Java to ActionScript

I have java code which creates and parses xmls and xsds. I need convert this to action script code. Is there any good tool available to convert java to Action Script ? I tried one tool .. It simply changes the syntax. Its not changing any java imported classes to the matching actions script imports.
If anybody used any tool .. please show me pointers. Thanks in advance for the help.

I have java code which creates and parses xmls and xsds. I need convert this to action script code. Is there any good tool available to convert java to Action Script ? I tried one tool .. It simply changes the syntax. Its not changing any java imported classes to the matching actions script imports.
If anybody used any tool .. please show me pointers. Thanks in advance for the help.

Similar Messages

  • Mapping ArrayList in java to Actionscript Problem

    Hi Guys,
    This is wrecking my head. Had this issue for the last two days and cannot for the life of me understand why. I have a service defined as with the following method;
    public List getIngredients(){
              List list = null;
              List ingredientList = new ArrayList();
              SandwichDAOFactory fac = SandwichDAOFactory.getDAOFactory(1);
              IngredientDAO ingDao = fac.getIngredientDao();
              IngredientDTO ingDTO = new IngredientDTO();
              Ingredient ing = new Ingredient();
              list = ingDao.getAllIngredients();
              for (Iterator it=list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                   ing = (Ingredient);
              System.out.println("Calling Service");
              return list;
    Now I have defined a remotes object in my flex app;
    I call this service method when I first load the application;
    then handle the result as follows;
    private function getAllIngredientsResultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
                     ingredientsListData =  event.result as ArrayCollection;
                     var arrList:Array = event.result as Array;
                     trace("event.result.toString = "+event.result);
                     trace("ingredientsListData = "+ingredientsListData);
                    trace("arrList = "+arrList);
    I would expect to see the object references delimited in some way for all the trace methods. But when I run the example I get the following output;
    event.result.toString = [object IngredientDTO],[object IngredientDTO],[object IngredientDTO],[object IngredientDTO],[object IngredientDTO]
    ingredientsListData = null
    arrList = null
    I dont understand why this is happening. Surely the variables should contain the same info. I did some debugging and found that the event.result object did in fact contain the data as an ArrayCollection. In addition all the elements were objects of the type IngredientDTO and contained all the relevant fields and data. So again I don't understand for the life of me why its not working.
    Can you not caste an ArrayList in java to an Array or an ArrayCollection?
    Its like the data isn't being mapped or cast properlu from the ArrayList in java to either the Array or the ArrayCollection in actionscript.
    This is driving me insane. Has anyone else had this problem and lived to tell the tale?

    I figured it out. Silly, silly mistake. I was using the wrong import declaration.
    instead of
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    Silly silly...

  • BlazeDS Java to ActionScript

    Hello, I am trying to send certain data types from a Java
    back-end through BlazeDS to my Flex clients. I wrote a ant script
    that takes JAXWS generated types and converts them into
    ActionScript types. One problem that I am facing is that the Seq
    classes are not being translated. What I mean is that JAXWS classes
    that contain List get wrapped into a class name ClassBSeq which
    contains a List<T> object. From the Java back-end I send the
    JAXWS types in a List to BlazeDS. The List contain a Seq classes
    that have List<t>. It seems on the client side that the main
    List gets translated but any List after that are null. Seems like
    it translated the top level List but no other List after that. Is
    there a way to tell the channel, in this case a
    StreamingAMFChannel, to transverse the object being translated?
    Here some code to help with my explanation.
    The Java Type:
    package handjam.gmiContainer;
    import java.util.List;
    public class GMIContainer {
    public List dataObjects;
    public String methodName;
    public GMIContainer() {
    public void setMethodName(String methodName) {
    public void setDataObjects(List dataObjects) {
    The ActionScript Type:
    package generated.handjam.gmiContainer
    import flash.utils.*;
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    public class GMIContainer
    private var _dataObjects:ArrayCollection;
    private var _methodName:String;
    public function GMIContainer()
    public function get dataObjects():ArrayCollection {
    return _dataObjects;
    public function get methodName():String {
    return _methodName;
    public function set
    dataObjects(dataObjects:ArrayCollection):void {
    trace("Setting the dataObject from Java = " + dataObjects);
    public function set methodName(methodName:String):void {
    trace("Setting the methods Name from Java = " + methodName);
    Code setting the List:
    GMIContainer container = new GMIContainer();
    List data = new ArrayList();
    mapItems is a MapItemTypeSeq Java Type
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
    * Array of MapItemType
    * <p>Java class for MapItemTypeSeq complex type.
    * <p>The following schema fragment specifies the
    expected content contained within this class.
    * <pre>
    * &lt;complexType name="MapItemTypeSeq">
    * &lt;complexContent>
    * &lt;restriction base="{}anyType">
    * &lt;sequence>
    * &lt;element name="mapItems" type="{}MapItemType"
    maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
    * &lt;/sequence>
    * &lt;/restriction>
    * &lt;/complexContent>
    * &lt;/complexType>
    * </pre>
    @XmlType(name = "MapItemTypeSeq", propOrder = {
    public class MapItemTypeSeq {
    protected List<MapItemType> mapItems;
    * Gets the value of the mapItems property.
    * <p>
    * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
    * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
    * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
    * This is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE>
    method for the mapItems property.
    * <p>
    * For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
    * <pre>
    * getMapItems().add(newItem);
    * </pre>
    * <p>
    * Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
    * {@link MapItemType }
    public List<MapItemType> getMapItems() {
    if (mapItems == null) {
    mapItems = new ArrayList<MapItemType>();
    return this.mapItems;
    Here is what the JAXWS Java class look like:
    package {
    import flash.utils.*;
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    public class MapItemTypeSeq {
    public var _mapItems:ArrayCollection;
    public function get mapItems():ArrayCollection {
    return _mapItems;
    public function set mapItems(mapItems:ArrayCollection):void
    when the message comes to my client the flashlog.txt tells me
    something like this.
    GMIContainer => MapItemTypeSeq
    _mapItems = (null)
    mapItems = null
    Has anyone else ran into this issue with complicated data
    objects? All examples I have seen uses very simple
    data types.
    Thanks for your help,

    Hi Martin. The way that AMF serialization/deserialization works for BlazeDS is the same regardless of which service is being used, so yes that code will work for messaging as well. On the server, the serialization/deserialization of messages happens at the endpoint. For an incoming message for example, the endpoint deserializes the message and then hands it off to the MessageBroker which decides which service/destination to deliver the message to.
    That was a good question. Thanks for asking it. Lots of people are used to doing custom serialization/deserialization with the RPC services (RemoteObject/RemotingService) but I'm not sure everyone realizes they can do this for messaging as well.

  • Serializing between Java and ActionScript

    I am passing from Java to Flex an object which contains a
    EObjectContainmentEList attribute. An EObjectContainmentEList
    implements java.util.List. This list is lost in the serialization
    and I get a null actionscript attribute where I was hoping this
    list would be.
    Is there any way I can resolve this, or is
    EObjectContainmentEList unmappable?

    Don't worry found the problem. No setter for the list in Java
    (only a getter) so it was lost in translation.

  • Having problems mapping Java to ActionScript objects

    I am building a service that returns  a custom object tree to AS3 client over RPC call. Consider a couple of java classes, the TestObject  contains a list of TestInnerObject classes:
    public class TestObject
        public int id = 123;
        public String title = "Test object title";
        public List <String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>();
        public List <TestInnerObject> objectList = new ArrayList<TestInnerObject>();
        public TestObject()
            stringList.add("First string in the list");
            stringList.add("Second string in the list");
            objectList.add(new TestInnerObject(456));
            objectList.add(new TestInnerObject(789));
    public class TestInnerObject
        public int id = 0;
        public String title = "Test inner object title";
        public List <String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>();
        public TestInnerObject(int id)
   = id;
    To work with them on the client a have a couple of the counterpart AS3 classes:
    public class TestObject
         public var id:int;
         public var title:String;
         public var stringList:ArrayCollection;
         public var objectList:ArrayCollection;
         public function TestObject()
    public class TestInnerObject
         public var id:int;
         public var title:String;
         public var stringList:ArrayCollection;
         public function TestInnerObject()
    My understanding is that such a setup should return result deserialized into objects of and types but I am getting plain AS3 objects that have all the fields but I can not cast them to the required types. This is hardly the optimal way to work with response.
    Could somone clarify what should be fixed?

    Thanks for the feedback. I added Serializable interface to java classes and confirmed that the package is correct. I am still having the same problem though. Here is the result handler code. May be I am doing something wrong here? When I access result objects as Objects I can get the fields and transfer them to the proper classes (commented lines) but it's hardly efficient. As soon as I try to cast the result I am getting an error.
    private function onResult(result:AcknowledgeMessage):void
               //result.body contains the actual data
                trace("RPC Ok");
                var testObject:TestObject = result.body as TestObject;
                //var testObject:TestObject = new TestObject();
                // =;
                //testObject.title = result.body.title;
                //testObject.stringList = result.body.stringList;
                //testObject.objectList = result.body.objectList;
                trace("TestObject id: " +;
                trace("TestObject title: " + testObject.title);
                trace("TestObject stringList: " + testObject.stringList);
                for each (var inner:TestInnerObject in testObject.objectList)
                    trace("Inner id: " + + " Inner tittle: " + inner.title);

  • JAVA to Flex relation

    Now, we usually use Remote Class Annotation when we convert
    into the JAVA object from
    Action Script 3 Class Object.
    And we doubt when we convert that the declaration of the
    [public] is always necessity or not,
    about the scope of variable declaration in the class of JAVA
    and the class of Action Script 3.
    Please let us know, we should declare of the [public] or

    From ActionScript to Java, only public, non-static,
    read-writable properties (that is, properties that have both a
    public get and set accessor defined) and public, non-static, vars
    are serialized.
    From Java to ActionScript, only public, non-static,
    non-transient, read-writable bean properties (that is, properties
    that have both a public getter and setter methods defined) and
    public, non-static, non-transient fields are serialized.
    For custom serialization requirements, consider using
    matching flash.utils.IExternalizable and
    implementations that are also registered with the appropriate
    [RemoteClass(alias="...")] metadata.
    There are a few other options on the server for customizing
    serializaiton of strongly typed objects (via the
    PropertyProxyRegistry), but this is a little out of scope for this

  • Getters and Setters in ActionScript and ECMAScript

    Hi ,
    This line is taken from a book , here the Author mentions that
    In ActionScript , getters and setters is not necessary , they are a part of of the core ECMAScript language.
    Can anybody please let me know what is meant by ECMAScript language ??
    Thanks in advance .

    ECMAScript is an ECMA standard.
    Getters and setters are not mandatory (that's what they mean).
    However, they can be useful in many cases.
    - You can check the value in a setter before assigning (e.g checking if it's null)
    - You cannot override properties of a superclass but you can getters/setters just as you can methods
    - You can take some action when the value of the property is changed. There are many examples in UIComponent classes of the Flex framework.
    - You can put a breakpoint in a setter in order to debug data binding (see if it triggers)
    - In order to optimize data binding, you can write [Bindable event="YourCustomEventNameHere")] before the getter/setter and dispatch this event when the value is set so as to enhance performance of data binding (if you just write [Bindable], your properties will be processed by the framework even if their value does not change).
    Also, note how the synthax is different than Java.
    // ActionScript
    private var _myProperty:uint;
    public function get myProperty():uint
      return _myProperty;
    public function set myProperty(value:uint):void
      _myProperty = value;
    // Java
    private Integer myProperty;
    public Integer getMyProperty():
      return myProperty;
    public void setMyProperty(value:Integer):
      myProperty = value;
    Avoid creating getters/setters a la Java in ActionScript (i.e not using the get/set keywords). This is something I have seen in some implementations or auto-generated code from UML.

  • User-Defined Data Type (Data Transfer Objects) is null

    i try to access a nested complex datatype over blazeds. i always see that the second level of the  complex datatye is NULL but the other data's like String are ok.
    here an example:
    as you can see TT1 has a member TT2, and a String
    TT2 has a member TT3 and a string
    and TT3 has just a string.
    in the ActionScript the TT2 referenz in TT1 is always NULL.
    Java Code
    Java code:
    package clientreportingserver;
    public class TT1 {
        public String getT1s() {
            return t1s;
        public void setT1s(String t1s) {
            this.t1s = t1s;
        String t1s;
        public TT2 getTt2() {
             return tt2;
        public void setTt2(TT2 tt2) {
             this.tt2 = tt2;
        TT2 tt2;
    package clientreportingserver;
    public class TT2 {
        public String getT2s() {
            return t2s;
        public void setT2s(String t2s) {
            this.t2s = t2s;
        String t2s;
        public TT3 getTt3() {
             return tt3;
        public void setTt3(TT3 tt3) {
             this.tt3 = tt3;
        TT3 tt3;
    package clientreportingserver;
    public class TT3 {
         public String getT3s() {
            return t3s;
        public void setT3s(String t3s) {
            this.t3s = t3s;
        String  t3s;
    ActionScript DataType
    package clientreporting.model
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    public class TT1
        public var t1s:String;
        public var t2:TT2
    package clientreporting.model
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    public class TT2
        public var t2s:String;
        public var t2:TT3
    package clientreporting.model
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    public class TT3
        public var t3s:String;
    here the output from blazeds. for me it looks perfect, all data are transmitted
    BlazeDs output
    [BlazeDS]Deserializing AMF/HTTP request
    Version: 3
      (Message #0 targetURI=null, responseURI=/5)
        (Array #0)
          [0] = (Typed Object #0 'flex.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage')
            source = null
            operation = "getTT"
            destination = "exposedServiceWrapper"
            clientId = "E57066B1-170E-503A-D4EC-004166E95FC3"
            body = (Array #1)
            timeToLive = 0
            headers = (Object #2)
              DSEndpoint = "channel-amf"
              DSId = "E570490A-C218-4A29-4229-8CD6F29222FC"
            timestamp = 0
            messageId = "5FDB47AD-9066-DD95-4CD4-0CE0D3F6C337"
    [BlazeDS]Adapter 'java-object' called 'null.getTT(java.util.Arrays$ArrayList (Collection size:0)
    [BlazeDS]Result: 'clientreportingserver.TT1
      t1s = TT 1 String
      tt2 = clientreportingserver.TT2
        t2s = TT 2 String
        tt3 = clientreportingserver.TT3
          t3s = TT 3 String
    [BlazeDS]Serializing AMF/HTTP response
    Version: 3
      (Message #0 targetURI=/5/onResult, responseURI=)
        (Externalizable Object #0 'DSK')
          (Typed Object #1 'clientreportingserver.TT1')
            t1s = "TT 1 String"
            tt2 = (Typed Object #2 'clientreportingserver.TT2')
              t2s = "TT 2 String"
              tt3 = (Typed Object #3 'clientreportingserver.TT3')
                t3s = "TT 3 String"
    (Byte Array #4, Length 16)
    (Byte Array #5, Length 16)
    (Byte Array #6, Length 16)
    the last Alert (accessing t2) got always a null pointer, the fist Alert works fine and print out the string i expected to see
    call in ActionScript
        public function loadTT():void {
        private function loadTTHandle(content:TT1):void {
 "" + content.t1s);
 "" + content.t2.t2s);
    is it possible to access a nested complex type? i only could find simple examples.
    thanks for your help joe

    I found the problem
    in the flashlog.txt i found :ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property AFoo on [...]
    this let me to this blog  ==>
    Automating  ActionScript 3 classes generation from Java Beans in a LiveCycle Data Services context
    it was a naming problem.

  • How would I create an USB Barcode Scanner Listener using Adobe AIR?

    I want to create a USB barcode scanner listener that would read in the scanned barcode, and place the barcode in a field in my AIR App even if the program wasn't focused on that particular field in the App.  If the client was using the application at the time for something else the scan would be buffered in AIR till requested or the AIR App has been idle for x period of time where upon the field would be brought into focus.
    How would I go about this (I'm developing on windows)  Was hoping for a USB solution within AIR but not fussy at all if I have to go outside AIR to solve this problem.  Java, Flex, ActionScript, Flash, C, C++, C#, VB (currently I've developed the rest of the App using Adobe AIR and JavaScript)
    I thought after some research that I could make a Java App (if all else fails) that listens and buffers the input and passes it along using a socket but JUSB doesn't work on Windows properly.
    I'm not stuck on any one particular implementation or idea just want to get development underway so...  Any ideas? or suggestions would be awesome.  I've googled a lot but haven't found any examples or solid suggestions, so any URL pointing to that information would be great too, if you know of a good one, then I'd be able to read up on any suggestion.

    Thanks Joe,
    Just for anyone else.  I bought a Metologic Scanner - VoyagerCG.  I was trying to get it to work using Java USB for a bit with no luck.  But if you get this scanner or one like it, it can be configured as a Virtual COM Port.  Which is very very easy in Java to set up as a listener and use sockets to transfer the data and listen within AIR.
    This PDF has links to drivers and instructions if this is useful to anyone.
    All the best,

  • Multiple Line Graph

    First off, thanks to kglad for the line graph function I
    started with, it has been a huge help. Now the step I'm trying to
    take is 2 fold.
    First, I'd like to graph more than one line segment on the
    graph. Right now I am graphing functions f1 and f2, but f2
    currently overwrites f1. I want them to coincide so f1 goes from
    x=1 to x=15, f2 goes from x=15 to x=25, f3 goes from x=25 to x=10
    at a different y (these are all curves), and finally f4 goes from
    x=10 to x=1 creating a closed shape. Also, I want the x values and
    the y values to be variable based on the temperature. I'm using
    PV=nRT and n, R, and T are all known. so I have something like
    P=nRT/V where P is y, V is X and the nRT can be calculated for two
    steps of the 4. The other two steps are adiabatic, so Q=0, I don't
    know yet how to fit the lines but i do know that y = a / (x^(5/3))
    is a formula that works, I just need to find the proper a values
    for steps 2 and 4.
    Part two of this issue is that currently the graph is drawing
    as the whole canvas, which is fine for testing until i get the
    multiple line part worked out; however I only want this to be 1/4
    of the viewing area as I have other movie clips and such to put on
    this. A conceptual drawing of what I plan on making can be found
    I'm a novice to Actionscript and movie clips, I previously
    did everything with motion tweens and nothing was dynamic. I plan
    on creating the piston and molecule simulation in another movie
    clip, then I can vary the play speed relative to the hot and cold
    temperatures by looping the movieclip and having it play faster for
    a high T and slower for a low T.
    Any help on any of my many issues would be greatly
    appreciated and the user will be recognized for their assistance in
    my research presentation :)

    Hi Arun, thanks again for the help but upon closer inspection
    (along with only a basic knowledge of java and actionscript), I
    think your script would need editing to work for me (editing i'm
    unsure of how to do). What I'm looking for is a graph that will
    create a line based on a function. Much like y=(a*b*c)/x or
    y=(a*b*c)/(x^1.66) The a*b*c would be complicated also, but here's
    what i've thought up on paper that I have to move to script, I hope
    this is useful:
    Step 1: Calculate the a*b*c
    The original function is PV=nRT , nRT being the a*b*c ,
    however the Thot and Tcold terms are input boxes that the user
    types in before hitting the "go" button.
    So I have to do this much:
    tcold = Number(tcold_num.text);
    thot = Number(thot_num.text);
    var n:Number = 1;
    var R:Number = 0.0825;
    var a:Number;
    var b:Number;
    var c:Number;
    var d:Number;
    a = n*R*thot // Step 1 constant
    b = // Step 2 constant (formula to be finished :-/) Looks to
    be a formula using ((b) / (Math.pow(x, 1.666)))
    c = n*R*tcold // Step 3 constant
    d = // Step 4 constant (formula to be finished :-/)
    Then I need to find a way to initialize axis to line the
    graph, I can label the P and V axis using static text boxes later I
    The problem I have with yours that I don't understand is that
    I could add the function into the y part of the addLine() function,
    however it's noted as inity= y1 (requires a number), and the
    function definition has y1:Number.
    Now the issue i'm tackling below is just a newbie's lack of
    understanding (i hope), but the script kglad wrote (snipped below)
    will graph one line, and i can't figure out for the life of me how
    to write this up to graph more than one instance without
    overwritting the previous line. Again, Thanks for the help so far,
    it has helped me find the points where I lacked direction and solid
    ideas before.

  • Character array type conversion problem

    Hi, I'm using BlazeDS (v3.0.0.544) to remotely call Java code on the server from my Flex client. I'm having trouble when converting a character array type from Java to ActionScript and vice-versa. In my Flex code, if the ActionScript class uses a String type to map to the char[] then the char[] is successfully converted from Java to ActionScript, but not from ActionScript to Java.
    // Extract from ActionScript code
    private var m_charArray:String;
    public function get charArray():String
    return m_charArray;
    public function set charArray(value1:String):void
    m_charArray = value1;
    Alternatively, if my ActionScript class uses an Array type then I can successfully send data from the client and populate a char[] field on the server, but can't send an updated char[] back to my ActionScript class.
    In fact the Flex console reports:
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "myString" to Array.
    The code this time:
    // Extract from ActionScript code
    private var m_charArray:Array;
    public function get charArray():Array
    return m_charArray;
    public function set charArray(value1:Array):void
    m_charArray = value1;
    All the other types I have tried work successfully, it's only with char arrays that I've hit a problem.
    Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

    Hi Graeme,
    It is how it works. I can see the inconsistency. You can find an example how of echo char[] in blazeds\trunk\qa\apps\qa-regress\testsuites\mxunit\tests\remotingService\dataTypes\CharTy pesTest.mxml. It echos a char[] in return of a string. You can get the char in a string easily string.charAt() and get its length using length(). I think it may be the reason remoting decided to use a string to represent a char[] instead of a generic objects array. It should be more memory efficient. However, I can see that it can turn into problem as what you descibed. When the data has to send back to server, it has to convert back to array. If the char[] type is used inside an object, it is impossible to do the conversion unless the getter and setter are generic
    public function get charArray():Object
    return m_charArray;
    public function set charArray(value1:Object):void
    if (value1 is String)
    m_charArray = new Array();
    //copy the string elements to it
    m_charArray = value1;
    I know it is ugly, but it the only work around I can think of. I think it needs to log a bug to correct this conversion behavior

  • legacy-map false /legacy-map

    In the BlazeDS dev guide there is the following statement (when talking about explicitly mapping between Java and ActionScript) : ml
    Note: In Flex 1.5, java.util.Map was sent as an associative or ECMA Array. This is no longer a recommended practice. You can enable legacy Map support to associative Arrays, but Adobe recommends against doing this.
    Why is this not recommended by Adobe?
    Kind regards,

    Thanks for your help Raff.  We got it working after making a firewall change and correcting an issue with the hook URL, which should have gone to a subdirectory.
    For anyone else using Spring 3, the aspect oriented setup works fine.
    public class RTCHOOKS {
    Just make sure the class is contained in a package specified in
    <context:component-scan base-package="..." />

  • Getting started with flex and Eclipse 3.1?

    Hi all,
    Im a java Eclipse RCP developer and I wanted to work on some small apps using flex.
    I have been searching around on the web for instructions on how to get everything set up, but most of them seem to skip a  few steps.
    I am using Eclipse ganymede (3.1), and have downloaded the flex sdk.  Is there a plugin or something for flex that creates the proper perspectives in eclipse?  Or what exactly do I need to do?
    Also, I see that flex uses mxml, if I want to use flex and java as opposed to flex and php or coldfusion (the only examples I saw) is that possible?  I guess Im slightly confused as to what exactly I am writing this app in... java?  Actionscript?  Php? ??
    Basically my goal is this:
    Use eclipse 3.1 (not flex builder)
    Write an RIA that can also use AIR
    Connect to a MySQL database on the backend
    I have very little experience (or need) for J2EE, but maybe I should use it?
    Can anyone point me to a good tutorial that will get me going to achieve my goal?  Or tell me what exactly I need to install, and how to put it together?
    Thank you!

    You need Flex Builder plugin version.
    Trial version here:

  • Skills needed to be a FlashBuilder developer

    What programming / networking skills do I need to be a FlashBuilder 4 developer?

    The purpose of this forum is to solve not-so-common real-time scenarios that you otherwise cannot solve by searching the Web. These forums were once called Expert Forums (though I have no clue why its not called that now), meaning a forum for Expert questions that need an Expert answer. There is a huge databank of information here in SCN and if basic questions are encouraged, then searching for any query in general becomes a mammoth and fruitless task.
    Moreover when you get all the info you need just by searching, why post basic questions here and clog the servers and make searching a miserable task?
    PS: To answer your original question - take an ABAP course, get your baiscs right. Use F1,, Google, (search)SCN Forums Quite simple actually.
    Edited by: kishan P on Feb 25, 2010 1:59 PM

  • Duplicated entries in Dictionary

    I came from Java to ActionScript so Dictionary object is always a bit strange to me. Today I encountered a weird situation on it which had cost me a few hours of debug time. What I need to do is to find out the common ancestor of two branches in XML. I use Dictionary and the XML node as key. It then all boils down to following snippet:
    var project:XML = <project><item id="item1"/><item id="item2"/></project>
    var item1:XML = project.children()[0];
    var item2:XML = project.children()[1];
    var parent1:XML = item1.parent() as XML;
    var parent2:XML = item2.parent() as XML;
    var dic:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
    dic[parent1] = "1";
    dic[parent2] = "2";
    I expected dic to have only one entry. However it turned out as two entries even though parent1 == parent2 and parent1 === parent2 all test to true. Is this a problem with Dictionary or is it because I used XML as the key and the parent() method whose return type is * is causing the problem? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks.

    Thanks for the reply. You are right. I could have compared parent() for the scenario I described. However I need to accomplish something else at the same time which was why I used Dictionary. I got my program to work in another way. Nontheless the original question regarding the Dictionary behavior remains. My current observation is that XML node itself works fine as Dictionary key. It's probably the untype nature of parent() method that caused the problem. Dictionary documentation isn't very clear on this (it only stress on strict equality which is satisfied in my snippet). Can anyone confirm?

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