Java Local Cache Outperformed C++ Local Cache in 3.6.1

Currently I'm using same local cache configuration to publish 10000 record of a portable object and retrieve same item few times from both Java and c++ client with oracle coherence 3.6.1 version. I'm using linux x86 version for both java and c++.
Results from Java : 3 Micro Seconds (best Case), 4-5 Micro Seconds (Average Case)
Results from C++ : 7 Micro Seconds, 8-9 Mirco Seconds (Average Case)
When we have local cache for both Java and C++ data retrival latency ideally should be same. But I was able to witness 4 Mirco Second lagging in c++. Is there any sort of c++ configuration which I can improve the perfromance to reach at least 4-5 Micro Seconds.
My local cache configuration is as follows.
So in underneath coherence implementation it uses Safe HashMap as the default (As the documentation). Please let me know if i'm doing something wrong?

Hi Dave,
I have append my c++ sample code for reference.
-------------- Main class -------------------
#include "coherence/lang.ns"
#include "coherence/net/CacheFactory.hpp"
#include "coherence/net/NamedCache.hpp"
#include <ace/High_Res_Timer.h>
#include <ace/Sched_Params.h>
#include "Order.hpp"
#include "Tokenizer.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace coherence::lang;
using coherence::net::CacheFactory;
using coherence::net::NamedCache;
Order::View readOrder(String::View);
void createCache(std::string, NamedCache::Handle&, std::string, std::string&, std::string, std::string);
void readCache(NamedCache::Handle&, std::string, std::string&, std::string, std::string, std::string);
static int globalOrderIndex = 1;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
try {
String::View vsCacheName;
std::string input;
std::ifstream infile;
std::string comment = "#";"test-data.txt");
size_t found;
std::string result;
while (!infile.eof()) {
getline(infile, input);
if (input.empty())
found = input.rfind(comment);
if (found != std::string::npos)
Tokenizer str(input);
std::vector<std::string> tokens = str.split();
vsCacheName =;
NamedCache::Handle hCache = CacheFactory::getCache(vsCacheName);
std::string itemCountList =;
std::string searchCount =;
std::string skipFirst =;
std::string searchValue =;
Tokenizer str1(itemCountList);
std::vector<std::string> tokens1 = str1.split();
for (int x = 0; x < tokens1.size(); x++) {
std::string count =;
std::string result;
createCache(count, hCache, searchCount, result, vsCacheName, skipFirst);
readCache(hCache, searchCount, result, skipFirst, count, searchValue);
std::cout << result << std::endl;
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
Order::View readOrder(String::View aotag) { 
return Order::create(aotag);
void createCache(std::string count, NamedCache::Handle& hCache, std::string searchIndex,
std::string& result, std::string cacheName, std::string skipValue) {
int totalRounds = atoi(count.c_str());
int search = atoi(searchIndex.c_str());
int skipFirstData = atoi(skipValue.c_str());
bool skipFirst = skipFirstData == 1 ? true : false;
int loop_count = skipFirstData == 1 ? search + 1 : search;
if (totalRounds == 0)
ACE_hrtime_t average(0);
ACE_High_Res_Timer* tm = new ACE_High_Res_Timer();
ACE_hrtime_t nstime(0);
for (int x = 0; x <1; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < totalRounds; y++) {
std::stringstream out;
out << globalOrderIndex;
String::View aotag = out.str();
Order::View order = readOrder(aotag);
hCache->put(aotag, order);
if (x > 0 || !skipFirst) // skipping first write because it is an odd result
average += nstime;
delete tm;
double totalTimetoAdd = average / (1 * 1000);
double averageOneItemAddTime = (average / (1 * totalRounds * 1000));
std::stringstream out;
out << totalTimetoAdd;
std::string timeToAddAll = out.str();
std::stringstream out1;
out1 << averageOneItemAddTime;
std::string timetoAddOne = out1.str();
result.append("------------- Test ");
result += cacheName;
result += " with ";
result += count;
result += " -------------\n";
result += "Time taken to publish data: ";
result += (timeToAddAll);
result += " us";
result += "\n";
result += "Time taken to publish one item: ";
result += (timetoAddOne);
result += " us\n";
void readCache(NamedCache::Handle& hCache, std::string searchCount,
std::string& result, std::string skipValue, std::string countVal, std::string searchValue) {
int skipData = atoi(skipValue.c_str());
bool skipFirst = skipData == 1 ? true : false;
int count = atoi(countVal.c_str());
String::View vsName = searchValue.c_str();
ACE_hrtime_t average(0);
int search = atoi(searchCount.c_str());
int loop_count = skipData == 1 ? search + 1 : search;
ACE_High_Res_Timer* tm = new ACE_High_Res_Timer();
ACE_hrtime_t nstime(0);
ACE_hrtime_t best_time(10000000);
bool isSaturated = true;
int saturatedValue = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < loop_count; x++) {
Order::View vInfo = cast<Order::View>(hCache->get(vsName));
if (x>0 || !skipFirst){
average += nstime;
if(nstime < best_time) {           
best_time = nstime;
saturatedValue = x+1;
} else {
isSaturated = false;
std::cout << nstime << std::endl;
vInfo = NULL;
Order::View vInfo = cast<Order::View>(hCache->get(vsName));
if(vInfo == NULL)
std::cout << "No info available" << std::endl;
// if(x%1000==0)
// sleep(1);
delete tm;
double averageRead = (average / (search * 1000));
double bestRead = ((best_time)/1000);
std::stringstream out1;
out1 << averageRead;
std::string timeToRead = out1.str();
std::stringstream out2;
out2 << bestRead;
std::stringstream out3;
out3 << saturatedValue;
result += "Average readtime: ";
result += (timeToRead);
result += " us, best time: ";
result += (out2.str());
result += " us, saturated index: ";
result += (out3.str());
result += " \n";
----------------- Order.hpp ---------------
#include "coherence/lang.ns"
using namespace coherence::lang;
class Order : public cloneable_spec<Order> {
// ----- constructors ---------------------------------------------------
friend class factory<Order>;
virtual size_t hashCode() const {
return size_t(&m_aotag);
virtual void toStream(std::ostream& out) const {
out << "Order("
<< "Aotag=" << getAotag()
<< ')';
virtual bool equals(Object::View that) const {
if (instanceof<Order::View > (that)) {
Order::View vThat = cast<Order::View > (that);
return Object::equals(getAotag(), vThat->getAotag())
return false;
Order(String::View aotag) : m_aotag(self(), aotag) {}
Order(const Order& that) : super(that), m_aotag(self(), that.m_aotag) {}
// ----- accessors ------------------------------------------------------
virtual String::View getAotag() const {
return m_aotag;
// ----- data members ---------------------------------------------------
const MemberView<String> m_aotag;
#endif // ORDER_INFO_HPP
----------- OrderSerializer.cpp -------------
#include "coherence/lang.ns"
#include "coherence/io/pof/PofReader.hpp"
#include "coherence/io/pof/PofWriter.hpp"
#include "coherence/io/pof/SystemPofContext.hpp"
#include "coherence/io/pof/PofSerializer.hpp"
#include "Order.hpp"
using namespace coherence::lang;
using coherence::io::pof::PofReader;
using coherence::io::pof::PofWriter;
using coherence::io::pof::PofSerializer;
class OrderSerializer: public class_spec<OrderSerializer,extends<Object>,implements<PofSerializer> > {
friend class factory<OrderSerializer>;
public: // PofSerializer interface
virtual void serialize(PofWriter::Handle hOut, Object::View v) const {
Order::View order = cast<Order::View > (v);
hOut->writeString(0, order->getAotag());
virtual Object::Holder deserialize(PofReader::Handle hIn) const {
String::View aotag = hIn->readString(0);
return Order::create(aotag);
COH_REGISTER_POF_SERIALIZER(1001, TypedBarrenClass<Order>::create(), OrderSerializer::create());
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// default delimiter string (space, tab, newline, carriage return, form feed)
const std::string DEFAULT_DELIMITER = " \t\v\n\r\f";
class Tokenizer
// ctor/dtor
Tokenizer(const std::string& str, const std::string& delimiter=DEFAULT_DELIMITER);
// set string and delimiter
void set(const std::string& str, const std::string& delimiter=DEFAULT_DELIMITER);
void setString(const std::string& str); // set source string only
void setDelimiter(const std::string& delimiter); // set delimiter string only
std::string next(); // return the next token, return "" if it ends
std::vector<std::string> split(); // return array of tokens from current cursor
void skipDelimiter(); // ignore leading delimiters
bool isDelimiter(char c); // check if the current char is delimiter
std::string buffer; // input string
std::string token; // output string
std::string delimiter; // delimiter string
std::string::const_iterator currPos; // string iterator pointing the current position
#endif // TOKENIZER_H
--------------- Tokenizer.cpp -------------
#include "Tokenizer.h"
Tokenizer::Tokenizer() : buffer(""), token(""), delimiter(DEFAULT_DELIMITER)
currPos = buffer.begin();
Tokenizer::Tokenizer(const std::string& str, const std::string& delimiter) : buffer(str), token(""), delimiter(delimiter)
currPos = buffer.begin();
void Tokenizer::set(const std::string& str, const std::string& delimiter)
this->buffer = str;
this->delimiter = delimiter;
this->currPos = buffer.begin();
void Tokenizer::setString(const std::string& str)
this->buffer = str;
this->currPos = buffer.begin();
void Tokenizer::setDelimiter(const std::string& delimiter)
this->delimiter = delimiter;
this->currPos = buffer.begin();
std::string Tokenizer::next()
if(buffer.size() <= 0) return ""; // skip if buffer is empty
token.clear(); // reset token string
this->skipDelimiter(); // skip leading delimiters
// append each char to token string until it meets delimiter
while(currPos != buffer.end() && !isDelimiter(*currPos))
token += *currPos;
return token;
void Tokenizer::skipDelimiter()
while(currPos != buffer.end() && isDelimiter(*currPos))
bool Tokenizer::isDelimiter(char c)
return (delimiter.find(c) != std::string::npos);
std::vector<std::string> Tokenizer::split()
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
std::string token;
while((token = this->next()) != "")
return tokens;
I'm really concerned about the performance. 1 Micro seconds is very much valuable for me. If you could reduce it to 5 micro seconds then it would be a great help for me. I'm building above code by following release arguments.
"g++ -Wall -ansi -m32 -O3"
Following file is my test script
------------ test-data.txt ---------------
#cache type - data load - read attempts - skip first - read value
local-orders 10000 5 1 1
# dist-extend 1,100,10000 5 1 1
# repl-extend 1,100,10000 5 1 1
You can uncomment one by one and test different caches with different loads.
Thanks for the reply
Edited by: sura on 23-Jun-2011 18:49
Edited by: sura on 23-Jun-2011 19:35
Edited by: sura on 23-Jun-2011 19:53

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    Local cache is specific to a user, before BW 3.0 it was only local cache available...if a user run the query data will come to cache from infoprovider and next time same query will not go to Data base instead it will fetch data from cache memory...this cache will be used only for that particular user...if some other user try the same query it will not pick up dta from cache.....
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    There are 8 cpus on each node . Reloads very high during time period ,but normally there are not high reloads.
    Statspack details for 3 nodes
    STATSPACK report for
    DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Release     Cluster Host
    PROD            21184234 PROD1               1   YES     npi-or-db-p-
                  Snap Id     Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess Comment
    Begin Snap:    149817 30-Oct-09 13:00:09      574 #########
      End Snap:    149837 30-Oct-09 14:00:17      602 #########
       Elapsed:               60.13 (mins)
    Cache Sizes (end)
                   Buffer Cache:     8,192M      Std Block Size:          8K
               Shared Pool Size:     1,024M          Log Buffer:     10,240K
    Load Profile
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~                            Per Second       Per Transaction
                      Redo size:            122,414.93             11,449.13
                  Logical reads:             69,550.76              6,504.89
                  Block changes:                928.41                 86.83
                 Physical reads:                196.24                 18.35
                Physical writes:                 28.65                  2.68
                     User calls:                343.97                 32.17
                         Parses:                558.61                 52.25
                    Hard parses:                 43.48                  4.07
                          Sorts:                467.24                 43.70
                         Logons:                  0.63                  0.06
                       Executes:              2,046.99                191.45
                   Transactions:                 10.69
      % Blocks changed per Read:    1.33    Recursive Call %:     97.59
    Rollback per transaction %:    5.07       Rows per Sort:     15.85
    Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
                Buffer Nowait %:  100.00       Redo NoWait %:    100.00
                Buffer  Hit   %:   99.72    In-memory Sort %:    100.00
                Library Hit   %:   96.79        Soft Parse %:     92.22
             Execute to Parse %:   72.71         Latch Hit %:     99.77
    Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %:   60.10     % Non-Parse CPU:     78.07
    -> s  - second
    -> cs - centisecond -     100th of a second
    -> ms - millisecond -    1000th of a second
    -> us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second
    -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
                                                         Total Wait   wait    Waits
    Event                               Waits   Timeouts   Time (s)   (ms)     /txn
    db file sequential read           249,234          0      1,537      6      6.5
    db file scattered read             61,776          0        769     12      1.6
    row cache lock                    780,098         10        566      1     20.2
    library cache lock                697,849        157        432      1     18.1
    latch free                        127,926      4,715        387      3      3.3
    global cache cr request           370,770      3,091        309      1      9.6
    PL/SQL lock timer                      59         58        112   1903      0.0
    wait for scn from all nodes       303,572         18        103      0      7.9
    library cache pin                  26,231          2        100      4      0.7
    global cache null to x             17,717        716         92      5      0.5
    buffer busy waits                   5,388         18         74     14      0.1
    db file parallel read               5,245          0         69     13      0.1
    log file sync                      20,407         29         66      3      0.5
    enqueue                            52,200         70         60      1      1.4
    buffer busy global CR               4,845         33         55     11      0.1
    CGS wait for IPC msg              412,512    407,106         50      0     10.7
    ksxr poll remote instances      1,279,565    483,046         48      0     33.2
    log file parallel write           160,040          0         42      0      4.1
    library cache load lock             1,491          2         29     20      0.0
    global cache open x                19,507        344         28      1      0.5
    buffer busy global cache              957          0         22     23      0.0
    global cache s to x                16,516        180         20      1      0.4
    db file parallel write             11,120          0         12      1      0.3
    log file sequential read              618          0         11     18      0.0
    DFS lock handle                    23,768          0         10      0      0.6
    control file sequential read        8,563          0          4      0      0.2
    KJC: Wait for msg sends to c        1,549         57          4      3      0.0
    lock escalate retry                    76         76          4     52      0.0
    SQL*Net break/reset to clien       12,546          0          3      0      0.3
    SQL*Net more data to client        85,773          0          3      0      2.2
    control file parallel write         1,265          0          2      1      0.0
    global cache null to s                648         23          1      2      0.0
    global cache busy                     200          0          1      5      0.0
    global cache open s                 1,493         28          1      1      0.0
    log file switch completion             12          0          1     61      0.0
    PX Deq Credit: send blkd              161         70          1      4      0.0
    kksfbc child completion               119        118          1      5      0.0
    PX Deq: reap credit                 5,948      5,456          0      0      0.2
    PX Deq: Execute Reply                  83         29          0      3      0.0
    process startup                         8          0          0     25      0.0
    LGWR wait for redo copy               992         12          0      0      0.0
    IPC send completion sync              450        450          0      0      0.0
    PX Deq: Parse Reply                   100         28          0      1      0.0
    undo segment extension             10,380     10,372          0      0      0.3
    PX Deq: Join ACK                      146         65          0      1      0.0
    buffer deadlock                       222        221          0      0      0.0
    async disk IO                       1,179          0          0      0      0.0
    wait list latch free                    2          0          0     16      0.0
    PX Deq: Msg Fragment                  112         28          0      0      0.0
    Library Cache Activity for DB: PROD  Instance: PROD1  Snaps: 149817 -149837
    ->"Pct Misses"  should be very low
                             Get  Pct        Pin        Pct               Invali-
    Namespace           Requests  Miss     Requests     Miss     Reloads  dations
    BODY                 116,007    1.1        133,347   19.9     24,338        0
    CLUSTER                4,224    0.6          5,131    1.0          0        0
    INDEX                 15,048   24.1         13,798   26.4          2        0
    JAVA DATA                 82    0.0            692   39.6        136        0
    JAVA RESOURCE             66   39.4            206   25.2         12        0
    PIPE                   1,140    0.5          1,160    0.5          0        0
    SQL AREA           1,197,908   12.6     13,517,660    1.5    111,833       73
    TABLE/PROCEDURE    3,847,439    0.8      4,230,265    7.9    142,200        0
    TRIGGER                8,444    2.4          8,657   18.5      1,274        0
                        GES Lock      GES Pin      GES Pin   GES Inval GES Invali-
    Namespace           Requests     Requests     Releases    Requests     dations
    BODY                       1        1,234        1,258         985           0
    CLUSTER                3,222           25           25          25           0
    INDEX                 13,792        3,641        3,631       3,629           0
    JAVA DATA                  0            0            0           0           0
    JAVA RESOURCE              0           26           25           0           0
    PIPE                       0            0            0           0           0
    SQL AREA                   0            0            0           0           0
    TABLE/PROCEDURE      857,137       13,130       13,264      10,762           0
    TRIGGER                    0          200          202         200           0
    STATSPACK report for
    DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Release     Cluster Host
    PROD            21184234 PROD2               2   YES     npi-or-db-p-
                  Snap Id     Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess Comment
    Begin Snap:    149847 30-Oct-09 14:00:05      493 #########
      End Snap:    149857 30-Oct-09 15:00:02      432 #########
       Elapsed:               59.95 (mins)
    Cache Sizes (end)
                   Buffer Cache:     8,192M      Std Block Size:          8K
               Shared Pool Size:     1,024M          Log Buffer:     10,240K
    Load Profile
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~                            Per Second       Per Transaction
                      Redo size:             71,853.44             32,058.65
                  Logical reads:            273,904.84            122,207.36
                  Block changes:                889.13                396.70
                 Physical reads:                 40.40                 18.03
                Physical writes:                 20.97                  9.35
                     User calls:                153.74                 68.60
                         Parses:                 66.19                 29.53
                    Hard parses:                  2.66                  1.19
                          Sorts:                 25.70                 11.47
                         Logons:                  0.16                  0.07
                       Executes:                726.41                324.10
                   Transactions:                  2.24
      % Blocks changed per Read:    0.32    Recursive Call %:     92.41
    Rollback per transaction %:    4.84       Rows per Sort:    193.55
    Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
                Buffer Nowait %:  100.00       Redo NoWait %:     99.99
                Buffer  Hit   %:   99.99    In-memory Sort %:    100.00
                Library Hit   %:   99.35        Soft Parse %:     95.97
             Execute to Parse %:   90.89         Latch Hit %:     99.99
    Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %:   36.55     % Non-Parse CPU:     98.28
    Wait Events for DB: PROD  Instance: PROD2  Snaps: 149847 -149857
    -> s  - second
    -> cs - centisecond -     100th of a second
    -> ms - millisecond -    1000th of a second
    -> us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second
    -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
                                                         Total Wait   wait    Waits
    Event                               Waits   Timeouts   Time (s)   (ms)     /txn
    enqueue                            65,823     33,667     90,459   1374      8.2
    row cache lock                     38,996        560      1,795     46      4.8
    PX Deq Credit: send blkd              522        499      1,223   2344      0.1
    PX Deq: Parse Reply                   466        416        987   2117      0.1
    db file sequential read            50,130          0        421      8      6.2
    library cache lock                 78,842        172        210      3      9.8
    db file scattered read              6,904          0        152     22      0.9
    global cache cr request            84,801        575        113      1     10.5
    latch free                          8,096        736         65      8      1.0
    log file sync                       5,676         27         41      7      0.7
    wait for scn from all nodes        18,891         10         24      1      2.3
    CGS wait for IPC msg              394,678    392,142         21      0     49.0
    library cache pin                   1,339          0         17     13      0.2
    global cache null to x              2,145         48         16      8      0.3
    global cache s to x                 3,242         32         16      5      0.4
    buffer busy waits                     366         10         15     40      0.0
    ksxr poll remote instances         70,990     31,295         14      0      8.8
    db file parallel read                 359          0         11     31      0.0
    global cache open x                 2,708         55         10      4      0.3
    async disk IO                       3,474          0          8      2      0.4
    global cache open s                 3,470         10          6      2      0.4
    log file parallel write            13,076          0          5      0      1.6
    global cache busy                      58         40          5     90      0.0
    PL/SQL lock timer                       1          1          5   4877      0.0
    DFS lock handle                     3,362          0          5      1      0.4
    log file sequential read              412          0          4     10      0.1
    db file parallel write              2,774          0          3      1      0.3
    library cache load lock                59          0          3     58      0.0
    buffer busy global CR                 722          0          3      4      0.1
    control file sequential read        6,398          0          3      0      0.8
    SQL*Net break/reset to clien       16,078          0          2      0      2.0
    name-service call wait                 26          0          2     67      0.0
    control file parallel write         1,248          0          2      1      0.2
    process startup                        24          0          1     49      0.0
    KJC: Wait for msg sends to c        3,491          4          1      0      0.4
    SQL*Net more data to client        23,724          0          1      0      2.9
    buffer busy global cache               23          0          0     19      0.0
    global cache null to s                114          0          0      4      0.0
    PX Deq: reap credit                 5,646      5,509          0      0      0.7
    log file switch completion              4          0          0     58      0.0
    lock escalate retry                    54         54          0      1      0.0
    IPC send completion sync              119        118          0      0      0.0
    direct path read                    2,820          0          0      0      0.3
    direct path read (lob)              3,632          0          0      0      0.5
    PX Deq: Join ACK                       88         37          0      0      0.0
    direct path write                   2,470          0          0      0      0.3
    kksfbc child completion                 6          6          0      6      0.0
    buffer deadlock                         3          3          0     11      0.0
    global cache quiesce wait               4          4          0      8      0.0
    Library Cache Activity for DB: PROD  Instance: PROD2  Snaps: 149847 -149857
    ->"Pct Misses"  should be very low
                             Get  Pct        Pin        Pct               Invali-
    Namespace           Requests  Miss     Requests     Miss     Reloads  dations
    BODY                  27,353    0.5         28,091    6.5      1,643        0
    CLUSTER                  203    1.0            269    1.5          0        0
    INDEX                    526    9.9            271   19.9          0        0
    JAVA DATA                 18    0.0            120    6.7          4        0
    JAVA RESOURCE             20   45.0             56   26.8          3        0
    JAVA SOURCE                1  100.0              1  100.0          0        0
    PIPE                     999    0.4          1,043    0.4          0        0
    SQL AREA             131,793    7.6      3,406,577    0.4      7,012        0
    TABLE/PROCEDURE      926,987    0.2      1,907,993    1.0      8,845        0
    TRIGGER                1,519    0.1          1,532    4.9         69        0
                        GES Lock      GES Pin      GES Pin   GES Inval GES Invali-
    Namespace           Requests     Requests     Releases    Requests     dations
    BODY                       1          129          277         117           0
    CLUSTER                  168            2            2           2           0
    INDEX                    271           52           56          52           0
    JAVA DATA                  0            0            0           0           0
    JAVA RESOURCE              0            9            6           0           0
    JAVA SOURCE                0            1            1           1           0
    PIPE                       0            0            0           0           0
    SQL AREA                   0            0            0           0           0
    TABLE/PROCEDURE       89,523          764          868         460           0
    TRIGGER                    0            2           14           2           0
    DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Release     Cluster Host
    PROD            21184234 PROD3               3   YES     npi-or-db-p-
                  Snap Id     Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess Comment
    Begin Snap:    149808 30-Oct-09 14:00:00       31 #########
      End Snap:    149809 30-Oct-09 15:00:02       34  11,831.4
       Elapsed:               60.03 (mins)
    Cache Sizes (end)
                   Buffer Cache:     8,192M      Std Block Size:          8K
               Shared Pool Size:     1,024M          Log Buffer:     10,240K
    Load Profile
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~                            Per Second       Per Transaction
                      Redo size:              1,518.14             36,700.35
                  Logical reads:              1,333.43             32,235.02
                  Block changes:                  5.09                123.01
                 Physical reads:                 54.31              1,312.88
                Physical writes:                  3.91                 94.44
                     User calls:                  1.46                 35.40
                         Parses:                  2.24                 54.21
                    Hard parses:                  0.04                  0.93
                          Sorts:                  0.84                 20.28
                         Logons:                  0.06                  1.45
                       Executes:                  3.11                 75.23
                   Transactions:                  0.04
      % Blocks changed per Read:    0.38    Recursive Call %:     94.31
    Rollback per transaction %:   45.64       Rows per Sort:    215.97
    Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
                Buffer Nowait %:   99.99       Redo NoWait %:    100.00
                Buffer  Hit   %:   96.21    In-memory Sort %:    100.00
                Library Hit   %:   99.07        Soft Parse %:     98.29
             Execute to Parse %:   27.94         Latch Hit %:     99.98
    Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %:   69.88     % Non-Parse CPU:     97.92
    Wait Events for DB: PROD  Instance: PROD3  Snaps: 149808 -149809
    -> s  - second
    -> cs - centisecond -     100th of a second
    -> ms - millisecond -    1000th of a second
    -> us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second
    -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
                                                         Total Wait   wait    Waits
    Event                               Waits   Timeouts   Time (s)   (ms)     /txn
    enqueue                            19,510      7,472     15,509    795    130.9
    PX Deq: Parse Reply                 1,152      1,071      2,577   2237      7.7
    row cache lock                      2,202        518      1,579    717     14.8
    db file scattered read             31,556          0        354     11    211.8
    db file sequential read            17,272          0         67      4    115.9
    db file parallel read               1,722          0         34     20     11.6
    global cache cr request            53,754         91         32      1    360.8
    wait for scn from all nodes         1,897         13         10      5     12.7
    CGS wait for IPC msg              403,358    401,478         10      0  2,707.1
    DFS lock handle                     4,753          0          8      2     31.9
    direct path read                    1,248          0          6      5      8.4
    PX Deq: Execute Reply                 110         38          6     51      0.7
    global cache open s                   160         10          5     31      1.1
    control file sequential read        6,442          0          3      0     43.2
    name-service call wait                 26          0          2     78      0.2
    latch free                            129        109          2     13      0.9
    KJC: Wait for msg sends to c          153         24          1      9      1.0
    control file parallel write         1,245          0          1      1      8.4
    buffer busy waits                     199          0          1      6      1.3
    process startup                        20          0          1     44      0.1
    global cache null to x                 74          2          1      9      0.5
    global cache null to s                 19          0          1     29      0.1
    global cache open x                   268          1          1      2      1.8
    library cache lock                  1,150          0          0      0      7.7
    PX Deq: Join ACK                      129         48          0      3      0.9
    log file parallel write             1,157          0          0      0      7.8
    async disk IO                         219          0          0      1      1.5
    direct path write                   1,024          0          0      0      6.9
    ksxr poll remote instances          6,740      4,595          0      0     45.2
    PX Deq: reap credit                 6,580      6,511          0      0     44.2
    buffer busy global CR                  73          0          0      2      0.5
    log file sequential read               11          0          0     10      0.1
    log file sync                         100          0          0      1      0.7
    global cache s to x                   282          2          0      0      1.9
    db file parallel write                 95          0          0      1      0.6
    library cache pin                     142          0          0      0      1.0
    SQL*Net break/reset to clien           28          0          0      1      0.2
    IPC send completion sync               81         81          0      0      0.5
    PX Deq: Signal ACK                     32         14          0      1      0.2
    PX Deq Credit: send blkd                3          1          0      7      0.0
    SQL*Net more data to client           841          0          0      0      5.6
    PX Deq: Msg Fragment                   37         17          0      0      0.2
    log file single write                   4          0          0      1      0.0
    db file single write                    1          0          0      1      0.0
    SQL*Net message from client         4,213          0     13,673   3246     28.3
    gcs remote message                214,784     75,745      7,016     33  1,441.5
    wakeup time manager                   233        233      6,812  29237      1.6
    PX Idle Wait                        2,338      2,294      5,686   2432     15.7
    PX Deq: Execution Msg               2,151      1,979      4,796   2229     14.4
    Library Cache Activity for DB: PROD  Instance: PROD3  Snaps: 149808 -149809
    ->"Pct Misses"  should be very low
                             Get  Pct        Pin        Pct               Invali-
    Namespace           Requests  Miss     Requests     Miss     Reloads  dations
    BODY                   1,290    0.0          1,290    0.0          0        0
    CLUSTER                   18    0.0              8    0.0          0        0
    SQL AREA               4,893    2.0         36,371    0.5          2        0
    TABLE/PROCEDURE        1,555    3.9          3,834    4.9         71        0
    TRIGGER                  286    0.0            286    0.0          0        0
                        GES Lock      GES Pin      GES Pin   GES Inval GES Invali-
    Namespace           Requests     Requests     Releases    Requests     dations
    BODY                       1            0            0           0           0
    CLUSTER                    4            0            0           0           0
    SQL AREA                   0            0            0           0           0
    TABLE/PROCEDURE          863          224           42          42           0
    TRIGGER                    0            0            0           0           0

  • JDBC driver & XE - bag with Locale other then ENGLISH locale

    Lets test java class code:
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;
    public class TestDriver {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
    //deadly force: Locale.setDefault(Locale.ENGLISH);
    // but my Locale is RU!
    // see NLS_CHARACTERSET- WE8MSWIN1252 must be WE8MSWIN1251!
    OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource();
    Connection conn = ods.getConnection();
    DatabaseMetaData meta = conn.getMetaData();
    System.out.println("JDBC driver version is " + meta.getDriverVersion());
    Output result:
    Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoauthenticate.receiveOauth(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.<init>(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.<init>(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CDriverExtension.getConnection(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect(
    at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource.getPhysicalConnection(
    at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource.getConnection(
    at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource.getConnection(
    at Oracle.Test.TestDriver.main(
    Database info:
    Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Product
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    National Language Support
    National Language Parametersort by this column Value

    Right. I have diagnosed the issue. It is caused by the removal of the "CIS"
    territory from Oracle Database XE. I have logged bug #5114250.
    If you have access to the applicaction source code, try the following workaround:
    boolean workaround = false;
    Locale origLocale = Locale.getDefault();
    if ( origLocale.toString().equals( "ru_RU" ) ) {
    Locale.setDefault( new Locale( "en", "US" ) );
    workaround = true;
    DriverManager.registerDriver( new OracleDriver() );
    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
    System.out.println( "Connected." );
    if ( workaround ) {
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    String territory = "CIS";
    if ( conn.getMetaData().getDatabaseMajorVersion() >= 10 )
    territory = "RUSSIA";
    + territory +"'" );
    System.out.println( "NLS_TERRITORY changed to " + territory );
    Locale.setDefault( origLocale );
    -- Sergiusz

  • Navigation is cached - even when navigation cache is disabled?!

    I seem to have a problem clearing the navigation cache. Whenever I change a role of workset in the PCD, the change is not visible until some time has passed (perhaps 100 minutes, I will try to verify that).
    If I change a page (like inserting a new iView) the change is visible immediatly.
    This sounds like a fairly standard "flush the navigation cache" problem, but that does not solve the problem. I have disabled all the caches in "System Administration -> Navigation -> Navigation cache" and have also cleared all of them just for good measure.
    I have used Firebug in firefox to verify that this is not a browser cache problem. For example I have a folder in the role that contains two pages. I add a third page, flush all browser caches, close the browser and reload the page. In firebug I can see that I get a "200 OK" response that only includes the original two pages - not the new third page.
    I have also tried clearing the PCD cache in "System Administration -> Support -> Portal Content Directory -> PCD Administration -> Release cache". When I do that I can see (again with firebug) that the request is taking slightly longer the first time (around 300ms instead of the usual ~70ms). However, the new page is still not visible.
    The only thing that help (besides waiting) is to restart the entire portal. The changes are then visible immediatly.
    I have even tried clearing the HTTP cache, which also does not help.
    What other caches could there be besides the navigation cache, the PCD cache, the HTTP cache or the browser cache? How can I debug this problem further?
    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards,
    Ole Hyldahl Tolshave
    P.S. We use SEP EP 7.00 SP21
    Edited by: Ole Hyldahl Tolshave on Jun 17, 2010 10:21 AM

    Hi Tobias,
    I tried clearing the DB cache (by using /irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/ No change (change to role is still being cached).
    I used the PCD Inspector and verified that the contents are identical to what I see in Content Administration -> Portal Content (which is different from what is rendered in the top navigation and detailed navigation).
    We only have one server node running.
    I tried deploying the .PAR-file from SAP support (and restarted). This made no changes so now I am waiting for them to get back to me.
    But thank you again for trying to help.
    Best regards,
    Ole Hyldahl Tolshave

  • How do you tell difference between16MB Cache or 32 MB Cache HDD

    Hi All,
    Please can you tell me how I tell if the drive I am purchasing is 16MB cache or 32 MB cache version. I am buying 10 x 1T Seagate barracuda 7200.12 drives. The model number is ST31000524AS
    They told me they are 32MB cache but i suspect they may be 16MB as the 32MB version on newegg has the seriel number: ST31000528AS 1TB 7200 RPM 32MB
    Please can you help me.
    Mamy thanks
    KInd regards
    Anthony Freeman

    Thanks Bill and Harm,
    Im about to post a new thread requesting assistance. I have the new pc now, plugged it in yesterday, and am really a little overwhelmed with the setup and would really appreciate some guidence if possible.
    Many thanks

  • How can I get a local path of the local disk with swf

    Since doesn't download multiple
    files, I want to download files with php ftp_get by FTP.
    I need to pass the local path of the local disk where I can
    download the files from a remote serveur. How can I get a prompt to
    have a user choose a folder on his computor (local disk), if any
    way possible?

    OK, at least 3 is working.
    I don't know how you have a Tape Recorder icon on your Home Screen. I cannot add one myself. But, I am running Holo Launcher in replacement of the default LG "Optimus" User Interface. It's much better in my opinion.
    Try long pressing the icon and select Edit and maybe you can change some attribute of the icon.
    Another thing you could do, is long-press an empty area of your desktop, to add an icon. Select Shortcut, then Select Contact, and scroll through your contact list and choose the contact that you added for *86.
    You realize if you have voice mail you haven't heard, there is a tape recorder icon in the notification bar, which you touch and pull down, then press it to dial voicemail.
    If that functionality doesn't work, you MIGHT want to consider doing a factory data reset on your device, but that is going to nuke all your personalizations and cause you work to set up again.

  • Query performance problem - events 2505-read cache and 2510-write cache

    I am experiencing severe performance problems with a query, specifically with events 2505 (Read Cache) and 2510 (Write Cache) which went up to 11000 seconds on some executions. Data Manager (400 s), OLAP data selection (90 s) and OLAP user exit (250 s) are other the other event with noticeable times. All other events are very quick.
    The query settings (RSRT) are
    persistent cache across each app server -> cluster table,
    update cache in delta process is checked ->group on infoprovider type
    use cache despite virtual characteristics/key figs checked (one info-cube has1 virtual key figure which should have a static result for a day)
    =>Do you know how I can get more details than what's in 0TCT_C02 to break down the read and write cache events time or do you have any recommandation?
    I have checked and no dataloads were in progres on the info-providers and no master data loads (change run). Overall system performance was acceptable for other queries.

    Looks like you're using BDB, not BDB JE, and this is the BDB JE forum. Could you please repost here?:
    Berkeley DB

  • Integration Builder - runtime data cache - Error when creating cache list

    When I go into the Integration Builder --> Administration --> Runtime tab --> Data Cache
    I get a message saying "Error when creating cache list".
    All cache areas look ok and I do not see any other error.
    Please advise.
    Thanks a lot.

      Use transaction SXI_CACHE to update the Integration Directory cache. Alternatively, you can use the following URLs to update the CPA cache. Use XIDIRUSER to refresh the cache.
    For complete cache refresh u2013 http://<hostname>:<port>/CPACache/refresh?mode=full
    For delta cache refresh u2013 http://<hostname>:<port>/CPACache/refresh?mode=delta
    If this does not solve the issue, check transaction SLDCHECK to ensure that connection to SLD is available. If the connection fails, check the configuration in the transaction SLDAPICUST. Make sure that the password maintained is correct and the maintained service user is not locked.
    Now in the Integration Repository go to Environment u2192 Clear SLD Data Cache. Also go to Integration Directoy and clear the cache using menu Environment u2192 Clear SLD Data Cache.
    Open the XI Start Page and click on Administration. On the Repository tab, choose Cache Overview. Refresh the cache using the buttons/icons on the right. Use XIDIRUSER to refresh the cache. Carry out cache refresh in the same way on the Directory and Runtime tabs.

  • Cache config for distributed cache and TCP*Extend

    I want to use distributed cache with TCP*Extend. We have defined "remote-cache-scheme" as the default cache scheme. I want to use a distributed cache along with a cache-store. The configuration I used for my scheme was
    </remote-cache-scheme>I know that the configuration defined for "MyScheme" is wrong but I do not know how to configure "MyScheme" correctly to make my distributed cache the part of the same cluster to which all other caches, which uses the default scheme, are joined. Currently, this ain't happening.
    Message was edited by:

    Is it that I need to define my distributed scheme with the CacheStore in the server-coherence-cache-config.xml and then on the client side use remote cache scheme to connect to get my distributed cache?

  • Every time i wake my mac i get This computer's local hostname "D-360.local" is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to "D-444.local".

    error message that my local host name is in use and the system generates a new one every time I wake my mac the error mssg reads This computer’s local hostname “D-360.local” is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to “D-444.local”.

    There are several possible causes for this behavior.
    1. Two (or more) computers on the local network have the same Bonjour name, such as "X's-MacBook-Pro.local". Resolve the name conflict by renaming one or more of them in the Sharing preference pane.
    2. You have two simultaneous connections to the same local network: probably Ethernet and Wi-Fi. If applicable, disconnect the Ethernet cable or turn off Wi-Fi.
    3. A Mac wakes from sleep due to network traffic. This is a bug in OS X that may only affect some models.
    4. A device that gets its network address from the router wakes from sleep, and the address it was using before has been assigned to another device.
    5. A third-party wireless router has incompatible settings or firmware. In that case, refer to the manufacturer or ISP for support. Restarting the router may help, temporarily.
    6. See also this support article.

  • I get this message:This computer's local hostname "x-8.local" is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to "x-9.local" I have turned off sharing and it continues to upgrade name. What is the fix?

    I get this message: This computer’s local hostname “x-8.local” is already in use on this network. The name has been changed to “x-9.local” I have turned off sharing and it continues to upgrade name. What is the fix?

    Hi, this is a common problem, mostly just irksome though.
    It can have many cause, like using more than one Interface for connections, Router temporarily losing x.local & seeing a new connection with x.local already used, insists it must be x-1.local, x-2.local, etc..
    What all Sharing do you have enabled?
    Some possible fixes...

  • Delta cache refresh Vs Complete cache refresh

    In SXI_cache
    we can view Delta cache refresh and Complete cache refresh
    can you explain Delta cache refresh Vs Complete cache refresh???

    hi Gabriel,
    Only execute Complete Cache refresh, if Delta refresh does not solve the issue! Delta cache refresh should resolve all known issues.
    Complete cache refresh can run long time and delay message processing in this time.
    for more details
    *PS reward points if useful**
    Sumit Gupta

Maybe you are looking for

  • Task in Process Definition not Running when Trigger Automatically

    Hi All, I have created a task in Process Definition (eBusiness Suite User)and attached JAVA code to this task. Also i have triggered this task on C response of Email Updated Task . I also have Change Email Task which is mentioned in Lookup.USR_PROCES

  • Menu button unresponsive - other buttons work fine!

    I've tried resetting and restoring according to the Apple instructions on the web ( ), with no success. I can play music, scroll up and down menus and other navigation, but since I can't use the Menu button, I can't navi

  • "Intercompany Billing: Mandatory condition MWST is missing"

    Hi Guys During an intercompany billing, I am having - mandatory condition MWST is missing. In the Analysis I have - Access not executed (requirement 008 not fulfilled) How do I resolve this please.

  • How to print terms and cond of a PO in a fresh page in smartforms??

    hi All, My requirement is as follows... i need to print terms and conditions of a purchase order after the main window and the amount has been printed. the terms and conditions should be in a fresh page. i.e if the line items items and the amounts wi

  • Cd/dvd label printing

    being new to macs having switched from pcs i am trying to print labels for cds and dvds that i produce for customers. is there any built in software to do this within mac or do i have to purchase something, and if so what is there out there that othe