Java Guy Confused w/ Flash Technologies

I'm having a
tough time trying to decipher exactly which programs I need
in order to create Flash applications. I see lots of products that
seem to do similar things (Flex 2, Flash Pro, Breeze, Capture,
etc.) but it's unclear to me how much they interoperate. For
example, can I create an Breeze presentation then open it up in
Flash Professional to make enhancements?
Could anybody point me to a good, simple page that summarizes
how all these products fit together?

> I'm having a
tough time trying to decipher exactly which
> programs I need in order to create Flash applications. I
see lots
> of products that seem to do similar things (Flex 2,
Flash Pro,
> Breeze, Capture, etc.) but it's unclear to me how much
> interoperate.
Gotcha. Well, each of these has the capability to produce
files (SWFs) that are playable by the Flash Player, but
that's where the
similarity ends.
> For example, can I create an Breeze presentation then
open it
> up in Flash Professional to make enhancements?
> Could anybody point me to a good, simple page that
> how all these products fit together?
I don't know about good, but I'll give you simple (I hope).
The Flash Platform represents files that can be played by
the Flash
virtual machine (comparable in many respects to the JVM). The
current Flash
Player (version 9) contains two virtual machines: 1) AVM1,
for legacy
ActionScript; 2) AVM2 for ActionScript 3.0.
Flash Professional (or Basic) 8 saves FLA source files that
effectively mini databases of audio-visual material, vector
images, text
fields, fonts, and the like, including possibly ActionScript.
projects, the ActionScript is almost entirely stored outside
the FLA.) The
compile process converts in-FLA or external ActionScript into
resulting in binary SWF files that are played by the Flash
Flex 2 provides server-side APIs for interactive SWFs. Flex
Builder 2
(built in Eclipse) does not necessarily rely on the server
aspects of Flex
as a whole; it may be used as an alternative means to produce
SWFs, and is currently the only Adobe release software that
ActionScript 3.0. (An alpha release of the Flash 9 IDE
[available on] also compiles AS3.) Flex Builder contains now
timelines and
no drawing tools. It is arguably Macromedia's (now Adobe's)
answer to
JBuilder or Visual Studio -- but the end result, again, is a
SWF. Source
files for a Flex Builder 2 project do not involve FLAs, but
rather many text
files that comprise AS3 classes.
Breeze has been renamed Adobe Connect, and is intended to
"enterprise web communication solutions for training,
marketing, enterprise
web conferencing, and online collaboration" (re: Connect
product page).
These communication solutions happen to run in the Flash
Player, but
practically all of the functionality is handled for you. You
just plug in
your webcam and microphone, and go.
Capture is a large scale doc to PDF application. I wonder if
you meant
Captivate? In which case ... Captivate is what used to be
called RoboDemo.
It's a kind of video-capture tool for creating training
material ... but
better, because it allows you (in and of itself) to adjust
the position of
the "captured" mouse cursor (it actually uses a movie clip,
so that you can
edit it). I believe Captivate outputs FLA files, in which
case those can be
opened in Flash.
Each of these products has detailed product pages on, so
you're sure to find greater detail -- and downloadable free
trials -- if my
descriptions aren't useful enough.
David Stiller
Adobe Community Expert
Dev blog,
"Luck is the residue of good design."

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         private boolean fill;
         private boolean showStatus;
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              int y=(getSize().height-shapeSize)/2;
              if (shape == CIRCLE) {
                 if (fill == true){
                      g.fillOval(x, y, shapeSize, shapeSize);
                    g.drawOval(x, y, shapeSize, shapeSize);
              else if (shape == SQUARE){
                 if (fill == true){
                        g.fillRect(x, y, shapeSize, shapeSize);
                    g.drawRect(x, y, shapeSize, shapeSize);
        // set showStatus value
        public void setShowStatus (boolean s) {
              showStatus = s;
         // return showstatus value
        public boolean getShowStatus () {
              return showStatus;
         // set fill value
        public void setFill(boolean isFill) {
              fill = isFill;
         // set shape value
        public void setShape(int shapeToDraw) {
              shape = shapeToDraw;
        // set shapeSize value
        public void setShapeSize(int newShapeSize) {
              shapeSize = newShapeSize;
        // set foreground value
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    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class shapes extends JFrame {
         private JPanel buttonPanel; // panel for buttons
         private DrawPanel myPanel;  // panel for shapes
         private JButton resetButton;
        private JComboBox colorComboBox;
         private JRadioButton circleButton, squareButton;
         private ButtonGroup radioGroup;
         private JCheckBox filledButton;
        private JSlider sizeSlider;
         private boolean isShow;
         private int shape;
         private boolean isFill=true;
        private String colorNames[] = {"black", "blue", "cyan", "darkGray", "gray",
                                   "green", "lightgray", "magenta", "orange",
                                   "pink", "red", "white", "yellow"};   // color names list in ComboBox
        private Color colors[] = {,, Color.cyan, Color.darkGray,
                              Color.gray,, Color.lightGray, Color.magenta,
                    ,,, Color.white, Color.yellow};
         public shapes() {
             super("Draw Shapes");
             // creat custom drawing panel
            myPanel = new DrawPanel(); // instantiate a DrawPanel object
             // set up resetButton
            // register an event handler for resetButton's ActionEvent
            resetButton = new JButton ("reset");
              // anonymous inner class to handle resetButton events
                 new ActionListener() {
                       // draw a black filled square shape after clicking resetButton
                     public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event) {
                             // call DrawPanel method setShowStatus and pass an parameter
                          // to decide if show the shape
                             isShow = myPanel.getShowStatus();
                             shape = DrawPanel.SQUARE;
                         // call DrawPanel method setShape to indicate shape to draw
                         // call DrawPanel method setFill to indicate to draw a filled shape
                         // call DrawPanel method draw
                   }// end anonymous inner class
             );// end call to addActionListener
            // set up colorComboBox
            // register event handlers for colorComboBox's ItemEvent
            colorComboBox = new JComboBox(colorNames);
                 // anonymous inner class to handle colorComboBox events
                 new ItemListener() {
                     // select shape's color
                     public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event) {
                         if(event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
                             // call DrawPanel method setForeground
                             // and pass an element value of colors array
                }// end anonymous inner class
            ); // end call to addItemListener
            // set up a pair of RadioButtons
            // register an event handler for RadioButtons' ItemEvent
             squareButton = new JRadioButton ("Square", true);
             circleButton = new JRadioButton ("Circle", false);
             radioGroup = new ButtonGroup();
                // anonymous inner class to handle squareButton events
                new ItemListener() {
                       public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent event) {
                           if (isShow==true) {
                                 shape = DrawPanel.SQUARE;
                   }// end anonymous inner class
             );// end call to addItemListener
                   // anonymous inner class to handle circleButton events
                new ItemListener() {
                       public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent event) {
                             if (isShow==true) {
                                 shape = DrawPanel.CIRCLE;
                                 System.out.println("Please click Reset button first");
                   }// end anonymous inner class
             );// end call to addItemListener
             // set up filledButton
            // register an event handler for filledButton's ItemEvent
            filledButton = new JCheckBox("Filled", true);
              // anonymous inner class to handle filledButton events
            new ItemListener() {
                  public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent event) {
                    if (isShow==true) {
                            if (event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) {
                            else {
                        System.out.println("Please click Reset button first");
              }// end anonymous inner class
             );// end call to addItemListener
            // set up sizeSlider
            // register an event handler for sizeSlider's ChangeEvent
            sizeSlider = new JSlider(SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL, 0, 300, 100);
                 // anonymous inner class to handle sizeSlider events
                 new ChangeListener() {
                      public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent event) {
                 }// end anonymous inner class
             );// end call to addChangeListener
            // set up panel containing buttons
             buttonPanel = new JPanel();
            buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 1, 0, 50));
            JPanel radioButtonPanel = new JPanel();
            radioButtonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1, 0, 20));
            // attach button panel & draw panel to content panel
            Container container = getContentPane();
            container.setLayout(new BorderLayout(10,10));
            container.add(myPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
             container.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.EAST);
            container.add(sizeSlider, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
            setSize(500, 400);
         public static void main(String args[]) {
             shapes application = new shapes();
    }Many thanks

    Who is this Java guy anyway?

  • Java.util.Map to flash.utils.Dictionary

    I'm using Blazeds for my remoting between Flex and Java. I have an Object-to-object map on the Java side. This converts to an untyped Object in Flex having the properties as the 'toString' of the key Object.
    Has anyone been able to convert an Object-to-object java map to a flash Dictionary object? Why wouldn't it do that as default?

    Yes, You can, I have successfully mapping form java HashMap to Flex Dictionary. The following is the code fragment for the success case:
    The hint is that you need to use ObjectProxy in Flex to map HashMap in Java.
    Man Pak Hong, Dave
    Analyst Programmer
    [email protected]
    // ================================================================================
        public Map<String, Object> getCaseDetails(Long sid) throws ApplicationException, SystemException {
            // Vos Declaration
            Case caseVo = null;
            UserInfo ossUserInfoVo = null;
            UserInfo spUserInfoVo = null;
            Ngo ossNgoVo = null;
            Ngo spNgoVo = null;
            Personal personalVo = null;
            Contact contactVo = null;
            CaseAttachment caseAtthVo = null;
            Office ossOffice = null;
            SwdOffice swdOffice = null;
            UserInfo swdEao = null;
            NeedAssess needAssess = null;
            List <CaseRegPropVw> caseRegPropVwList = null;       
            CaseDao daoCase = new CaseDao();       
            caseVo = daoCase.getCase(sid);
            if (caseVo != null)
                UserInfoDao daoUserInfo = new UserInfoDao();
                ossUserInfoVo = daoUserInfo.getUserInfo(caseVo.getOssCmSid());
                spUserInfoVo = daoUserInfo.getUserInfo(caseVo.getNgoCmSid());
                // caseRegProp
                CaseRegPropVwDao daoCaseRegPropVw = new CaseRegPropVwDao();
                caseRegPropVwList = daoCaseRegPropVw.listCaseRegPropVwByLessRegNo(caseVo.getLessRegNo());           
            NgoDao daoNgo = new NgoDao();
            if (ossUserInfoVo != null)
                ossNgoVo = daoNgo.getNgo(ossUserInfoVo.getNgoSid());
            if (spUserInfoVo != null)
                spNgoVo = daoNgo.getNgo(spUserInfoVo.getNgoSid());
            // personal
            if (caseVo != null)
                PersonalDao daoPersonal = new PersonalDao();
                personalVo = daoPersonal.getPersonal(caseVo.getPersonalSid());
                // jscontact
                ContactDao daoContact = new ContactDao();
                contactVo = daoContact.getContact(caseVo.getSid());
                // ossCaseAtth
                CaseAttachmentDao daoCaseAtth = new CaseAttachmentDao();
                caseAtthVo = daoCaseAtth.getCaseAttachment(caseVo.getSid(), CaseAttachmentPolicy.ATT_TYPE_CONSENT_FORM);
                // ossOffice
                OfficeDao daoOssOffice = new OfficeDao();
                ossOffice = daoOssOffice.getOffice(caseVo.getOssOfficeSid());
            if (personalVo != null)
                // swdOffice
                SwdOfficeDao daoSwdOffice = new SwdOfficeDao();
                swdOffice = daoSwdOffice.getSwdOffice(personalVo.getSwdOfficeSid());
                // swdEao
                UserInfoDao daoSwdEao = new UserInfoDao();
                swdEao = daoSwdEao.getUserInfo(personalVo.getSwdEaoSid());
                // needAssess
                NeedAssessDao daoNeedAssess = new NeedAssessDao();
                needAssess = daoNeedAssess.getNeedAssess(personalVo.getSid());
            Map<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            hm.put("Case", caseVo);
            hm.put("OssUserInfo", ossUserInfoVo);
            hm.put("NgoUserInfo", spUserInfoVo);
            hm.put("OssNgo", ossNgoVo);
            hm.put("SpNgo", spNgoVo);
            hm.put("Personal", personalVo);
            hm.put("Contact", contactVo);
            hm.put("CaseAtth", caseAtthVo);
            hm.put("OssOffice", ossOffice);
            hm.put("SwdOffice", swdOffice);
            hm.put("SwdEao", swdEao);
            hm.put("NeedAssess", needAssess);
            hm.put("CaseRegPropsVw", caseRegPropVwList);
            return hm;
    Flex part
    // ==================================================================================
                // CASEDETAILS
                private function getCaseDetailsResultHandler(result:ObjectProxy):void
                    var dc:ObjectProxy = result;
                    this.editItemOssUserInfo = dc["OssUserInfo"];
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemOssUserInfo = editItemOssUserInfo;
                    this.editItemOssNgo = dc["OssNgo"];
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemOssNgo = editItemOssNgo;   
                    this.editItemCase = dc["Case"];       
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemCase = editItemCase;
                    detailPersonalInfo.editItemCase = editItemCase;   
                    this.editItemPersonal = dc["Personal"];
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemPersonal = editItemPersonal;
                    detailPersonalInfo.editItemPersonal = editItemPersonal;
                    this.editItemContact = dc["Contact"];
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemContact = editItemContact;
                    detailPersonalInfo.editItemContact = editItemContact;
                    this.editItemCaseAtth = dc["CaseAtth"];
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemCaseAtth = editItemCaseAtth;
                    this.editItemOssOffice = dc["OssOffice"];
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemOssOffice = editItemOssOffice;
                    this.editItemSwdOffice = dc["SwdOffice"];
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemSwdOffice = editItemSwdOffice;
                    this.editItemSwdEao = dc["SwdEao"];
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemSwdEao = editItemSwdEao;
                    this.editItemNeedAssess = dc["NeedAssess"];
                    detailCaseInfo.editItemNeedAssess = editItemNeedAssess;
                    this.listItemCaseRegPropVw = dc["CaseRegPropsVw"];
                    this.caseDict = new Dictionary();               
                    caseDict[CaseDetailPolicy.INIT_OSSUSERINFO] = editItemOssUserInfo;
                    caseDict[CaseDetailPolicy.INIT_OSSNGO] = editItemOssNgo;
                    caseDict[CaseDetailPolicy.INIT_CASE] = editItemCase;
                    caseDict[CaseDetailPolicy.INIT_PERSONAL] = editItemPersonal;
                    caseDict[CaseDetailPolicy.INIT_CONTACT] = editItemContact;
                    caseDict[CaseDetailPolicy.INIT_CASEATTH] = editItemCaseAtth;
                    caseDict[CaseDetailPolicy.INIT_OSSOFFICE] = editItemOssOffice;
                    caseDict[CaseDetailPolicy.INIT_SWDEAO] = editItemSwdEao;
                    caseDict[CaseDetailPolicy.INIT_NEEDASSESS] = editItemNeedAssess;               
                    // detailCaseInfo.init();

  • Future for Java guys

    I seen some of the articles, sap customer are pressuring to release ABAP version of portal instead of java so that, they no need to worry of multiple skilled persons and also they can avoid communication between java and ABAP. If that at is  the case what would be the future of java guys who migrated to sap. What do you suggest for Java guys who is going to migrate to sap NetWeaver?

    Hi Sreenivasulu,
       You don't have anything to worry about.  You will not see an ABAP version of the portal.  ABAP is great for the business transaction functionality but was not designed to work with the web.  That is why a couple of years ago the SAP CEO at Sapphire said that JAVA was going to be an important development tool for developing SAP application.

  • JAVA 5.15 / HTML/ FLASH 5/ WIN98 SE questions

    I'm a green Java 5.15 /HTML /Flash 5 user, with a PIII 450MgHz computer, using Win 98 SE. Whew! Now that the important preliminaries are out of the way, here are my problems:
    1) Most programs I've installed, have indicated where they will install and they add menu (and submenu) items in the Start Menu. Java 5 (update 15) did not. Why?
    2) The Java does not come with a compiler/decompiler/editor. Is there an all-in-one that I can download? Do I need a compiler to produce an executable which will run on any OS/Browser platform?
    3) When I run the VERIFY INSTALLATION, only the first part is successful (Duke); and then only skewed, because it tells me that I have Win XP installed!! :-) LOL.. The second part of the result shows me a red X, indicating some applet failure. I guess this verification is meant for latest Java 6-update 9, right?
    4) Is Java 5.15 compatible with HTML and Flash 5? In other words, can I write a simple initialize/increment variable routine in Java, and have it interface properly with the HTML that embeds my Flash 5? The goal is to load my Flash files at a particular frame in the movie, depending on the value of the variable (set in Java).

    Dear Inryii,
    2) Yes, I do have some rudimentary knowledge of Java and programming in general. Are you suggesting a text editor like Notepad? I would prefer a Java editor which could show me syntax errors. Any suggestions?
    3) What is there not to understand about the link: ?? You just click on the VERIFY INSTALLATION button to see if the Java you just installed, did so correctly. In my case, the Java installed itself (with the automatic install wizard) in a manner that I am not used to. The bottom line is that the verification was only partly correct because it was checking for Java 6 update 9 on a minimum OS of Win2000. I have Win98 SE.
    4) Again, what is so mysterious about Java 5.15 being compatible with HTML and Flash 5? In a nutshell, here is what I want to do: Initialize a numeric variable in Java, and either have Flash use this variable on the Home page, or load the Home page from the beginning.When a certain page is called, increment this variable in Java and again, either pass this variable to Flash, or load Flash at a particular frame. Is this possible?

  • How can java used in file net technology

    hi technocrats,
    i want to know how java was used in filenet i want to learn filenet.
    can any body suggest the best sites for that?
    thank you all

    Note: This thread was originally posted in the [Java Media Framework|] forum, but moved to this forum for closer topic alignment.

  • About Flash technology

    Hi all
    I'm a java game developer and I really like Java but I'm
    seeing the Macromedia really got to make its client the best for
    internet media and gaming. I'm thinking of migrating.. but I'd like
    to know some things.
    Where can I find reference on integrating flash with direct
    Is flash able to connect to a server regardless of what
    language my server was developed?
    Where can I find a good flash programming forum?
    If you can comment about other advantages of flash on game
    programming I would appreciate
    Thank you all in advance

    Hi all
    I'm a java game developer and I really like Java but I'm
    seeing the Macromedia really got to make its client the best for
    internet media and gaming. I'm thinking of migrating.. but I'd like
    to know some things.
    Where can I find reference on integrating flash with direct
    Is flash able to connect to a server regardless of what
    language my server was developed?
    Where can I find a good flash programming forum?
    If you can comment about other advantages of flash on game
    programming I would appreciate
    Thank you all in advance

  • Java card confusing Issues!!!!!!! java card architecture, advantage!!!!!

    As I know about architecture of any application is -
                    //normal java software                          java card                                  java card
                      //  1                                               2                                      3
    1-            application program                        host application                           host application
    2-                     JVM                                   Applets                                       Applets
    3-              operating system                JCRE(which contain all classes, JVM ....)                 JCRE(act as a O.S too)
    4                    hardware                              Operating system                                 H/W
    5                                                                        hardwareWhat do u think- case 2 is right? or 3 is!!!!!!!!!!!
    I think - case 3 is right!!!!
    As i study from several sources , JCRE is complete package - it behaves as a operation system and use the functionality of component it contain. I also think if i will purchase a java card from any vendor , it would have JCRE inside it (means everthing inside it,), i only need to develop the applet according to my requirement and install it by on card installer program
    QUESTION 2- what is the advantage of java card.?
    // I think.
    as i read out , i got the line that it is platform independent and support multiple application. applicaton point of
    view , I am agree but how it is platfrom independent. if we use java card for smart card development, then
    i will purchase Java card from differnt vendor , all will provide me card with supported jcre inside it, so why
    this is advantage here?
    // in case of window based application , it really make sense  because if i will make any window application with java
    // i can run it in windows , linux , unix and most of os flavours, here i can see the beauty of java language.
    Clear me this and add some other java card advantages, which make java card goodquestion 3-
    Now I am capaple to make simple applets, so I want to check the entire java card process atleast once before
    going in deep of something, I am thinking to implement prepaid card concept , i made it applet for it ,it will
    contain a page with 2 text box ( 1- for recharge 2- for money deduction ) and two button , with button click i
    want to select the applet and want to pass the apdu.
    ( a) how i can make host window application ? (i think awt will work for me? , *
    i never make any java window application yet) *
    ( b) still i dont have any java card , i want to make it by using simulator, is it possible?
      (c) in this scenario what framework i need to study Ex. Import javacard.framework.* for making
    applet or from where i need to start.Regards:
    rohit pathak
    Edited by: rohit pathak on Feb 9, 2012 10:10 PM

    As I know about architecture of any application is -
    //normal java software                          java card                                  java card
    //  1                                               2                                      3
    1-            application program                        host application                           host application
    2-                     JVM                                   Applets                                       Applets
    3-              operating system                JCRE(which contain all classes, JVM ....)                 JCRE(act as a O.S too)
    4                    hardware                              Operating system                                 H/W
    5                                                                        hardwareWhat do u think- case 2 is right? or 3 is!!!!!!!!!!! If you are using Java Card then JCRE+JVM = OS and if you put this on ein package 3 then 3 is correct according to me.
    As i study from several sources , JCRE is complete package - it behaves as a operation system and use the functionality of component it contain. I also think if i will purchase a java card from any vendor , it would have JCRE inside it (means everthing inside it,), i only need to develop the applet according to my requirement and install it by on card installer program Actually it depends. There can be following models in this regards:
    1. Buy a empty smart card, Install your own OS and then write your applets for it.
    2. As you said, Buy a card with preloaded OS and then write applets for it.
    QUESTION 2- what is the advantage of java card.?
    * Interoperable: Applets developed with Java Card technology will run on any Java Card technology-enabled smart card, independently of the card vendor and underlying hardware.
    * Secure: Java Card technology relies on the inherent security of the Java programming language to provide a secure execution environment. Designed through an open process, the platform's proven industry deployments and security evaluations ensure that card issuers benefit from the most capable and secure technology available today.
    * Multi-Application-Capable: Java Card technology enables multiple applications to co-exist securely on a single smart card.
    * Dynamic: New applications can be installed securely after a card has been issued, enabling card issuers to respond to their customer's changing needs dynamically.
    * Compatible with Existing Standards: The Java Card API is compatible with international standards for smart cards such as ISO7816, or EMV. Major industry-specific standards such as Global Platform and ETSI refer to it.
    * Developers creating Java Card applications enjoy all the advantages of working in the Java programming language:
    Object-oriented programming yields greater code modularity and reusability, leading to higher programmer productivity.
    Protection features characteristic of the Java programming language apply to Java Card applets, enforcing strong typing and protection attributes.
    Powerful off-the-shelf development tools are readily available.
    And also, in case of SIM card if you are using java card then RAM is possible and native cards don't have this ability.
    question 3
    Now I am capaple to make simple applets, so I want to check the entire java card process atleast once before
    going in deep of something, I am thinking to implement prepaid card concept , i made it applet for it ,it will
    contain a page with 2 text box ( 1- for recharge 2- for money deduction ) and two button , with button click i
    want to select the applet and want to pass the apdu.
    ( a) how i can make host window application ? (i think awt will work for me? , *You can use swing for this to make interface and use smartcardIO for sending APDUs.
    i never make any java window application yet) * It is easy you can look here and start:
    ( b) still i dont have any java card , i want to make it by using simulator, is it possible?Actually, smartcardIO will only interact with actuall card and for simulator you will have to use console for sending APDUs.
    (c) in this scenario what framework i need to study Ex. Import javacard.framework.* for making
    applet or from where i need to start.For your current case it is enough and for host app you should study smartcardio as i mentioned above.
    Hope it helps.

  • DOM, XML Schema, Java.  Confused!!!

    Hi all,
    Please help me to answer the 3 questions. I'm totally confused.
    1. Does DOM allow us to add invalid data based on the XML schema?
    2. I have an XML file. I want to use DOM to add, modify and delete nodes from the file, then print out an XML output file. If DOM does not prevent us from adding invalid data, I guess we have to run the validation after the output file is printed out?
    3. There are so many parsers, DOM, ... outthere that I am totally confused. Please give me your suggestions. I want to use Java to populate the DOM tree, check the data integrity based on the XML schema as I modify the DOM tree (if possible) or after printing the XML output to a file. What parser should I use? What DOM should I use (DOM or JDOM)? Can I use MS XML parser (because that what my main client uses), DOM, and Java? If so what do I need. I have read 2 books and many sites, but still don't have the answer clear yet.
    Very appreciate your help,

    never tried with Schema, with DTD: yes
    it is what I did*, which is pretty clumsy: currently AmauryDebou has started another thread on this subject but there's no answer yet.
    *in fact I do everything in RAM (no file needed): I ouptut the DOM in a byte array and then reparse it
    Xalan/Xerces is pretty standard (they are used in JAXP).
    JDOM has a reputation of being faster than DOM - depends on the amount of data you deal with.
    if you develop in Java, forget MSXML
    if parsing speed is an issue, you can achieve excellent performances with James Clark's XP.

  • Potential Java conflict with Adobe Flash Player 10?

    I applied the Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 1 to my MBP 10.6.2 today and noted a problem that didn't exist before with streaming flash video. When I connect to and select any flash content to play, all I get is a flashing screen alternating between black and white. I see the problem in Safari, Firefox, Camino, and SWF & FLV Player. An additional symptom noted is that if I access the flash control panel while viewing the flickering screen, I lose control of the panel and cannot close it or change anything. I've been out to Adobe's site and verified that I'm running the latest Flash Player version, 10,0,32,18. I've also run Cocktail and reset permissions just in case. I've not seen this problem on YouTube or any of the content provide by Adobe on their Flash Player page yet.
    One additional note, I can launch Windows 7 in Parallels and not have the problem with IE, Safari, and Firefox. Also, my wife's laptop, identical to mine BUT without the Java update does not have this problem at all.
    Has anyone else experienced this problem? Does anyone have suggestions on where to begin troubleshooting this issue or maybe have a potential solution?

    kevpatts wrote:
    Hey sdalek,
    It's actually not all sites. I've found a few that work. I'll have a look for any difference in implementation to try to narrow down the issue.
    Thanks, I'm curious to find out what's different. I've repair disk permissions again using the one in Disk Utility instead of Cocktail with not luck As far as I can tell, all my issues seem to be occurring solely on and is sill happening with Camino, Firefox, Safari, and SWF & FLV Player. I'll keep checking other sites to see if the problem manifests itself elsewhere and I'll post any other changes I make to my system that might appear to help.
    Message was edited by: [email protected]

  • Java script Alert-"Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation". Can't enable it.

    I am running Windows 7 SP1, Presenter 7.0.0 version 7328 and Powerpoint 2007 (v12.0.6525.1000.)
    My powerpoint file is running in 97-2003 compatibility mode, and I have produced a Presenter project with a link to some web content (a youtube-like video).
    In Firefox browser v23.0.1, I can open the Presenter project from it's html starting point, right click on the SWF presentation as it is running, select global settings, on the advanced tab select trusted location settings, enter the website adress to the youtube-like content, and close the browser, reopen it, and the content launches without a Java script alert.
    The Chrome browser will not do this. (Version 29.0.1547.76 m) (We are not using IE)
    Even setting the web page security permission from the control panel and rebooting will not hold the website in place in the Flash Security settings.
    Even going to the web site and editing directly will not work for chrome - ie, here: l
    By the term "not hold the setting" I mean upon reboot the website is no longer listed as trusted in global settings, nor in Chrome, nor in Flash security settings via Control Panel in W7. It IS listed in Firefox global settings as trusted, and so the content launches from Firefox, as said.
    Firefox is persistant, Chrome is not, and so - is it a buggy Flash Security setting issue? Or a windows/chrome issue? Or my poor local machine....
    Anyone have any ideas?

    Hi Chris:
    Thanks for the fast reply!
    I looked. Unfortunately, the people viewing it have their laptops locked down, so cannot access the Internet, Control Panel or Flash Player Settings. So the suggestions there do not help. Anything that you suggest?
    Is there anything I can do at the production end to help?
    Thanks again for your response. It is a bit of an urgent situation, so I really do appreciate it.
    Lavern Wiebe
    <mailto:[email protected]> [email protected]
    Ph: 630.585.5450

  • Java Client for Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server

    Is it possible to connect to a Adobe Flash Media Streaming
    Server by a java client?
    I need to be able to receive a streamed RTMP flash-video and
    implement the following functions:
    - PLAY
    - PAUSE
    - STOP
    I need to implement this player on a non-top-level Swing
    JComponent in Java (because this is the restriction I have from
    sun's wonderland, where I want to implement this player)...
    How can I do that in Java? Are there any code examples
    available or do you know an API or other possibilities to do that?
    Thanks for you help.
    Kind regards,

    This is a pretty big question. Is it possible? Probably. In
    theory it should. But *normally* the client is based on the flash
    player. I believe the protocol is publically available if you want
    to roll your own.
    But if you are looking for readily available solution, there
    is none that I know of.

Maybe you are looking for

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    I just tried to use PSE 7 on my new Dell XPS 9000 with Windows 7 and I receive a message that there is an error. The organizer opens fine. I did click on the icon on properties and tried to change to allow PSE to work but that did no good. So, please

  • Wireless Mighty Mouse Pointer not moving

    Need some advice. My 7 month old IMAC wireless mighty mouse is scrolling fine but does not move the pointer...can someone help? Thanks!

  • XL Report Error

    Hi I have a problem in XL Report, when i try to generate a report based on a query made in composer or even when i try to generate through the report organizer. The error that happens is: An error occurred during the process "Report Initialize". Desc