Java Importer Question

Does anybody know how it is possible to be able to access the properties of a java class which is returned from a java stored procedure?
I know that we can create instances of the class using the new function but i want to be able to have the live istance returned to me from method call.
Java class method :
public Result getResult(int id){
Java Return class 'Result':
public class Result{
String id;
String value;
//rest of pojo methods such as setters/getters
Forms PL/SQL for button trigger:
     client ora_java.jobject;
     jresult ora_java.jobject;
     client :=;
     jresult := JavaClient.getResult(client, 187144406);
What i want to know is how to access the methods of the Result java object (held by jresult) in the pl sql var?
Would much appreciate any help on this.

Excuse my stupidity, got it there...

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    String lastName = "lastName";
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         lastName = lastName;
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         lastName = lastName;
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    Hi Folks,
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    I hope you understand my question,pass me any comments you may have.
    Thanks alot,

  • Error in JAVA Importer

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    First of all the error you are getting
    You need to to install JDK 1.2.2 to run the Java Importer. And set the PATH's
    and classpath's correctly.
    1. Download and install the JDK 1.2.2.
    2. Assuming the JDK 1.2.2 is installed in c:\jdk1.2.2 directory and the JRE in
    C:\PROGRA~1\JAVASOFT\JRE\1.2 directory; ORACLE_HOME=C:\Dev6iR2.
    Set the PATH to
    set PATH=%PATH%;c:\jdk1.2.2\bin;C:\PROGRA~1\JAVASOFT\JRE\1.2\bin;C:\PROGRA~1\JAVASOFT\JRE\1.2\bin\classic
    ( If you are using ias9i then the JDK 1.2.2 comes with the ias installtion ,
    in this case please set the PATH to
    D:\ias9i\Apache\jdk\bin;D:\ias9i\Apache\jdk\jre\bin;D:\ias9i\Apache\jdk\jre\bin\classic;%PATH% )
    (If you do not set the CLASSPATH correctly you will get the error
    PDE-UJI002 Unable to find the required java importer classes)
    4. Now run the Forms Builder by using the command.
    Now the Java Importer Should Run fine.
    Please follow the white paper on the Java Imported on OTN.
    As for your question about deploying on the web - what about the on line help in Forms????
    Select HELP -> Manuals
    You will then see a manual for deploying Forms to the Web.
    Grant Ronald
    Forms Product Management

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    I think u r looking
    How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
    Eric Steven Raymond
    Rick Moen
    Write in clear, grammatical, correctly-spelled language
    We've found by experience that people who are careless and sloppy writers are usually also careless and sloppy at thinking and coding (often enough to bet on, anyway). Answering questions for careless and sloppy thinkers is not rewarding; we'd rather spend our time elsewhere.
    So expressing your question clearly and well is important. If you can't be bothered to do that, we can't be bothered to pay attention. Spend the extra effort to polish your language. It doesn't have to be stiff or formal - in fact, hacker culture values informal, slangy and humorous language used with precision. But it has to be precise; there has to be some indication that you're thinking and paying attention.
    Spell, punctuate, and capitalize correctly. Don't confuse "its" with "it's", "loose" with "lose", or "discrete" with "discreet". Don't TYPE IN ALL CAPS; this is read as shouting and considered rude. (All-smalls is only slightly less annoying, as it's difficult to read. Alan Cox can get away with it, but you can't.)
    More generally, if you write like a semi-literate b o o b you will very likely be ignored. So don't use instant-messaging shortcuts. Spelling "you" as "u" makes you look like a semi-literate b o o b to save two entire keystrokes.

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    You can deploy the java as jar file and as separate classes, although a jar file is the prefered method.

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    Adobe pdf, Word document or another format.  Our current content
    developement systems allows us to (when publishing) do this.
    1> exclude questions from the Published content
         (exclude section questions, or final test content)
    2> produce different test versions from question banks
    3> Produce a PDF paper test for when we want to train in a classroom setting
    4> Select which questions we want to produce
    5> Import questions from a pre-defined format.  To note: when we do this the system also makes us define a unique interaction id so that the import will update existing questions.
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    Such as
    LASTLY: if we can not export the QUIZ content.  Can an excel spreadsheet LIKE INTERFACE be used to edit certain aspects of the questions.
    Such as the InteractionId which is sent to the LMS ('').  My developer team says it is real difficult and time consuming
    to track down interactionIds and then maintain them in a perfect way.
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    I modified the CLASSPATH to add some jar files.
    What else should i do ?
    should i modify LIBPATH ?
    any idea ?

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    Is there an earlier doc ? or an earlier doc of the java importer ?
    any help would be appreciated

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    Though I can not provide you with answers specific to the Mega 180, I can give you some more info.
    1) No. As soon as you install an AGP card, the onboard video will be fully disabled from within the BIOS. This is an nForce2 chipset setting. So make sure to get an AGP card with 2xVGA (as most cards have nowadays).
    2) No or not much. Using an nForce2 MoBo myself I haven't encountered performance loss using both VGA outputs.
    3) There's no way to compare the onboard video to an AGP card. AGP cards will have a far out better perfomance then the onboard video. But compared to other onboard video solutions around, like Xtreme Graphics, the nForce solution is far better and has far better performance.
    It all depends on what you will be doing with the MegaPC. If you're a gamer, get an AGP card. If you want to use it as an HTPC, keep with the onboard nForce2 solution. There's no need for extra here since the nForce2 chipset is great. Onboard sound from this chipset is also great. Try it out before spending $ on an AGP card you don't need.
    Hope this helped a bit.

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    Hi Sivani,
    Questionnaire answers are stored in IT5141.  They are visible to the Recruiters when viewing the Candidates and can be used in rankings.  You can also decide for which positions this questionnaire would be required and which not. 
    Do not see a standard field to create a priority when creating a Requisition.  We added many fields, such as "eligibility for employee referral", so it can be added.  However, letting managers set the priorities could be a problem with each manager thinking his/her opening is most important. 

  • Server Specs for a Install Important questions.

    I've put together some specifications for a Development Server & Production Server, any comments appreciated. I hope this post acts as a good reference sample for anybody else out there looking to implement a Hyperion Planning.
    Client Tier: (2 developers)
    8 GB RAM
    Dual Core Processor
    Components: EAS client, Smart View, Excel Add-in
    Web Tier:
    HTTP Web and J2EE Servers:
    Windows + (not sure which version would be best here, any ideas appreciated)+
    Processor: 4 x 3 GHZ, 64 bit
    RAM: 8GB
    Hard Drive: 32 GB
    Components: Foundation: HSS, Workspace, Planning, Web Applications: EAS, Financial Reporting, Web Analysis, Planning,
    Services Tier:
    Windows (2003 SP1, R2)
    Processor: 4 x 3 GHZ 64 bit
    RAM: 16 GB
    Disk: 32GB
    Components: Essbase Server 64 bit
    Windows (2003, SP1 R2)
    Processor: 2 x3 Ghz
    RAM: 8GB
    Hard Drive: 32GB
    Components: Reporting & analysis, Financial Reporting Print Services, ODI
    Server 3:
    Windows (2003, SP1 R2)
    Processor: 2 x3 Ghz 64 bit
    RAM: 8GB
    Hard Drive: 32GB
    Components: FDM
    Database Tier:
    4 x 3 GHZ - 8 GB RAM
    200GB Essbase Storage
    The specifications will be similar for the production for abotu 25 - 30 users (10 concurrent), with RAM being a little bumped up.
    One important question: I might need guidance on installing 32 bit planning or FDM on the 64 bit server - any known issues with this? Also any known issues with 64 bit Essbase working with 32 bit Planning?
    Edited by: EssbaseApprentice on Sep 30, 2010 10:04 AM

    obviously its hard to comment on whether it is the perfect spec for your environment, it looks alright to me, it is not under spec.
    For the web tier as you are running reporting and analysis and the other machines are windows based personally I would stick with windows 2003.
    Is there any reason why you have one machine dedicated just to FDM, seems a bit of an overkill just for one product, it may be worth combining services server 2 with FDM, just a suggestion though

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    Please help. I need to get it to work urgently.

    the java.lang.Excpetion class is part of the Java platform and don't need to be present in a separate directory on your PC. Just import java.lang.Exception as you can see it in the Java importer class tree.

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    ERROR 2010-04-27 18:22:28.563
    CJS-00084  SQL statement or script failed. DIAGNOSIS: Error message: ORA-01012: not logged on
    ORACLE instance started.
    ERROR 2010-04-27 18:22:28.563
    MUT-03025  Caught ESAPinstException in Modulecall: ORA-01012: not logged on
    ORACLE instance started.
    let meknow your thoughts.
    - Jim

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    Don Fields

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    WF is quite a complex topic and someone could write a book to answer your questions - actually there is already a good book available -> check: Practical Workflow for SAP
    Looking at your example their might not even be a need for a workflow but rather a job that runs periodically to send the required information via email to project managers.
    Workflow is mostly used if user actions are required e.g. confirm, approve, reject a request or notifications need to be sent to someone after an event or user action occured.
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