Java XML-Reader (SAX)--How to read and display xml-element-data???

hello all,
i would like to display just some xml-data
Which methods in java should i use to select just one character-data of this (for example: "deu" from the element <Language> or the attribut "version" of the element <catalog>).
Here is the XML-document i want to parse and display it with System.out.print() :
<BMECAT version="1.2">
               e-proCat 2.1, e-pro solutions GmbH
               <CATALOG_ID>Katalog 01</CATALOG_ID>
               <DATETIME type="generation_date">
Here is the java application i wrote and which doesn t work:
import org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.Locator;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
     public class XmlLeser implements ContentHandler {
public XmlLeser(String fileName) {
try {
XMLReader myParser = new SAXParser(); // SAXParser (Xerces)
myParser.parse(fileName);      } catch (Exception e) {
     System.out.println("Erreur " + e);     }
}// End of constructor
public void startDocument() {
     System.out.println(" start to parse " );
} // startDocument()
public void endDocument() {
System.out.println(" End of Parse ");
} // endDocument()
public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
     System.out.println(localName) ;
public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {           
}// Endelement()
public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) {
} // endCharacters(char[],int,int);
public void processingInstruction(String target, String data) {
} // processingInstruction(String,String)
public void ignorableWhitespace(char ch[], int start, int length) {
          characters(ch, start, length);
} // ignorableWhitespace(char[],int,int);
public static void main(String args[]) {
String xmlFileName = "";
if (args.length == 0) {               
System.out.println("Usage::java XmlLeser path/xmlFilename");
System.exit(0);      } else {
xmlFileName = args[0];
XmlLeser pux = new XmlLeser(xmlFileName);
}// end main()

You need to pass your filename String as a parameter to your functionality. It depends how you're currently set up though. We can't really see the top of your call so it's difficult to determine what you are calling and we don't really know from where you're calling either.
If you're running standalone, then on launch of the application, you can feed in a file name as an argument that you can read in in String args[] in the main function and pass down to your XML splitter.
If you're a method in a class that's part of a bigger pile, you can feed the file name as a String to the method from wherever you call from if it makes sense architecturally.
You might also want to pass down a File object if that makes sense in your current code (i.e. if you're using your file for other purposes prior to the split, to avoid recreating closing/opening for no reason).
Depends what you're trying to do. If I put together a piece like this, I would probably create an <yourcurrentrootpackage>.xml.splitter package.
Also, on a side note, you're problem isn't really reading and writing XML in java, but seems more to be making your functionality generic so that any XML file can be split with your code.

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    flvPlaceHolder2.x = 1059;
    flvPlaceHolder2.y = 152;
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        if (this.currentFrame == 387)
            /*flvPlaceHolder2.x = 30;
            flvPlaceHolder2.y = 140;
            trace('Screen size is changed');*/
            flvPlaceHolder2.x = 30;
            flvPlaceHolder2.y = 140;
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        if ( == 'NetStream.Buffer.Empty')
                trace('the video has ended');
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        if(vid2.width==734 && vid2.height==408)
            flvPlaceHolder2.x = 30;
            flvPlaceHolder2.y = 140;
            flvPlaceHolder2.x = 1059;
            flvPlaceHolder2.y = 152;

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    I'm not entirely clear on what you mean by "cache" in this context.  I'm going to assume that what you are really referring to is the contents of the workflow message, so correct me if I'm wrong.  There is, in later releases, the ability to set an device-side request cache time so that if you issue an online request it'll store the results in an on-device cache and if you subsequently reissue the same online request with the same parameter values within that timeout period it'll get the data from the cache rather than going to the server, but my gut instinct is that this is not what you are referring to.
    To access the data in the workflow message, you are correct, you would call getMessageValueCollection().  It will return an object hierarchy with objects defined in WorkflowMessage.js.  Note that if your online request fails, the data won't magically appear in your workflow message.
    To use the data in the workflow message to update a listview, feel free to examine the code in the listview widgets and in API.js.  You can also create a custom listview as follows:
    function customBeforeNavigateForward(screenKey, destScreenKey) {
         // In this example, we only want to replace the listview on the "My Approvals" screen    
         if (destScreenKey == 'My_Approvals'){
              // First, we get the MessageValueCollection that we are currently operating on
              var message = getCurrentMessageValueCollection();
              // Next, we'll get the list MessageValue from that MessageValueCollection
              var itemList = message.getData("LeaveApprovalItem3");
              // Because its a list, the Value of the MessageValue will be an array
              var items = itemList.getValue();
              // Figure out how many items are in the list
              var numOfItems = items.length;
              // Iterate through the results and build our list
              var i = 0;
              var htmlOutput = '<div><ul data-role="listview" data-theme="k" data-filter="true">';
              var firstChar = '';
              while ( i < numOfItems ){
                   // Get the current item. This will be a MessageValueCollection.
                   var currItem= items<i>;
                   // Get the properties of the current item.
                   var owner = currItem.getData("LeaveApprovalItem_owner_attribKey").getValue();
                   var type = currItem.getData("LeaveApprovalItem_itemType_attribKey").getValue();
                   var status = currItem.getData("LeaveApprovalItem_itemStatus_attribKey").getValue();
                   var startDate = currItem.getData("LeaveApprovalItem_startDate_attribKey").getValue();
                   var endDate = currItem.getData("LeaveApprovalItem_endDate_attribKey").getValue();
                   // Format the data in a specific presentation
                   var formatStartDate = Date.parse(startDate).toString('MMM/d/yyyy');
                   var formatEndDate = Date.parse(endDate).toString('MMM/d/yyyy');
                   // Decide which thumbnail image to use
                   var imageToUse = ''
                        if (status == 'Pending'){
                             imageToUse = 'pending.png';
                        else if (status == 'Rejected'){
                             imageToUse = 'rejected.png';
                        else {
                             imageToUse = 'approved.png';
                   // Add a new line to the listview for this item
                   htmlOutput += '<li><a id ="' + currItem.getKey() + '" class="listClick">';
                   htmlOutput += '<img src="./images/' + imageToUse + '" class="ui-li-thumb">';
                   htmlOutput += '<h3 class = "listTitle">' + type;
                   htmlOutput +=  ' ( ' + owner + ' ) ';
                   htmlOutput += '</h3>';
                   htmlOutput += '<p>' + formatStartDate + ' : ' + formatEndDate + '</p>';
                   htmlOutput += '</a></li>';
              htmlOutput += '</ul></div>';
              // Remove the old listview and add in the new one.  Note: this is suboptimal and should be fixed if you want to use it in production.
              // Add in a handler so that when a line is clicked on, it'll go to the right details screen
                   currListDivID = $(this).parent().parent();
                   navigateForward("Request_Details", );
                   if (isBlackBerry()) {
         // All done.
         return true;

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        CALL METHOD html_control->load_data
            url            = 'chart.svg'
            type         = 'image'
            subtype    = 'svg+xml'
            data_table = lt_svg
            OTHERS     = 1.
        CALL METHOD html_control->show_url
            url        = 'chart.svg'
            in_place   = 'X'
            cntl_error = 1.
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    Hello Alex,
    The Corel SVG viewer has problems loading and displaying the examples (see the list of limitations at their site). Try to use the Adobe viewer instead.
    Sergei Ulasenka

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        PREVY         = w_prevy.   " Previous Fiscal Year
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    I am assuming that the purchase and download is from Adobe. You should find the information that you seek under My Orders at after you sign in (as per John's link).
    However, if you have difficulties in going that route, please contact Adobe via Adobe Chat to discuss your order under the topic of Orders, Refunds, and Exchanges. To do that, click on the following link, and, when it opens, make sure that the topic is set at "Orders, Refunds, and Exchanges", click on the statement "Still need help? Contact us." to bring up the Adobe Chat.
    Contact Customer Care
    Please let us know the outcome.
    Thank you.

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    Hi kdm,
    please stick in one thread for the same topic!
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • How to store and retrieve XML messages in AQ using ESB/ BPE

    I am having a requirement which I feel should be fairly common - store and retrieve XML messages in AQ. However, I am struggling to decide which type of queue to use AQ or JMS...Here is the requirement
    1. In an ESB, I want to read different kind of files using file adapter. Different kind as in, having different structure or schema
    2. I want to create a queue that is capable of storing any kind of xml data. To this queue, I want to enqueue the message read in step 1.
    3. In another process, say a BPEL, I want to dequeue the message and write into a file. The filename is retrieved from one of the header properties. I want to dequeue using a stored procedure, not by using a JMS or AQ Adapter (reason being that these adapters poll the queue, and consume a message immediately. However, I want to consume the message only when there is a business need)
    My questions are:
    1. What kind of queue I should create in the DB (What should be its payload type...XMLType? )... I guess the answer would also determine the adapter to be used - JMS or AQ
    2. How I should map the xml data read from the file in step 1 to this adapter
    Any help is highly appreciated.

    You are right in suggesting that I dont need to store my XML data as xml in the DB...I dont want to too :) but its just that, thats the only option I can see at this time (the other track i am exploring is :
    File adapter(XML) -&gt; Convert to opaque (base64binary) -&gt; Enqueue opaque to JMS (aq$_jms_bytes_message) -&gt;Dequeue Opaque -&gt; Write file opaquely.
    In this I have hit the roadblock in trying to convert XML to base64binary...maybe some custom java function is needed...anyway)
    Coming back to this thread, where I am trying the following
    File adapter(XML)  -&gt; Enqueue as XML to queue  -&gt;Dequeue XML -&gt; Write file opaquely.
    PS: I think its important for me to mention that I am using SOA
    I tried the steps you gave...after creating the queue, I am trying to create a JMS adapter. But the queue I created doesnt show up in the browse window of destinations for the JMS Adapter..That had led me to infer that JMS adapter cant be used
    {color:#99cc00}CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE batchupdate_row_type AS OBJECT
    (update_queue_id NUMBER
    ,upc VARCHAR2(20)
    ,price1 NUMBER);
    {color:#99cc00}CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE batchupdate_rec_type AS VARRAY(9999999) OF batchupdate_row_type;
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE payload_type AS OBJECT ( payload batchupdate_rec_type);
    EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE ( queue_table =&gt; 'jmsuser.batch_update_queue_table', queue_payload_type =&gt; 'payload_type');
    EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE ( queue_name =&gt; 'batch_update_queue', queue_table =&gt; 'jmsuser.batch_update_queue_table');
    EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE ( queue_name =&gt; 'batch_update_queue'); {color}
    I also needed some opinion on whether the last step of my proposed solution ( Dequeue XML -&gt; Write file opaquely) is possible. As I want to develop a service oblivious of the structure of the file, I dont want to create a file adapter based on a particular I want to write whatever xml I am getting from the this step possible

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    You would be better looking at the XML DOM documentation for your database rather than asking here. If your DB doesn't provide XML facilities, then there are products and techniques that can be applied to map XML to SQL, and you can always serialize the java objects into a blob, but XML to SQL mapping isn't standardized, so the first call is the server's documentation.

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    Hello Experts,
    I’m currently working on a system that allows the users to upload an Excel spreadsheet (.xls) in the system. The upload page is a PL/SQL cartridge. Then I’ve written a Java servlet (using Oracle Clean Content) to convert the XLS into a CSV and store it back in the database. (it is stored in the “uploaded_files” table as a blob). I’m trying to create another procedure to read the contents of the blob and display a preview of the data on the screen (using an html table (will be done using cartridge)). After the preview, the user can choose to submit the data into the database into the “detail_records” table or simply discard everything.
    Can anyone provide me any guidelines and/or code samples for reading the contents of a blob and displaying it as an html table? My data contains about 10 rows and 20 columns in the spreadsheet. I’ve been looking into using associative arrays or nested tables but I’m getting confused about how to implement them in my situation.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for your response. The reason that it is a blob is that we use the same table for uploaded files for several applications. Some files are text, some excel, some other formats. Hence the table has been set up in a generic sense.
    However, in my procedure, I'm using
    DBMS_LOB.createtemporary and
    Is there any way you could possibly provide an example of how to read the contents of the file?

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    Thanks for any expert suggestion...

    The SQL statement below shows how one can register XML schema to an XMLType column:
    create table po_tab(
    id number,
    po sys.XMLType
    xmltype column po
    element "PurchaseOrder";
    Similarly you can register XML schema to the INVDOC field in the your INVOICE table.
    Hope it helps
    (OTN team)

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