Javadoc fails on parsing errors

Hi there,
I am trying to generrate javadocs for hundreds of files. Some of them do not compile
while some of them have parsing errors (missing semicolons etc.). When I try to
generate the javadoc, it loads each file, prints errors for the one which are not parsable
and in the end prints the total number of errors and exits.
Is it possible to generate javadoc for the files which are valid and ignore the files with

Javadoc is somewhat lenient. As the documentation says:
  In many cases, the Javadoc tool allows you to generate documentation for source files whose
  code is incomplete or erroneous. This is a benefit that enables you to generate documentation
  before all debugging and troubleshooting is done. For example, according to the Java Language
  Specification, a class that contains an abstract method should itself be declared abstract. The
  Javadoc tool does not check for this, and would proceed without a warning, whereas the javac
  compiler stops on this error. The Javadoc tool does do some primitive checking of doc
  comments. Use the DocCheck doclet to check the doc comments more thoroughly. This is a tricky area, because it's difficult enough to generate the proper
documentation when the classes compile. When Javadoc encounters
an error in a file, it would need to recover gracefully, back out any changes
that file caused, then proceed with the next file.
Secondly, I fail to understand why should the system not think its a java file if it doesnt
compile. Let's compare this to javac. javac compiles all the files it can and gives error on
rest of them. javadoc on the other hand fails outright and doesnt generate javadoc for any
class at all.
Any comments from javadoc team?I asked the javac/javadoc engineer, and here is his reply:
"The java compiler (javac) generates no code for any classes if it
finds a syntax error in any one of them. Just the same as javadoc."
-Doug Kramer
Javadoc team

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    Hi Kishan
    Thanks for the reply.
    Because this is an outbound transaction so i can not provide you the XML file as we are facing issue to generate the same. Also we are using oracle seeded PO outbound Ack map.
    In addition i can provide you the DTD file.
    <!-- ==================================================== -->
    <!ENTITY % RESOURCES SYSTEM "oagis_resources.dtd">
    <!-- ==================================================== -->
         value CDATA #FIXED "PO"
         value CDATA #FIXED "008"

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    Hi Sudheer,
    This is caused by the date format you are using. Probably it is not matching with your NLS settings. Check your NLS settings, what the date format is, and use that in the XML.
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    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    INST1_HTTP.xx.yy.GE.COM =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = MyMachine3)(PORT = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = buch3ora)
    (PRESENTATION = http://admin)
    (SID = PLSExtProc)
    MyOra3.xx.yy.GE.COM =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = MyMachine3)(PORT = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = ora3)
    OORCL.xx.yy.GE.COM =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
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    (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = atmo32))
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         (ADDRESS_LIST =
         (ADDRESS =
         (COMMUNITY = TCP)
         (PROTOCOL = TCP)
         (HOST =
         (PORT = 1521)))
         (SID = atmo32)))
    and now it works fine. I Really can't tell the difference, except that some words were moved to the other line. What puzzled me is that the same old tnsname.ora worked in almost all the other circumstances, like sql plus, and other database enginee. But it is just not good enough for dba studio?
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    Anyhow, I'm glad it is solved. by the way, the symjct.dll mentioned in the previous post should be symcjit.dll. I guess he mispelled the name. I renamed it to symcjit_old.dll and now the java error was gone. So that is another gain from this post. Thanks Joel for all the information.

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    Parameter name: s
       at System.IO.StringReader..ctor(String s)
       at Microsoft.Azure.Plugins.Plugin.WadConfigValidator`1.Validate(String configString, String schemaPath, StringBuilder builder)
       at Microsoft.Azure.Plugins.Plugin.WadConfigValidator`1.Initialize(String configString, String schemaPath)
       at Microsoft.Azure.Plugins.Plugin.WadParser.Parse()
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    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:00:39 PM] Starting DiagnosticPlugin.exe DiagnosticPlugin-ShutdownEvent DiagnosticPlugin-TotalShutdownEvent -wadVer1v3
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:00:39 PM] Starting DiagnosticsPlugin
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:00:39 PM] Checking VM Type
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:00:39 PM] File HandlerEnvironment.json not found. Extension set to PAAS
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:00:39 PM] RcfFileName: C:\Config\881bb2e524c04870b4e993fd8fefb7d8.881bb2e524c04870b4e993fd8fefb7d8.WorkerRole1_IN_0.13.xml
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:00:39 PM] RoleInstanceId: WorkerRole1_IN_0; DeploymentId: 881bb2e524c04870b4e993fd8fefb7d8; RoleName: WorkerRole1
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:00:39 PM] Checking VM Type
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:00:39 PM] File HandlerEnvironment.json not found. Extension set to PAAS
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:00:39 PM] Store Size: 4096
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:00:39 PM] Reading XML configuration file
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:00:39 PM] Will use thumbprint 
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:00:39 PM] Decrypting private configuration
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Warning: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:00:39 PM] No certficate with given thumbprint found in the certificate store. Thumbprint:
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:00:39 PM] Retrying after 30 seconds. Retry attempt 1
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Warning: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:01:09 PM] No certficate with given thumbprint found in the certificate store. Thumbprint:
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:01:09 PM] Retrying after 30 seconds. Retry attempt 2
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Warning: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:01:39 PM] No certficate with given thumbprint found in the certificate store. Thumbprint:
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:01:39 PM] Retrying after 30 seconds. Retry attempt 3
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Error: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:02:09 PM] System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: The enveloped-data message does not contain the specified recipient.
       at System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs.EnvelopedCms.DecryptContent(RecipientInfoCollection recipientInfos, X509Certificate2Collection extraStore)
       at Microsoft.Azure.Plugins.Diagnostics.dll.PluginConfigurationSettingsProvider.DecryptPrivateConfig(String encryptedConfig)
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:02:09 PM] WadCfg is provided in initial configuration. Using that to initialize Diagnostics.
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:02:09 PM] <PublicConfig xmlns="">
        <DiagnosticMonitorConfiguration overallQuotaInMB="4096">
          <DiagnosticInfrastructureLogs />
          <Directories scheduledTransferPeriod="PT1M">
            <IISLogs containerName="wad-iis-logfiles" />
            <FailedRequestLogs containerName="wad-failedrequestlogs" />
          <PerformanceCounters scheduledTransferPeriod="PT1M">
            <PerformanceCounterConfiguration counterSpecifier="\Memory\Available MBytes" sampleRate="PT3M" />
            <PerformanceCounterConfiguration counterSpecifier="\Web Service(_Total)\ISAPI Extension Requests/sec" sampleRate="PT3M" />
            <PerformanceCounterConfiguration counterSpecifier="\Web Service(_Total)\Bytes Total/Sec" sampleRate="PT3M" />
            <PerformanceCounterConfiguration counterSpecifier="\ASP.NET Applications(__Total__)\Requests/Sec" sampleRate="PT3M" />
            <PerformanceCounterConfiguration counterSpecifier="\ASP.NET Applications(__Total__)\Errors Total/Sec" sampleRate="PT3M" />
            <PerformanceCounterConfiguration counterSpecifier="\ASP.NET\Requests Queued" sampleRate="PT3M" />
            <PerformanceCounterConfiguration counterSpecifier="\ASP.NET\Requests Rejected" sampleRate="PT3M" />
            <PerformanceCounterConfiguration counterSpecifier="\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" sampleRate="PT3M" />
          <WindowsEventLog scheduledTransferPeriod="PT1M">
            <DataSource name="Application!*" />
            <DataSource name="System!*" />
          <CrashDumps dumpType="Full">
            <CrashDumpConfiguration processName="WaAppAgent.exe" />
            <CrashDumpConfiguration processName="WaIISHost.exe" />
            <CrashDumpConfiguration processName="WindowsAzureGuestAgent.exe" />
            <CrashDumpConfiguration processName="WaWorkerHost.exe" />
            <CrashDumpConfiguration processName="DiagnosticsAgent.exe" />
            <CrashDumpConfiguration processName="w3wp.exe" />
          <Logs scheduledTransferPeriod="PT1M" scheduledTransferLogLevelFilter="Verbose" />
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:02:09 PM] Private setting is loaded
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Error: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:02:09 PM] System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: s
       at System.IO.StringReader..ctor(String s)
       at Microsoft.Azure.Plugins.Plugin.WadConfigValidator`1.Validate(String configString, String schemaPath, StringBuilder builder)
       at Microsoft.Azure.Plugins.Plugin.WadConfigValidator`1.Initialize(String configString, String schemaPath)
       at Microsoft.Azure.Plugins.Plugin.WadParser.Parse()
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Error: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:02:09 PM] Failed to parse the WAD config file
    DiagnosticsPlugin.exe Information: 0 : [3/19/2015 6:02:09 PM] DiagnosticPlugin.exe exit with code -106

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    Inbox file change detected at 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM Central Daylight Time 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM
    New policy file arrived 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM
    On primary site: process files to DB 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM
    Client Health Manager is processing *.POL files 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM
    Processing file POL2012720164690.POL 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM
    Try to bind to table v_CH_PendingPolicyRequests 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM
    Column number is 3 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM
    Successfully bind to table v_CH_PendingPolicyRequests 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM
    Begin to get policy requests body 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM
    Successfully get policy requests body 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM
    Begin to parse policy requests 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM
    ERROR: Invalid policy request data 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM
    ERROR: Fail to parse policy requests 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM
    ERROR: Fail to read from file D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\\POL2012720164690.POL 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM
    WARN: Fail to process file POL2012720164690.POL 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM
    Bad Policy request file was moved to D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\\bad\POL2012720164690.POL 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM
    Successfully executed stored procedure CH_SummarizePolicyRequests 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM
    Work completed at 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM Central Daylight Time 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM
    Next wake up time is 7/21/2012 11:46:09 AM Central Daylight Time 7/20/2012 11:46:09 AM
    The SMS_CLIENT_HEALTH component's status shows that it is healthy.
    The only component that shows an unhealthy status is the SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER.  The DistMgr.Log shows this for package P0100008:
    Used 0 out of 3 allowed processing threads. 7/20/2012 12:37:22 PM
    Starting package processing thread, thread ID = 0x1580 (5504) 7/20/2012 12:37:22 PM
    Sleep 3600 seconds... 7/20/2012 12:37:22 PM
    STATMSG: ID=2304 SEV=I LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" SITE=P01 PID=256 TID=5504 GMTDATE=Fri Jul 20 17:37:22.883 2012 ISTR0="P0100008" ISTR1="" ISTR2="" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8=""
    ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=1 AID0=400 AVAL0="P0100008" 7/20/2012 12:37:22 PM
    Retrying package P0100008 7/20/2012 12:37:22 PM
    No action specified for the package P0100008. 7/20/2012 12:37:22 PM
    Start validating package P0100008 on server ["Display=\\\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=P01"]\\\... 7/20/2012 12:37:22 PM
    Failed to start DP health monitoring task for package 'P0100008'. Error code: -1 7/20/2012 12:37:22 PM
    Updating package info for package P0100008 7/20/2012 12:37:22 PM
    Only retrying local DP update for package P0100008, no need to replicate package definition to child sites or DP info to parent site. 7/20/2012 12:37:22 PM
    StoredPkgVersion (7) of package P0100008. StoredPkgVersion in database is 7. 7/20/2012 12:37:22 PM
    SourceVersion (7) of package P0100008. SourceVersion in database is 7. 7/20/2012 12:37:22 PM
    STATMSG: ID=2302 SEV=E LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" SITE=P01 PID=256 TID=5504 GMTDATE=Fri Jul 20 17:37:22.989 2012 ISTR0="All Security Updates " ISTR1="P0100008" ISTR2="" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6=""
    ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=1 AID0=400 AVAL0="P0100008" 7/20/2012 12:37:22 PM
    Failed to process package P0100008 after 45 retries, will retry 55 more times 7/20/2012 12:37:22 PM
    Exiting package processing thread. 7/20/2012 12:37:22 PM
    Used 0 out of 3 allowed processing threads. 7/20/2012 12:37:28 PM
    Sleep 1824 seconds... 7/20/2012 12:37:28 PM
    Site P01 is the one and only site and has all of the site system roles - including DP.  There is only one site server for this Primary Site.  SQL is local as well.  The server has been restarted to see if this would help.  It didn't.
    If I open one of these 'Bad' *.POL files, I can see that one GUID is not like the others.  It is the same for all of the other corrupt *.POL files:

    I have been having similar issues. Check if you have the EndPoint Protection client running on your site server. If you do, ensure that you have the scanning directory exceptions set.

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    Environment: SQL Server 2008 R2
    CREATE TABLE dbo.PkgAudit
    PkgAuditID INT IDENTITY(1, 1),
    PackageName VARCHAR(100),
    LoadTime DATETIME ,
    NumberofRecords VARCHAR(50),
    Status1 VARCHAR(50),
    Status2 VARCHAR(50),
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    ) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)
    Screen Shot (Parameter Mapping):
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    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:element name="dial" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="example" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="upd_date" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="ke_pri" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="re_nokanji" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="xref" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="etym" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="re_inf" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="k_ele">
    <xs:element ref="keb"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="ke_inf"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="ke_pri"/>
    <xs:element name="links">
    <xs:element ref="link_tag"/>
    <xs:element ref="link_desc"/>
    <xs:element ref="link_uri"/>
    <xs:element name="lsource">
    <xs:extension base="xs:string">
    <xs:attribute name="lang" fixed="eng"/>
    <xs:attribute name="ls_type" use="optional" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:attribute name="ls_wasei" use="optional" type="xs:string"/>
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    <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="links"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="bibl"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="etym"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="audit"/>
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    <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="example"/>
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    <xs:element name="link_desc" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="reb" type="xs:string"/>
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    <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="k_ele"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="r_ele"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="info"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="sense"/>
    <xs:element name="stagr" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="re_pri" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="gloss">
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    <xs:element ref="pri"/>
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    <xs:attribute name="g_gend" use="optional" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="misc" type="xs:string"/>
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    <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="entry"/>

    @Bhaskar (and @user11922800): You have to update the db10g/xdk to a version at least of There were major bug fixes including XML-32009 error (bug number 3375952).
    I've even tried the op's listing with my more to-date xdk without encountering any problem and it is compiled just fine.
    ps: I am sure that was the hasty typo in dvohra16 post. The namespace in the op (/2001/) is correct. Encoding is still capable of resulting in some problems (I've had encounted if I recall), but that is not the problem for the issue raised in this thread.

  • Error: Failed to parse path in URl (Cisco UCS 6100 Series Fabric Interconnect)

    I have to shut down parts of my network due to an electrical outage this weekend. I have a Cisco UCS 6100 Server Fabric Interconnect. I am trying to backup the configuration. This is the command I am using create backup tftp://*.24.1.88 full-state enabled.  The error I receive is Error: failed to parse URI.  Which I believe URI means URL.

    Hi Parakiteiz,
    Looks like the format is incorrect and you have an extra 't' on the tftp command you provided.  Please take a look at the link below for configuration assistance.
    Creating backup operaiton.
    Please let me know if this help

  • XML Parse error while loading an XML file

    HI Folks,
    I was trying to load and XML file into BODS.. The XML file is well-formed and the same when tested in other tools  is getting loaded without any issues..
    I have created a XML-File format with the corresponding XSD..
    But here in BODS it is giving - Parse error
    1) when i try to view the data of the source XML in my dataflow is giving "XML Parser Failed".. and not able to show data..
    2) When I run my job i get the same pares error - with details as under..
    ---> Error here is "Unable to recognize element 'TAB' " or some time is say " Element TAB should be qualified"
    Please guide with this if you have any info..thanks
    I'm pasting the XML source file format here for your reference:--
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
    - <asx:abap xmlns:asx="" version="1.0">
    - <asx:values>
    - <TAB>
    - <items>
      <STREET_2 />
      <ORDER_BLOCK />
      <SALES_NOTE />
      <ADDRESS_NOTE />
      <GLN_NUMBER />
      <ACCOUNT_TYPE />
      <GAG />
      <SDI_ID />
      <HOSP_ID />
      <HIN />
      <DUNS />
      <PO_BOX />
      <POB_CITY />
      <POB_ZIP />
      <EMAIL_DOMAIN />
      <REQUESTER />
    + <item>
    + <item>

    Depending on the object "myLastFile", the method openDlg might not even exist (if the myLastFile object is not a File object, for instance). And I do not see any need for the myLastFile anyhow, as you are presenting a dialog to select a file to open. I recommend using the global ChooseFile( ) method instead. This will give you a filename as string in full path notation, or null when no file was selected in the dialog. I am not sure what your ExtendScript documentation states about the return value for ChooseFile, but if that differs from what I am telling you here, the documentation is wrong. So, if you replace the first lines of your code with the following it should work:
    function openXMLFile ( ) {
        var filename = ChooseFile ( "Choose XML file ...", "", "*.xml", Constants.FV_ChooseSelect );
    While writing this, I see that Russ has already given you the same advice. Use the symbolic constant value I indicated to use the ChooseFile dialog to select a single file (it can also be used to select a directory or open a file - but you want to control the opening process yourself). Note that this method allows you to set a start directory for the dialog (second parameter). The ESTK autocompletion also gives you a fifth parameter "helplink" which is undocumented and can safely be ignored.
    Good luck

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