color MediumBlue = rgb("0000CD");
    public static final Color MediumOrchid = rgb("BA55D3");
    public static final Color MediumPurple = rgb("9370D8");
    public static final Color MediumSeaGree = rgb("3CB371");
    public static final Color MediumSlateBlue = rgb("7B68EE");
    public static final Color MediumSpringGreen = rgb("00FA9A");
    public static final Color MediumTurquoise = rgb("48D1CC");
    public static final Color MediumVioletRed = rgb("C71585");
    public static final Color MidnightBlue = rgb("191970");
    public static final Color MintCream = rgb("F5FFFA");
    public static final Color MistyRose = rgb("FFE4E1");
    public static final Color Moccasin = rgb("FFE4B5");
    public static final Color NavajoWhite = rgb("FFDEAD");
    public static final Color Navy = rgb("000080");
    public static final Color OldLace = rgb("FDF5E6");
    public static final Color Olive = rgb("808000");
    public static final Color OliveDrab = rgb("6B8E23");
    public static final Color Orange = rgb("FFA500");
    public static final Color OrangeRed = rgb("FF4500");
    public static final Color Orchid = rgb("DA70D6");
    public static final Color PaleGoldenRod = rgb("EEE8AA");
    public static final Color PaleGreen = rgb("98FB98");
    public static final Color PaleTurquoise = rgb("AFEEEE");
    public static final Color PaleVioletRed = rgb("D87093");
    public static final Color PapayaWhip = rgb("FFEFD5");
    public static final Color PeachPuff = rgb("FFDAB9");
    public static final Color Peru = rgb("CD853F");
    public static final Color Pink = rgb("FFC0CB");
    public static final Color Plum = rgb("DDA0DD");
    public static final Color PowderBlue = rgb("B0E0E6");
    public static final Color Purple = rgb("800080");
    public static final Color Red = rgb("FF0000");
    public static final Color RosyBrown = rgb("BC8F8F");
    public static final Color RoyalBlue = rgb("4169E1");
    public static final Color SaddleBrown = rgb("8B4513");
    public static final Color Salmon = rgb("FA8072");
    public static final Color SandyBrown = rgb("F4A460");
    public static final Color SeaGreen = rgb("2E8B57");
    public static final Color SeaShell = rgb("FFF5EE");
    public static final Color Sienna = rgb("A0522D");
    public static final Color Silver = rgb("C0C0C0");
    public static final Color SkyBlue = rgb("87CEEB");
    public static final Color SlateBlue = rgb("6A5ACD");
    public static final Color SlateGray = rgb("708090");
    public static final Color Snow = rgb("FFFAFA");
    public static final Color SpringGreen = rgb("00FF7F");
    public static final Color SteelBlue = rgb("4682B4");
    public static final Color Tan = rgb("D2B48C");
    public static final Color Teal = rgb("008080");
    public static final Color Thistle = rgb("D8BFD8");
    public static final Color Tomato = rgb("FF6347");
    public static final Color Turquoise = rgb("40E0D0");
    public static final Color Violet = rgb("EE82EE");
    public static final Color VioletRed = rgb("D02090");
    public static final Color Wheat = rgb("F5DEB3");
    public static final Color White = rgb("FFFFFF");
    public static final Color WhiteSmoke = rgb("F5F5F5");
    public static final Color Yellow = rgb("FFFF00");
    public static final Color YellowGreen = rgb("9ACD32");
    public Colors() {  }
    private static Color rgb(String hexValue){
    return(new Color(
    Integer.parseInt(hexValue.substring(0, 2), 16),
    Integer.parseInt(hexValue.substring(2, 4), 16),
    Integer.parseInt(hexValue.substring(4), 16)));

  • Sample JAVA code using Resource Adapter for RFC Connections

    Hi Java Knowledgeable Ones.
    I have successfully deployed the SAP Netweaver J2ee Engine "Resource Adapter for RFC Connections to ABAP Systems" to my Web Application Server.  Now I need to develop a JAVA application that would utilize this deployed resource adapter.  The resource adapter specifies the SAPClient, UserName, and password.  I am thinking that the JAVA code to invoke this connection would therefore not need to provide this information as it should be available in the resource adapter.
    Do you have sample code that you could send to me showing how to do this?

    Hi Kevin,
    this is actually no good style! You should not open the connection with the adaptor knowing the password. Usually it should work via a connection that uses only basic rights  and the user has already authenticated and is using his security ticket.
    For security handling see:

  • Cannot Adding Mailbox Server for Database Copy for Exchange 2013 SP1

    Before I upgraded to 2013 SP1 everything works find but after I upgrade to SP1 I cannot add database copy. the details are...
    I have 2 sites
    Site 1 : 4 Mailboxes (Mailbox01,Mailbox02,Mailbox03,Mailbox04)   + 2 CAS
    Site 2 : 2 Mailboxes (Mailbox05,Mailbox06)   + 2 CAS  (just for standby site)
    So I have 2 DAG group  (6 Mailboxes separate to 3 Mailboxes for 1 DAG group Mailbox01,Mailbox02,Mailbox05 for DAG1  and Mailbox03,Mailbox04,Mailbox06 for DAG2)
    After I upgrade Exchange 2013 to SP1 , I try to create new database on Mailbox01 and after that I try to add mailbox02 and mailbox05 to database copy of new database that I created.
    "Mailbox05 can added to be database copy but Mailbox02 cannot add database copy for it , Error "Network path not found" occur" but Im very sure that path is the same for each mailbox database server.
    so I try to create new database on Mailbox 03 and add database copy on mailbox04 and mailbox06.... the result is the same only Mailbox06 can add mailbox copy of database.
    It look like I cannot have 2 mailbox in site 1 for database copy of each new database (I already try to create new database on Mailbox 02 and add database copy on mailbox01 and mailbox05 , the result is only mailbox05 can be database copy of database).
    Please help me to fix this out.

    I recommend you check if the Remote Registry service is running on Mailbox01, Mailbox02, Mailbox03 and Mailbox04. If not, please start it and then add mailbox database copy to check the result.
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

  • Java code vs database query performance  ?????

    Hi to all forum Members,
    I am quite new in this forum, if i am at wrong place to post the query, please direct me to right place.
    Question background : I want to have date in dd.MM.yyyy format in my excel sheets. Therefore, i have two possibilities
    1- either to parse date from timestamp ( loaded column values from database ) in java
    2 - or write a query in such a way which cast timestamp as date e.g.
    select *, DATE_FORMAT(cast( inserted_timestamp as date), '%d.%m.%Y') as inserted_date from link where id > 290002;
    Question: i like to know which method is better in terms of performance ? Because , in my first internship , i have been always desired to get the most of job done from database instead of one's application code.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Mr / Miss tjacobs01,
    Thanks for reply. I had alread knowledge that timestamp is subclass of date. Firstly, I wanted to know how far my x-colleague's statement is authentic.
    I am completely agree with your statement
    " Doing as much as you can in java / application layer makes scaling + testing SO MUCH EASIER"
    So far i am performing convertion related manipulation in java classes. But i am facing some kind of java heap problem, as long as i insert data into xls sheet coz my fetched dataset contains more than 50K rows. Therefore i thought perhaps i can spare lil bit heap space. And i dont think i should let the my own java class handle larger dataset. What i want to say perhaps i can not as a single developer can achieve, with little experience, as much performance as i can achieve from database which is designed by many profis. that is why i am in favor of database query instead of cracking and parsing timestamp into date. If i am getting a ready made solution which is optimized then why should i try to reinvent the wheel again at application level.
    I think now, reply to first question truly force me to ask heap related problem. But i am thinking its not good idea to ask related question in this post.
    By the way : second question is : how can i insert dataset more than 50K rows into xls sheet. So far i know two methods
    1 - extend java heap size on both JRE and Tomcat
    2- use streams to continously transfer the data.
    About 2nd method, i never used and dont know whether it is a better choice.
    If you think you do not like to answer 2nd question in this post then please click on following link.
    Kind Regards,

  • Installing DS Plug-in for Identity Synchronization for Windows

    Hello! We installed Sun Java Communications Suite 5 (with Directory Server Enterprise 6.0) on Linux Red Hat ES.
    Now We want install Identity Synchronitation for Windows but there isn't the supported version for Linux red Hat ES (only for Linux Red Hat AS, Windows 200-2003 and Solaris).
    I thought that it isn't a problem: I install Identity Synchronization on Windows 2003 and I can synchronize my LDAP on Red Hat ES and my AD on Windows. But I have this question: can I install the Directory Server Plug-in on Red Hat ES?
    If the answer is not, I have to migrate my LDAP to another supported platform. Can I install the Directory Server Enterprise Edition version I have in Sun Java Communications Suite 5, or is it better that I install the new Directory server Enterprise Edition version?
    Thank you very much

    Hello Nicolas,
    Thank you for taking the time to look into this. I am very much aware of your great blog entry and I'd like to take the opportunity to thank you for posting it. It's just that I don't find PSEM plug-in version 8.51 on edelivery for Linux x86 32-bit to install it, that's why I used version 8.52. Maybe I missing something on edelivery ... Can you point me to where PSEM plug-in version 8.51 for Linux x86 32-bit exists and I can try that instead ? This is the link I use and I don't see version 8.51:
    FYI, the error gets raised immediately after I supply the host name for the grid control, SYS password , port 1521 and then click next :( . The installation continues after that but doesn't install the plug-in.
    Quick question since you are here :) : in PeopleBooks they say to uninstall the PSEM plug-in, run the script @PSEMDROPALL.sql , but they didn't mention which user to run against (I should know but unfortunately I don't), whom should I run this script against SYS or SYSMAN ?

  • Creating Java code for the function module

    Hi Colleagues,
    I have a fuction module in ABAP system. Now I want to Generate java code for the FM.
    I cam to know that we can achive that using AXIS, By getting the XML file for the fuction module and generate Java
    Class file using that XML file.
    Can any one tell me how to achive it.
    Or any other way to do that?
    Please provide you valid suggestions.

    You can integrate axis2 in eclipse. I think you have to find the plugin for that.
    After that you can let axis generate the jave code (stubs and proxies) for your web service via the wsdl file.
    Kind Regards,

  • CrystalReports prompting for database details

    Hello all,
    I am posting this issue for the second time.. In my previous post, I didn't get a solution.
    For some reason a few of the reports that we run are prompting for database information for no apparent reason. I have provided a screen shot of what the behavior looks like.  Can you please let me know if you have any ideas on what might be causing this?  I have written a number of reports with the same use but for some reason only a few behave in this way.
    Any ideas you may have would be helpful.
    [Crystal Report DB Login screen|]
    Thanks in advance

    I am using CrystalRepots 12.2 in my machines and .NET Framework 2.0.
    I am using 2005 for developing applications.
    I am using SQL 2005 Database.
    Connection using is ADO.NET
    Here is the database login source code. Please check it.
                Dim c As ConnectionInfo
                Dim crDB As Database
                Dim crTables As Tables
                Dim crTable As Table
                Dim TblLogonInfo As TableLogOnInfo
                Dim crSections As Sections
                Dim crSection As Section
                Dim crReportObjects As ReportObjects
                Dim crReportObject As ReportObject
                Dim crSubreportObject As SubreportObject
                Dim subRepDoc As New ReportDocument
                Dim ServerName As String, DatabaseName As String
                    Me.rptDoc.Load(sCRPath, OpenReportMethod.OpenReportByTempCopy)
                    ServerName = ActiveCompanyServer
                    DatabaseName = ActiveCompanyDB
                    c = New ConnectionInfo
                    'Set Conenction info for DB
                    With c
                        .ServerName = ServerName
                        .DatabaseName = DatabaseName
                        .UserID = "sa"
                        .Password = SAPsaPwd
                    End With
                    'Associate DB to the report
                    crDB = Me.rptDoc.Database
                    'Instantiate Tables collection
                    crTables = crDB.Tables
                    'Loop thru tables in report and set connection information
                    For Each crTable In Me.rptDoc.Database.Tables
                        TblLogonInfo = crTable.LogOnInfo
                        TblLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo = c
                        crTable.Location = c.DatabaseName & ".dbo." & _
                                 crTable.Location.Substring(crTable.Location.LastIndexOf(".") + 1)
                    'Set the sections collection with report sections
                    crSections = Me.rptDoc.ReportDefinition.Sections
                    'Loop through each section and find all the report objects
                    'Loop through all the report objects to find all subreport objects, then set the
                    'logoninfo to the subreport
                    For Each crSection In crSections
                        crReportObjects = crSection.ReportObjects
                        For Each crReportObject In crReportObjects
                            If crReportObject.Kind = ReportObjectKind.SubreportObject Then
                                'If you find a subreport, typecast the reportobject to a subreport object
                                crSubreportObject = CType(crReportObject, SubreportObject)
                                'Open the subreport
                                subRepDoc = crSubreportObject.OpenSubreport(crSubreportObject.SubreportName)
                                crDB = subRepDoc.Database
                                crTables = crDB.Tables
                                'Loop through each table and set the connection info
                                'Pass the connection info to the logoninfo object then apply the
                                'logoninfo to the subreport
                                For Each crTable In crTables
                                    With c
                                        .ServerName = ServerName
                                        .DatabaseName = DatabaseName
                                        .UserID = "sa"
                                        .Password = SAPsaPwd
                                    End With
                                    TblLogonInfo = crTable.LogOnInfo
                                    TblLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo = c
                                    crTable.Location = c.DatabaseName & ".dbo." & crTable.Location.Substring(crTable.Location.LastIndexOf(".") + 1)
                            End If
    I had been using the same code from the year 2005(last 5 years). But didn't see this error before.
    Also i am getting this error only for 2 or 3 reports.
    I guess the issue is with the crystal report design.
    Any way please help me.
    Thank you

  • Call peoplesoft function from java code

    Can we call the peoplesoft decrypt function from within java code ?

    Hi Sumit,
    For getting the connection, I would use something like:
    public class R3Connector {
         private JCO.Client jcoclient = null;
         public  R3Connector () {
         public JCO.Client getClient() {
              if (jcoclient == null) {
                   /* get connection from Pool */
                   jcoclient = JCO.getClient (POOL_NAME);
              return jcoclient;
         public void releaseClient() {
              if (jcoclient != null) {
    and of course you will have to define your POOL property somewhere (portalapp.xml presumably)
    Hope this helps!

  • Where to apply java codes?

    Good Day:
    Perhaps this sound funny....I bought a Java book to learn the coding...pretty interesting...but after all, it didn't tell where can I type and test all those codes.
    After much reading, understand that it should be applied onto the JDK. Am I right? so I went to Java site and downloaded it. But nothing happened? I even borrow some other machine to install the JDK, still the same????
    When I check form control panel, the JDK and JRE successfully install. Pls help. After all, I need to start on where can i test my java codes?
    Many thanks for your reply.

    hellbinder, my apology...i guess you and everyone
    confuse with my question.
    Ok, see, what I need is to type in the code as per
    given in the book i bought. I understand that it got
    to be typing in the JDK in order to be able to test
    it out. So I download the JDK (including JRE & IDE)
    and had it install on my pc. Then now, I still could
    find the JDK (what I think/mean the "text editor"
    here) for me to type in the java codes.
    Or shall I re-phare in in suce, let's imagine, if
    given with a stack of words and fonts, we type in
    note pad may be. then now given with the Java codes,
    where shall i type it? JDK right? thus I installed
    JDK but I couldn't find or launch it to type in those
    Java codes?!
    Thanks!You don't "type in the java codes" in your JDK. You use a texteditor to "type in the java codes" and compile "the java codes" with the compiler from your JDK, and after that you run "the java (byte)codes" with the JRE from your JDK.
    Everything is explained step-by-step in the tutorial I posted earlier. Please take the time to follow those steps.

  • How to search inside java code?

    How to search for pattern in Java code from NWDS?  For example, I want to search for "wdThis" in java code.  Where to look for find or search button?

    You can also use CTRL+H key for searching any Java or non-Java code across all projects you have opened in your workspace.
    Just go to Project Explorer View and select any project, then press CTRL+H, a set of search option will show up.
    Hope it helps.
    Best regards,

  • ESSO-database synchronization.

    Hi all,
    I'm newbie to Oracle Enterprise Single Sign On.
    I need to do database synchronization with ESSO.
    I'm using Oracle Database 11.1.0.
    Can anyone please share a link or document describing the steps to be followed for database synchronization with ESSO?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Rivey,
    Thanks a lot for your reply.
    I'm able to synchronize oracle database with ESSO i.e,I'm able to login to oracle database directly without giving credentials.
    But when I try to extend the schema to Oracle Database I'm getting the following database error :
    ORA-12514 : TNS :Listener does not currently know of service requested in current descriptor.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Setting System DSN for MS Access Database using Java Code

    How to set the system DSN for Access database using Java Code at runtime....???
    Replies are deeply appreciated...

    I found a 3rd Party MS Access JDBC Driver from a Google search. I downloaded and tried the free trial version. It worked fine but we opted not to purchase the full version and went a different route. If you don't find it, let me know and I'll see if I can track down the name of the product we tested.

  • Should I do this with Java Code or Stored Procs ? (for best performance)

    Hi All,
    I need to decide where should I implement my business logic, in Java code or Stored procs.
    Here is the requirement :
    - One Order has 70 products (Order_Table )
    - Can be duplicate products, so I have to do summarize / grouping by product
    - For every product, I have to check, if it is entitled for a Bonus product, then I have to Insert one to Bonus_Table.
    - This is done when/after the transaction is SAVED (COMMIT)
    The question is, which one has better PERFORMANCE :
    (1) Create a rowsetIterator on the Order details (70 products) and call a stored procedure to do the logic for every single product (so that the Insert to Bonus_Table done in stored proc). means the stored proc will be called 70 times.
    (2) After the transaction is COMMITted, call the stored procs ONCE to do the logic for all the products at once.
    (3) I do all the logic with Java Code within ADF
    Given the requirement above, which approach is most efficient / best performance ?
    Thank you very much,

    Problem with this is that you ask 100 people and you probably get 100 different answers. ;o)
    Many would say that you push as much business logic into the database with your data; others might say you only put data in your database and your business logic is kept on the application server.
    In reality your would probably have a mix of both and your decision would probably be influenced by your own background ...
    Can't be more precise than that.

Maybe you are looking for