JavaFX 2.0 WebView hangs if the Application is signed

I am using WebView to provide a set of Help pages in my application.
The help pages are included in a resource directory called html.
I get the first URL with the following lines of code:
URL index = NgpConfiguratorApp.class.getResource("/html/index.html");
String url = "file://" + index.getPath();
I then open the URL with WebView and it works perfectly.
I am able to browse my help pages perfectly.
However if I sign the Jar (From within NetBeans using the 6 month valid signature) and then run the program everything works perfectly (XML import/export databse access etc) until I try to access the Help pages through WebView at which pointh the program completely hangs up.
Is this a bug in WebView or am I missing something. I have included the complete class listing below.
public class HelpBrowser extends Stage {
public HelpBrowser() {
private void init() {
Stage primaryStage = new Stage();
primaryStage.setTitle("AviatorCalc Help Pages");
URL index = NgpConfiguratorApp.class.getResource("/html/index.html");
String url = "file://" + index.getPath();
Group root = new Group();
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(root));
WebView view = new WebView();
view.setMinSize(1024, 768);
view.setPrefSize(1024, 768);
final WebEngine eng = view.getEngine();
final TextField locationField = new TextField(url);
Button goButton = new Button("Go");
Button backButton = new Button("Back");
EventHandler<ActionEvent> goAction = new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
eng.load(locationField.getText().startsWith("") ? locationField.getText()
: "" + locationField.getText());
eng.locationProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<String>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends String> observable, String oldValue, String newValue) {
GridPane grid = new GridPane();
GridPane.setConstraints(locationField, 0, 0, 1, 1, HPos.CENTER, VPos.CENTER, Priority.ALWAYS, Priority.SOMETIMES);
GridPane.setConstraints(goButton, 1, 0);
GridPane.setConstraints(goButton, 2, 0);
GridPane.setConstraints(view, 0, 1, 2, 1, HPos.LEFT, VPos.CENTER, Priority.ALWAYS, Priority.ALWAYS);
new ColumnConstraints(500, 100, Double.MAX_VALUE, Priority.ALWAYS, HPos.CENTER, true),
new ColumnConstraints(40, 40, 40, Priority.NEVER, HPos.CENTER, true));
grid.getChildren().addAll(locationField, goButton, view);
//grid.getChildren().addAll( view);

Many thanks for your prompt replies.
Peterz as per your suggestion I changed the two incorrect lines to:
String url = getClass().getResource("/html/index.html").toExternalForm();
It now works perfectly either running as a signed jar or from within the netbeans development system.
The URL that the above creates now looks like this:
(My development system is on drive E: and my project is called NgpConfigurator).
I am extremely grateful for your help and I hope to contribute to this forum as my experience with JavaFX grows.
Bob Rathbone

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         [Managed to Native Transition]     
    >     mscorlib.dll!System.__ComObject.ReleaseSelf() + 0x5 bytes     
         mscorlib.dll!System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(object o) + 0x8b bytes     
         CrystalDecisions.Shared.dll!CrystalDecisions.Shared.SharedUtils.ReleaseComObject(object obj = {CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ClientDoc.ReportClientDocumentClass}) + 0x75 bytes     
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         CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.dll!CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ISCDClientDocumentEvents_EventProvider.Dispose() + 0x32 bytes     
         CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.dll!CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportClientDocumentWrapper.DisconnectEventRelay() + 0xfc bytes     
         CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.dll!CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportClientDocumentWrapper.InternalClose(bool bSetupForNextReport = false, bool bAutoClose = true) + 0x10e bytes     
         CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.dll!CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportClientDocumentWrapper.Dispose(bool bDisposeManaged = true) + 0xad bytes     
         System.dll!System.ComponentModel.Component.Dispose() + 0x12 bytes     
         CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.dll!CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument.ClearCache(bool clearDocument = true) + 0x9d bytes     
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    Kind regards,
    Frederic Hoornaert

    --> Form3 closed
    ..\..\src\print\datasource\datasrc2.cpp:535,Releasing subreport data sources,Start Time,"17:39:17"
    N/A:-1,Releasing subreport data sources,Elapsed Time,"1"
    ..\..\src\crpe\crpe.cpp:791,Closing engine,Start Time,"17:39:17"
    ..\..\src\crpe\crpe.cpp:833,Closing engine,Before close engine use count,"7"
    ..\..\src\crpe\crpe.cpp:858,Closing engine,After close engine use count,"6"
    N/A:-1,Closing engine,Elapsed Time,"2"
    ..\..\src\crpe\crpe.cpp:791,Closing engine,Start Time,"17:39:17"
    ..\..\src\crpe\crpe.cpp:833,Closing engine,Before close engine use count,"6"
    ..\..\src\crpe\crpe.cpp:858,Closing engine,After close engine use count,"5"
    N/A:-1,Closing engine,Elapsed Time,"2"
    --> Form2 closed
    ..\..\src\print\datasource\datasrc2.cpp:535,Releasing subreport data sources,Start Time,"17:39:52"
    N/A:-1,Releasing subreport data sources,Elapsed Time,"1"
    ..\..\src\crpe\crpe.cpp:791,Closing engine,Start Time,"17:39:52"
    ..\..\src\crpe\crpe.cpp:833,Closing engine,Before close engine use count,"4"
    ..\..\src\crpe\crpe.cpp:858,Closing engine,After close engine use count,"3"
    N/A:-1,Closing engine,Elapsed Time,"2"
    --> Form1 closed..\..\src\print\datasource\datasrc2.cpp:535,Releasing subreport data sources,Start Time,"17:40:29"
    N/A:-1,Releasing subreport data sources,Elapsed Time,"1"
    ..\..\src\crpe\crpe.cpp:791,Closing engine,Start Time,"17:40:29"
    ..\..\src\crpe\crpe.cpp:833,Closing engine,Before close engine use count,"2"
    ..\..\src\crpe\crpe.cpp:858,Closing engine,After close engine use count,"1"
    N/A:-1,Closing engine,Elapsed Time,"2"
    ..\..\src\crpe\crpe.cpp:791,Closing engine,Start Time,"17:40:29"
    ..\..\src\crpe\crpe.cpp:833,Closing engine,Before close engine use count,"1"
    ..\..\src\crpe\crpe.cpp:858,Closing engine,After close engine use count,"0"
    N/A:-1,Closing engine,Elapsed Time,"100017"
    0xfb8     17:39:17.871          0     PESetUserSessionInfo               0     PEUserSessionInfoW:<StructSize:262><userName:><requestID:22>     IN          21     <==
    0xfb8     17:39:17.871     0     0     PESetUserSessionInfo               0     OUT     PEUserSessionInfoW:<StructSize:262><userName:><requestID:22>          21     <==
    0xfb8     17:39:17.874          3     PEClosePrintJob     report {657D0ECA-BC6A-4EC6-9476-02B77376E07C}.rpt          0     jobN:3     IN          22     <==
    0xfb8     17:39:17.874     36     3     PEClosePrintJob     report {657D0ECA-BC6A-4EC6-9476-02B77376E07C}.rpt          0     OUT     jobN:3          22     <==
    0xfb8     17:39:17.913          0     PECloseEngine               0     void     IN          22     <==
    0xfb8     17:39:17.913     3     0     PECloseEngine               0     OUT     void          22     <==
    0xfb8     17:39:17.923          0     PECloseEngine               0     void     IN          0     <==
    0xfb8     17:39:17.923     3     0     PECloseEngine               0     OUT     void          0     <==
    0xfb8     17:39:52.421          0     PESetUserSessionInfo               0     PEUserSessionInfoW:<StructSize:262><userName:><requestID:23>     IN          0     <==
    0xfb8     17:39:52.421     0     0     PESetUserSessionInfo               1032     OUT     PEUserSessionInfoW:<StructSize:262><userName:><requestID:23>          0     <==
    0xfb8     17:39:52.423          1     PEClosePrintJob     report {F2574C5C-00BC-4627-9A05-B8133D6E6F7D}.rpt          0     jobN:1     IN          0     <==
    0xfb8     17:39:52.423     15     1     PEClosePrintJob     report {F2574C5C-00BC-4627-9A05-B8133D6E6F7D}.rpt          0     OUT     jobN:1          0     <==
    0xfb8     17:39:52.441          0     PECloseEngine               0     void     IN          0     <==
    0xfb8     17:39:52.441     3     0     PECloseEngine               1032     OUT     void          0     <==
    0xfb8     17:40:29.281          0     PESetUserSessionInfo               0     PEUserSessionInfoW:<StructSize:262><userName:><requestID:24>     IN          0     <==
    0xfb8     17:40:29.281     0     0     PESetUserSessionInfo               1032     OUT     PEUserSessionInfoW:<StructSize:262><userName:><requestID:24>          0     <==
    0xfb8     17:40:29.283          2     PEClosePrintJob     report {C78FE11F-6465-478F-83AB-49D8F0C6D64A}.rpt          0     jobN:2     IN          0     <==
    0xfb8     17:40:29.283     24     2     PEClosePrintJob     report {C78FE11F-6465-478F-83AB-49D8F0C6D64A}.rpt          0     OUT     jobN:2          0     <==
    0xfb8     17:40:29.310          0     PECloseEngine               0     void     IN          0     <==
    0xfb8     17:40:29.310     2     0     PECloseEngine               1032     OUT     void          0     <==
    0x1568     17:40:29.315          0     PECloseEngine               0     void     IN          0     <==
    0x1568     17:40:29.315     100018     0     PECloseEngine               0     OUT     void          0     <==

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    Joe Huang

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    This question has too much parameters. In order to help you out, I need to know more information. For example:
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    If you do a safe boot, holding the shift key down while booting, do you have the performance issues? If not, check your login items as well as any software listed at the bottom of the System Preferences pane. A software incompatibility could cause performance issues. Note a safe start will take longer than a normal start.

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    Products: Acrobat Professional X and Acrobat Reader 10.1.7 (and 10.1.5).
    During measurements in files (3 Mb large for instance) the application hangs. Tried on both Windows XP and Windows 7 (32+64bits). Using other freeware it works fine for the same pdf-files.

    Hi Rave, thanks for your reply.
    How do I go about posting the crash dump here?
    And to answer your questions; I just installed Reader 11 and its working fine. As for Acrobat 11, I must've used a trial last year before we got CS6 because it is asking me to license it, so I cant test that unfortunately.

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    Hi Everyone,
    My 2011 MacBook Air is now hanging rather frequently, regardless of program.  Any suggestions?

    The next time you have the problem, note the exact time: hour, minute, second.
    If you have more than one user account, these instructions must be carried out as an administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Scroll back in the log to the time you noted above. Select any messages timestamped from then until the end of the episode. Copy them to the Clipboard (command-C). Paste into a reply to this message (command-V).
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

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    Why is it doing this and what do I have to do to fix.
    I'm using Leopard, however it also acted up while running Tiger
    please help

    The Preference files (.plist, in your Home/ Library / Preferences folder) record User choices for every app. This will include such things as the default font, or the colour of the background, even the place of the window on the screen.
    When you launch an app it looks to this file to configure itself to your choices. If there's a problem - minor corruption for instance - then it can't complete launching.
    One of the basic troubleshooting steps on any app is to trash the plist file. It forces the app to recreate it - which it does using the default settings.
    How to prevent it occurring? Avoid crashes, force quits, minor disk corruption... But sometimes things just happen.

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    Any help would be greatly appreciated

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    Might have a hardware issue that was caused by the minor liquid spill.
    Take it to Apple to have them look at it.  I think they do a free diagnostics.  That way you can find out what's wrong with your MB.
    Good luck....Hope you get it sorted out.

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