JavaFX on Android?

[This article|] and the comments that follow make a good case that Android is a better bet than Windows Mobile for the future. However, the only devices that currently support JavaFX mobile are all WinMo. That's to be expected - build for the market leader first.
I'd like to replace my current cell phone with an Android-based cell phone, and I'd like to be able to do JavaFX development on it in several months.
If you had to bet today, for several months down the road, do you think that JavaFX will be running on Android? If so, which Android device would you bet on?

then we have to port our JavaFX application to android, anyway, JavaFX help us porting the Windows Mobile at least,
Java Developer hope SUN can support more platforms, but SUN is complaining the developers always ask for more and more.
what we want is the roadmap or plan.

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  • JavaFX mobile (Android/iOS) update?

    Hi all,
    as I am quite desperately eager to start JavaFX mobile development,
    I would like to ask, if somebody has any update on recent status and progress, if any.
    I have found quite a lot of news titles like 'JavaFX for iOS/Android soon!' at the beginning of the year, but not any other update since.
    According to Javaone 2013 Session Updates
    there should have been some very interesting presentations at JavaOne 2013 last week:
    JavaFX on Android: First Insight [BOF7791]
    Build and Debug Your JavaFX Application for the iPad [BOF5517]
    JDK 8 for Oracle ADF Mobile on iOS and Android Devices [CON3783]
    Can anybody point me to some recent information?
    Thank you

    jsmith wrote:
    I am unaware of anybody submitting a commerical iOS app based on JavaFX to the Apple app store.
    I don't think it's JavaFX, but BadLogic Games has a RoboVM based demo game on the Apple app store.  I tried it on an iPad 2 and was very surprised at how responsive it was.  I was expecting noticeable input lag, but there isn't any.
    I know the politics of getting JavaFX on iOS, Android, and WinRT are complicated, but I'm still hoping Oracle changes their mind.  The idea of Microsoft, Google, and Apple controlling the mobile platforms top to bottom doesn't strike me as something that's going to be good for anyone (else).  I'm rather amazed at the faith everyone is putting the idea that Microsoft, Google, and Apple won't leverage IE, Chrome, and Safari to give their SaaS initiatives the advantage.
    I'd rather hedge my bets with the JVM and Linux than trust 3 companies who have been making obvious moves to close up and control the computing industry.  Honestly, look at the setup.  They all have hardware branches now and they already control the OSs, the native runtimes, the browsers, and the primary distribution channels for their respective platforms.  Oracle should be worried about getting anything on those platforms 5 years from now.
    IMO, they should be pushing ADF and JavaFX on mobile, not trying to choose one or the other.

  • JavaFX on iOS & Android ... Any updates ?.

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    Any update ?.

  • Converting JavaFX based desktop app to mobile platforms

    Hello all
    I'm in the process of building a java desktop application using JavaFX and FXML as the front end code platform. However I'd like to be able to port this to mobile platforms with the least amount of code modifications, and was told that JavaFX would work for this. Does anyone have any advice on how this could be achieved ?

    I would love to know this too.
    Lots of info going around about mobile possibilities.
    I do not have an answer, but I do have a point to start looking at.
    I came across the following ORACLE blog written 2013-11-12.
    Hopefully someone can explain it better or give easier steps to follow on how to achieve android compatibility as explained on this page.
    To me it looks like you can actually run JAVAFX on android phones by using this.
    If anyone understands this article then please write an easy to understand howto.
    Would love to know how to incorporate this into Netbeans, but any other easy to understand way will work.
    This will be a killer function for JAVAFX :

  • JavaFX roadmap ... emerging platforms ... (iPhone/iPad, Android ...)

    This url talks about the roadmap.
    It seems to be upto 2014.
    Request the JavaFX Product Managers to develop and state their plans for the emerging platforms. (iPhone/iPad, Android, Blackberry OS ? )
    Cheers ...

    See for an unofficial top 10 goals for this year.
    Note resolution #5 (embedded):
    "As announced at JavaOne 2011, the new embedded platforms coming from Oracle (CDC) will be using JavaFX as the UI technology. That is slated for final release in 2013 along with Java 8 and JavaFX 3. However, there is a lot of work that has to be done this year to make this a reality, including adding touch event support to the platform. Having working embedded prototypes for this year is high on the list of goals for JavaFX!"
    I could be wrong here, but I believe the Android prototype shown at JavaOne was based on very early CDC prototype and the potential strategy for iOS support would include bundling an iOS port of the CDC with apps. My guess is that the JavaFX team is working on Android/iOS support (and additional ARM/Intel platforms) but is not at liberty to discuss this work and roadmap in detail at this stage (but that is just my guess - I don't know).
    Also, as resolution #1 (open source) progresses, future plans will become naturally more transparent.
    The goal is to complete the open source process this year.

  • JavaFX Android iOS - Thanks Oracle

    It seems that our voices were (JavaOne 2012: JavaFX on iOS, Android and Windows 8 Metro??? heard by Oracle.
    Take a look here:
    That's a really cool and game changer news. I can't wait for it, FX team! :D
    Does anyone know when we will actually be able to start experimenting on Android and iOS? The article says something, but it's not certain.

    Let's not get too carried away here, there's a long, long way to go yet...
    This announcement relates to a "prototype" developed by Oracle. This prototype is not the solution. It is a purely interpreted version of Java (and JavaFX) that neither runs at acceptable performance levels nor will be it be accepted by the Apple App Store for iOS.
    It includes code that covers many of the areas that need to be ported but what is lacking is a full AOT Java compiler that will be essential to getting JavaFX apps deployable to mobiles and tablets. An OS such as iOS (and WindowsRT) does not permit executable memory meaning that a JIT compiler will not work (hence the interpreted-only Java in the prototype). The only way to get Java/JavaFX on these platforms is to fully compile the Java source and while this prototype will greatly help in achieving this, it will be left to an enormous effort from the community to bring this technology to fruition.
    Oracle have not (and may never) commit to a GA release of JavaFX on mobiles and tablets. They are completely relying on the community to drive this port.
    It is up to Java and JavaFX developers outside of Oracle to pick up the ball and run with it from here. Only time will tell if there is either enough interest or expertise in the community to ever make this happen.

  • JavaOne 2012: JavaFX on iOS, Android and Windows 8 Metro???

    Besides wonderful demos on JavaOne 2012 I'was wondering one big thing: Where are the news from JavaOne about JavaFX (embedded) running on iOS (ready to AppStore), Android and Windows 8 metro????

    Thanks Adrian for that information! Another guy who spoke with people from Oracle told us via twitter that's not a technical and not a political problem! But what you say ("management has not deciced yet...") sounds like a political problem. I can't believe that Oracle does not believe in a developer demand for iOS and android support?!
    Yeeees, many many developer are looking for a good(!) technology to develop crossplatform mobile applications for phones and tablets. currently there is no really good technology. As a developer you have to decide to choose the native way - so you have to develop 3 times the same app for iOS, android and windows 8 -/ metro, or choose the HTML5 way. Web apps written in HTML(5), javascript and CSS are good for small and simple things. But the main problem with web apps is the really poor rendering performance, especially of Android devices! Developing web apps with HTML frameworks like JQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, Phonegab/Cordova and so on doesn't make much fun. It's really a hard and time consuming job to develop native looking apps with HTML5 which works performant too...
    So what we really really need is a real crossplatform technology like Java and JavaFX! JavaFX for iOS, Android and Metro would be a killer technology! Java (Swing) is not really often used to develop main stream applications...Anybody know a popular application like Photoshop, Word, Firefox, Angry Bird, Evernote, ... written in Java Swing??? No, Java is only used for business applications and server code (J2EE).
    So if Oracle invests many dollers in pushing JavaFX as the new platform for modern user interfaces, the most important thing - IMO - is to support modern operation systems like iOS, Android and Metro. There are so many young developers who developing innovativ apps for the iPhone - all these developers are Oracle clients of the future if they would use Java(FX)! The Java language is simple and JavaFX uses modern technologies like CSS and XML - technologies which are known by young developers.
    So Oracle, please show us your stuff from your labs, publish Java embedded for iOS, Android and Metro.
    The most important thing for me concerning JavaOne 2012 was any anncounement of "JavaFX on iOS, ....". But I was really disappointed to hear no single word of this topic...
    So Oracle please speak to your developers and clients, speak with us and stop this annoying secretiveness...
    Best regards,
    Edited by: Tobi on 07.10.2012 00:20

  • JavaFX on Google Android

    Can someone help me? I'm new in JavaFX.
    After reading a few posts in this forum i want to know, if javafx does work on the google android?
    And if not is there a alternative way, like using Java ME.

    thx, but i have searched by google before my post.
    my question was, if there is a already tested way, to get
    JavaFX on google android.
    when yes, then where i can find a little howto.

  • JavaFX for WM EA is ready, but how about is for the android and symbian?

    We are eager to know whether the Android and Symbian Runtime is going or not?

    Contact Support and explain your issue.
    Mac App Store Support -

  • JavaFX Android/ iOS ports, who is ready?
    So we heard from Mr. Bair that we will be getting the ports this week. I am curious about the no VM part. Does that mean we have to code it in our IDE, then port it to android and test it that way, or make our own VM? :P
    I want to start making apps :).

    As they have said the source for Prism/Glass is out there(somewhere) but someone needs to port it. I'm only going by what I've been told, I'll try to find the link, I believe it's in
    Maybe Mr. Bair will come post some further news.
    Tobi, I'm curious how you did the port with openJFX. Was there anything special needed? Also OpenJFX is tied with the OpeNJDK builds right?
    Also I don't know how hard it is for Apple to allow it, but I have heard there are FX apps in the APPLE STORE currently. That is most likely for Mac OS, and not IOS, but still.... A big step forward for Java who wasn't on Apple previously.
    Also the Java Dev team said that they have created code for both Android/IOS in the labs, and that was shown at the 2011 JavaOne I believe. So it's been available for quite some time over at Oracle, but when we get a Port IDK!!!
    I also heard there is a team of EX-Sun employees making a Java Port to Mobile, which I haven't heard anything about recently, nor do I remember the project name >(

  • [Follow-up] JavaFX ARM Preview on an Iconia Tab A700

    Hi all,
    I'm going on with my work after a previous discussion:
    Re: JavaFX on ARM tablet
    Now I have an Iconia Tab A700 with Android 4.0.4, I locally mounted on it an image of Ubuntu ARM that I access via VNC.
    First of all, is the Iconia Tab A700 a correct ARM device that I can use for tests?
    I've then downloaded the JavaFX preview (, unpacked it on the Ubuntu ARM and tried to run a JavaFX application.
    I receive this kind of exception:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /opt/jdk1.7.0_10/jre/lib/arm/ /opt/jdk1.7.0_10/jre/lib/arm/ undefined symbol: ZTVN10_cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE
         at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.startup(
         at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.launchApplication1(
         at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.access$000(
         at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl$
    Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /opt/jdk1.7.0_10/jre/lib/arm/ /opt/jdk1.7.0_10/jre/lib/arm/ undefined symbol: ZTVN10_cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE
         at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary1(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
         at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
         at java.lang.System.load(
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at$ Source)
         at$ Source)
         at Method)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at<clinit>(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.forName(
         at Source)
         at Source)
         ... 5 more
    How can I solve this?

    First of all, is the Iconia Tab A700 a correct ARM device that I can use for tests?I don't think so.
    I think you should use the hardware (and follow the instructions) documented in the JavaFX ARM developer preview installation instructions:
    For example use a BeagleBoardXM:
    Connected to a compatible display:!/~/product/category=3094846&id=13727568
    Really, JavaFX on ARM is a prototyping platform targeted at an extremely limited set of hardware at the moment, not a production platform.
    It is in public preview now so that you can test it out and provide feedback via bugs and feature requests at

  • JavaFX project as library under Netbeans

    I have a big JavaFX project and I would like to improve modularity.
    In this case, I would like to set a JavaFX module project under Netbeans as library but I don't know how...
    Isn't there a checkbox "Library" as in the Eclipse project settings to create a module project library for Android :)

    If I need to modularize, I do it in maven with a parent pom and import the parent pom into idea, which generates all of the idea modules corresponding to the maven modules.
    Take a look at how open-jfx ( is organized for an example of splitting up a large project into multiple parts.
    Or download the javafx samples and look at the modularization of the Henley Sales data app into a main client app, preloader and server components.

  • JavaFX as a SaaS/ How good is it for Client-Server work?

    I was under the impression that FX could be used to produce a Client-Server application as well as SaaS.
    a member of another forum said "I'm sure you meant to say "Desktop". JavaFX will not be making inroads on the web as a client-side technology."
    To which I said
    There have been examples of FX used with EE
    Sales Dashboard (DataApp)
    DataApp is a client-server application for a fictional global automobile company called Henley Car Sales. Automobile sales are simulated on an EJB server using JavaDB, and the data is available via Derby and a RESTful web service. The client demonstrates a variety of data presentations by using a mix of FXML and JavaFX.
    I thought originally that JavaFX was "Desktop" only also, until I found this example. I couldn't get it to run due to some weird Database line read issue that others also had. I'm not sure if this is now due to FX's integration, or if this was something new, but I believe I have seen another FX client-server app as well.
    I'm not that familiar with the client-server side of Java yet, so if you have other Information I would like to know, because I am looking to design a Client-Server app with FX, and I don't see why it would be an issue, unless there are huge limitations."
    He ended up saying "Those are still desktop apps. Sure, they are client-server in that they connect to a remote database. But they are still traditional fat-client apps rather than web-based thin-client SAAS web applications which, these days, most people will think of when you say "client".
    My point is to be more precise when you use the word "client".
    But if your point is just that JavaFX is taking over from Swing for the limited areas in which Swing is used, I have no insight into that area."
    Now I don't really like attitudes when I get my question answered, but the high and mighty needs to stop. It clearly says Client-Server so I don't know why it's being denounced by this dude who thinks he obviously knows better.
    Anyways he talks about it only being able to connect to a DB, to which it says it uses EE tech such as EBJ, Restful, and Derby, so that's more than just DB right(I don't know since I havent' learned that yet)?
    It seems as if he's saying that only EE code can go up on a server? Or can SE code go up there as well?
    I'm looking to design a SaaS software with FX, so if this isnt' possible I would like to know possible other options(or just having all of the gui work on the client, and the rest on the backend)???
    Edited by: KonradZuse on Apr 30, 2013 11:26 AM

    This response is not a tutorial, I hope it gives you some verbiage to use in further searches.
    SaaS to me means that the service is running on the server. If you have the server and permission to run java apps there then you can use Java FX by having the server shuttle requests to the Java FX app. But this is probably not the intent of Saas (it would be more appropriate to use a java implemented web service).
    If you are using Netbeans then it is very easy to create demo projects; use "File/New Project" to run them on your local computer.
    Example File/New Project/Java Web/Web Application will give you a hello world web site very quickly. This will 1) start either tomcat or glassfish as the server. 2) launch an html page with "hello world". then you can use java script to talk with the server via ajax. Using this approach you are going to need to study JSP or J2EE stuff.
    After this is running you could start one of the Java Fx examples in Netbeans: File / New Project / Samples / WebViewBrowser. This will start a javaFX app that acts like a browser and runs on the client.
    So, start the "hello world" app in netbeans by right clicking it in the project pain and selecting "debug". Then start the webviewBrowser app the same way to load that web page that has "hello world" in it as all browsers do. In the WebviewBrowser (which is java fx) you can get at the javascript in the web page and do all kinds of stuff. You'll need to search for webviewBrowser examples.
    The above all assumes a Netbeans solution. But, as you probably know, there are no rules. The server can be in C++ and the client in C (or any other language). The server and client usally communicate via http or tcp. So you could have a server written in java (maybe J2ee or you can rewrite a http server from scratch which isn't that hard - search for "HttpServletRequest and HttpSession" ) and the client can be in Java FX (where the Java FX talks directly with the server via http (no javascript or web page in the middle) again there are probably hundreds of libraries to talk to a http server).
    I use HttpServletRequest and HttpSession on the server side with MySQL and xml. On the client I use javaScript but I am moving to a strictly Java FX solution. This will give me close to 100% java on both sides and for my purposes this will work. (I may need a little html in the middle for drag and drop installation.) I am hoping that work continues with porting Java FX to most devices: Android, IOS, WinPhone. It is already on Linux, Windows Desktops and Mac.
    Edited by: KevinPas on May 1, 2013 9:50 AM
    Edited by: KevinPas on May 1, 2013 9:56 AM

  • New, open source JavaFX OSGI framework

    First, a disclaimer: this is an open source project I started, and somebody may regard it as advertising (basically, it is ). I'm not sure if it's against forum rules. If so, please delete this thread.
    Basically, it's a framework for developing modular applications based on OSGI. It should provide support for building applications for desktop, web and mobile devices. It's called DEMUX Framework. Published under Apache License.
    So far, support is available for desktop applications based on JavaFX, and mobile apps for Android. Since this is JavaFX forum, I would like some feedback from people who work with JavaFX. Basically, is this something you would find useful and worth spending time developing?
    If you have some time to throw away, give it a try. Please note that this is early stage development, so you will probably get frustrated and annoyed, buty ou should get the general idea.
    Documentation and some code samples are available on project wiki:
    Source code for samples is available as part of binary download:
    Any feedback is welcome.

    here's a thought stop spamming this forum with your crap....
    A warning to others ignore any links this guy offers, 4/5 of his links so far are connected to spyware.

  • Javafx in AllWinner

    please see this site []
    it be possible to delete the android and put a linux and then a javafx?
    The reason to choose a tablet that costs allwinner is cheap.
    more about allwinner []
    thank you

    Eu não leio Portugese, mas esta é uma grande contribuição. Muito obrigado!

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